Catálogo de libros: Enfermería y servicios auxiliares

2603 Catálogo de libros: Enfermería y servicios auxiliares

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  • Health Promotion for Nursing Associates
    Ami Jackson / Deborah Gee / Gillian Rowe
    Mapped to the 2018 NMC Standards and featuring insights from real TNAs, this book explores the specific role of nursing associates in health promotion, considering different practice settings across all fields of nursing. ...

    107,34 €

    Nicodeme Bondo Mulunda
    Recueillis par le Professeur Bondo, les textes de ce volume proviennent des journées scientifiques organisées à l’Istm à la fin de chacun de deux semestres de l’année académique 2020-2021. Quatre de la dizaine de textes présentés lors des assises ont été choisis, agréés par un comité scientifique, Ils construisent un échantillon soumis ici à la bonne et rigoureuse attention des...

    64,24 €

  • บทบาทพยาบาลกับการพัฒนาศักยภาพหมอโฮมสุข
    Tawan Khetpanya
    โรคหลอดเลือดสมองเป็นปัญหาสาคัญของสาธารณสุขทั่วโลกเพราะเปนโรคที่อันตรายรุนแรงถึง ขั้นเสียชีวิต นอกจากนี้ในกรณีที่ผู้ปุวยไม่เสียชีวิตสิ่งที่ต้องเฝูาระวังอย่างใกล้ชิดก็คือโรคอัมพฤกษ์อมั พาตที่ตามมา ซึ่งเป็นภาวะพึ่งพิงของผู้ปุวยที่เกิดขึ้นภายหลังการเจ็บปุวย ผู้ที่มีส่วนสาคัญในการดูแล ใกล้ชิดคือญาติและผู้ดูแล ไม่ว่าจะเป็น อสม. อผส. หรืออาสาสมัครอื่นๆ กระทั่งพยาบาลซึ่งต้องเป็น ผู้จัด...

    57,71 €

  • Prescription Drugs
    David Newton

    82,14 €

  • Transition to Nursing Practice
    Mapped to the 2018 NMC Standards, this book provides practical guidance, strategies and advice to ease the transition to becoming a registered nurse and ensure students are practice-ready on registration. ...

    112,64 €

  • Transition to Nursing Practice
    Mapped to the 2018 NMC Standards, this book provides practical guidance, strategies and advice to ease the transition to becoming a registered nurse and ensure students are practice-ready on registration. ...

    49,20 €

  • Handbook of practical physical pharmaceutics for B.Pharm students
    Jasmine Kaur Randhawa
    This book preparation is an effort made to cover the practicals of physical pharmaceutics to be performed during the B.Pharm curriculum. The practicals cover topics related to physical properties of liquids like surface tension, viscosity, density, pH, stability of suspensions. Special emphasis is given on the procedure of practicals which will be helpful for the teachers and ...

    11,10 €

  • Auxiliar de Enfermería. Volumen 2
    ICB Editores
    Estos dos volúmenes permiten reconocer las funciones del Auxiliar de Enfermería, encargado de desarrollar todas aquellas actividades que, sin tener un carácter profesional sanitario, vienen a facilitar las funciones del médico y de la enfermera o ayudante técnico. Conocer la anatomía, fisiología y funcionamiento del cuerpo.Adquirir los conocimientos del papel de Auxiliar dentro...

    30,33 €

  • NCLEX-RN Practice Tests 2022-2023
    Introducing our NCLEX-RN Practice Tests 2022-2023:  Review Book with 1000+ Assessment Questions with Answer Rationales for the National Council Licensure Nursing Examination! Ascencia Test Prep’s NCLEX-RN Practice Tests 2022-2023 includes everything you need to pass the NCLEX-RN the first time.Detailed exam explanation and expectationsFOUR Practice Tests with detailed answer ex...

    49,12 €

  • Cardiac Vascular Nursing Certification Study Guide
    Introducing our Cardiac Vascular Nursing Certification Study Guide: Review and Resource Manual with Readiness Questions and Practice Test for the CVRN Exam! Ascencia Test Prep’s Cardiac Vascular Nursing Certification Study Guide includes everything you need to pass the Cardiac Vascular Nursing Exam the first time.Quick review of the concepts covered on the Cardiac Vascular Nurs...

    78,58 €

  • The Nurse in Popular Media
    Marcus K Harmes
    The image of the nurse is ubiquitous, both in life and in popular media. One of the earliest instances of nursing and media intersecting is the Edison phonographic recording of Florence Nightingale’s voice in 1890. Since then, a parade of nurses, good, bad or otherwise, has appeared on both cinema and television screens. How do we interpret the many different types of nurses...

