Catálogo de libros: Neurología y neurofisiología clínicas

1302 Catálogo de libros: Neurología y neurofisiología clínicas

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  • Encyclopedia of Neuroimaging
    Miles Scott
    The cognitive neurosciences of neuroimaging are described in this all-inclusive book. The rate of technological advancement is stimulating increasingly comprehensive lines of enquiry in cognitive neuroscience, which displays no sign of slowing down in the distant future. However, it is unlikely that even the most powerful advocates of the cognitive neuroscience approach would m...

    143,60 €

  • Encyclopedia of Neuroimaging
    Miles Scott
    The clinical neurosciences of neuroimaging are described in this all-inclusive book. The rate of technological advancement is stimulating increasingly comprehensive lines of enquiry in neuroscience, which displays no sign of slowing down in the distant future. However, it is unlikely that even the most powerful advocates of the cognitive neuroscience approach would maintain tha...

    132,03 €

  • Encyclopedia of Neuroimaging
    Miles Scott
    This extensive book elucidates the techniques and methodologies of neuroimaging. Neuroimaging techniques continue to grow at a significant rate, constantly providing advanced ways for analyzing brain structure and function. This book is aimed at providing a comprehensive overview of methods and applications of neuroimaging with the help of well-established and rising methods. T...

    178,62 €

  • Encyclopedia of Neuroimaging
    Miles Scott
    Modern neuroimaging tools provide exceptional chances for understanding brain neuroanatomy and its role in health and illness. Each feasible technique carries with it a specific balance of potentials and drawbacks, such that converging evidence formed on multiple methods provides the strongest approach for enhancing our knowledge in the fields of clinical and cognitive neurosci...

    178,66 €

  • Encyclopedia of Neuroimaging
    Miles Scott
    Modern neuroimaging tools provide exceptional chances for understanding brain neuroanatomy and its role in health and illness. Each feasible technique carries with it a specific balance of potentials and drawbacks, such that converging evidence formed on multiple methods provides the strongest approach for enhancing our knowledge in the fields of clinical and cognitive neurosci...

    132,00 €

  • Encyclopedia of Neuroimaging
    Miles Scott
    This book explores the advances as well as new frontiers in the field of neuroimaging and provides up-to-date information to the readers interested in this field. It is compiled with contributions from expert researchers and veteran scientists from across the globe. It elucidates various types of brain connections. The technique of neuroimaging in narcolepsy and topics like mor...

    132,05 €

  • Acute Ischemic Stroke
    Robin Deaver
    A stroke can be ischemic or hemorrhagic. This book provides advanced information regarding acute ischemic stroke. Despite important technological developments in past few years, their influence on our overall health and social well-being is not always clearly visible. Evidently, one of the best instances of this is reflected by the fact that mortality rates as a consequence of ...

    132,10 €

  • Physiology of Astroglia
    Alexei Verkhratsky / Vladimir Parpura
    Astrocytes can be defined as the glia inhabiting the nervous system with the main function in the maintenance of nervous tissue homeostasis. Classified into several types according to their morphological appearance, many of astrocytes form a reticular structure known as astroglial syncytium, owing to their coupling via intercellular channels organized into gap junctions. Not on...

    100,22 €

  • Advanced Practice Nursing Guide to the Neurological Exam
    Alexandra Armitage

    79,10 €

  • Therapeutic Hypothermia in Brain Injury
    Craig Smith
    Extensive information regarding therapeutic hypothermia in brain injury has been provided in this comprehensive book. It presents evidence behind the application of therapeutic hypothermia on patients with injury to the spinal cord and brain, inclusive of traumatic brain injury, hemorrhagic stroke, ischemia reperfusion post cardiac arrest or asphyxiation, acute ischemic stroke,...

    102,92 €

  • Brain Mapping and Working
    Noah Martin
    Functional brain mapping has acquired significant influence on academic and clinical practice and a large amount of grants are being issued to this branch of neuroscience to boost experimental and practical implementations, and to uncover the mysteries in this field. The most successful approach to unlock the mysteries of the brain, as said by Jay Ingram, is to bring together a...

    131,92 €

  • Scientific Advances in Neuroscience
    Vin Lopez
    This book documents the scientific developments in neuroscience and is all-inclusive. The neuronal doctrine currently reached its 100th year and along with the development of psychopharmacology by the middle of 20th century, boosted significant advancements in the knowledge of the biological bases of behavior. The great amount of data collected, forced the diversification of ne...

    183,46 €

  • A Clinical Guide to Encephalopathies
    Roy McClen
    Disorders and diseases related to the brain are broadly classified together as encephalopathies. This book presents an account on various critical aspects of infectious-related encephalopathies, post-transplantation and drug-induced encephalopathies, by providing beneficial information shared by authors from their real life clinical and research experiences. 3 ...

    131,99 €

  • Myasthenia Gravis
    Joshua Barnard
    Myasthenia gravis is a rare chronic autoimmune disease. It is currently a cureless antibody-mediated autoimmune disorder characterized by generalized voluntary skeletal muscle weakness. The root of the weakness is a flaw at the neuromuscular junction level, in which autoimmune antibodies obstruct the receptors accountable for commencing muscular contraction. The literal meaning...

    97,08 €

  • Ischemic Stroke
    Robin Deaver
    This book presents innovations in the preclinical study of stroke, comprising of new tools and findings in animal models of stroke, new biochemical mechanisms through which ischemic injury may be both formulated and confined. Although hypothermia has been so far the only 'neuroprotection' cure that has endured the translation from preclinical to clinical studies, developments i...

