Catálogo de libros: Enfermedades y trastornos

1743 Catálogo de libros: Enfermedades y trastornos

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  • A Covid Odyssey
    Graham Elder
    A race against time to bring the cure for a deadly virus to a dying spouse.Although the COVID-19 pandemic is ravaging the world, Dr. Mark Spencer’s small town in Northern Ontario is largely unaffected other than being in lockdown and preparing for the potential onslaught. When his wife, Sarah - already attending a conference in Florida when the borders close - becomes deathly i...

    13,09 €

  • Microbe Hunters
    Paul De Kruif
    2023 Reprint of the 1927 edition. Here is the true story of the adventures of explorers in the fantastic world of the unseen. These explorers were like other men; they had curiosity; they groped, sometimes failed. They found truth, they fought death; a few were caught in ambush by the invisible assassins they were trying to trap. They were the pioneers in the struggle of mankin...

    19,54 €

  • Integrated Approach to Trade and Transport Facilitation
    Asian Development Bank
    To promote smoother flows of goods across borders while reducing trade costs, this report explores an integrated approach to facilitating trade and transport across Asia and the Pacific, for better engagement in value chains. The report examines the current state of trade and transport facilitation, analyzes gaps in the available guidance, and provides strategic recommendations...

    36,99 €

  • The Social Protection Indicator for Asia
    Asian Development Bank
    This report assesses social protection measures in Asia, shows how they help tackle crises such COVID-19 and climate change, and outlines the need for more inclusive, shock-responsive policies to cut poverty and spur equitable development. Centered around ADB’s Social Protection Indicator, it assesses data from 26 economies to show how measures are evolving to provide increased...

    50,82 €

  • Musings of a Grieving Mam
    Maire Kyriacou
    It’s humbling to realise that everything I’ve taken for granted over the last 13 years, touching Lils, holding her, being beside her, I now have to ask permission to do it.That now, other mothers’ hands have the unspoken right to touch my daughter.I have to ask permission to perform the most basic of ’mum duties’ for my own child.My. Own. Child.16 days in the head of a mum duri...

    13,07 €

  • The Status And UnchangingNames Of The Corona Virus
    Dina Morris
    Since the beginning of the Corona Virus Pandemic/COVID 19, the Nation and the World has been in worry and kaos. Now, let is dive into a little hidden secret that only Wuhan, China knows the real truth behind the creation of the  laboratory Corona Virus. This dreadful virus has taken the lives of hundreds of people worldwide, especially adults. It also weakened the economy, worl...

    21,27 €

  • Developing a Local Currency Government Bond Market in an Emerging Economy after COVID-19
    Asian Development Bank
    This publication explores how a local currency government bond market can strengthen economic recovery from COVID-19. It focuses on the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, which faces many challenges shared by other developing countries. It examines how the Lao PDR can benefit from the experiences of its neighbors in the Asian Bond Markets Initiative and highlights the essential ...

    25,58 €

  • Greater Mekong Subregion Gender Strategy
    Asian Development Bank
    This strategy outlines a regional approach for advancing gender equality and women’s empowerment in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS).The six GMS countries share common challenges and issues that prevent women from fully benefiting from economic opportunities. Many of these challenges have been further exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The strategy identifies strategic dir...

    24,43 €

  • Nurse Florence®, What is Bacterial Meningitis?
    Michael Dow
    Sometimes it seems only a nurse can bring technical information down to an understanding that an ordinary person can grasp. The Nurse Florence® book series provides high quality medical information that even a child can grasp. By introducing young kids to correct terminology and science concepts at an early age, we can help increase our children’s health literacy level as wel...

    39,07 €

  • Unlocking the Potential of Digital Services Trade in Asia and the Pacific
    Asian Development Bank
    This book explains how rapid digitalization during COVID-19 has accelerated the growth of digital services trade in Asia and the Pacific, and provides analysis on the opportunities, challenges, and associated risks. It explores evolving trends and considers trade agreements, cybersecurity, and effective taxation. It outlines how a greater focus on developing human capital, conn...

