Catálogo de libros: Neurología y neurofisiología clínicas

1366 Catálogo de libros: Neurología y neurofisiología clínicas

Libros Eliminar filtro Medicina Eliminar filtro Medicina clínica e interna Eliminar filtro Neurología y neurofisiología clínicas Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Detectives de la Conducta
    Bobby Newman Dana R. Reinecke
    ¿A qué analista de conducta aplicado no le gusta resolver un buen misterio? Los doctores Newman y Reinecke y su equipo han creado de forma muy acertada un formato de instrucción que engancha, entretiene y educa. A través de una serie de casos bien diseñados y, lo mejor de todo, reales, se ofrece a los lectores la oportunidad de investigar y resolver misterios de la conducta con...

    31,10 €

  • Through the Eyes of a Survivor - Traumatic Brain Injury
    Brian Maram
    Find out more about Traumatic Brain Injury through the eyes of a survivor. Learn about what it feels like to be looking from the inside out. Some of what you will read is not available in any other books.Once exposed to TBI, the family and partner normally take on the unrewarding role of caregiver, never considering for a second that they don’t have any formal training. Diving ...

    14,44 €

  • Gut-Brain Secrets
    R. D. Lee
    Gut-Brain Secrets explains how friendly bacteria in your digestive tract nourish and protect your good health, resiliency and longevity. Or bad bacteria slowly poison you from within... upsetting your brain biochemistry, and causing attention deficit disorder, autism, depression, anxiety, and other GAPS conditions (as defined by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride).A 'corrupted gut,' ...

    58,14 €

  • Through the Eyes of a Survivor - Stroke
    Brian Maram
    A caregiver’s guide to stroke- Through the Eyes of a Survivor Find out more about stroke, through the eyes of a survivor. See life from their perspective, looking from the inside out, and understand the things they do. Some of what you will read is not available in any other books.When a stroke reveals its ugly head, it does so with vengeance and at an alarmingly fast speed. Ch...

    14,44 €

  • Rise Unafraid
    Janine Fattaleh Diliani
    Janine takes us on a journey into the truth behind epilepsy. She writes poignantly about her 25-year cycle of suffering from seizures, the challenges she encountered along the way, and the surgery that ultimately gave her back her life. She reflects on how perseverance, ambition, and courage, unknowingly back then, were part of her resistance to accept defeat. Writing poetry a...

    29,94 €

  • What I Mean When I Say I’m Autistic
    Annie Kotowicz
    In this intimate and insightful mix of memoir and manifesto, Annie Kotowicz invites you inside the mind of an autistic woman, sharing the trials and triumphs of a life before and after diagnosis. How might it feel to be autistic? Why are autistic and non-autistic people so puzzling to one another? How does neuroscience explain the spectrum of autistic traits? And what could you...

    18,37 €

  • Ética para Analistas de Conducta, Cuarta Edición Revisada
    Jon S. Bailey / Mary R. Burch
    Esta cuarta edición totalmente actualizada del éxito de ventas Ética para analistas de conducta, de Jon S. Bailey y Mary R. Burch, es una guía inestimable para comprender y aplicar el recién revisado Código Ético para Analistas de Conducta de Behavior Analyst Certification Board® (BACB).En esta nueva edición se incluyen explicaciones de cada norma del código junto con estudios ...

    43,98 €

  • Choice and Structure for Children with Autism
    Colette McNeil
    How are you and your child with autism managing at home? Are you productively juggling or really struggling? Is your daughter playing throughout your home or staying alone? During interactions, is your son engaged or enraged? Are your toys being enjoyed or does your child get annoyed? After most days do you feel celebrated or devastated?If you are struggling, this little book o...

    12,15 €

  • I Miti e i Fatti
    Bernadette Booysen
    Questo è un libro accattivante e da leggere per tutti, inclusi professionisti medici e giornalisti. Questo libro approfondisce i miti che ho sentito nel corso degli anni sull’epilessia e offre ai miei lettori una spiegazione dei fatti e delle ragioni per cui i miti sono miti. Cosa può credere una persona? Come possiamo ottenere una migliore comprensione dell’epilessia?Questo li...

