Catálogo de libros: Enfermería

1724 Catálogo de libros: Enfermería

Libros Eliminar filtro Medicina Eliminar filtro Enfermería y servicios auxiliares Eliminar filtro Enfermería Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • E-Publishing and Digital Libraries
    Digital libraries collect, manage, and preserve electronic expressions of knowledge on any subject and in any type or format. Consequently, the creation of a digital library presupposes the respect of the legal norms which govern the pre-existing materials included in the database. E-Publishing and Digital Libraries: Legal and Organizational Issues provides a comprehensive over...

    237,02 €

  • NLN PAX Test Strategy!
    Complete Test Preparation Inc.
    Learn and Practice Proven multiple choice strategies for Reading Comprehension, Word Problems and Basic Math! Plus powerful vocabulary learning techniques to get your vocabulary up to speed fast before the exam! If you are preparing for the NLN PAX-RN, PAX-PN, you probably want all the help you can get! PAX Test Strategy  is your complete guide to answering multiple choice qu...

    14,52 €

  • Advanced Nursing Practice
    Carole Mackavey
    In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the nursing field has undergone a profound transformation. As healthcare systems struggled with extraordinary challenges, nurse practitioners emerged as integral team members, highlighting their adaptability and resilience. Featuring contributed chapters from experts in the field, Advanced Nursing Practice: The Expanding Role of the Nurse P...

    80,84 €

  • A Nurse’s Life in War and Peace
    Eleanor Constance Laurence
    'The charm of these letters, it will at once be found, depends upon their simplicity, their artlessness, their obvious candour. They present a plain, untinted account of a nurse’s career, of the difficulties she has to face, and the problems she has to solve. Those who wish to know something of a nurse’s life and times will find in this writing a convincing narrative, unemotion...

    19,42 €

  • Characterisation of the medical records of smokers exposed to pesticides
    Ana Caroline Melo dos Santos / Elaine V. M. S. Figueiredo / Karol Fireman de Farias
    Agricultural work is one of the most dangerous professions and several attributes lead to this observation, such as the various occupational risks associated with handling pesticides, acute and chronic poisoning, chronic illnesses, reproductive problems and even environmental damage. Surveying the medical records of this population makes it possible to identify their characteri...

    56,21 €

  • Caractérisation des dossiers médicaux des fumeurs exposés aux pesticides
    Ana Caroline Melo dos Santos / Elaine V. M. S. Figueiredo / Karol Fireman de Farias Farias
    Le travail agricole est l’une des professions les plus dangereuses et plusieurs attributs conduisent à ce constat, tels que les différents risques professionnels liés à la manipulation des pesticides, les intoxications aiguës et chroniques, les maladies chroniques, les problèmes de reproduction ou encore les atteintes à l’environnement. L’étude des dossiers médicaux de cette po...

    56,21 €

  • Caratterizzazione delle cartelle cliniche dei fumatori esposti ai pesticidi
    Ana Caroline Melo dos Santos / Elaine V. M. S. Figueiredo / Karol Fireman de Farias
    Il lavoro agricolo è una delle professioni più pericolose e diverse caratteristiche portano a questa osservazione, come i vari rischi professionali associati alla manipolazione dei pesticidi, le intossicazioni acute e croniche, le malattie croniche, i problemi riproduttivi e persino i danni ambientali. L’indagine sulle cartelle cliniche di questa popolazione permette di identif...

    56,27 €

  • Характеристика медицинских карт курильщиков, подвергшихся воздействию пестицидов
    Ана Каролина М Сантос / Кароль Файе де Фариас / Фигейред
    Работа в сельском хозяйстве - одна из самых опасных профессий, и это подтверждается рядом признаков, таких как различные профессиональные риски, связанные с обращением с пестицидами, острые и хронические отравления, хронические заболевания, репродуктивные проблемы и даже вред окружающей среде. Изучение медицинских карт этой категории населения позволяет выявить их особенности, ...