    79,29 €

  • Gemeinsame Entscheidungsfindung in Kenntnis der Sachlage
    Kiwanuka Frank
    Dieses Buch bringt Philosophien über die gemeinsame Entscheidungsfindung in Selbstverständnis und in der eigenen Situation und den gegebenen Möglichkeiten zusammen. Die Autorin beginnt mit der Konzeptualisierung der patienten- und familienzentrierten Pflege, geht aber bald dazu über, sich auf den Prozess der informierten gemeinsamen Entscheidungsfindung zu konzentrieren, und th...

    93,63 €

  • Prise de décision partagée et éclairée
    Kiwanuka Frank
    Ce livre rassemble les philosophies sur la prise de décision partagée et informée dans la compréhension de soi et dans la situation et les possibilités situées. L’auteur commence par conceptualiser les soins centrés sur le patient et la famille, mais se concentre ensuite sur le processus de prise de décision partagée et éclairée, et théorise et contextualise de nombreux aspects...

    93,64 €

  • Processo decisionale informato e condiviso
    Kiwanuka Frank
    Questo libro riunisce le filosofie sul processo decisionale informato e condiviso nell’autocomprensione e nelle possibilità situate nella propria situazione. L’autore inizia con la concettualizzazione dell’assistenza centrata sul paziente e sulla famiglia, ma presto si espande per concentrarsi sul processo di decisione informata e condivisa, teorizza e contestualizza molti aspe...

    93,65 €

  • Информированное совместное принятие решений
    Киванука Франк
    Эта книга объединяет философские идеи об осознанном совместном принятии решений в самопонимании и в ситуации и возможностях человека. Автор начинает с концептуализации ухода, ориентированного на пациента и семью, но вскоре переходит к рассмотрению процесса информированного совместного принятия решений, теоретизирует и контекстуализирует многие аспекты процесса принятия решений....

    37,45 €

  • Tomada de decisão informada e partilhada
    Kiwanuka Frank
    Este livro reúne filosofias sobre a tomada de decisão informada e partilhada na auto-compreensão e na própria situação e possibilidades situadas. O autor começa com a conceptualização de cuidados centrados no paciente e na família, mas logo se expande para se concentrar no processo de tomada de decisão informada e partilhada, teorizando e contextualizando muitos aspectos do pro...

    93,64 €

  • Student Practice Supervision and Assessment
    Jo Lidster / Susan Wakefield
    Based around the NMC’s Standards for Student Supervision and Assessment (2018), this book offers clear, practical advice on how to develop the knowledge and skills required to supervise and assess a range of students in practice. It explores challenging issues, such as learners in difficulty, and considers how to develop resilience and wellbeing from the perspective of both the...

    39,41 €

  • Student Practice Supervision and Assessment
    Jo Lidster / Susan Wakefield
    Based around the NMC’s Standards for Student Supervision and Assessment (2018), this book offers clear, practical advice on how to develop the knowledge and skills required to supervise and assess a range of students in practice. It explores challenging issues, such as learners in difficulty, and considers how to develop resilience and wellbeing from the perspective of both the...

    109,52 €

  • Practice-Based Learning for Nursing Associates
    This book helps trainee nursing associates to prepare for and excel in their nursing associate practice placements. Covering all settings and all fields of nursing, it shows readers how to make the most of each placement and transfer learning and skills from one area of practice to another. ...

    117,71 €

  • Practice-Based Learning for Nursing Associates
    This book helps trainee nursing associates to prepare for and excel in their nursing associate practice placements. Covering all settings and all fields of nursing, it shows readers how to make the most of each placement and transfer learning and skills from one area of practice to another. ...

    34,91 €

  • Evaluation des politiques publiques
    Antcho Anicette Adje
    Cet ouvrage intitulé Evaluation des politiques publiques : une application au système sanitaire est une synthèse des principes et méthodes de gestion des programmes. C’est un manuel qui constitue une introduction aux évaluations d’impact. Il traite également des différentes méthodes pour une meilleure mise en œuvre des politiques publiques. Il est principalement destiné aux é...

    58,96 €

  • The Healing Burnout Guide
    Richard C. Scepura / Richard CScepura
    As a nurse leader, I have witnessed many employees suffering from the effects of burnout. The benefits of performing self-reflection on the variety of topics included will help expand your emotional quotient (EQ). The global Covid pandemic has aggravated the situation bringing with it uncharted, unfamiliar waters to navigate. This is book one (Beginner) of a four-part series de...

