Catálogo de libros: Neurología y neurofisiología clínicas

1366 Catálogo de libros: Neurología y neurofisiología clínicas

Libros Eliminar filtro Medicina Eliminar filtro Medicina clínica e interna Eliminar filtro Neurología y neurofisiología clínicas Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
    Stephen G. Perry Ph.D.
    I had an opportunity to establish a Lowry quantitative histochemical laboratory at the Missouri Medical School Missouri Institute of Psychiatry (MIP) in Saint Louis Missouri as an Assistant Professor. While Director of the Missouri Division of Mental Health Dr. George A. Ulett, M.D., Ph.D. established MIP to provide research into the causes of mental problems. As the neurochemi...

    35,78 €

  • Paving the Way for Your Child with Autism
    Madi Miled
    If you’re a parent of a preschooler with autism, you know that your child has unique challenges and strengths. You want to give them the best possible start in life, but may feel overwhelmed and unsure about how to navigate the complex world of autism and early childhood education.This practical guide is here to help. Drawing on the latest research and the author’s own experien...

    8,51 €

  • Neuroinfección en pediatría: un abordaje práctico
    Abel Valderrama Cisneros / Kelly Márquez Herrera
    El libro Neuroinfección en Pediatría: un abordaje práctico busca tratar los temas más frecuentes de la infección del Sistema Nervioso Central (SNC) en pediatría, haciendo un recorrido por las diferentes etiologías, la epidemiología mundial y nacional, y los avances en el diagnóstico y el tratamiento. El tema central se desarrolla a través de 24 capítulos, cada uno escrito por e...

    48,11 €

  • The Parent’s Ultimate Guide to Raising a Child with Autism
    Madi Miled
    As a parent of a child with autism, you want nothing more than to understand, support, and inspire your child to reach their full potential. The Parent’s Ultimate Guide to Raising a Child with Autism is the ultimate resource for navigating the challenges of parenting a child with autism and unlocking their unique abilities towards a brighter future.Drawing on the latest researc...

    8,33 €

  • Brain Health - How to Have a Healthy Memory and a Healthy Brain
    Patrick Johnson
    Brain HealthHow to Have a Healthy Memory and a Healthy Brain Many people work to improve their physical condition by logging long hours at the gym or on the track. Brain health is frequently disregarded at the expense of physical health. There is no more important organ than your brain. Because of the Brain’s close relationship with the rest of the body, when it is healthy, the...

    10,61 €

  • Principios de Conducta, Octava Edición
    Kelly T. Kohler / Richard W. Malott
    Conocido tanto por su estilo narrativo como por su rigor científico, Principios de conducta ha sido durante más de cincuenta años el principal manual de introducción al análisis de conducta. A través de una exploración de conceptos experimentales, aplicados y teóricos, los autores resumen los temas clave en este campo. Dan vida al contenido utilizando un lenguaje humorístico y ...

    135,82 €

  • My Journey with Twin Angels
    Gifty Kwaku-Addison
    Has being labelled as a special needs mum or caregiver reshaped your identity? There is no reason to buy into your fears or allow limiting beliefs to take hold of your life. Whether you are a special needs mum, family member or friend experiencing burnout or going through challenging times who wants to prioritise self-worth, this inspirational resource is for you. In My Journey...

    15,57 €

  • The Neuroscience of Sleep and Dreams
    Patrick McNamara

    50,13 €

  • The Neuroscience of Sleep and Dreams
    Patrick McNamara

    147,15 €

  • Comprendre et soutenir les personnes autistes
    Madi Miled
    Vous souhaitez mieux comprendre et soutenir les personnes atteintes d’autisme ? Ne cherchez pas plus loin ! Ce guide complet, rédigé spécialement pour les débutants, offre un aperçu clair et détaillé des troubles du spectre autistique (TSA), y compris ses causes, ses symptômes et ses traitements.Dans cet ouvrage, vous découvrirez un large éventail de sujets, notamment la préval...

