Catálogo de libros: Enfermería y servicios auxiliares

2603 Catálogo de libros: Enfermería y servicios auxiliares

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  • Theorie zur Bewertung der pädiatrischen Palliativversorgung am Lebensende
    Amean A. Yasir / Moustafa Ali Al-Shammari / Nuhad M.K. Al-Doori
    Die Palliativmedizin ist im Irak ein recht neues Konzept, und es gibt keine Ausbildung, die sich sowohl an Fachkräfte im Gesundheitswesen als auch an die breite Öffentlichkeit richtet. Der Mangel an Ausbildungs- und Schulungsprogrammen ist das größte Hindernis. Für Personen, die regelmäßig mit Patienten mit lebensbedrohlichen Krankheiten zu tun haben, ist eine Zwischenausbildun...

    102,44 €

  • Théorie pour évaluer la prestation de soins palliatifs pédiatriques en fin de vie
    Amean A. Yasir / Moustafa Ali Al-Shammari / Nuhad M.K. Al-Doori
    Les soins palliatifs sont un concept plutôt nouveau en Irak, il n’y a pas de formation destinée à la fois aux spécialistes des soins de santé et au grand public. Le manque de programmes d’éducation et de formation est l’obstacle le plus important. Une formation intermédiaire est nécessaire pour les personnes qui travaillent régulièrement avec des patients atteints de maladies p...

    102,46 €

  • Teoria per valutare la fornitura di cure palliative pediatriche alla fine della vita
    Amean A. Yasir / Moustafa Ali Al-Shammari / Nuhad M.K. Al-Doori
    Le cure palliative sono un concetto piuttosto nuovo in Iraq, non esiste una formazione destinata sia agli specialisti del settore sanitario sia al pubblico in generale. La mancanza di programmi di istruzione e formazione è la barriera più importante. È necessaria una formazione intermedia per le persone che lavorano regolarmente con pazienti affetti da malattie potenzialmente l...

    102,50 €

  • Teoria da Avaliação da Prestação de Cuidados Paliativos Pediátricos em Fim de Vida
    Amean A. Yasir / Moustafa Ali Al-Shammari / Nuhad M.K. Al-Doori
    Os cuidados paliativos são um conceito bastante novo no Iraque, não há formação destinada tanto a especialistas de cuidados de saúde como ao público em geral. A falta de programas de educação e formação é a barreira mais importante. É necessária formação intermédia para os indivíduos que trabalham regularmente com pacientes com doenças potencialmente fatais. O Consórcio de Educ...

    102,47 €

  • Теория оценки оказания паллиативной помощи детям в конце жизни
    Амин А. Ясир / Мустафа А Аль-Шаммари / Нухад М.К. Аль-Дури
    Паллиативная помощь - понятие довольно новое для Ирака, здесь нет обучения, предназначенного как для специалистов здравоохранения, так и для широкой общественности. Отсутствие образовательных и обучающих программ является самым главным препятствием. Необходима промежуточная подготовка для лиц, регулярно работающих с пациентами с угрожающими жизни заболеваниями. Программа End-of...

    44,95 €

  • A compreensão do discente sobre o Processo de Enfermagem
    Ana Paula G. Pinto / Andressa T. Parente / Taynah Monick Estevam Ferreira
    O Processo de Enfermagem trata-se de uma metodologia empregada na organização do conhecimento e ao cuidado do paciente. O seu uso possibilita a aplicação dos fundamentos teóricos da enfermagem na prática, ordenando e direcionando o cuidado de forma individualizada, personalizada e humanizada. As classificações utilizadas para aplicação do PE demandam julgamento clíni...

    59,14 €

  • Avaliação das práticas higiénicas e qualidade microbiológica dos alimentos
    Aisha Idris Ali
    A manipulação segura de alimentos nas cozinhas escolares é uma prática importante para proteger os estudantes de doenças de origem alimentar. A contagem bacteriana nos alimentos preparados é um factor chave na avaliação da qualidade e segurança dos alimentos. Revela também o nível de higiene adoptado pelos manipuladores de alimentos no decurso da preparação de tais alimentos. F...

    49,68 €

  • Оценка гигиенической практики и микробиологического качества продуктов питания
    Айша Идрис Али
    Безопасная обработка продуктов питания на школьных кухнях является важной практикой для защиты учащихся от болезней пищевого происхождения. Количество бактерий в готовой пище является ключевым фактором в оценке качества и безопасности продуктов питания. Оно также показывает уровень гигиены, соблюдаемой работниками пищеблока в процессе приготовления таких продуктов. Для изучения...

    23,62 €

  • Bewertung der hygienischen Praktiken und der mikrobiologischen Qualität von Lebensmitteln
    Aisha Idris Ali
    Der sichere Umgang mit Lebensmitteln in Schulküchen ist eine wichtige Praxis, um die Schüler vor lebensmittelbedingten Krankheiten zu schützen. Die Keimzahl in zubereiteten Lebensmitteln ist ein Schlüsselfaktor für die Bewertung der Qualität und Sicherheit von Lebensmitteln. Sie gibt auch Aufschluss über das Hygieneniveau, das die mit Lebensmitteln umgehenden Personen bei der Z...

