Catálogo de libros: Ginecología y obstetricia

342 Catálogo de libros: Ginecología y obstetricia

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  • Proactive Support of Labor
    Arie Franx / Hein Bruinse / Paul Reuwer

    130,37 €

  • Troubleshooting and Problem-Solving in the IVF Laboratory
    Bryan Woodward / Kay Elder / Marc Van den Bergh

    107,78 €

  • Quality and Risk Management in the IVF Laboratory
    David Mortimer / Sharon T. Mortimer / Sharon TMortimer

    105,87 €

  • The Hidden Truth
    John T. Littell M.D. / MD FAAFP Littell
    There is no question that women are called upon to make a variety of sacrifices during the course of their reproductive lives. Dealing with the physical, emotional and psychological demands of the monthly reproductive cycle, of pregnancy and of childrearing can prove exhausting for many - especially when coupled with the rigors of managing a home and full time employment outsi...

    19,80 €

  • Progress in Assisted Reproduction
    Chris Flagstad
    Methods and technologies applied for inducing pregnancy form part of assisted reproduction. This book is a concise text that focuses on some crucial challenges pertaining to infertility and assisted reproduction. It contains reviews and discussions related to some of the most debated issues in this domain. 3 ...

    103,00 €

  • An Integrated Approach to Preterm Birth
    Larry Stone
    This book presents an integrated approach to preterm birth with the help of extensive information. There are several descriptive books on this subject in terms of both the pediatric/neonatal as well as the obstetric information. However, all these books lack a combination of information from obstetrics through neonatal course and pediatrics with the transversal of neonate throu...

    103,11 €

  • Moods, Emotions, and Aging
    Phyllis J Bronson / Phyllis J. Bronson / Phyllis JBronson
    Hormone Replacement Therapy is vital for women, and there is a lot of confusion about it in both the medical community and among women. This book presents the science behind bio-identical hormones and describes why these hormones are so important for women, especially at midlife. ...

    35,35 €

  • Endometriosis
    Chris Flagstad
    This comprehensive book consists of research-focused information in respect of endometriosis. This book provides an overview of endometriosis and discusses endometrial angiogenesis, stem cells involvement, immunological and hormonal aspects related to disease pathogenesis. This book will prove to be a valuable and rich resource for clinicians, scientists and students who are in...

    171,54 €

  • In Vitro Fertilization
    Joseph Budd
    The advanced clinical as well as laboratory approaches in relation to the field of In Vitro Fertilization are highlighted in this detailed book. In Vitro Fertilization is an emerging field in medication with new developments made every other day. This book presents some fine examples of the vast power in the complementary use of essential research with clinical practice and how...

    102,95 €

  • Pregnancy Thrombophilia
    Alex Bradley
    Pregnancy thrombophilia poses serious challenges for both the mother and the fetus. This book helps the readers in learning the current observations regarding the effect and management of mother-fetal thrombophilia, the achievement required for gestation complication prevention and formulating an effective pregnancy valuation. It covers all the multi-faceted aspects of thrombop...

    102,94 €

  • Integrated Study of Human Embryology
    Leonard Roosevelt
    An integrated study regarding the field of human embryology has been elucidated in this book. Human embryology is fast evolving and entering a new phase due to recent modifications and advances in life sciences. Research has led to significant developments in ES and iPS cell technology. This new phase has also generated grueling challenges for scientists all over the world pert...

    103,10 €

  • Basic Gynecology and Related Concerns
    Chris Flagstad
    This book is an up-to-date coverage of the existing and future concepts of gynecology. The book focuses on basic topics dealing with infertility and menstruation. It intends to clear doubts and issues related to gynecology. This book is a compilation of case studies and researches done by some renowned experts in this field. 3 ...

    102,92 €

  • Essential Guide to Hysterectomy
    Chris Flagstad
    Hysterectomy is described as the operational process for the removal of the uterus. This book discusses issues related to women and serves as an essential read for gynecologists, specialists in gynecological surgery, general surgeons, urologists and other doctors who treat problems in female pelvis. It is also important for all the doctors who treat women from the beginning til...

    184,60 €

  • Cesarean Delivery
    This book is written by some experts from across the globe. It provides a wide range of data related to a common and major surgery performed, i.e. Cesarean Delivery. The book presents significant researches concerning epidemiology, rates of cesarean delivery in low and high income nations and the impact of the disparities in the rate of cesarean delivery between countries. In a...

    130,83 €

  • Amenorrhea
    Jeanette Jarvis
    With an extensive introduction to amenorrhea, this book explains the various clinical manifestations of this disease. This book compiles recent reviews which focus on the physiological facets of secondary amenorrhea. The book consists of a variety of chapters which have been written by prominent experts with extensive experience. This book will be beneficial for readers interes...

    97,19 €

  • Real Birth
    Robin Greene
    Intimate and intensely personal, the forty-five first-person narratives contained in Real Birth: Women Share Their Stories offer readers a window into the complex and emotionally exciting experience of childbirth. Women from a full range of socioeconomic backgrounds and circumstances recount the childbirth choices they’ve made and the ways those choices have played themselves o...