    8,11 €

  • Una Guía Completa para el Éxito Universitario de los Estudiantes Autistas
    Madi Miled
    "Desbloqueando el Potencial: Una Guía Completa para el Éxito Universitario de los Estudiantes Autistas" es la respuesta para aquellos estudiantes autistas que buscan tener éxito en la universidad. Este libro proporciona información valiosa y estrategias comprobadas para ayudar a los estudiantes autistas a superar los desafíos y alcanzar sus metas. Con un enfoque en el autocuida...

    8,15 €

  • It Is What It Is
    Julie Saeger Nierenberg
    I wrote this manuscript to document my brain tumor discovery and decision making process, a journey spanning approximately twelve months, leading up to my final chosen method of treatment. Although my tumor was most likely benign, it was in a very serious location, sitting on top of my optic nerves, and was causing me to lose my eyesight. I had to make a decision.Some of the ...

    21,13 €

  • It Is What It Is
    Julie Saeger Nierenberg
    I wrote this manuscript to document my brain tumor discovery and decision making process, a journey spanning approximately twelve months, leading up to my final chosen method of treatment. Although my tumor was most likely benign, it was in a very serious location, sitting on top of my optic nerves, and was causing me to lose my eyesight. I had to make a decision.Some of the ...

    18,42 €

  • The Pivot for parents and educators Looking at Autism and ADHD through a different lens
    Kim Gallo
    Are you the parent of a child with Autism or ADHD?Are you an educator looking to gain a new perspective on neurodivergence? This book can help!Terms like neurotypical and neurodivergence are being used more frequently than in the past; what do they mean?And what are the implications of an ADHD or autism diagnosis?Seeking clear-cut answers to all your questions takes a lot of wo...

    22,39 €

  • Medical Cannabis and the Effects of Cannabinoids on Fighting Cancer, Multiple Sclerosis, Epilepsy, Parkinson’s, and Other Neurodegenerative Diseases
    Research on the therapeutic efficacy of cannabinoids has demonstrated that cannabidiol (CBD), either alone or in 1:1 mixtures with delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), can effectively treat animals in experimental models of neuroinflammatory, demyelinative, neurodegenerative, neuropsychiatric, and neoplastic diseases. Short-term, small-scale, human cohorts, observational studies...

    467,11 €

  • Magpie
    Bronwen Carson
    Maggie Morris resembles a human. Unknown and unattached, she moves seamlessly through her days, a polished collection of patterns. Her only honest relationship is with the dormant tree outside her Brooklyn loft window. When she unexpectedly runs into her childhood best friend, Dana, a Tsalagi girl who disappeared the summer they turned nine, Dana’s cryptic references about the ...

    15,38 €

  • Die Mites en die Feite
    Bernadette Booysen
    Hierdie is ’n boeiende, moet-lees boek vir almal, insluitend mediese spesialiste en joernaliste. Hierdie boek delf in die mites wat ek oor die jare oor epilepsie gehoor het en gee my lesers ’n verduideliking van die feite en die redes waarom die mites mites is. Wat kan ’n mens glo? Hoe kan ons ’n beter begrip van epilepsie verkry?Hierdie boek dek alle aspekte van epilepsie, ins...

    27,06 €

  • No Place for Autism?
    Jim Hoerricks
    Disability or difference? How autism is understood varies from place to place.Drawn from lived experience, this book explores the question of what autism is, and how it is best viewed in society. Dr Jim Hoerricks PhD - an academic and non-verbal autistic person - interrogates different models of disability, and considers how autism might be seen as a difference in human experie...

    24,02 €

  • A Life Lived Well as a Non-binary and Autistic Mental Health Advocate
    Yenn Purkis
    What might it look like for an Autistic, non-binary person who lives with mental illness to live well and with hope?In this book, author and advocate Yenn Purkis reflects on their experiences of life as an Autistic non-binary person who has a diagnosis of atypical schizophrenia. Exploring the intersecting areas of mental health and illness, neurodivergence and neurodiversity, a...

