Catálogo de libros: Medicina complementaria

1434 Catálogo de libros: Medicina complementaria

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  • Ätherische Öle für Tiere
    Nayana Morag
    Ätherische Öle können dabei helfen, Ihre Tiere natürlich gesund und glücklich zu halten. Dieses Buch ist ein praktischer Leitfaden dafür, warum, wie und wann man ätherische Öle bei Tieren nutzt. In der 2. Auflage dieses umfassenden Nachschlagewerks teilt Nayana Morag ihre persönliche Erfahrung und Sachkenntnis aus über 20 Jahren Arbeit mit Tieren und Aromaölen. Sie stellt darüb...

    57,24 €

  • Sofortheilung durch Borax
    Ulrich Bergmann
    70 % der Deutschen waren in der Umfrage des Healthcare Barometer (PWC Beratung) der Meinung, dass die Pharmaindustrie hauptsächlich an einer Gewinnmaximierung, nicht jedoch einer nachhaltigen Heilung von Patienten interessiert ist.Jeder chronisch Kranke, der auf Medikamente angewiesen ist, hat das am eigenen Leib erfahren und kann häufig auf eine jahrelange Leidensgeschichte vo...

    13,71 €

  • Compendio Completo Ilustrado de Medicina China Tradicional / TOMO I
    Guillermo Jesús Vázquez López
    Pretendemos con esta obra de MEDICINA CHINA TRADICIONAL brindar una ayuda importante a los Médicos, Fisioterapeutas, Especialistas en Medicina Física y Rehabilitación, Quiroprácticos, Osteópatas, Acupuntores y a todos los que profesionalmente se dediquen a la Medicina China Tradicional.En la misma se exponen revisiones minuciosas de varios textos realizadas por los autores dura...

    42,23 €

  • Monographs of Rare and Exotic Essential Oils and Absolutes
    Dr. Scott A Johnson
    For centuries, plants have been used for survival, food, and healing, creating a strong connection between man and nature. Ancient healing systems, developed and refined over hundreds or thousands of years, and passed down from generation to generation kept cultures healthy. Remarkably, today’s science has proven our ancestors correct in many of their discoveries of the healing...

    143,62 €

  • Familien Rezepte! Mit Punkten! Gesund Kochen mit dem Thermomix
    Andrea Zimmer
    Eins der erfolgreichsten Rezeptbücher mit gesunden Familien-Rezepten für den Thermomix!Gut und lecker für die Familie zu kochen ist nicht immer einfach:Die Kinder mögen oft lieber Pommes statt BlumenkohlMama’s Abnehmgerichte mag sowieso niemandOft wird lange überlegt was es zum Mittag- oder Abendbrot gibt, damit es auch allen schmeckt!Und wenn es mal schnell gehen muss, dann wi...

    11,70 €

  • Thank You Adversity For Yet Another Test
    Dr. Stephen F. Grinstead / DrStephen FGrinstead
    There is no better time than now to address the body, mind, and spirit of those who are suffering with chronic pain. Our society’s level of anxiety, stress, and pain continue to escalate despite an overreliance on passive, biomedical treatments that are either not helping or making matters worse for many.Over the past several years we have seen the perfect storm of over prescri...

    23,82 €

  • Why Am I Sick?
    George John Georgiou
    Behind all chronic diseases there is a myriad of causes that keep the disease alive. Simply suppressing the symptoms with medications will not help to eliminate the underlying causes. This book discusses many of the 'hidden' causes that are often overlooked in chronic disease and what you can do about them using Natural healing protocols. Topics such as toxins, nutritional defi...

    34,04 €

    The twelve volume in the Evidence-based Clinical Chinese Medicine series is a must read for Chinese medicine practitioners interested in neurology or rehabilitation. Using a 'whole evidence' approach, this book aims to provide an analysis of the management of post-stroke shoulder complications with Chinese and integrative medicine.This book describes the understanding a...

    95,62 €

    Claire Shuiqing Zhang / CLAIRE SHUIQING ZHANG & SHAONAN LIU / Shaonan Liu
    The twelve volume in the Evidence-based Clinical Chinese Medicine series is a must read for Chinese medicine practitioners interested in neurology or rehabilitation. Using a ’whole evidence’ approach, this book aims to provide an analysis of the management of post-stroke shoulder complications with Chinese and integrative medicine.This book describes the understanding and manag...

