Catálogo de libros: Medicina cardiovascular

369 Catálogo de libros: Medicina cardiovascular

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  • Migreeni Lokikirja
    Urho Kankkunen
    Tämä loki on suunniteltu huolellisesti auttamaan sinua päänsäryn ja migreenin kirjaamisessa terveydenhuollon ammattilaisten suositusten mukaisesti. Kun pystyt tunnistamaan, missä kipusi on, se voi auttaa sinua selvittämään, miksi sinulla on kipua. Päiväkirja voi auttaa sinua seuraamaan oireitasi ja auttaa sinua löytämään tehokasta helpotusta tai päättämään, onko sinun hakeudutt...

    12,15 €

  • Nurse Florence®, What is Blood Pressure?
    Michael Dow
    Sometimes it seems only a nurse can bring technical information down to an understanding that an ordinary person can grasp. The Nurse Florence® book series provides high quality medical information that even a child can grasp. By introducing young kids to correct terminology and science concepts at an early age, we can help increase our children’s health literacy level as wel...

    17,27 €

  • High Blood Pressure
    Christina Neal
    Do the dangers of high blood pressure and its potential complications have you worried? Do you want to find safe and effective strategies to lower blood pressure naturally? Each year, high blood pressure—or hypertension—causes more than 9 million deaths worldwide. Although family history and aging can increase your chance of having hypertension, an unhealthy lifestyle remains t...

    10,77 €

  • Prosthetic and Bioprosthetic Heart Valves
    William C. Roberts
    This volume collects 71 articles on prosthetic and bioprosthetic heart valves written by Dr. William C. Roberts and colleagues between 1966 and 2019. It is part of a series of collected reprints published in 2023 gathering publications from Dr. Roberts’ long career. ...

    48,24 €

  • Mitral Valve Regurgitation
    William C. Roberts
    This volume collects 34 articles on mitral valve regurgitation written by Dr. William C. Roberts and colleagues between 1961 and 2019. It is part of a series of collected reprints published in 2023 gathering publications from Dr. Roberts’ long career. ...

    35,64 €

  • Aortic Stenosis
    William C. Roberts
    This volume collects 75 articles on aortic stenosis written by Dr. William C. Roberts and colleagues between 1963 and 2020. It is part of a series of collected reprints published in 2023 gathering publications from Dr. Roberts’ long career. ...

    48,20 €

  • Myocardial Heart Disease
    William C. Roberts
    This volume collects 51 articles on myocardial heart disease (excluding hypertrophic cardiomyopathy) written by Dr. William C. Roberts and colleaguesbetween 1969 and 2020. It is part of a series of collected reprints published in 2023 gathering publications from Dr. Roberts’ long career. ...

    47,51 €

    David Rowland
    Heart disease is the leading cause of death, killing 655,000 Americans annually.  One in four deaths is caused by heart disease.  This is the equivalent of one person dying every 36 seconds.Every year, 805,000 Americans have a heart attack.  Of these, 605,000 are a first heart attack.  About one in five attacks is silent:  the damage is done but the person is unaware of it. The...

    10,90 €

    David Rowland
    Heart disease is the leading cause of death, killing 655,000 Americans annually.  One in four deaths is caused by heart disease.  This is the equivalent of one person dying every 36 seconds.Every year, 805,000 Americans have a heart attack.  Of these, 605,000 are a first heart attack.  About one in five attacks is silent:  the damage is done but the person is unaware of it. The...

    19,20 €

  • Fetal Echocardiography - Simplified
    Nupur Shah
    This book aims to guide the reader in properly scanning fetal hearts by explaining the technique and normal and abnormal findings in a simple way, using line diagrams and corresponding ultrasound images.Salient features of the book:- Simple language- Simplified explanation of embryology of fetal heart and its applied aspects in various defects- Line diagrams and corresponding p...

    172,83 €

    Pulmonary embolism (PE) has experienced a rapid expansion in available treatments, from hyperacute emergency care to the detailed investigation of persistent breathlessness despite anticoagulation during follow up. Whilst recent clinical practice guidelines provide a robust evidence base for more routine aspects of pulmonary embolism management, clinicians frequently face patie...