    167,99 €

  • Management and Treatment of Low Back Pain
    Angus Sanders
    Low back pain targets the lumbar spine and is a very common disorder associated with considerable distress in humans. It is seen in about 80% of the general population in some or the other stages of their lives. Generally, low back pain is limited to itself and recovers automatically over time. However, the anatomy of low back pain is commonly unknown and the 'non-specific low ...

    142,50 €

  • Encyclopedia of Neurodegenerative Diseases
    Natalie Theresa
    This book examines generic mechanisms in neurodegenerative diseases. It throws light on the pathophysiological complexities of the mechanisms and factors that are most probably involved in a number of neurodegenerative and neuroinflammatory diseases including Parkinson disease, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, spinal muscular atrophy, acute ischemic stroke, and cognitiv...

    167,99 €

  • Encyclopedia of Neurodegenerative Diseases
    Natalie Theresa
    Integrated processes of neurodegenerative diseases have been provided in this all-inclusive book. It concentrates on biological mechanisms and neuoprotection of disease growth. It lays stress on the fundamental biological processes of neurodegeneration in distinctive neurodegenerative diseases. Although the main etiology for distinct neurodegenerative diseases is not same, ther...

    168,14 €

  • Encyclopedia of Neurodegenerative Diseases
    Natalie Theresa
    Information regarding neurodegenerative diseases has been provided in this all-inclusive book. It concentrates on prevention as well as monitoring of the disease growth. Although the main etiology for distinct neurodegenerative diseases is not same, there is a great level of similarity in the disease processes. The book provides an assessment of how metabolic and hormonal contr...

    132,02 €

  • Encyclopedia of Neurodegenerative Diseases
    Natalie Theresa
    This book targets various diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, frontotemporal dementia and various tauopathies. It also provides a profound explanation of various neurodegenerative diseases with novel theories of understanding the etiology, pathological mechanisms, drug screening methodology and new therapeutic interventions. It discusses how hormones and health food suppleme...

    143,67 €

  • Encyclopedia of Neurodegenerative Diseases
    Natalie Theresa
    This book provides an extensive account of various diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease, prion disease, motor neuron diseases like multiple sclerosis and spinal muscular atrophy. It also offers a profound explanation of various neurodegenerative diseases with novel theories of understanding the etiology, pathological mechanisms, drug screening methodology and new therapeutic i...

    103,08 €

  • Encyclopedia of Neurodegenerative Diseases
    Natalie Theresa
    The mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases are elucidated in this book. It throws light on the pathophysiological complexities of the mechanisms and factors that are most probably involved in a number of neurodegenerative and neuroinflammatory diseases including Parkinson disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and other Dementia. The spectrum of various factors concerned with neurodeg...

    168,02 €

  • Handbook of Hydrocephalus
    Johanna Stuart
    Hydrocephalus is a condition in which fluid gets collected in the brain. Incidence of mention of hydrocephalus in medical literature can be dated back to 500 AD in Egypt. Hydrocephalus is identified by an unusual accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the ventricles of the brain. This leads to a rise in the intracranial compression inside the skull which causes progressiv...

    130,86 €

  • Emotional Intelligence
    Charles Freeman
    The modern outlooks as well as applications of emotional intelligence are described in this detailed book. Emotional intelligence is an evolving field for applied research and possible interventions, both in scholastic, academic, educational and organizational contexts, as well as at an individual level in terms of people’s well-being and life satisfaction. This book displays a...

    142,65 €

  • Paresthesia
    Arthur Colfer
    A revised and updated study in context of paresthesia has been presented in this extensive book. Paresthesias are described as induced or impulsive unusual sensations of prickling, burning, tingling, or numbness of a person’s skin without any clear long-term physical effect. Patients usually report a burning or lancinating pain, often related to hyperalgesia and allodynia. Pare...

    90,11 €

  • Essential Topics in Dystonia
    Allen Yuen
    All the essential topics in dystonia are highlighted in this book. Dystonia has numerous aspects and this book deals with the related genes identified, as well as the interaction of biology with dystonia genesis. The presentation of clinical phenomenology of dystonia in this book is distinctive in its approach because not only the cervical, oromandibular/lingual/laryngeal, task...

    130,89 €

  • Encyclopedia of Parkinson’s Disease
    Kate White
    This book on Parkinson’s disease (PD) elaborates the state-of-the-art research in the field. PD is caused mainly due to the death of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra. Recent PD medications treat symptoms; though none decrease the rate of dopaminergic neuron degeneration. The primary problem in development of neuroprotective therapies is a restricted comprehension of...

    131,94 €

  • Encyclopedia of Parkinson’s Disease
    Kate White
    The novel treatments in the field of Parkinson’s disease (PD) are discussed in this book. Recent Parkinson’s disease medications treat symptoms; though none decrease the rate of dopaminergic neuron degeneration. Parkinson’s disease is caused mainly due to the death of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra. The primary problem in development of neuroprotective therapies i...

    103,13 €

  • Encyclopedia of Parkinson’s Disease
    Kate White
    The advanced therapies in the field of Parkinson’s disease (PD) are discussed extensively in this book. This disease is clinically characterized by distinct progressive motor and non-motor symptoms, pathologically due to loss of dopamine generating cells and intra-neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions comprised mainly of synuclein. A considerable proportion of the cells in the substa...

    183,36 €

  • Encyclopedia of Parkinson’s Disease
    Kate White
    Various therapeutic modalities and treatments of Parkinson’s disease (PD) have been described in this book. This disease is caused mainly due to the death of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra. Recent PD medications treat symptoms; though none decrease the rate of dopaminergic neuron degeneration. The primary problem in development of neuroprotective therapies is a re...

    131,99 €