Catálogo de libros: Gastroenterología

232 Catálogo de libros: Gastroenterología

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  • Starting Practice
    Colleen Sullivan / Geoffrey G Meredith
    Starting Practice: The essential handbook is a must-have for medical graduates, healthcare professionals, and practice managers.This book is a necessity for all healthcare practices as it provides graduates, clinicians, staff, and practice managers with a handbook on providing quality services for patients within the framework of a successful, profitable healthcare practice.'Se...

    44,83 €

  • Celiac Disease
    Brianna Gray
    This book, written by renowned experts, comprises advanced studies and researches concerning Celiac Disease (CD). CD is an immune-mediated enteropathy triggered by the ingestion of gluten-containing grains in genetically vulnerable people. CD can manifest itself with a formerly unacknowledged variety of clinical symptoms, inclusive of the usual malabsorption syndrome and a rang...

    103,04 €

  • New Frontiers in Gastroenterology
    Sandra McLeish
    The aim of this book is to describe holistic clinical approaches based on current advancements in the field of gastroenterology. The most significant developments in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders and pathophysiology are elucidated in this book including peptic ulcer disease, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and NSAIDs-induced gastroenteropathy. Special emph...

    143,67 €

  • Understanding Peptic Ulcer Disease
    Jessica Brown
    Peptic ulcer disease is one of the most common chronic infections amongst humans. In spite of centuries of study, this ailment still bothers a lot of people, especially those in third world countries. This book consists of current information on peptic ulcer disease, contributed by distinguished researchers from various countries around the world. It discusses topics like the c...

    130,94 €

  • Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
    Sandra McLeish
    An overview of the gastroesophageal reflux disease has been provided in this book. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) has been a major concern for many people who are affected by this disease. People affected by GERD live under a constant threat of deteriorating quality of life and also, a latent risk of becoming cancer infected. Furthermore, it has been a financial burden ...

    103,07 €

  • Appendicitis
    Angus Wheeler
    This new engaging book explains the current concerns of this disease. Appendicitis is the swelling of the appendix and is a surgically urgent situation which needs to be dealt with as soon as possible. This book is a compilation of researches written by experts who deal with patients with abdominal ache, many of whom have appendicitis. All medical doctors are preoccupied with t...

    130,92 €

  • Pancreatitis
    Greg Callister
    This book primarily discusses the treatment as well as complexities of pancreatitis in a comprehensive manner. Pancreatitis may be chronic or acute. Even though it can be caused by similar etiologies, they tend to follow different natural histories. Nearly 80% of acute pancreatitis (AP) cases are diagnosed to be a result of alcohol misuse and gallstone disease. This disease gen...

    130,86 €

  • La bussola della nutrizione [edizione scientifica]
    Henry S. Grant
    'Una strategia globale per migliorare la qualità della tua vita.' Henry S. GrantSoffri di:regolari dolori addominali, costipazione, diarrea e/o flatulenza?sindrome dell’intestino irritabile?un’intolleranza al fruttosio, al lattosio e/o al sorbitolo?Impara a gestire i tuoi fastidi addominali per migliorare la tua giornata a lavoro, a casa e nei momenti di svago. Puoi migliorare ...

    72,51 €

    Henry S. Grant
    'Una strategia globale per migliorare la qualità della tua vita.' Henry S. GrantSoffri di:regolari dolori addominali, costipazione, diarrea e/o flatulenza?sindrome dell’intestino irritabile?un’intolleranza al fruttosio, al lattosio e/o al sorbitolo?Impara a gestire i tuoi fastidi addominali per migliorare la tua giornata a lavoro, a casa e nei momenti di svago. Puoi migliorare ...

    35,63 €

  • LE NAVIGATEUR ALIMENTAIRE [édition scientifique]
    Henry S. Grant
    'Une stratégie globale pour améliorer votre qualité de vie.' Henry S. Grant Avez-vous: Souvent mal au ventre? …la diarrhée? …des flatulences ou constipations? Une intolérance au fructose, au lactose ou au sorbitol? Le syndrome de l’intestin irritable? Apprenez à gérer vos troubles digestifs pour améliorer votre vie de tous les jours au travail, dans votre vie amoureuse et to...

    66,34 €

    Henry S. Grant
    'Una estrategia global para mejorar la calidad de tu vida.'Henry S. GrantTienes:¿Dolor abdominal, estreñimiento, diarrea y/o flatulencias frecuentes?¿Síndrome del intestino irritable?¿Intolerancia a la fructosa, la lactosa y/o el sorbitol?Aprende a controlar tu malestar abdominal para mejorar tu vida cotidiana en el lugar de trabajo, en tu vida amorosa y en todas tus actividade...

    35,59 €

  • THE NUTRITION NAVIGATOR [researchers’ edition US]
    Henry S. Grant
    'A global strategy to enhance the quality of your life.'Henry S. GrantDo you have:regular abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea and/or flatulence?irritable bowel syndrome?a fructose, lactose and/or sorbitol intolerance?Learn to manage your abdominal discomfort to enhance your everyday life at the workplace, in your love life and in all your activities. You can improve your hea...

    72,46 €

    Henry S. Grant
    'A global strategy to enhance the quality of your life.'Henry S. GrantDo you have:regular abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhoea and/or flatulence?irritable bowel syndrome?a fructose, lactose and/or sorbitol intolerance?Learn to manage your abdominal discomfort to enhance your everyday life at the workplace, in your love life and in all your activities. You can improve your he...