    27,05 €

  • Os Mitos e os Fatos
    Bernadette Booysen
    Este é um livro cativante e de leitura obrigatória para todos, incluindo profissionais médicos e jornalistas. Este livro investiga os mitos que ouvi ao longo dos anos sobre a epilepsia e dá aos meus leitores uma explicação dos fatos e das razões pelas quais os mitos são mitos. O que uma pessoa pode acreditar? Como podemos compreender melhor a epilepsia?Este livro cobre todos os...

    27,05 €

  • Die Mythen und die Fakten
    Bernadette Booysen
    Dies ist ein fesselndes Buch, das jeder lesen muss, einschließlich Mediziner und Journalisten. Dieses Buch vertieft sich in die Mythen, die ich im Laufe der Jahre über Epilepsie gehört habe, und gibt meinen Lesern eine Erklärung der Fakten und der Gründe, warum die Mythen Mythen sind. Was kann ein Mensch glauben? Wie können wir Epilepsie besser verstehen?Dieses Buch behandelt a...

    27,18 €

  • The Undercover Autistic
    Leigh East
    Whether you self-identify as Autistic, or have a formal diagnosis, coming to this realisation can generate a lot of questions and new challenges. In a culture where Autism is still poorly understood, and timely support difficult to access, this book provides a detailed look at the impact of identification and strategies to help.Here Leigh examines her journey in some depth, fro...

    19,41 €

    Ameer Khan / Conor Gillespie / CONOR GILLESPIE & AMEER KHAN
    Neurology and Neurosurgery: 200 SBAs for Medical Students is a concise, practical, yet comprehensive question and answer book, encompassing all of the core outcomes of a clinical neuroscience medical school curriculum integrated into the format of commonly utilised single best answer (SBA) questions.The book offers a fresh, updated perspective on the essentials of Neurology and...

    107,58 €

    Ameer Khan / Conor Gillespie / CONOR GILLESPIE & AMEER KHAN
    Neurology and Neurosurgery: 200 SBAs for Medical Students is a concise, practical, yet comprehensive question and answer book, encompassing all of the core outcomes of a clinical neuroscience medical school curriculum integrated into the format of commonly utilised single best answer (SBA) questions.The book offers a fresh, updated perspective on the essentials of Neurology and...

    47,46 €

  • Beginning Neurofeedback in Your Practice
    Becky Bingham / Robert Longo
    Whether you’re a clinician adding neurofeedback to your business or an experienced clinician looking for best practices to help you be more efficient and profitable with neurofeedback, this book is for you! For many, marketing is a foreign concept - yet critical to your success. This book helps you choose the best clients you’re suited to help and how to find more of them with ...

    14,14 €

  • Los Mitos y los Hechos
    Bernadette Booysen
    Este es un libro cautivador de lectura obligada para todos, incluidos los profesionales médicos y los periodistas. Este libro profundiza en los mitos que he escuchado a lo largo de los años sobre la epilepsia y ofrece a mis lectores una explicación de los hechos y las razones por las que los mitos son mitos. ¿Qué puede creer una persona? ¿Cómo podemos lograr una mejor comprensi...

    27,00 €

  • Autism and COVID-19
    Emma Goodall / Matthew Bennett
    Autism and COVID-19 both reviews the existing literature and presents new findings from a survey distributed to autistics and parents of autistics during the pandemic, all of which offer a unique and timely contribution to researchers, academics, practitioners, and those working with autistics and their families. ...

    87,69 €

  • The Myths and the Facts
    Bernadette Booysen
    This is a captivating, must-read book for everyone, including medical professionals and journalists. This book delves into the myths that I have heard over the years about epilepsy and gives my readers an explanation of the facts and the reasons why the myths are myths. What can a person believe? How can we achieve a better understanding of epilepsy?This book covers all aspects...

    27,08 €

    Robert Wilson
    Utilize neurolinguistic programming to transform thoughts into constructive actionThe field of psychology has been completely taken over by neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). NLP teaches actual individuals how to assess their methods of thinking, strategizing, managing their emotions, and viewing the world. It is so much more than simply another quick cure or standard self-hel...

