Catálogo de libros: Medicina clínica e interna

7467 Catálogo de libros: Medicina clínica e interna

Libros Eliminar filtro Medicina Eliminar filtro Medicina clínica e interna Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Immunoassays

    190,44 €

  • Complex Systems

    193,45 €


    120,06 €

  • Intimate Relationships in Medical School
    Michael F M.D. Myers

    108,89 €

  • Parkinson’s Disease and Parkinsonism in the Elderly
    Jolyon Meara / R. J. Meara / RJMeara / William C. Koller / William CKoller

    159,88 €

  • Eldercare
    George H. Weber / George HWeber
    This is a hands-on manual for volunteers working with the problems-- especially emotional ones--of the elderly. Hence it focuses on the necessary attitudes and skills for these volunteers. ...

    15,72 €

  • Hormones, Gender and the Aging Brain
    Mary F. Morrison / Mary FMorrison

    280,96 €

  • Jacobson’s Organ
    Lyall Watson

    17,36 €

  • WHO Manual for the Standardized Investigation, Diagnosis and Management of the Infertile Male
    Frank H. Comhaire / Frank HComhaire / Patrick J. Rowe / Patrick JRowe / Timothy B. Hargreave / Timothy BHargreave

    116,66 €

  • Zur Wertigkeit von Turbo-Spin-Echo-Sequenzen in der zerebralen Magnetresonanztomographie bei Kindern
    Michael Schömer
    Inhaltsangabe:Einleitung: Wie die Computertomographie (CT), ist die Magnetresonanztomographie(MRT) ein computergestütztes Verfahren, das den Körper in dünnen tomographischen Schichten darstellen kann. Im Gegensatz zur CT, welche ionisierende Strahlung erfordert, basiert die MRT auf einer Interaktion zwischen elektromagnetischen Impulsen und Wasserstoffatomkernen in Anwesenhei...

    45,52 €

  • Color Vision

    207,32 €

  • The Zen Brain
    Raven Walker

    14,05 €

  • How to Stay Out of the Hospital
    Nathaniel W. III Boyd

    16,20 €

  • The Mind within the Net
    Manfred Spitzer

    33,24 €

  • Models of Cognitive Aging
    Elizabeth A. Maylor / Elizabeth AMaylor / Timothy J. Perfect / Timothy JPerfect

    164,52 €

  • Bugs in Armor
    Robert Bwire

    17,38 €

  • Congenital Hemiplegia
    This is a comprehensive review of congenital hemiplegia for the clinician covering all aspects from etiology and pathology to clinical assessment and management, whether orthopaedic, neurological or psychological. The team of expert international contributors highlight the many quite distinct problems of hemiplegia and review all the current approaches. Probable future developm...

    78,30 €

  • Frontiers in Whiplash Trauma
    One of the goals for the proposed book is to bring together leading experts in the world working in multidisciplinary areas including epidemiology, biomechanics, experimental and analytical research, physical modeling, and clinical aspects of whiplash injury. The contributing authors have submitted chapters in their area of expertise. 39 Chapters are included that cover the abo...

    143,41 €

  • Handbook of Cardiac Emergencies

    82,42 €

  • Untersuchung der verletzungsprophylaktischen Wirkung des Aufwärmens durch Befragung verletzter Sportler bezüglich ihres Aufwärmverhaltens
    Heike Schiffer
    Inhaltsangabe:Einleitung: Die vorliegende Untersuchung hat zum Ziel, die verletzungsprophylaktische Wirkung des Aufwärmens im Sport zu eruieren. Dabei wurde von der These ausgegangen, daß adäquates Aufwärmen vor sportlichen Belastungen dazu beiträgt, Verletzungen zu verhindern. Als Untersuchungsmethode wurde die schriftliche Befragung gewählt. An der retrospektiven Studie nahm...

    45,48 €

  • Measuring Patient Outcomes
    Marie T. Nolan / Victoria Mock

    147,76 €

  • Vision Loss in an Aging Society
    An essential reference source for teachers and other professionals in the fields of low vision, social work, geriatric medicine, and other areas of public health. It provides insightful analyses of both practical and public policy issues related to aging and visual impairment, giving readers a broad range of perspectives. ...

    53,97 €

  • Research into Spinal Deformities 2
    This book contains the extended abstracts of 90 papers and posters presented at the 2nd Biannual meeting of the International Research Society of Spinal Deformities, which was concerned with fundamental issues relating to the detection, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of spinal deformities, especially in children. It provides readers with the latest information and scientif...

    166,65 €

  • Nurturing Children
    A. Colón / AColón / P. Colón / PColón

    105,50 €

  • Learning to Survive
    V. S. Brynn / VSBrynn

    12,76 €

  • Die Rehabilitation durch Krankengymnastik und sportliches Training nach einer Unterschenkelfraktur zweiten Grades
    Thomas Helmer
    Inhaltsangabe:Gang der Untersuchung: Ausgehend von einem geschichtlichen Abriß über die ärztliche Therapie und die sich daran anschließenden rehabilitativen Maßnahmen im Anschluß an eine Unterschenkelfraktur zweiten Grades in Kapitel 1 sollen im zweiten Kapitel grundlegende Begriffe und Definitionen erörtert werden. Das Kapitel 3 dient der Darstellung der Wundversorgung und d...

    44,52 €

  • The Brain, Consciousness & Illusion of Truth
    Karol Ondrias / Emma Nezinska
    ...How do we know that something is true or false? How does the brain discern the truth? What kind of mechanism allows the brain to interpret the information received in the shape of electrical and chemical impulses to which it is constantly exposed? Is it the case that our brains are endowed with appropriate algorithmic rules for discriminating between truth and untruth, along...

    33,05 €

  • Infectious Diseases Diagnosis

    98,56 €

  • The Troubled Helix

    147,04 €

  • A Primer for Child Psychotherapists
    Diana Siskind
    This book, written as a question-and-answer dialogue between a child therapist and a supervisor, addresses all aspects of the situations encountered daily in work with children and their parents. From the most basic and practical to the broadest and most multifaceted, the questions search out the essence of what transpires in the treatment of a child. ...

    137,62 €