    49,74 €

  • Évaluation des pratiques hygiéniques et de la qualité microbiologique des aliments
    Aisha Idris Ali
    La manipulation sûre des aliments dans les cuisines scolaires est une pratique importante pour protéger les élèves des maladies d’origine alimentaire. La numération bactérienne dans les aliments préparés est un facteur clé pour évaluer la qualité et la sécurité des aliments. Elle révèle également le niveau d’hygiène adopté par les manipulateurs d’aliments au cours de la prépara...

    49,74 €

  • Valutazione delle pratiche igieniche e della qualità microbiologica degli alimenti
    Aisha Idris Ali
    La manipolazione sicura degli alimenti nelle cucine scolastiche è una pratica importante per proteggere gli studenti dalle malattie di origine alimentare. La conta batterica negli alimenti preparati è un fattore chiave per valutare la qualità e la sicurezza degli alimenti. Inoltre, rivela il livello di igiene adottato dagli addetti alla manipolazione degli alimenti durante la l...

    49,68 €

  • Introduction to Forensic Nursing
    Diana K. Faugno / Stacey A. Mitchell / Valerie Sievers
    Introduction to Forensic Nursing: Principles and Practice is an extensive reference that aims to provide both current and potential forensic nurses with a fundamental understanding of the opportunities that the field offers. With over 40 chapters in total, this book explores the various duties that forensic nurses may be responsible for in hospitals, in partnership with law enf...

    144,02 €

  • The View from the Clinic
    Patrice D’Amato
    Walk through the doors of an abortion clinic in this powerful memoir from a nurse who has been there. Behind the emotionally charged rhetoric around abortion are the very real stories of women who have felt alone and helpless and the health care professionals who care for them. Throughout her nearly four-decades-long nursing career, Patrice D’Amato has seen the most diverse cro...

    19,70 €

  • Análisis de los factores que provocan estrés en los investigadores
    Aime Samara Flores Hernández
    Los constantes cambios que se producen en el entorno y las nuevas tecnologías, provocan variación en la naturaleza del trabajo. Ello implica nuevos retos e incremento de las demandas al trabajador, todos estos problemas producidos debido a las exigencias que enfrentamos diariamente, se engloban en un solo término que conocemos como 'estrés'. En el ámbito Organizacional, se habl...

    56,66 €

  • TEAS Nursing Study Guide
    Miller Test Prep / TEAS Nursing Study Guide Team
    Miller Test Prep’s study guide for the ATI TEAS exam is the solution for students who want to maximize their score and minimize study time. Our study guides are carefully designed to provide only that clear and concise information you need. That’s precisely why we put 'Clear & Concise' on our cover.The standard for the study guide industry is to 'throw in the kitchen sink' when...

    33,07 €

  • ATI TEAS 6 Study Guide
    ATI TEAS Test Study Guide Team / Spire Study System
    The only ATI TEAS study guide based on the evidence-based method of Cognitive Recall, with a customizable study schedule. Designed specifically for the ATI TEAS, 7th Edition, this study guide includes:WHAT IS COGNITIVE RECALL?Cognitive Recall is the science of implementing the optimal space of time between learning something, then reviewing it, and later quizzing yourself on it...

    27,98 €

  • TEAS 7 Nursing Study Guide
    Miller Test Prep / TEAS 7 Nursing Study Guide Team
    Miller Test Prep’s study guide for the ATI TEAS 7 exam is the solution for students who want to maximize their score and minimize study time. Our study guides are carefully designed to provide only that clear and concise information you need. That’s precisely why we put 'Clear & Concise' on our cover.The standard for the study guide industry is to 'throw in the kitchen sink' wh...

    33,03 €

  • Principios básicos de patología para fisioterapia
    Vários Autores
    ¿Cómo se relaciona el agua de mar con los colores del melanoma? ¿Por qué suena el disparo de un arma? Preguntas que, aunque sin aparente relación con la patología, nos ayudan a maravillarnos con esta área de la medicina. En este segundo volumen se exploran las diferentes enfermedades por sistemas más observadas en la práctica como fisioterapeutas y se presenta en un capítulo fi...

    14,33 €

  • Hand Book of Paediatric Oncology Nursing
    Knowledge is Power. It enhances ones thoughts and expands their thinking. e learn today paves the path for tomorrow. Hand book of Pediatric Oncology Nursing Provides a well refined, in depth all advanced body of knowledge in Pediatric Nursing to ameliorate, excel, and outshine the professional skills of both in theory as well as in practice. It enhances a nurses abilities in ha...

