Catálogo de libros: Medicina complementaria

1436 Catálogo de libros: Medicina complementaria

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  • Appointment Book
    Bramblehill Designs
    A simple, easy-to-use appointment book with: 15 minute time slots, from 8am to 9pm 4 columns on each page contemporary cover design Large (8.5 x 11') format Use for salons, massage therapists, hairdressers, beauty therapists, nail technician, spa and eyelash bars, and more. Makes it easy to plan and track your daily appointments. ...

    8,22 €

  • Una nueva mirada a la Ciencia Básica de la Quiropráctica
    Claude Lessard / María Elena Legarreta
    Los 33 Principios son la ciencia básica de la quiropráctica de los cuales derivan tanto nuestros objetivos como su aplicación práctica. Son los fundamentos de nuestra profesión y constituyen la base de nuestro arte, nuestra ciencia y nuestra filosofía. Interconectando los tres, el Dr. Claude Lessard ha escrito el texto definitivo sobre el tema. Los 33 Principios son la Declarac...

    50,69 €

    Hong Hai / HONG HAI & SHAN BIN SOH / Shan Bin Soh
    Famed for their exotic beauty and richness in variety, orchids may be found in all continents of the world except Antarctica. Although the plants are widely cultivated both in homes and farms, few people realize that many species of orchids have legendary healing qualities that have been used for centuries by Chinese, Ayurvedic and other traditional medicines for such condition...

    46,06 €

  • La médecine et les juifs
    Fernand Querrioux
    Edition originale non censurée. Selon Les documents officiels. Avec trois clichés et trois illustrations hors texte. Médecin français, auteur du pamphlet "La médecine et les Juifs", membre de l'Institut d'Etude des questions Juives, Querrioux est responsable de la partie médicale de l'exposition "Le Juif et la France". Il meurt en Allemagne le 24 avril 1945 dans un ...

    12,27 €

  • Cannabis
    Anna May Meade / Mary Meade
    Mary has metastatic breast cancer and wanted to know if cannabis could help. She asked her sister Anna, who taught chemical safety and knew all about cannabis. This is your guide to cannabis. Buy a copy for your mom and another for yourself. These are kitchen table conversations to help you navigate modern marijuana. From parts of the plant to the anatomy of a bong, over 100 pi...

    17,66 €

  • Augmented Hypnosis
    Gary Edward Gedall
    Augmented Hypnosis is: “A form of hypnosis or trance state, induced and, or reinforced by any external aid or device, other than the voice of the hypnotist.”It is NOT new, it is, in fact the oldest form of trance induction and reinforcement.However, few therapists actively think about or use this in their practice.In this book that covers the basics of hypnosis, the history of ...

    14,67 €

  • The Essential Flower Essence Book
    Mark Wells
    From time immemorial, plants, animals and humans have evolved alongside one another. The spirit of nature serves us, while we in return pay homage to nature in a selfless conspiracy to live, grow and evolve together. Here lies the order and purpose inherent in the great panorama of life. Knowledge of, and cooperation with the inner world of nature offers humans their greatest o...

    29,41 €

  • Manual de Medicina de Santa Hildegarda
    Dr. Wighard Strehlow / DrWighard Strehlow
    Un completo manual de medicina que nos va a ayudar a hacer más llevaderas las dolencias de todo nuestro cuerpo a través de las indicaciones que los doctores Wighard Strehlow y Gottfried Hertzka han ido recopilando sobre todo el saber de esta mujer. El primero es licenciado en Ciencias por la Universidad de Berlín y siguió estudiando en la Universidad de Yale y trabajando en la ...

    20,00 €

  • CBD
    Juliana Birnbaum / Leonard Leinow
    The must-have book on CBD as medicine - this practical, accessible guide to using CBD-dominant cannabis contains a wealth of information for both first-time explorers and experienced patients who want to know more about safely treating a number of health conditions with remarkable results and low to no psychoactivity or negative side effects. CBD (cannabidiol) is a component of...

