Catálogo de libros: Enfermería y servicios auxiliares

2603 Catálogo de libros: Enfermería y servicios auxiliares

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  • How to Read and Critique Research
    Helen Aveyard / Morag Farquhar / Nancy Preston
    Based on the requirements of the 2018 NMC Standards, this core text equips undergraduate Nursing and Healthcare students with the skills to understand, critique and use research, illustrating different methods and models through the analysis of real research articles. ...

    121,28 €

  • Team Working and Professional Practice for Nursing Associates
    Enrika Comley / Joanne Forman / Safina Bibi
    Written specifically for trainee nursing associates, this book helps TNAs develop their professional identity, understand what it means to be an accountable professional and develop the necessary skills to be an effective member of a multi-disciplinary team. ...

    107,58 €

  • Team Working and Professional Practice for Nursing Associates
    Enrika Comley / Joanne Forman / Safina Bibi
    Written specifically for trainee nursing associates, this book helps TNAs develop their professional identity, understand what it means to be an accountable professional and develop the necessary skills to be an effective member of a multi-disciplinary team. ...

    31,69 €

  • Complex Care in Nursing
    Mapped to the 2018 NMC Standards, this book joins the dots between the biological, socioeconomic, psychological, and practical drivers (among others) that add complexity to care. Chapters cover all four fields of nursing across primary, secondary and voluntary sector settings, with case studies and activities illustrating what working with people living with complex health need...

    110,68 €

  • Complex Care in Nursing
    Mapped to the 2018 NMC Standards, this book joins the dots between the biological, socioeconomic, psychological, and practical drivers (among others) that add complexity to care. Chapters cover all four fields of nursing across primary, secondary and voluntary sector settings, with case studies and activities illustrating what working with people living with complex health need...

    37,10 €

  • Quality Improvement in Nursing
    Mapped to the 2018 NMC standards, this book explores the principles and theory behind quality improvement as well as the practical skills and tools students need to enable it in nursing practice. ...

    121,01 €

  • Анализ факторов, провоцирующих стресс у исследователей
    Аим Флорес Хернандез
    Постоянные изменения в окружающей среде и новые технологии приводят к изменениям в характере работы. Это подразумевает новые вызовы и повышенные требования к работнику, все эти проблемы, вызванные требованиями, с которыми мы сталкиваемся ежедневно, охватываются одним термином, который мы знаем как 'стресс'. В организационной сфере мы говорим о стресс на работе, который является...

    33,39 €

  • Análise dos factores que provocam stress nos investigadores
    Aime Samara Flores Hernández
    As constantes mudanças no ambiente e as novas tecnologias estão a provocar mudanças na natureza do trabalho. Isto implica novos desafios e exigências crescentes para o trabalhador, todos estes problemas produzidos devido às exigências que enfrentamos diariamente, são englobados num único termo que conhecemos como 'stress'. No campo organizacional, falamos destress no trabalho, ...

    58,03 €

  • Analyse der Faktoren, die bei Forschern Stress auslösen
    Aime Samara Flores Hernández
    Der ständige Wandel in der Umwelt und die neuen Technologien führen zu einer Veränderung der Arbeitswelt. All diese Probleme, die durch die täglichen Anforderungen an den Arbeitnehmer entstehen, werden unter dem Begriff 'Stress' zusammengefasst. Im Bereich der Organisation sprechen wir über Stress am Arbeitsplatz, ein Phänomen, von dem ein hoher Prozentsatz der Arbeitnehmer in ...

    58,16 €

  • Analyse des facteurs qui provoquent le stress chez les chercheurs
    Aime Samara Flores Hernández
    Les changements constants de l’environnement et les nouvelles technologies entraînent des modifications de la nature du travail. Cela implique de nouveaux défis et des exigences accrues pour le travailleur, tous ces problèmes causés par les exigences auxquelles nous sommes confrontés quotidiennement, sont englobés dans un seul terme que nous connaissons sous le nom de 'stress'....

    58,09 €

  • Analisi dei fattori che provocano stress nei ricercatori
    Aime Samara Flores Hernández
    I continui cambiamenti dell’ambiente e le nuove tecnologie stanno modificando la natura del lavoro. Questo implica nuove sfide e maggiori esigenze per il lavoratore, tutti questi problemi causati dalle richieste che affrontiamo quotidianamente, sono racchiusi in un unico termine che conosciamo come 'stress'. In ambito organizzativo, si parla di lo stress sul lavoro, un fenomeno...