    23,95 €

  • A guide to overcoming challenges in college for autistic students
    Madi Miled
    "Breaking Barriers: A Guide to Overcoming Challenges in College for Autistic Students" is a must-read for anyone looking to embark on the journey of higher education. Filled with practical advice, inspiring stories, and expert insights, this book provides the tools and inspiration needed to achieve success in college and beyond. Whether you are an autistic student, a parent, or...

    8,11 €

  • The Essential Guide to Understanding and Supporting Individuals with Autism A Beginner’s Handbook
    Madi Miled
    This book is a comprehensive guide to understanding and supporting individuals with autism, also known as autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Written for beginners, it provides a clear and detailed overview of ASD, including its causes, symptoms, and treatments.The book covers a wide range of topics, including the prevalence of ASD, the history of ASD, the evaluation and diagnosis ...

    8,08 €

  • A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding and Supporting Individuals with Autism
    Madi Miled
    "A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding and Supporting Individuals with Autism" is an essential resource for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of autism and improve their ability to support those on the spectrum. This comprehensive guide covers everything from the definition and prevalence of autism, to the causes, symptoms, and treatment options available.By delving in...

    8,08 €

  • Life Support
    Holly Frances
    Weeks after giving birth, Holly Frances went from being a healthy 26-year-old new mom to paralyzed and on life support-in less than 72 hours. Diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disorder called Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Holly was trapped in her body, unable to move, speak, or hold her newborn daughter.Life Support tells the story of how Holly struggled to overcome the despair, hope...

    14,18 €

  • Les mythes et les faits
    Bernadette Booysen
    Il s’agit d’un livre captivant et incontournable pour tous, y compris les professionnels de la santé et les journalistes. Ce livre plonge dans les mythes que j’ai entendus au fil des ans sur l’épilepsie et donne à mes lecteurs une explication des faits et des raisons pour lesquelles les mythes sont des mythes. Que peut croire une personne ? Comment mieux comprendre l’épilepsie ...

    27,18 €

  • After the Crash
    Kelly Tuttle
    There’s help and hope for traumatic brain injury survivors who need to live life while they heal.A traumatic brain injury (TBI) can change your life instantly and leave you feeling as if you’re living with a stranger in your head. You’ve survived a cataclysmic event, but living a normal life again seems impossible. How can you thrive in your day-to-day when healing is a battle?...

    19,81 €

  • Entienda el desafío del -NO- en los niños con autismo
    Colette McNeil
    Los invito a un viaje en el que se desenvolverán pequeñas capas de concientización, resaltando el cómo escogiendo cuidadosamente el vocabulario se puede mejorar de gran manera su relación con un niño con autismo. Las páginas de este libro están llenas con anécdotas educativas que exploran la comunicación, regulación emocional, y dificultades en la relación que podrían ser causa...

    14,48 €

    This book discusses the management of individuals on the autistic spectrum as well as other developmental challenges. It provides an excellent resource guide for parents, caregivers, educators, healthcare workers, psychologists, and everyone involved in the care of differently abled and autistic persons. The approach is practical, and the aim is to try to gain deeper understand...

    120,19 €

    This book discusses the management of individuals on the autistic spectrum as well as other developmental challenges. It provides an excellent resource guide for parents, caregivers, educators, healthcare workers, psychologists, and everyone involved in the care of differently abled and autistic persons. The approach is practical, and the aim is to try to gain deeper understand...

    60,07 €

  • Food for thought
    Richard A. Dienstbier
    'Food for Thought: Nutrition and the Aging Brain' presents and analyzes the research on nutrition’s impacts on the aging brain, on possibly-declining cognitive abilities, and on changing emotional dispositions. With 40 pages of references, the depth of coverage of the underlying science makes the book appropriate for scientists in fields such as nutrition, geriatrics, and psych...

    49,19 €

  • Neurorehabilitation Therapy and Therapeutics

    90,58 €