    54,90 €

  • Adesão das Mulheres aos Rastreios
    Nuno Miguel Oliveira Ferreira / Sofia Marques Grilo Ferreira
    Verifica-se que a atitude das mulheres em relação á realização do rastreio é determinante para a incidência do cancro do colo do útero e do cancro da mama, sendo este um evidente problema de saúde pública.Objectivamos com este estudo, identificar os factores associados à adesão das mulheres à vigilância de saúde sexual e reprodutiva; analisar em que medida os conhecimentos das ...

    101,13 €

  • Normas de Bioseguridad
    Kerly Ullauri Alvarez
    Esta investigación trata sobre las normas de bioseguridad que se deberían de aplicar en el centro de salud para la protección del individuo, el medio ambiente y la comunidad para así poder evitar algún accidente o evitar el contacto con agentes nocivos. Este trabajo se basa en determinar el cumplimiento de las normas de bioseguridad del personal que labora en el centro de Atenc...

    55,35 €

  • It’s BreakTime For Nurses
    Peggi Hudspith
    Do you need a daily space and time to go to for healing and encouragement, to take the weight off your feet and the weight off of your heart? This daily devotional allows you to find encouragement, healing, and refreshment in your spirit by taking a break from your daily nursing work and care of others. ...

    7,39 €

  • Practical Book of Pharmaceutics I
    Dr. Shikha
    The Pharmaceutics Practical Book is designed for B. Pharm 1st Sem (First year) students and is strictly as per the Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) regulations. This manual is incorporated with all the conventional dosage form preparations such as solutions, syrups, elixir, linctus, emulsions, suspensions etc. core concepts and underlying principles has been discussed, method of...

    14,88 €

  • FACILITATOR GUIDE for Core Competencies of Civility in Nursing & Healthcare
    Cynthia M. Clark / Jessica G. Smith
    Incivility and other workplace aggressions have a significant impact on the lives of healthcare professionals, faculty, and students, as well as the patients and families in their care. Incivility in academic and practice environments can provoke uncertainty and self-doubt, weaken self-confidence, and cause detrimental and lasting effects on individuals, teams, and organization...

    34,35 €

  • WORKBOOK for Core Competencies of Civility in Nursing & Healthcare
    Cynthia M. Clark / Jessica G. Smith
    Incivility and other workplace aggressions have a significant impact on the lives of healthcare professionals, faculty, and students, as well as the patients and families in their care. Incivility in academic and practice environments can provoke uncertainty and self-doubt, weaken self-confidence, and cause detrimental and lasting effects on individuals, teams, and organization...

    34,23 €

  • Ethical Case Studies for Advanced Practice Nurses
    Amber L. Vermeesch / Inga M. Giske / Patricia H. Cox
    We are excited to provide a book that increases advanced practice registered nurses’ knowledge and agility in resolving ethical dilemmas encountered in the clinical setting, healthcare organizations, and academic institutions. Goals for this book are:Provide an educational tool to increase APRN students’ abilities to identify ethical concerns and work through them to find a sol...

    39,47 €

  • Breaching Safe Nursing Practice
    This book addresses selected violations of professional nursing conduct and practices that take place in shadows or on the margins of clinical practice--incidents that represent 'dark' or 'gray' areas of nursing. Chapters identify threats to patient and nurse well-being that are antithetical to nurses’ principles; sensitize nurses and other stakeholders to gray and dark sid...

    58,73 €

  • Evidence-Based Practice in Action, Second Edition
    Kirsten Hanrahan / Laura Cullen / Michele Farrington
    Awarded second place in the 2022 AJN Book of the Year Awards in Nursing Research!The biggest barrier to effective evidence-based practice (EBP) is the failure to effectively translate available knowledge, research, and clinical expertise into action This failure is rarely due to a lack of information, understanding, or experience. In fact, it usually comes down to a simple lack...

    140,04 €

  • Evidence-Based Practice in Action, Second Edition
    Kirsten Hanrahan / Laura Cullen / Michele Farrington
    Awarded second place in the 2022 AJN Book of the Year Awards in Nursing Research!The biggest barrier to effective evidence-based practice (EBP) is the failure to effectively translate available knowledge, research, and clinical expertise into action This failure is rarely due to a lack of information, understanding, or experience. In fact, it usually comes down to a simple lack...

    198,20 €

  • Fundamentos teórico-prácticos de electroestimulación en la lesión medular
    Jaison Daniel Cucarián Hurtado / Nathalia Andrea Castro Álvarez / Paola Andrea Barreto Franco / Rosy Paola Cárdenas Sandoval
    La electroterapia se ha convertido en una estrategia coadyuvante para la rehabilitación de personas con daño en la médula espinal, y en busca de darla a conocer, este libro recopila avances teórico-prácticos actuales basados en evidencia experimental y resultados de ensayos clínicos en temas relacionados con sus generalidades, usos, aplicaciones y dosificación. Así mismo, descr...

    14,66 €