    41,30 €

  • Nurse Florence®, What is Polymicrogyria?
    Michael Dow
    Sometimes it seems only a nurse can bring technical information down to an understanding that an ordinary person can grasp. The Nurse Florence® book series provides high quality medical information that even a child can grasp. By introducing young kids to correct terminology and science concepts at an early age, we can help increase our children’s health literacy level as wel...

    16,63 €

  • Obesity
    Lee B
    What contributes to an unhealthy lifestyle?Often linked to decreased physical activity and lack of healthy choices in diet, The Public Health Agency of Canada, Canadian Community Health Survey Data, as well as Canadian Health Measures Survey indicate there are a variety of factors that lead one toward the disease of obesity. Over the past ten years, statistics show a high-rise ...

    40,71 €

  • Obesity
    Lee B
    What contributes to an unhealthy lifestyle?Often linked to decreased physical activity and lack of healthy choices in diet, The Public Health Agency of Canada, Canadian Community Health Survey Data, as well as Canadian Health Measures Survey indicate there are a variety of factors that lead one toward the disease of obesity. Over the past ten years, statistics show a high-rise ...

    50,96 €

  • 无国界病人:师永刚在美治疗癌症3000天
    编辑推荐 首本跨国治疗癌症10年的求生亲历手记实录 2次手术、5次复发转移、4次急诊、6次放疗惊险历程一部完备贴心的看病求医GPS导航指南 一份权威前沿治疗理念的实证汇总分析         疾病与命运之间,藏有无法洞悉的秘密,谨记,凡墙皆是门。  内容简介《无国界病人》是一部癌症治疗10年的亲历手记,也是首本涉及跨国治疗经验的交流书。作者师永刚罹患罕见癌症肾上腺皮质癌,这个疾病发病率为百万分之一,国内没有太多的治疗方案和有效的治疗药物。为此,作者远赴美国MD安德森癌症中心看病求医,经历了10年内2次手术、5次复发转移、4次急诊、6次放疗的惊心经历,最终通过参与3次新药的临床试验获得'重生'。面对疾病,人们能做的,是尽可能充分了解它,并赢取战胜它的时间。师永刚在《无国界病人》中为读者总结了成功治疗癌症需要的五大必备要素:第1,咨询一定要全面及时,了解...

    40,12 €

  • Unlocking Islamic Climate Finance
    Asian Development Bank
    This report analyzes how Islamic finance can be scaled up to help build urgently-needed climate-resilient infrastructure in the Asia and Pacific region, and ensure its post-COVID-19 recovery is green, sustainable, and inclusive.It outlines how greening Islamic capital markets and social finance, mobilizing project finance for infrastructure and boosting financial inclusion, can...

    32,38 €

  • Living with Chronic, Invisible Illnesses You Are Not Alone
    Carrie Allen
             Living with Chronic, Invisible, Illnesses – You Are Not Alone is a glimpse into the life of the author, Carrie A. Allen, since she was diagnosed with three different illnesses.  Ms. Allen goes into detail of her illnesses, Mast Cell Activation Disorder (MSAD), Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS); and Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS).  However, before doing so ...

    21,47 €

  • Infirmière Florence®, Qu’est-ce que la maladie rénale chronique?
    Michael Dow / Fanny Chagnon
    Parfois, il semble que seule une infirmier(ère) peut apporter des informations techniques qu’une personne ordinaire peut comprendre. La série de livres Infirmière Florence® fournit des informations médicales de haute qualité que même un enfant peut saisir. En initiant les jeunes enfants à la terminologie correcte et aux concepts scientifiques dès leur plus jeune âge, nous pouvo...

    34,16 €

  • How HIV/Aids Set the Stage for the Covid Crisis
    Neville Hodgkinson
    When Covid-19 started to shake the world in early 2020, former medical and science correspondent Neville Hodgkinson felt a disturbing sense of déjà vu. This was not primarily because of the damage caused by the virus, but by the global response to it. Powerful, state-funded bureaucracies mishandled the emergency so badly as to devastate millions of lives the world over. Big Bro...