    39,47 €

  • Against Medical Advice
    Ellen Christiansen / Luanne Linnard-Palmer
    Awarded first place in the 2022 AJN Book of the Year Awards in both Child Health and History and Public Policy!When a patient or family refuses treatment-maybe even lifesaving treatment-because it is contrary to their social, religious, or cultural beliefs, it can plunge healthcare providers, families, and patients into a difficult, emotionally charged conversation. Complex and...

    39,03 €

  • Étude de l’effet de l’extrait ENTS-001 sur le vieillissement
    Henintsoa Mamitiana Razafimanjato
    L’objectif de cette étude a été de formuler un produit sous forme de crème cosmétique contenant 10 % d’extrait ENTS-001, d’étudier son effet sur l’hydratation cutanée et sur les rides chez la souris et de concevoir une stratégie de marketing. La crème a été appliquée sur la peau des souris femelles de race Swiss, pendant 18 jours. La peau a été exposé aux rayons UV de longueur ...

    59,08 €

  • Determinanti dell’intenzione delle donne incinte di prendere un trattamento per la SM
    Désiré Nsobani L. / Gedéon Bongo Ngiala / Oscar Nsutier Kolnziam
    La malaria è la principale causa di mortalità e morbilità nella RDC, in particolare tra i bambini sotto i cinque anni e le donne incinte. Alcune donne incinte nella città di Kinshasa, situata in una zona endemica della malaria, non ricevono sufficienti cure preventive o curative. La prevenzione della malaria per loro dovrebbe essere fornita come parte di un pacchetto completo d...

    78,74 €

  • Determinanten für die Absicht schwangerer Frauen, sich einer MS-Behandlung zu unterziehen
    Désiré Nsobani L. / Gedéon Bongo Ngiala / Oscar Nsutier Kolnziam
    Malaria ist die Hauptursache für Mortalität und Morbidität in der DRK, insbesondere bei Kindern unter fünf Jahren und schwangeren Frauen. Einige schwangere Frauen in der Stadt Kinshasa, die in einem Malaria-Endemiegebiet liegt, erhalten keine ausreichende präventive oder kurative Versorgung. Die Malariaprophylaxe für sie sollte als Teil eines umfassenden Betreuungspakets angebo...

    78,80 €

  • Determinantes da intenção das mulheres grávidas em tomar o tratamento da EM
    Désiré Nsobani L. / Gedéon Bongo Ngiala / Oscar Nsutier Kolnziam
    A malária é a principal causa de mortalidade e morbilidade na RDC, particularmente entre crianças menores de cinco anos e mulheres grávidas. Algumas mulheres grávidas na cidade de Kinshasa, localizadas numa zona endémica de malária, não recebem cuidados preventivos ou curativos suficientes. A prevenção da malária para eles deve ser fornecida como parte de um pacote abrangente d...

    78,74 €

  • Determinants of pregnant women’s intent to treat with MS
    Désiré Nsobani L. / Gedéon Bongo Ngiala / Oscar Nsutier Kolnziam
    Malaria is the leading cause of mortality and morbidity in the DRC, particularly among children under 5 years of age and pregnant women. Some pregnant women in the city of Kinshasa, located in a malaria endemic area, do not receive sufficient preventive or curative care. Malaria prevention for them should be provided as part of a comprehensive package of care defined according ...

    78,68 €

  • Детерминанты намерения беременных женщин принимать лечение РС
    Гедеон Бонго Нгиала / Нсобани Л. / Оск Нсутиер Колнзиам
    Малярия является основной причиной смертности и заболеваемости в ДРК, особенно среди детей до пяти лет и беременных женщин. Некоторые беременные женщины в городе Киншаса, расположенном в эндемичном по малярии районе, не получают достаточного профилактического или лечебного ухода. Профилактика малярии для них должна проводиться как часть комплексного пакета услуг, определенного ...

    27,85 €

  • Início atempado do tratamento MDR-TB
    Shaakira Ariefdien
    O início atempado do tratamento da tuberculose resistente aos medicamentos (DR-TB) é essencial para um programa eficaz de controlo da tuberculose. Os atrasos no início do tratamento com DR-TB aumentam o risco de morte e transmissão de DR-TB dentro das comunidades. A DR-TB é diagnosticada utilizando testes GeneXpert, os resultados estão disponíveis para as clínicas locais dentro...

    83,04 €