    39,63 €

  • Nutritional Therapy for Chronic Diseases
    Jiajian Li
    所谓慢性病,是指不构成传染、具有长期积累形成疾病形态损害的疾病的总称。一旦防治不及,慢性病会造成健康、生命等方面的损害。 笔者从事慢性病的营养治疗与研究已经超过十五年,研发出一百多种慢性疾病的营养治疗方案,效果显著。现针对最常见也是危害人群最广泛的一些慢性病,提出明确的营养调理、治疗思路,希望能给广大患者带来福音。本书的22章节为作者独创的治疗理论体系论述,临床实践的真实案例,言简意赅,通俗易懂,可作为每个家庭查阅如何用营养调理慢性病的备用手册。22章节内容:高血脂、糖尿病、高尿酸血症、动脉硬化、静脉曲张、高血压、乙型肝炎、脂肪肝、慢性胆囊炎和胆结石、慢性胃炎和胃溃疡、便秘、骨质疏松、退行性关节炎、椎间盘突出、荨麻疹、类风湿关节炎与白癜风、不孕不育症、非典型鳞状上皮细胞及 HPV、脱发、快速纤体、癌症的预防与营养辅助治疗。 ...

    26,88 €

  • Intermittent Fasting
    Kayla Bates
    This 5-Step Guide is the EASIEST Way to Use Intermittent Fasting to Lose Weight & Improve Your Health!From the best selling author, Kayla Bates, comes Intermittent Fasting: 5-Step System to Unlock Your Body's FULL Potential to Burn Fat FAST, Get Toned & Still Eat Your Favorite Foods! This book will help you unlock the full potential of your body to lose weight fast!If you a...

    11,21 €

  • Los ungüentos para prevenir y curar las enfermedades
    Olivier Laurent
    Siempre se han utilizado sustancias extraídas de la tierra y de los vegetales para curar males cotidianos y aumentar la comodidad y la belleza. Bajo forma de cataplasmas, ungüentos, lociones o cremas de todo tipo, las plantas y las sustancias que forman esta farmacopea natural esconden muchas veces propiedades insospechadas. ...

    11,39 €

  • Manual familiar de las medicinas alternativas
    Dr. Alexandre Strasny / DrAlexandre Strasny
    Las medicinas alternativas se encuentran cada día más presentes en nuestra sociedad; sin embargo, puede resultar complicado escoger la terapia adecuada ante una enfermedad. A través de esta obra, el lector descubrirá cómo surgen y se desarrollan las enfermedades y, sobre todo, cómo pueden llegar a resolverse numerosas afecciones si se ponen en práctica los principios de la medi...

    28,03 €

  • Reiki
    Katia Losi
    El reiki es un antiquísimo método de autocuración mediante la imposición de las manos. Ayuda a reencontrar la salud física y el equilibrio interior porque nos conecta más profundamente con la energía vital universal. Es sencillo, seguro y natural, y además todos pueden recibirlo y donarlo. Este manual le explica de forma sencilla y clara qué es y cómo se practica el reiki, grac...

    19,71 €

  • La acupuntura para prevenir y curar las enfermedades
    Jean-Pierre Kauffmann
    * Aunque actualmente la acupuntura se practica con agujas, no siempre ha sido así... Hace aproximadamente tres mil años, en China la cuna de esta medicina se empleaban piedras talladas, bambú o incluso hueso.* Este libro conducirá al lector al centro del cuerpo donde, por múltiples caminos, circula una fabulosa energía. Esta energía es la que determina y condiciona el bienestar...

    11,39 €

  • Headaches
    Robert S. Lee
    Would you like to be completely free of headaches and migraines, without ever needing to resort to harmful drugs, surgery or complicated therapies?Years of research reveals how certain physiological factors can cause headaches and migraines and have taught us how it is actually possible to be pain-free by using natural and inexpensive methods. In this bestselling guide to over...

    10,14 €

  • Wilderness and Travel Medicine
    Sam Fury
    This is the Only Wilderness Medicine Book You Need!Could you save yourself or a loved one when there are no doctors around?All too often travelers and outdoor enthusiasts get sick, injured, or worse.Learn how to prevent and cure a wide range of ailments whether at home, abroad, or in the wilderness.Discover how to heal yourself, because this comprehensive manual has all the inf...

    66,61 €

  • Fusionierte Intelligenz
    Thorsten Nagel
    handelt von der Kollision meiner eigenen schamanisch-druidischen Matrix mit dem Weltbild Timothy Learys. Das Ergebnis ist ein abgefahrenes DRACO-Leary genanntes System von allem was ist. Eine rein wissenschaftliche Selbsterfahrung! ...

    14,82 €

  • TRP Channels in Health and Disease
    Alexander Dietrich
    Almost 25 years ago, the first mammalian transient receptor potential (TRP) channel was cloned and published. TRP channels now represent an extended family of 28 members fulfilling multiple roles in the living organism. Identified functions include control of body temperature, transmitter release, mineral homeostasis, chemical sensing, and survival mechanisms in a challenging e...