    107,80 €

  • Vaccins et Réactivation du CMV
    Antoine de Boston
    Les vaccins à ARNm COVID-19 peuvent induire une immunosuppression temporaire de courte durée permettant au cytomégalovirus (CMV) de se réactiver chez certaines personnes dans de très rares cas. Cette réactivation du cytomégalovirus peut dans de rares circonstances provoquer une myocardite et le syndrome de Guillain-Barré et une foule d’autres affections. Le cytomégalovirus est ...

    28,15 €

    Federica Raia / Mario Deng / Murray Kwon / MURRAY KWON & MARIO DENG FEDERICA RAIA
    The Relational Medicine project is growing. In 2014 we published our practice framework 'Relational Medicine - Personalizing Modern Healthcare: The Practice of High-Tech Medicine As A RelationalAct'. Building on this foundation, we now present a cutting-edge and fully developed single case recording analysis of consecutive encounter interactions in a dramatically accelerating l...

    95,38 €

  • Hands-On Ablation, The Experts’ Approach, Third Edition
    Clinically valuable approaches for the effective diagnosis and ablation of cardiac arrhythmias. Five years after the publication of the second edition, this updated and expanded Hands-On Ablation, The Experts’ Approach, Third Edition is a comprehensive book that gives an inside look at leading electrophysiology labs throughout the world and provides the reader with useful infor...

    465,13 €

    Our hearts have evolved to be extremely efficient, long-lasting pumps that exquisitely match the needs of our bodies. This book is about how the heart does this; how can a heart pump the blood for up to 100 years while the best Formula 1 racing engine has a working life measured in hours? Why is the heart so efficient, and how are worn out parts replaced while working? How does...

    194,63 €

  • Atlas of Cardiac Anatomy
    Kalyanam Shivkumar / Mori Shumpei
    Atlas of Cardiac Anatomy represents a new standard for the study of the human heart. Drs. Shumpei Mori and Kalyanam Shivkumar have created a visually stunning presentation of more than 200 full-color photographs of the human heart and its adjacent structures. Atlas of Cardiac Anatomy includes unpublished and restored iconic photographs from the Wallace A. McAlpine Collection at...

    449,83 €

  • Manual sobre Cardiopatías Congénitas del Texas Children’s Hospital
    Antonio Cabreras Stuart Hall / Carlos M Mery / Carlos Mery / Hall R Stuart / Patricia Bastero
    El Manual sobre cardiopatías congénitas del Texas Children’s Hospital está escrito por médicos, enfermeras y personal aliado de una amplia variedad de disciplinas en el centro de cardiología del Texas Children’s Hospital. El libro no pretende ser un libro de texto exhaustivo sobre cardiopatías congénitas, sino más bien un manual práctico para ser utilizado por estudiantes, resi...

    56,50 €

  • Manual sobre Cardiopatías Congénitas del Texas Children’s Hospital
    Antonio Cabreras Stuart Hall / Carlos Mery / Hall H Stuart / Mery M Carlos / Patricia Bastero
    El Manual sobre cardiopatías congénitas del Texas Children’s Hospital está escrito por médicos, enfermeras y personal aliado de una amplia variedad de disciplinas en el centro de cardiología del Texas Children’s Hospital. El libro no pretende ser un libro de texto exhaustivo sobre cardiopatías congénitas, sino más bien un manual práctico para ser utilizado por estudiantes, resi...

    48,17 €

  • REACT Manual
    Adrian Levine / Joel Dunning
    The official handbook for the REACT course across the UK, EU, Australia, New Zealand and the U.S. ...

    30,57 €

  • Acidentes Com Perfuro Cortante Em Trabalhadores De Enfermagem: Uma Questão De Prevenção
    Cátia jaqueline Manzano De Oliveira Pereira / Teixeira Da Rocha Vanzella
    Este livro teve como objetivo analisar as causas de ocorrência de acidentes com material biológico por perfurocortante entre profissionais de enfermagem e a importância de se implantar ações orientadoras e/ou preventivas evitando maiores danos a esses profissionais. Através dele identificamos o quanto os profissionais de enfermagem estão susceptíveis a ocorrência dos acidentes ...