    27,07 €

  • Prenatal and Postnatal Care
    Gordon Hart
    This book focuses on providing information regarding prenatal and postnatal care. Obstetrics is growing at a rapid pace and holds high prominence for advancement in many other fields. This book imparts knowledge on the improvements in primary research and clinical practice. It also sheds light on recent problems related to this field, while discussing on preconception, pregnanc...

    171,55 €

  • Human Placenta
    Betty Hong
    The recent progress as well as research in the field of human placenta has been illustrated in this book. It includes contributions from eminent scholars and experts related to the human placenta. It aims at providing a broad overview on human placenta, providing insights into recent advances and future prospects in the early detection, recognition and management of placental a...

    184,60 €

  • Understanding Preterm Birth
    Larry Stone
    An introductory account based on the topic of preterm birth has been provided in this profound book. The preterm parturition syndrome is presently one of the main obstetrical problems. Comprehending the mechanisms resulting in prematurity may help the clinicians to formulate the required treatment that is appropriate for the mechanisms leading to preterm parturition in a partic...

    178,61 €

  • Prenatal Diagnosis
    Gordon Hart
    Prenatal diagnosis is an effective measure to identify any diseases, abnormalities and defects in a fetus. This book provides a thorough and complete discussion on a variety of concepts of prenatal diagnosis. It has information related to essentials of scientific, ultrasound and genetic diagnosis of human disorders, current and future health approaches connected to prenatal ana...

    130,86 €

  • Current Research in Endometriosis
    Chris Flagstad
    This comprehensive book consists of research-focused information in respect of endometriosis. It offers to provide an understanding of the developing trends in progress, diagnosis and management of endometriosis. This book provides an overview of endometriosis and discusses latest research reports on infertility, endometrial receptivity, ovarian cancer and altered gene expressi...

    103,04 €

  • Ectopic Pregnancy
    Alex Bradley
    This book discusses the challenges faced during diagnosis and treatment of ectopic pregnancy and the approaches to tackle them. Ectopic pregnancy is the second most prominent cause of maternal mortality in U.S.A and a leading cause of maternal morbidity and mortality in the world. This book comprises of practical methods for early diagnosis of various forms of ectopic pregnanci...

    142,52 €

  • Advanced Concepts in Embryology
    Leonard Roosevelt
    This book is a well-structured and critically acclaimed resource with a comprehensive eye on embryology. Embryology is the branch of science concerned with the development of an embryo from the fertilization of the ovum to the fetus stage. The genomic and molecular revolutions in the second half of the 20th century, along with the classic vivid aspects of this science, have ind...

    132,02 €

  • Perinatal Mortality
    Gordon Hart
    Perinatal mortality has many causes. This book is a compilation of significant data related to perinatal mortality. It is a great source of knowledge for anyone who is involved in perinatal medicine and wishes to be part of the universal approach for prevention and management of perinatal mortality. It covers a diversity of subjects that can be easily comprehended by health wor...

    102,92 €

  • Emerging Concepts of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
    Floyd Wills
    This book presents a detailed study on various aspects of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), which has been gaining prominence over several decades and remains a subject engulfed by debate and suspense even today. Significant interest has been garnered in diverse subjects pertaining to study of PCOS. The progress in comprehending the consequences of this complex syndrome has bee...

    102,99 €

  • Legs Up!-The Ultimate Troubleshooting Guide for Your Vagina
    Gail S. King MD
    DISCOVER Shocking Signs of Impending Vagina Failure and Reclaim Your Healthy, Lovely and Sexy Va-jay-jay In her groundbreaking new book, Legs Up! The Ultimate Troubleshooting Guide for Your Vagina, leading gynecologist Dr. Gail King presents a vivid description of the shocking breakdown that may be occurring in the muscle and tissue inside your vagina. Until now, there has been...

    40,12 €

  • Lost Lullaby
    Deborah Golden Alecson
    Lost Lullaby makes one think the unthinkable: how a loving parent can pray for the death of her child. It is Deborah Alecson's story of her daughter, Andrea, who was born after a full-term, uneventful pregnancy, weighing 7 pounds 11 ounces, perfectly formed and exquisitely featured. But an inexplicable accident at birth left her with massive and irreversible brain damage. On a ...

    15,24 €

  • Forensic Gynaecology
    Maureen Dalton

    86,64 €

  • Pregnancy
    Angela M. Hopkins Luna MD / Angela MHopkins Luna MD
    Pregnancy: A love story between you, your baby, and God. Pregnancy: A Divine Order walks you through the miracle of pregnancy-a journey that changes your body and your spirit. This comprehensive guide chronicles the physical changes occurring as your baby develops, week by week, from conception to delivery. It also shares how God reflects His character through your pregnancy as...

    12,17 €

  • Sbas for the Part 1 Mrcog
    Andrew Sizer / Neil Chapman

    79,22 €