    35,59 €

  • THE NUTRITION NAVIGATOR [researchers’ edition UK]
    Henry S. Grant
    'A global strategy to enhance the quality of your life.'Henry S. GrantDo you have:regular abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhoea and/or flatulence?irritable bowel syndrome?a fructose, lactose and/or sorbitol intolerance?Learn to manage your abdominal discomfort to enhance your everyday life at the workplace, in your love life and in all your activities. You can improve your he...

    67,85 €

    Henry S. Grant
    'Eine Globaltrategie zur Steigerung Ihrer Lebensqualität.'Henry S. GrantHaben Sie:öfters Bauchweh, Durchfall, Luft im Bauch und/oder Verstopfung?eine Fructose-, Lactose- und/oder Sorbitintoleranz?ein Reizdarmsyndrom?Erfahren Sie, wie Sie Ihre Bauchbeschwerden in den Griff bekommen, um Ihr Alltagsleben im Beruf, im Bett und bei Ihren Aktivitäten zu verbessern. Sie können Ihre Ge...

    35,54 €

    Henry S. Grant
    'Eine Globaltrategie zur Steigerung Ihrer Lebensqualität.'Henry S. GrantHaben Sie:öfters Bauchweh, Durchfall, Luft im Bauch und/oder Verstopfung?eine Fructose-, Lactose- und/oder Sorbitintoleranz?ein Reizdarmsyndrom?Erfahren Sie, wie Sie Ihre Bauchbeschwerden in den Griff bekommen, um Ihr Alltagsleben im Beruf, im Bett und bei Ihren Aktivitäten zu verbessern. Sie können Ihre Ge...

    72,40 €

  • Understanding Celiac Disease
    Naheed Ali
    Celiac disease is being diagnosed more frequently, as people recognize their digestive issues may be linked to gluten intake and sensitivity to various foods that include gluten. Here, Naheed Ali reviews the biology of celiac disease, its symptoms, causes, and outcomes, and information about treatment, prevention, and living well with celiac. ...

    62,35 €

  • Making Sense of Ibs
    Brian E Lacy
    Vital information about new treatments and dietary factors affecting irritable bowel syndrome.IBS, which affects almost one in six Americans, is characterized by abdominal pain, bloating, gas, and diarrhea or constipation. Today more than ever before, physicians are able to diagnose this complex disorder, understand and explain its origins, and develop a treatment plan that eff...

    29,74 €

  • The Art of Living Well with Crohn’s
    John T. Johns / John TJohns
    More than 700,000 people in the United States suffer from Crohn’s disease, an autoimmune deficiency that affects the digestive system. This book looks at the chronic illness from the perspective of someone who has lived with it for 35 years and has learned through experience how to live life to the fullest. Utilizing a variety of strategies, most backed by medical or scientific...

    21,63 €

  • C. Diff In 30 Minutes
    J. Thomas Lamont
    Updated with latest information on C. diff treatments! Have you been diagnosed with C. diff, or do you have a family member suffering from symptoms of a C. diff infection? Do you want to know what causes C. diff, how to limit its spread, and modern treatment options? Unlike books about C. diff that are written by non-experts who have no experience treating patients, C. Diff In ...

    16,54 €

  • Las Enfermedades y La Salud Entran Por La Boca
    Felix JRuiz
    La salud y la enfermedad son parte de la vida, y la enfermedad es una entidad opuesta a la salud. Los síntomas son el aviso del cuerpo que algo no está bien. El dolor es el principal síntoma que lleva al individuo a solicitar atención médica.Todas estas enfermedades están relacionadas con hábitos alimenticios. Una de las base de una buena salud es una buena alimentación. El cán...

    20,94 €

  • Stimulation for Faecal Incontinence
    Jonas Wors E. / Jonas Worsoe
    The prevalence of fecal incontinence is approximately 5% in the general population. In all patients, the treatment of fecal incontinence is primarily conservative and surgery is offered as second line treatment. Electrical stimulation of the sacral nerves (SNS) with an implanted electrode is a minimally invasive and effective treatment of idiopathic FI and the indications for S...

    45,42 €


    181,96 €

    Khek-Yu Ho / KHEK-YU HO ET AL YAN-QING LI / Xiu-Li Zuo / Yan-Qing Li

    134,79 €

  • Dyspepsia and Ibs for the Wise
    Larry Tremblay
    Some will tell you that there is no cure for Functional digestive disorders (FDDs), like dyspepsia and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)… Without being completely cured, with the help of regular internal exercises I developed, I live my life as if I was, because at the earliest sign of pain or symptoms I do the exercises to help eliminate them. I hope my experience will enable as ...

    17,22 €

  • Prescribing Medicines for Patients with Dysphagia
    Professor David John Wright
    Prescribing medicines for patients with dysphagia and swallowing difficulties provides additional challenges to the prescriber. Medicines are usually prescribed as tablets and capsules and for a variety of reasons these may not provide the most appropriate choice. This book outlines the legal, pharmacological and clinical issues which should be considered when selecting the m...

    19,19 €

  • Gastrointestinal and Hepatic Immunology

    75,84 €

  • Intestinal Immune System
    Ryota Hokari / Shunsuke Komoto / Soichiro Miura
    In the intestine, a unique immunological system that is different from the systemic immune system exists to provide adaptive immunity in response to luminal bacteria and dietary antigens. There are many lymphoid cell aggregates called gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) including Peyer’s patches (PPs), which function as important induction sites for the mucosal immune respons...

    50,59 €


    196,83 €

  • Acute Liver Failure

    110,01 €

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