    49,02 €

  • Using Narrative Writing to Enhance Healing
    Jennifer Lynne Bird
    The fields of writing as healing and health coaching have expanded to aid in the physical and emotional healing of patients. Using writing as a healing method allows patients to create new perspectives of their healing processes and professionals to propose new methods of healing that promote and maintain a positive outlook. Using Narrative Writing to Enhance Healing is an esse...

    399,71 €

  • Diagnóstico Médico por el Pulso® (MPD®)
    Robert Doane
    Hay un montón de información disponible sobre el diagnóstico por el pulso con muchos matices y variaciones. ¡Sin embargo, NINGUNO de ellos son tan claros, concisos y clínicamente relevantes como este corpus de trabajo! ¡Este libro es un CÓMO instructivo y una absoluta OBLIGACIÓN en todas las consultas y escuelas! ¡¡¡Este libro asienta la etapa para una longevidad continua...

    105,11 €

  • Handbook of Hypnotic Techniques, Vol. 1
    Mark Philip Jensen
    Hypnosis has proven efficacy for helping individuals make important changes in their lives. In this edited volume, written by and for clinicians, 11 master clinicians from around the world describe the hypnotic strategies and techniques they have found to be most effective in their own clinical work. ...

    29,72 €

  • Diagnóstico Médico por el Pulso® (MPD®)
    Robert Doane
    Hay un montón de información disponible sobre el diagnóstico por el pulso con muchos matices y variaciones. ¡Sin embargo, NINGUNO de ellos son tan claros, concisos y clínicamente relevantes como este corpus de trabajo! ¡Este libro es un CÓMO instructivo y una absoluta OBLIGACIÓN en todas las consultas y escuelas! ¡¡¡Este libro asienta la etapa para una longevidad continua...

    114,44 €

  • Curso básico de reflexología del pie y de la mano
    Dalia Piazza
    * Las diversas partes que componen nuestro organismo están en estrecha relación con determinadas zonas del pie, por lo que un masaje realizado en una de esas zonas supone un alivio de la parte correspondiente del cuerpo en caso de disfunción* Con este libro aprenderá a conocer la correspondencia entre el pie y las diversas partes del cuerpo* Sabrá cuáles son los puntos claves p...

    36,35 €

  • There’s a Rooster in My Bathroom!
    Trish Ostroski
    Author Trish Ostroski shares a variety of thoughtful and real lessons in this whimsical, easy-to-read book. With insights and observations from a life well lived in places like Moldova all the way to Hollywood and beyond, she shares her wonderful ride! With a career focused on service above selk, she was able to experience places and people most of us can only imagine. The stor...

    11,72 €

  • The Natural Cancer Handbook
    Frank Vanderlugt / Johanna Schipper
    In addition to chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery, numerous alternative cancer treatments have been used successfully over the last century.This book covers more than 50 of the best treatments, how they work, where they can be obtained, and at what price.Laboratory, scientific and anecdotal evidence is also quoted for the effectiveness of all these treatments.These treatmen...

    32,53 €

  • Migrating for Medical Marijuana
    Tracy Ferrell
    In the last six years, Colorado has seen a population boom reminiscent of the state’s first few years of settlement. But rather than staking mining claims or establishing homesteads, these new pioneers are on the frontier of an emerging science: marijuana as treatment for various debilitating conditions. This book contains personal accounts from doctors, researchers, and pat...

    28,28 €

  • 7 Ways To Manage Pain With CBD
    David Anthony Schroeder
    Pain Sufferers... Say Goodbye To CBD Confusion forever. That’s a promise.If you are one of the 50 million Americans that the CDC says suffers from chronic pain, or one of the 20 million, they say sufferers from high-impact chronic pain, and you have little or no experience with CBD. This book is for you and only you.Here is what has been said by others:'American biologist Bruce...

    17,33 €

  • The Power of the Subconscious Mind
    Alex Erskine
    2019 Reprint of 1908 Edition.  Full facsimile of the original edition, not reproduced with Optical Recognition software.  Professor Alexander Erskine was a doctor and a pioneer in the use of hypnosis in healing. He believed that hypnotherapy was ‘a great science which should, for the benefit of mankind, be more generally understood.’ And in order to explain the science and spre...

    15,77 €

  • Headaches
    Robert S Lee
    Would you like to be completely free of headaches and migraines, without ever needing to resort to harmful drugs, surgery or complicated therapies?Years of research reveals how certain physiological factors can cause headaches and migraines and have taught us how it is actually possible to be pain-free by using natural and inexpensive methods. In this bestselling guide to over...