    27,53 €

    Jorge Pullin / Rodolfo Gambini / RODOLFO GAMBINI & JORGE PULLIN
    What is consciousness? Does free will exist?There exists a widespread conviction that the recent scientific discoveries, especially those related to physics and biology, in particular in contemporary neurosciences, question the traditional attempts to give meaning to life and a basis for our moral compass. Current scientific thinking usually identifies the mind with the mere ex...

    70,67 €

  • Fall Seven, Rise Eight. A Kaizen Approach to Law Enforcement and Life
    Michael G. Malpass
    Have you ever wondered why it is so easy to watch a sport on television and comment on how easy a play should have been or how you could have made that play, hit that ball, beaten that professional fighter or caught that pass? It turns out that different regions of the brain are involved in thinking about doing something and actually doing it and these regions have associations...

    21,33 €

  • Conversations About Psychology, Volume 2
    Howard Burton
    This compendium includes the following 5 complete books featuring renowned researchers Ellen Bialystok, Victor Ferreira, Uta Frith, Greg Hickok and Martin Monti providing fully accessible insights into cutting-edge academic research while revealing the inspirations and personal journeys behind the research. I. The Psychology of Bilingualism - A conversation with Ellen Bialystok...

    36,58 €

  • The Umbrella Picker
    Jane McNeice
    The Umbrella Picker tells the true story of a woman who felt lost for 45 years. After a long and relentless journey of searching for answers, the hand of fate finally revealed to her what she had waited a lifetime for.The answer was life changing. She is no longer lost, and having found her own, unique way, Jane has written the (brutally honest!) book she wished was available t...

    18,53 €

  • Addressing Underserved Populations in Autism Spectrum Research
    Emma Goodall / Matthew Bennett
    Addressing Underserved Populations in Autism Spectrum Research highlights five areas of autism spectrum research that currently lack a substantial body of literature. These include, autistic seniors, autistic women, fathers raising autistic children, autistics with intellectual disabilities, and autistics from ethnic minorities. ...

    135,86 €

    Making Sense of the Senses provides an easily understandable and engaging overview of the senses. The book allows readers insights into how humans and other animals perceive the world, reflecting a level of knowledge similar to that acquired by studying neuroscience at an undergraduate level. In order to offer an accessible introduction to the science, it uses relatable example...

    107,81 €

    Making Sense of the Senses provides an easily understandable and engaging overview of the senses. The book allows readers insights into how humans and other animals perceive the world, reflecting a level of knowledge similar to that acquired by studying neuroscience at an undergraduate level. In order to offer an accessible introduction to the science, it uses relatable example...

    47,68 €

    Melanie Swan / Mikhail Lebedev / Renato P dos Santos / RENATO P DOS SANTOS MIKHA MELANIE SWAN
    Quantum Computing for the Brain argues that the brain is the killer application for quantum computing. No other system is as complex, as multidimensional in time and space, as dynamic, as less well-understood, as of peak interest, and as in need of three-dimensional modeling as it functions in real-life, as the brain.Quantum computing has emerged as a platform suited to contemp...

    182,53 €

  • Conversations About Neuroscience
    Howard Burton
    This compendium includes the following 5 complete books featuring renowned neuroscientists Lisa Feldman Barrett, Jennifer Groh, Kalanit Grill-Spector, John Duncan and Miguel Nicolelis providing fully accessible insights into cutting-edge academic research while revealing the inspirations and personal journeys behind their research. The books are explicitly designed to provide a...

    36,63 €

  • Stroke and Aphasia Recovery
    Thomas G. Broussard Jr. Ph.D / Tom Broussard
    People with aphasia who have lost their language from a stroke can still get it back!This book contains 15 chapters with metaphorical stories-in words we can understand-that help us learn the self-directed process of recovery. A brain damaged by a stroke can still function well enough to rewire itself and create new brain matter. All it takes is the time and effort to learn the...

    31,15 €

    YOU JIANG TAN / You-Jiang Tan
    The neurologic examination is often viewed as a daunting monstrosity, byzantine in nature, complex to teach and cumbersome to learn. However, neurologic conditions are not uncommon in GP and hospital practice, and a grounded understanding of pertinent neurologic symptoms, signs and conditions is absolutely vital.This book serves to demystify the seemingly convoluted processes b...

    169,35 €