Catálogo de libros: Enfermedades y trastornos

1696 Catálogo de libros: Enfermedades y trastornos

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  • New Paradigms in Lyme Disease Treatment
    Connie Strasheim
    Recent years have brought dramatic changes in how top doctors are treating Lyme disease. New paradigms in Lyme disease treatment have emerged and are helping people to recover, even those that have failed years of treatments. This book is based on interviews with ten leading Lyme doctors, and takes you deep into their treatment programs, so you can see for yourself what is new ...

    29,09 €

  • 67 Kidney Disease Meal Recipes
    Joe Correa
    67 Kidney Disease Meal Recipes: Fix Your Kidney Problems Fast by Changing Your Eating Habits and Finally Giving Your Body What it needs to recover By Joe Correa CSN Kidney disease doesn’t give warning signs. It won’t let you know until it’s chronic. That’s why it’s well known as a silent illness. Every year millions of people die prematurely because of complications related t...

    20,69 €

  • 54 Diabetes Meal Recipes That Will Help You Control Your Condition Naturally
    Joe Correa
    Diabetes occurs due to the inability of the pancreas to produce insulin. Type 1 diabetes is classified as an autoimmune disease. It is a condition in which the immune system of the organism 'attacks'  its own tissues and organs. It leads to a complete destruction of cells that produce insulin and are located in the pancreas.The disease doesn't occur that often, however, the...

    20,57 €

  • 41 Alzheimer's Preventing Meal Recipes
    Joe Correa
    Alzheimer’s disease is a devastating brain disease. Alzheimer’s begins as simple forgetfulness. Gradually, over time the disease can destroy speech and comprehension in addition to causing restlessness and dramatic mood swings. While this is difficult for loved ones, these symptoms are more difficult for the patient. However, with the right diet the onset of Alzheimer can be de...

    20,70 €

  • The Ebola Outbreak in West Africa
    PhD Constantine NNana
    The Zaire Ebola virus appeared out of nowhere and then disappeared into thin air after killing scores of humans in West Africa. In The Ebola Outbreak in West Africa, author Constantine N. Nana attempts to better understand the outbreak and answer the question: why?Through meticulous research, combing through misleading media reports and equivocal academic papers, Nana takes a c...

    15,23 €

  • Criminalising Contagion

    126,56 €

  • Face to Face with the Identity Thief
    Evelyn L. Bolden
    To those who have experienced, or have seen a loved one experience, the anguish of a battle with cancer, Evelyn L. Bolden’s story is all too familiar. To those who have not, her tale is an enlightening look into the everyday struggle of a cancer patient. Through fear, uncertainty, and pain, Bolden kept her strength through her faith and the love of her family. Now cancer-free, ...

    9,77 €

  • The Detection of Disease
    Eric Perkins / Oscar Parkes
    2016 Reprint of 1930 Edition.  Full facsimile of the original edition, not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software.  This work is exposition of the work of Albert Abrams (1863 – 1924), an American doctor, well known during his life for inventing machines which he claimed could diagnose and cure almost any disease.  These claims were challenged from the outset.   Abrams dev...

    14,89 €

  • Lyme Brain
    Nicola McFadzean Ducharme
    Lyme Brain. Most people with Lyme have experienced it. It's the most intrusive symptom that comes with the disease, and also one of the most difficult to alleviate.   The brain is a very delicate organ, and is often the last organ to experience relief from the effects of Borrelia, co-infections, and co-conditions. In this cutting-edge book, Naturopathic Doctor Nicola McFadz...

    40,68 €

  • Breast Cancer
    Sandra Lekin
    There has been a major increase in the cases reported for breast cancer in the past decade. This has led to a rise in research in this area. Breast cancer has emerged as a separate field of study. It has various sub-types as well. Breast cancer is generally found in women but men too can suffer from this fatal disease. The most common symptoms of breast cancer are the formation...

    169,09 €

  • Infectious Diseases
    Daniel Enger
    This book deals with the diverse outlooks and perspectives related to infectious diseases. It unravels the recent studies in this field. Infections are caused by pathogens such as bacteria, fungi, protozoa, parasites, etc. Infectious diseases are also known as communicable diseases and can be treated with antibiotics, antifungals, antiprotozoals etc. Extensive research and new ...

    177,07 €

  • Allergic Diseases
    Kevin Parker
    This book aims to understand the vast field of allergic diseases. Allergies refer to the diseases which are caused by the vulnerability of our immune system when it is exposed to dust particles or other microorganisms present in the environment. Some common allergies are related to food, pollens, dust particles, insect bites, etc. Some allergies can be critical and cause death ...

    176,39 €

  • Current Research in Infectious Diseases
    Daniel Enger
    Infectious Diseases are an ever growing concern for medical professionals around the globe in today’s world. They refer to the disorders caused by the pathogens like bacteria, viruses, germs or fungi. They are acquired by insect bites, consumption of contaminated food or water. These diseases are highly communicable and many of them can be fatal for the living species. Some of ...

    169,86 €

  • A Clinician’s Guide to Allergic Diseases
    Kevin Parker
    Allergic diseases or allergy is the uneasiness caused due to the presence of some allergens like pollens, food items, grasses, dogs, cat fur etc. Generally allergic people are more sensitive to these substances which may cause swelling, sneezing, red eye and itching. Sometimes a long exposure to these materials may be life threatening. Accurate diagnosis and identification of t...