    27,55 €

  • The Triumph of Uncertainty
    Alfred I. Tauber
    A unique autobiographical overview of how science as a discipline of thought has been characterized by philosophers and historians over the past century. ...

    120,90 €

    The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted lives and livelihoods all over the world by its myriad of twists and turns. The causative SARS coronavirus 2 continues to defy the imagination by its rapid evolution from the Alpha to Delta to Omicron variants. This book by an international and multi-disciplinary team of virologists, infectious diseases and public health physicians aims to un...

    120,24 €

  • Cancer
    Anthea Peries
    Cancer: Bowel ScreeningA Simple Guide About How It Works To Help You Decide You know how hesitant you are to have a home Test kit done?So many people around the world are considering this.Yet, we throw up so many mental barriers to getting it done, including any repercussions.If you’re thinking about taking a preliminary bowel screening test but aren’t sure what to do next, thi...

    11,88 €

  • What You Need to Know about Measles
    Patricia Clayton-LeVasseur

    56,52 €

  • You Finished Treatment, Now What?
    Amy Rothenberg
    You Finished Treatment, Now What? is a road map for lifestyle and natural medicine approaches to address health challenges that persist after cancer care, and to reduce the risk of recurrence. Written for cancer survivors/thrivers, those who care for them, as well as health-care providers, You Finished Treatment highlights the evidence for an integrative approach to healing. Dr...

    15,53 €

  • You Finished Treatment, Now What?
    Amy Rothenberg
    You Finished Treatment, Now What? is a road map for lifestyle and natural medicine approaches to address health challenges that persist after cancer care, and to reduce the risk of recurrence. Written for cancer survivors/thrivers, those who care for them, as well as health-care providers, You Finished Treatment highlights the evidence for an integrative approach to healing. Dr...

    22,86 €

  • The Triumph of Uncertainty
    Alfred I. Tauber
    A unique autobiographical overview of how science as a discipline of thought has been characterized by philosophers and historians over the past century. ...

    39,95 €

  • Dr. Schuessler’s Biochemistry
    J. B. Chapman / J. W. Cogswell
    The Theory and Practical Applications of Schuessler’s Twelve Biochemic Remedies discovered over one century ago by German physician, Dr. Wilhelm Heinrich Schuessler. This is an Unabridged, Digitally Enlarged Printing of ’A Medical Book for the Home,’ with Repertory, to include a Comprehensive Index at book’s end. ...

    15,77 €

  • Informal Services in Asian Cities
    This book explores urban informality in Asian cities and looks how the informal sector’s contribution to inclusive and sustainable growth can be enhanced.While supporting the livelihoods of most of the developing world’s urban poor, the informal sector also deprives them of basic services and social protection. Rendered vulnerable to socioeconomic threats, people in the urban i...

    55,72 €

    This highly illustrated volume will describe, through clear diagrams and concise text, how the most prescribed, as well as new medicines, work in the body for a broad range of diseases. By bringing this knowledge together in one place, we will seek to answer the question, 'What is the impact of the accelerating knowledge in biology, drug research and medical sciences on the dev...

    95,67 €

  • Aid for Trade in Asia and the Pacific
    Asian Development Bank
    This report explores how aid for trade can be modernized to support Asia and the Pacific’s recovery from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic and progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals.Aid for trade has an important role to play in supporting pandemic recovery, especially for the region’s lower-middle-income and least developed countries. Aid for trade can hel...

    44,40 €

  • The Ultimate Thyroid Book
    Dr. Beverly Goode-Kanawati
    Estimates suggest that close to 20 percent of the population in the United States suffers from some sort of thyroid imbalance-that’s close to sixty million people!Thyroid issues often go undetected as people get treated for seemingly separate health issues that actually stem from the thyroid. In The Ultimate Thyroid Book, Dr. Beverly Goode-Kanawati integrates scientific studies...

    37,24 €