    16,30 €

    Bobbi Janson
    INTEGRATIVE HEALTH SOLUTIONSEducating the public on how to heal their body-mind & soul is our mission. Over the years, we’ve worked with patients and consumers to gather, analyze and deliver the critical health information needed to build strong bodies throughout the world.Furthermore, the mission is to bring to attention many unusual and often unheard of answers for common ill...

    37,43 €

  • Los Microsistemas del cuerpo humano
    Guillermo Jesús Vázquez López
    Se exponen los microsistemas más conocidos, los más utilizados y los que por su aplicación y efi cacia han demostrado ser los de mayores resultados en la confección del diagnostico y la terapéutica, obtenidos en la práctica clínica.La presente recopilación está dirigida a los que en el mundo occidental practican la Medicina Tradicional Asiática (MTA), especialistas o profesiona...

    19,76 €

  • Dolor Crónico
    Georgie Oldfield
    El dolor crónico sí puede curarse, y sin necesidad de medicamentos, terapias o cirugía. Este necesita un abordaje diferente al usado en el dolor agudo, en el que se tengan en cuenta los nuevos avances de las neurociencias del dolor, y la demostrada relación que tiene el dolor con nuestras emociones y el estrés.Escrito por una importante fisioterapeuta británica y especialista e...

    17,06 €

  • La salud del corazón y la circulación
    Dr. Wighard Strehlow / DrWighard Strehlow
    La toma de medicamentos químicos durante muchos años produce efectos secundarios peligrosos y ha convertido en incurables algunas enfermedades.La artillería química pesada, que baja la tensión arterial, los inhibidores de calcio, los beta-bloqueantes o los fluidificantes sanguíneos, cuando se toma durante años, acaba siendo un veneno para el cuerpo.El hígado y los riñones resul...

    20,00 €

  • Cómo tratar las enfermedades de la piel según Santa Hildegarda de Bingen
    Dr. Wighard Strehlow / DrWighard Strehlow
    Los problemas de la piel se tratan hoy en día como si estuvieran separados del resto de los acontecimientos corporales, psicológicos y espirituales. Con las manchas en la cara o el eccema en el brazo, el cuerpo «sólo» quiere hacer visible que en el fondo de esa persona algo fundamental no va bien o que está sufriendo por culpa de sus condiciones de vida desequilibradas. Así que...

    20,00 €

  • FAB Functionally Alert Behavior Strategies
    John L Pagano
    "A worthy program for solving children's complex behavioral problems"- Kirkus ReviewsThis book provides practical, engaging strategies enabling therapists and teachers to help children and adolescents who have complex behavioral challenges. Therapists and teachers are challenged by youth who have severe behavioral, mental health, post-traumatic stress, sensory modulation, d...

    36,73 €

    Monika Rekelhof / Eric Gradman
    MMS is a substance with which one usually rids water of pathogens and thereby transmutes contaminated water into clean water. Born of necessity, Jim Humble came upon the idea of administering MMS to living beings as they too are largely composed of water - and it works! Since that time, news of the discovery of an economical and innocuous substance that can relatively quickly a...

    44,45 €

    Monika Rekelhof / Esther Rodrigo
    El MMS es un remedio que normalmente se emplea para eliminar los gérmenes del agua, lo que permite transformar el agua insalubre en agua saludable. Impelido por la necesidad, Jim Humble tuvo la idea de emplearlo también en seres vivos, ya que tanto las personas como los animales se componen principalmente de agua: ¡y funcionó! Desde entonces, la noticia de que se había descubie...

    33,73 €

  • Appointment Book
    Bramblehill Designs
    A simple, easy-to-use appointment book with: 15 minute time slots, from 8am to 9pm 4 columns on each page contemporary cover design Large (8.5 x 11') format Use for salons, massage therapists, hairdressers, beauty therapists, nail technician, spa and eyelash bars, and more. Makes it easy to plan and track your daily appointments. ...

    8,22 €

    Hong Hai / HONG HAI & SHAN BIN SOH / Shan Bin Soh
    Famed for their exotic beauty and richness in variety, orchids may be found in all continents of the world except Antarctica. Although the plants are widely cultivated both in homes and farms, few people realize that many species of orchids have legendary healing qualities that have been used for centuries by Chinese, Ayurvedic and other traditional medicines for such condition...

    46,06 €