    58,03 €

  • Analysis of the factors that provoke stress in researchers
    Aime Samara Flores Hernández
    The constant changes that occur in the environment and new technologies, cause variation in the nature of work. This implies new challenges and increased demands on the worker, all these problems produced due to the demands we face daily, are encompassed in a single term that we know as 'stress'. In the Organizational field, we talk about stress at work, which is a phenomenon t...

    58,03 €

  • Die Rolle der Qualität der Pflege bei der Prävention von niedrigem Geburtsgewicht
    Saikat Majumdar
    Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, das Alter der Mutter, den sozioökonomischen Status und die mit der Gesundheitsversorgung zusammenhängenden Determinanten mit einem niedrigen Geburtsgewicht in Beziehung zu setzen. Im Rahmen einer Querschnittsstudie mit Zufallsstichproben wurden insgesamt 2575 schwangere Frauen in 200 Dörfern im Distrikt Birbhum in Westbengalen befragt. Die Studie wurd...

    47,07 €

  • Il ruolo dell’assistenza di qualità nella prevenzione del basso peso alla nascita
    Saikat Majumdar
    L’obiettivo di questo lavoro è quello di mettere in relazione l’età materna, lo stato socioeconomico e i fattori determinanti per l’assistenza sanitaria con il basso peso alla nascita. È stato condotto uno studio trasversale con metodo di campionamento casuale, intervistando un totale di 2575 donne in gravidanza in 200 villaggi del distretto di Birbhum, nel Bengala occidentale....

    47,07 €

  • O papel dos cuidados de qualidade na prevenção do baixo peso à nascença
    Saikat Majumdar
    O objectivo deste trabalho é co-relacionar a idade materna, o estatuto socioeconómico, e os determinantes relacionados com os cuidados de saúde com baixo peso à nascença. Estudo transversal utilizando método de amostragem aleatória, foram entrevistadas 2575 mulheres grávidas em 200 aldeias no distrito de Birbhum, Bengala Ocidental. O estudo foi realizado por uma Organização Não...

    47,07 €

  • Роль качества медицинской помощи в профилактике низкого веса при рождении
    Сайкат Маджумдар
    Цель данной работы - установить взаимосвязь между возрастом матери, социально-экономическим статусом и детерминантами, связанными с медицинским обслуживанием, и низким весом при рождении. В ходе кросс-секционного исследования методом случайной выборки было опрошено 2575 беременных женщин в 200 деревнях округа Бирбхум, Западная Бенгалия. Исследование проводилось неправительствен...

    26,17 €

  • Le rôle de la qualité des soins dans la prévention de l’insuffisance pondérale à la naissance
    Saikat Majumdar
    L’objectif de ce travail est de corréler l’âge maternel, le statut socio-économique et les déterminants liés aux soins de santé avec le faible poids de naissance. Une étude transversale utilisant une méthode d’échantillonnage aléatoire a été menée auprès de 2575 femmes enceintes dans 200 villages du district de Birbhum, au Bengale occidental. L’étude a été réalisée par une orga...

    47,07 €

  • The Handbook for Nursing Associates and Assistant Practitioners
    Deborah Gee / Gillian Rowe / Scott Ellis
    Mapped to the 2018 NMC Standards and with a new chapter on medicines management and a new teaching guide for instructors, this is the essential handbook for trainee nursing associates and anyone undertaking a foundation degree or higher-level apprenticeship in healthcare practice. ...

    147,08 €

  • Evolution of a Surgeon
    Dr. Robinson V. Baron
    EVOLUTION OF A SURGEON·        'You’re going to be very successful. And someday you are going to a faraway place, a place where people speak a different language,' the eccentric old woman told me. 'It’s called America.' ·        I saw our once-robust neighbor slowly succumb to illness because he was too poor to seek medical help. I was just a kid, but I wanted to become a docto...

    51,36 €

  • Gestion des microservices de santé au Cambodge
    Romduolleaksmy Eang
    Le Cambodge est l’un des pays en développement où les conditions de santé sont parmi les plus mauvaises et où les familles investissent le plus dans les dépenses de santé. Le service d’assurance maladie est une préoccupation majeure du système de santé cambodgien. Il n’existe pas encore de régime public d’assurance maladie, alors que les gens paient le prix fort lorsqu’ils ont ...