    56,27 €

  • Developing Academic Skills for Nursing Associates

    30,32 €

  • Developing Academic Skills for Nursing Associates

    101,59 €

  • Critical Thinking and Writing in Nursing
    Bob Price

    40,53 €

  • Critical Thinking and Writing in Nursing
    Bob Price

    109,49 €

  • System Innovation
    Julie Kennedy Oehlert / Kathleen Sitzman
    System Innovation: A Holistic Approach to Disrupting with Love and Human Caring inspires healthcare leaders and professionals to innovate healthcare habits, practices, policies, functions, and their own leadership style to achieve desired outcomes. It employs a holistic approach to leadership and management, providing practical actions for health systems to deploy to disrupt th...

    46,16 €

  • Medicines Management for Nursing Associates
    Christina Roulston / Miriam Davies

    101,50 €

  • Green & Tones’ Health Promotion

    62,33 €

  • Green & Tones’ Health Promotion

    162,51 €

  • Знание методов контрацепции среди молодых мексиканцев
    Клаудия Б Энрикес H / Хавьер Салазар / Эдит Кастелланос C
    Всемирная организация здравоохранения (2016) определяет подростковый возраст как период роста и развития человека, который наступает после детства и до наступления взрослой жизни, в возрасте от 10 до 19 лет, и представляет собой стадию значительного риска, среди которого выделяется незащищенный секс; кроме того, известно, что социальный контекст оказывает определяющее влияние. ...

    102,64 €

  • Essentials of Nursing Children and Young People

    69,75 €

  • The Code Calm Mindset
    Kimberly I. McMillen / Michael J. Asken
    The Code, cardiopulmonary arrest and resuscitation, is emblematic of the greatest challenge and most stressful situation for nurses and other members of the health care team. Stress and sub-optimal outcomes are rarely the result of motivation or technical skills. It is a lack of training and experience with mental toughness or psychological performance skills that degrade perfo...

    23,36 €

  • Growing into Professional Nursing
    Luanne Linnard-Palmer
    This book is designed to help nursing students in their understanding of the role of the nurse and what it takes to successfully become a confident novice caregiver. It fills a gap in introductory nursing titles in that it welcomes the student into practice while providing realistic views of the complexities of the role.  Highlights of This Text: ●       Uniquely focuses on cre...

    113,41 €

  • Nursing Adults with Long Term Conditions
    Jane Nicol / Lorna Hollowood

    117,68 €

  • Foundations of Adult Nursing
    Dianne Burns

    184,84 €

  • Nursing Adults with Long Term Conditions
    Jane Nicol / Lorna Hollowood

    38,33 €

  • Foundations of Adult Nursing
    Dianne Burns

    54,78 €

  • Understanding Leadership for Nursing Associates
    Hazel Cowls / Natalie Cusack / Sarah Tobin

    29,08 €

  • Understanding Leadership for Nursing Associates
    Hazel Cowls / Natalie Cusack / Sarah Tobin

    100,35 €

  • Pathophysiology and Pharmacology in Nursing
    Justine Raynsford / Sarah Ashelford / Vanessa Taylor

    39,38 €

  • Pathophysiology and Pharmacology in Nursing
    Justine Raynsford / Sarah Ashelford / Vanessa Taylor

    125,64 €

  • Faktoren, die mit einer verspäteten HIV-Behandlung in Eritrea zusammenhängen
    Merhawi Kesete / Mitslale K / Winta Dawit
    Trotz der breiten Verfügbarkeit von ART-Versorgungszentren in der Region Anseba ist der Zugang zur Versorgung bei fortgeschrittener HIV-Erkrankung nach wie vor häufig: 78 % der HIV-infizierten Patienten beginnen die Versorgung bei einer CD4-Zahl ...

    59,08 €

  • Fattori associati alla presentazione tardiva delle cure per l’HIV in Eritrea
    Merhawi Kesete / Mitslale K / Winta Dawit
    Nonostante l’ampia disponibilità di centri di cura ART nella regione di Anseba, l’accesso alle cure con malattia da HIV avanzata rimane comune, con il 78% dei pazienti infetti da HIV che iniziano le cure con conta dei CD4 ...

    59,02 €