    176,62 €

  • Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Cancer
    Sandra Lekin
    This book is a valuable compilation of topics, ranging from the basic to the most complex advancements in the field of diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers found in women and also one of the most common reasons for female deaths. Therefore, its diagnosis and treatment is an extensive field of study. This book is compiled in s...

    175,17 €

  • Essentials of Immunology
    Nessa Oka
    Immunology is the branch of medical science that maps and measures the functioning of physiological aspects of the immune system, as well as deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases related to it. It aims at finding cure for immune deficiency, autoimmune diseases, transplant rejection and hypersensitivities. It has applications in several disciplines such as parasitol...

    183,14 €

    Amanda Graves
    It’s a big day for Jack! His grandfather, Papa, is taking him to buy his very first pair of cowboy boots. But when Papa shares the story of his own first pair, Jack begins to realize why this day is so special.What Jack learns about Papa’s childhood not only surprises but also educates him, along with readers, about the life-changing disease of polio that will forever remain pa...

    9,09 €

  • 35 Recipes to Lower Your High Blood Pressure
    Joseph Correa
    35 Recipes to Lower Your High Blood Pressure will help improve your lifestyle and allow you to eat food you never thought you could. These meals will allow you to enjoy what you eat because of the variety of meal recipes and the unique ingredients they have. Being too busy to eat right can sometimes become a problem and that’s why this book will save you time and help nourish ...

    23,83 €

  • 50 Juice Recipes to Lower Your Blood Pressure
    Joseph Correa
    50 Juice Recipes to Lower Your Blood Pressure will help you to control your blood pressure better naturally and fast. Hypertension is a serious health problem that should be addressed with exercise and proper nutrition. These are not to replace meals but should complement your normal day to day meals. Being too busy to eat right can sometimes become a problem and that’s why th...

    23,86 €

    Lynn Faherty
    Oliver the Brave is a childhood cancer story. It is a family story to be read by a parent to their child or children.  When your child is sick, the whole family is affected. Oliver is the youngest child in the T-Rex family and he hasn't been himself lately. He finally goes to the hospital where he is diagnosed with cancer. His family is with him the whole time. The story hi...

    10,38 €

  • Oliver the Brave
    Lynn A Faherty
    Oliver the Brave is a childhood cancer story. It is a family story to be read by a parent to their child or children.  When your child is sick, the whole family is affected. Oliver is the youngest child in the T-Rex family and he hasn't been himself lately. He finally goes to the hospital where he is diagnosed with cancer. His family is with him the whole time. The story hi...

    14,02 €

  • You Are Not Alone
    Evelyn Evans Gregg
    I have been through so much in my life and I have so much to be thankful for. I have decided to write this book not only as a testimony, but also as a guide and a support to comfort others who are dealing with a similar circumstance. Hopefully my story can inspire others to stand tall and fight just as I did. We all know that the race is not given to the swift or the strong, ...

    11,80 €

  • Understanding Fibromyalgia
    Naheed Ali
    Fibromyalgia is often misunderstood, and finding good information about it can be difficult. This introduction provides background, causes and symptoms, treatments and lifestyle adjustments that can help sufferers live better with fibromyalgia, while helping caregivers and others achieve a better understanding of the needs of their loved ones. ...

    55,83 €

  • To Members of Parliament and Others. Forty-five Years of Registration Statistics, Proving Vaccination to be Both Useless and Dangerous
    Alfred Russel Wallace
    This early work by Alfred Russel Wallace was originally published in 1893 and we are now republishing it with a brand new introductory biography. ’To Members of Parliament and Others. Forty-five Years of Registration Statistics, Proving Vaccination to be Both Useless and Dangerous’ is a letter in which Wallace outlines his reasons for being concerned about the use of vaccinatio...

    17,18 €

  • Understanding Celiac Disease
    Naheed Ali
    Celiac disease is being diagnosed more frequently, as people recognize their digestive issues may be linked to gluten intake and sensitivity to various foods that include gluten. Here, Naheed Ali reviews the biology of celiac disease, its symptoms, causes, and outcomes, and information about treatment, prevention, and living well with celiac. ...

    37,42 €

  • Fever
    Matthew J. Kluger / Matthew JKluger
    Fever has long been recognized as a symptom of disease. Until the past century it was considered a healthy sign; since then this view has changed and the use of drugs to reduce fever has grown quite common. Acting on the revival of interest as to whether the effects of fever are beneficial or harmful, Matthew Kluger and other physiologists began a series of experiments designed...

    156,74 €

  • Carcinogenesis by Ultraviolet Light
    Harold Francis Blum
    This book represents the culmination of over fifteen years of experimental and theoretical studies aimed at the elucidation of the process by which ultraviolet light induces cancer. In so far as possible the subject matter is treated from a quantitative point of view, whether dealing with the effects of ultraviolet light on isolated cells or on more integrated systems including...

    171,56 €

  • Health Psychology in Nursing Practice
    Elizabeth Barley
    Practical guidance for nurses and health professionals on using psychology to help patients improve their health and wellbeing and cope with illness. ...

    161,48 €

  • Health Psychology in Nursing Practice
    Elizabeth Barley
    Practical guidance for nurses and health professionals on using psychology to help patients improve their health and wellbeing and cope with illness. ...

    51,02 €

    B. P. Chandramohan
    Chikungunya fever is a vector -borne disease transmitted by mosquitoes that became widely prevalent in most of the coastal States of Indian Union since 2006. It causes numerous health problems to the victims and cognitive problems for medical practitioners and policy makers. Several episodes of the fever have shown long term physical and neurological disability besides short te...

    23,07 €