    87,03 €

  • Gestione dei microservizi sanitari in Cambogia
    Romduolleaksmy Eang
    La Cambogia è uno dei Paesi in via di sviluppo in cui le condizioni sanitarie sono tra le peggiori e le famiglie investono maggiormente nella spesa sanitaria. Il servizio di assicurazione sanitaria è una delle principali preoccupazioni del sistema sanitario cambogiano. Non esiste ancora un programma di assicurazione sanitaria pubblica, mentre le persone pagano un’intera somma d...

    87,04 €

  • Management von Mikrogesundheitsdiensten in Kambodscha
    Romduolleaksmy Eang
    Kambodscha gehört zu den Entwicklungsländern, in denen die Gesundheitsbedingungen mit am schlechtesten sind und die Familien am meisten in das Gesundheitswesen investieren. Die Krankenversicherung ist ein großes Problem im kambodschanischen Gesundheitssystem. Es gibt noch kein öffentliches Krankenversicherungssystem, und die Menschen zahlen ihr ganzes Geld, wenn sie eine medizi...

    87,02 €

  • Управление микроуслугами здравоохранения в Камбодже
    Ромдуоллеаксми Эанг
    Камбоджа - одна из развивающихся стран, где состояние здоровья населения одно из худших, а семьи вкладывают больше всего средств в расходы на здравоохранение. Услуги медицинского страхования являются одной из основных проблем в системе здравоохранения Камбоджи. В стране пока нет государственной системы медицинского страхования, и люди платят целые деньги, когда им нужна медицин...

    38,66 €

  • Gestão de Serviços de Micro-Saúde no Camboja
    Romduolleaksmy Eang
    O Camboja é um dos países em desenvolvimento onde as condições de saúde se encontram entre as piores e as famílias investem mais em despesas de saúde. O serviço de seguros de saúde é uma das principais preocupações do sistema de saúde cambojano. Ainda não existe um seguro de saúde público, enquanto que as pessoas pagam todo o dinheiro quando precisam de cuidados de saúde ou vão...

    87,04 €

  • Pieces of Mary
    Mary Jordan
    This story is a personal and intimate look at a mental breakdown experienced by a nurse with 60 years experience. This story will hopefully inspire authentic, impactful conversation to begin about today’s broken healthcare system. ...

    18,38 €

  • A Textbook of Pharmaceutics I
    Dr. Shikha
    The PHARAMCEUTICS – 1 subject aims to link how medications are made to how they are distributed and disposed of inside the body. The formulation of a pure pharmacological component into a dosage form is the main focus of pharmaceutics. The syllabus content is organised unit-by-unit in which each unit contains different chapters to promote better subject understanding.This book ...

    20,89 €

  • Quality Improvement in Nursing
    Mapped to the 2018 NMC standards, this book explores the principles and theory behind quality improvement as well as the practical skills and tools students need to enable it in nursing practice. ...

    39,37 €

  • The Handbook for Nursing Associates and Assistant Practitioners
    Deborah Gee / Gillian Rowe / Scott Ellis
    Mapped to the 2018 NMC Standards and with a new chapter on medicines management and a new teaching guide for instructors, this is the essential handbook for trainee nursing associates and anyone undertaking a foundation degree or higher-level apprenticeship in healthcare practice. ...

    66,47 €

    Ashutosh Dod / Hrishikesh Chaudhary / Rahul Laturiya
    In diesem Buch geht es um die Arten der Ernährung, die verabreicht werden können, um das Leben von Krebspatienten zu verlängern und zu verbessern. Wie man eine unzureichende Menge an Nahrung misst und welche Arten der Ernährung wie parenterale und enterale Ernährung im Detail erklärt werden. Die Bedeutung einer ausgewogenen Ernährung wird in diesem Buch erläutert. Die meisten P...

    88,31 €

    Ashutosh Dod / Hrishikesh Chaudhary / Rahul Laturiya
    Questo libro è dedicato ai tipi di alimentazione che possono essere somministrati per prolungare e migliorare la vita dei pazienti affetti da cancro. Come misurare la quantità inadeguata di nutrizione e i tipi di alimentazione spiegati in dettaglio, come l’alimentazione parenterale ed enterale. In questo libro viene spiegata l’importanza di una dieta equilibrata. La maggior par...

    88,34 €