    67,87 €

  • The Beginner’s Guide to Growing Herbs and their Culinary, Medicinal and Mystical Properties
    Gary Carter
    The Beginner’s Guide to Growing Herbs and their Culinary, Medicinal and Mystical Properties helps beginning and seasoned gardeners cultivate the most popular herbs on the market, and delivers must-have information on how to use them for myriad purposes. From classic herbs to traditional Native American plants, this condensed and easy-to-read guide gives detailed information on ...

    33,08 €

  • AcciDental Blow Up in Medicine
    Simon Yu
    AcciDental Blow Up in Medicine: Battle Plan for Your Life offers an in-depth look at how to detect and treat deeply hidden dental problems and parasite/fungal problems which are ‘asymmetric threats’ to health. You hold in your hands the key to a healthier immune system, and a healthier future.In my years as a conventional physician and regional HMO medical director, I experienc...

    26,98 €

  • Liver Rescue Diet Cookbook
    W. Emily Jones / WEmily Jones
    Discover recipes that will make you: more peaceful, clearer-headed, happier, and better able to adapt to our fast-changing times. This recipe in this book will make you sleep well, balance your blood sugar, lower blood pressure, lose weight, and look and feel younger. Remember that a healthy liver is the ultimate de-stressor, anti-aging ally, and safeguard against a threatening...

    13,72 €

  • Acupuncture Today and in Ancient China
    Fletcher Kovich
    Chinese acupuncture is a mixture of ideas from ancient Chinese scripts (the Nei Jing ) and from the 1970’s reinterpretation of the Nei Jing . Parts of the Nei Jing are fact based, parts are metaphorical, and parts are based on theories that are simply untrue. However, this is not usually acknowledged and instead the Nei Jing is only selectively quoted and presented as though it...

    68,69 €

  • How can I get out of here?
    Cristina Cortés
    "How can I get out of here" is not only aimed at reaching children, but also families, psychotherapists and teachers, and can be used for those times when they may not know how to tell the child that they will get over their suffering, to tell them that, even when it is difficult or painful to do so, there are ways they can get help without having to tell what happened.This boo...

    23,29 €

  • The Effect of the Relaxation Response on the Positive Personality Characteristics of Paraprofessional Counselors
    David Bole
    Abstract:This study focuses on the use of a specific meditation technique to enhance client outcomes by cultivating positive regard, genuineness, present centeredness in paraprofessional counselors.Dissertation Discovery Company and University of Florida are dedicated to making scholarly works more discoverable and accessible throughout the world. This dissertation, 'The Effect...

    80,26 €

  • The Effect of the Relaxation Response on the Positive Personality Characteristics of Paraprofessional Counselors
    David Bole
    Abstract:This study focuses on the use of a specific meditation technique to enhance client outcomes by cultivating positive regard, genuineness, present centeredness in paraprofessional counselors.Dissertation Discovery Company and University of Florida are dedicated to making scholarly works more discoverable and accessible throughout the world. This dissertation, 'The Effect...

    110,75 €

    The use and practice of traditional, complementary and/or integrative medicine (TCIM) raises significant questions, poses many challenges and holds much potential for the broad fields of public health and health services research.This book brings together leading international researchers with backgrounds and expertise across broad multi-disciplinary sub-fields including health...

    144,85 €

  • El herbario de la salud
    Bernardo Ticli
    El reino vegetal es una inmensa farmacia dispuesta por la naturaleza para ayudarnos a resolver nuestros problemas de salud y curar achaques, dolencias, trastornos y cualquier malestar. Es una verdadera lástima que ignoremos estas oportunidades, sobre todo si nos resulta fácil recurrir a estos remedios porque tenemos la suerte de vivir en contacto con la naturaleza, disponemos d...

    38,43 €

    The eleventh volume in the Evidence-based Clinical Chinese Medicine series is a must read for Chinese medicine practitioners interested in dermatology. Using a 'whole evidence' approach, this book aims to provide an analysis of the management of acne vulgaris with Chinese and integrative medicine.This book describes the understanding and management of acne vulgaris with...

    95,62 €

    Haiying Liang / Meaghan Coyle / MEAGHAN COYLE & HAIYING LIANG
    The eleventh volume in the Evidence-based Clinical Chinese Medicine series is a must read for Chinese medicine practitioners interested in dermatology. Using a ’whole evidence’ approach, this book aims to provide an analysis of the management of acne vulgaris with Chinese and integrative medicine.This book describes the understanding and management of acne vulgaris with convent...

    49,02 €