    7,29 €

  • Leveraging AI Technologies for Preventing and Detecting Sudden Cardiac Arrest and Death
    Machine learning approaches have great potential in increasing the accuracy of cardiovascular risk prediction and avoiding unnecessary treatment. The application of machine learning techniques may improve heart failure outcomes and management, including cost savings by improving existing diagnostic and treatment support systems. Additionally, artificial intelligence technologie...

    579,22 €

  • Interpretación del ECG
    Nathan Orwell
    Accede ahora al manual práctico, sencillo y conciso sobre la interpretación del ECG!A menudo, es esencial poder reconocer rápidamente un estado patológico, pero para poder intervenir con prontitud, es necesario saber interpretar y leer el electrocardiograma, o al menos saber discriminar entre lo que es normal y lo que no lo es.Este manual es útil para todos aquellos (profesiona...

    23,33 €

  • Interpretation des EKG
    Nathan Orwell
    Erreichen Sie jetzt zum praktischen, einfachen und prägnanten Handbuche über die Interpretation des EKG! Oft ist es wichtig, ein krankhafter Zustand schnell erkennen zu können, aber um schnell handeln zu können, muss man in der Lage sein, das EKG zu interpretieren und zu lesen oder zumindest zu wissen, was normal ist und was nicht. Dieses Handbuch ist für alle (Profi, Studieren...

    27,85 €

  • Interprétation d’un ECG
    Nathan Orwell
    Accédez maintenant au manuel pratique, simple et concis sur l’interprétation de l’ECG !Souvent, il est indispensable pouvoir reconnaître rapidement un état pathologique, mais pour intervenir rapidement il faut savoir interpréter et lire l’électrocardiogramme, ou du moins pouvoir séparer ce qui est normal de ce qui ne l’est pas.Ce manuel est utile à tous ceux (professionnels, ét...

    23,38 €

  • Surgical Sutures
    Nathan Orwell
    Are you passionate about medicine and surgery and would like to know more about how to make an accurate suture?Are you a medical student or a professional in the medical field and need a practical and straightforward handbook to go over the basics of suturing knots at the right time? Get practical and proven ideas for suturing like the pros. Reduce the risk of bleeding and infe...

    16,49 €

  • Suture Chirurgiche
    Nathan Orwell
    Sei appassionato di medicina e chirurgia e vorresti conoscere qualcosa di più su come fare una vera sutura?Sei uno studente di medicina o un professionista nel settore medico e hai bisogno di un manuale pratico e semplice per ripassare i punti fondamentali dei nodi di sutura al momento giusto? "Suture Chirurgiche" è il manuale semplice e pratico, da sfogliare quando ne hai più ...

    25,58 €

  • Intracardiac Echocardiography
    A focus on intracardiac echocardiography (ICE), with an emphasis on practical use during electrophysiological procedures. This illustrated text, complemented by more than 50 instructional videos, presents description, rationale, and instruction in ICE utilization for the complete range of currently performed EP procedures, including mapping and ablation procedures, device impla...

    248,20 €

  • Cardiac Lead Extraction
    This hands-on approach to cardiac lead extraction is presented in a case-based format and complemented by more than 200 videos demonstrating state-of-the-art tools, methodology, technical skills, and periprocedural clinical management critical for successful outcomes. There is a worldwide increase in extraction procedures due to pacemaker or defibrillator leads becoming infecte...

    296,10 €

  • Interpretazione dell’ECG
    Nathan Orwell
    Accedi ora al manuale pratico, semplice e conciso sull’interpretazione dell’ECG! Spesso, è essenziale saper riconoscere velocemente uno stato patologico, ma per riuscire a intervenire tempestivamente è necessario essere in grado di interpretare e leggere l’elettrocardiogramma, o almeno saper discriminare ciò che è normale da ciò che invece non lo è. Questo manuale è utile a tut...

    25,17 €

  • Weekly Blood Glucose & Blood Pressure Recording Log Book
    Anna COLEMAN
    This log book was created to help you log and keep track of your blood glucose and blood pressure readings. This log book allows you to keep track of your Blood Glucose, Blood Pressure and Pulse readings 4 times a day. Readings at Breakfast , Lunch Dinner and Snack. ...

    23,26 €