Catálogo de libros: Medicina clínica e interna

7464 Catálogo de libros: Medicina clínica e interna

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  • Evidence-Based Cancer Care and Prevention
    Barbara Given / Charles W. Given / Charles WGiven / Marjorie W. Suchocki / Marjorie WSuchocki
    The goal of behavioral oncology is to understand and explain the role and impact of behaviors at all phases in the cancer trajectory -- from prevention and detection to diagnosis and early treatment, to survivorship, recurrence, and/or death. Each chapter includes summaries of recent research on cancer-related behavioral interventions, discussions of the studies summarized, and...

    171,77 €

  • A Victim No More
    M.D. Jonathan M. Berkowitz
    More than 30 million people in the United States suffer from IBS, a.k.a irritable bowel syndrome. Using the best of conventional and natural therapies, Dr. Berkowitz shows how an individualized program, one that treats all of the underlying causes, is the best way to heal IBS. ...

    21,86 €

  • User’s Guide to Healthy Digestion
    Victoria Dolby Toews
    User’s Guide To Healthy Digestion is an easy-to-read information-packed book that will teach you how to put an end to your digestive problems. Heartburn, indigestion, bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhoea, and other digestive problems affect nearly everyone at one time or another. Health writer Victoria Dolby Toews describes the most common digestive problems and diseases and ...

    17,57 €

  • Conversations with Breast Cancer Patients
    MD. Ernest Greenberg
    From diagnosis through progression of breast cancer, patients have confided to their oncologist their fears, their hopes, the personal problems created by their illness, their way of coping or their inability to cope with the disease and its treatment. They discussed their options and throughout they managed to laugh but also did not hide their tears. 3 ...

    20,95 €

  • Conversations with Breast Cancer Patients
    MD. Ernest Greenberg
    From diagnosis through progression of breast cancer, patients have confided to their oncologist their fears, their hopes, the personal problems created by their illness, their way of coping or their inability to cope with the disease and its treatment. They discussed their options and throughout they managed to laugh but also did not hide their tears. 3 ...

    32,19 €

  • Körperliches Training mit COPD-Patienten
    Kerstin Bastian
    Inhaltsangabe:Zusammenfassung: Mit dem Sammelbegriff „chronisch obstruktive Lungenerkrankung“ (COPD = „chronic obstructive pulmonary disease“) wird eine variable Kombination von chronischer Bronchitis und Lungenemphysem charakterisiert, die durch eine langsam fortschreitende nicht bzw. lediglich teilreversible obstruktive Ventilationsstörung gekennzeichnet ist. Weltweit zeige...

    57,83 €

  • Women Warriors
    M. D. Darcy Nikol Bryan / MDDarcy Nikol Bryan / PH. D. Vernanne Bryan / PHDVernanne Bryan
    Women Warriors is a medical-humanities resource text about women and cancer written for health professionals, scholars of the humanities, and information for the mass reading audience. An incredibly informative scope-of-work when read, changing one=s outlook forever on a dreaded disease. ...

    28,60 €

    Andrew Allen / ANDREW ALLEN & CHARLES PUSEY PAUL GLYNNE / Charles Pusey / Paul Glynne
    Acute Renal Failure in Practice, edited by practising renal physicians, is the essential guide to the clinical management of patients with acute renal failure and its complex, life-threatening metabolic sequelae. This book explains the workings of the normal kidney, illustrates the aetiology and pathophysiology of acute renal disease, and provides practical treatment guidelines...

    304,13 €

    Andrew Allen / ANDREW ALLEN & CHARLES PUSEY PAUL GLYNNE / Charles Pusey / Paul Glynne
    Acute Renal Failure in Practice, edited by practising renal physicians, is the essential guide to the clinical management of patients with acute renal failure and its complex, life-threatening metabolic sequelae. This book explains the workings of the normal kidney, illustrates the aetiology and pathophysiology of acute renal disease, and provides practical treatment guidelines...

    156,04 €

  • Essentials of Obstetrics and Gynaecology for Clinical Officers and Midwives
    John N. K. Mbilu
    The author of this book has a vast experience of teaching Medical and Midwifery students both in Tanzania and abroad. He has also worked as a Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist in public hospitals both in Tanzania and abroad. This book is a testimony of the vast experience of the author. This book describes the management of a woman during pregnancy, childbirth and postp...

    16,24 €

  • Augenverletzungen beim Squash
    geb. Franke Christiana Thieler
    Inhaltsangabe:Einleitung: Squash ist eine Sportart, die in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten zunehmend an Beliebtheit gewonnen hat. Über squashbedingte Verletzungsrisiken, besonders in Bezug auf die „Augenverletzungen beim Squash“, sind sich die Spieler jedoch oft nicht bewusst. Squash birgt ein deutlich höheres Verletzungsrisiko als andere Sportarten. Dass dieses Thema von offizi...

    41,51 €

  • Treatment Matching in Alcoholism

    244,65 €

  • The Laboratory Revolution in Medicine

    71,12 €

  • Adolescent Sleep Patterns

    136,35 €

  • Hyperactivity and Attention Disorders of Childhood
    Seija Sandberg

    198,02 €

  • Adaptive Dynamics of Infectious Diseases

    261,67 €

  • Care of Arthritis in the Older Adult
    Ann Schmidt Luggen / Gloria H. Albrecht / Gloria HAlbrecht / Sue E. Meiner / Sue EMeiner

    121,69 €

  • Olfaction, Taste, and Cognition

    217,72 €

  • The Cerebellum and Adaptive Control
    John S. Barlow / John SBarlow

    197,91 €

  • Where Have All the Healers Gone?
    Luke Van Orden / MD Luke Van Orden
    Doctor Van Orden has worked in several areas of both clinical medicine and basic medical science. He considers himself a psychotherapist and a wounded healer , having had to struggle with his own demons in order to become able to help others. Through his formative years he became disillusioned about the ways that doctors in training become emotionally hardened. He then found t...

    19,71 €

  • If There s Nothing Wrong With Me, Then Why Do I Feel So Bad?
    Martin A. Duclos
    Much of the current literature describes fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and other related syndromes in terms of anecdotes and sales pitches without benefit of medical fact. Dr. Duclos is a practicing internal medicine physician who treats patients with these conditions every day and has found striking similarities among these conditions. 3 ...

    19,68 €

  • A Grounded Theory Study of Truth-Telling in Cancer
    Kelvin Karim
    Truth-telling about life-threatening cancer illness is a controversial matter. Few studies have explored attitudes towards truth-telling among people from migrant communities living in cultures different to their own. The purpose of this grounded theory study was to explore the perceptions of white British and British south Asian community workers within the Metropolitan Boroug...

    25,56 €

  • A Man’s Dilemma
    Stuart Rodney Wolk
    A must-read examination of prostate cancer, its implications, and treatments available. 3 ...

    19,81 €

  • A Man’s Dilemma
    Stuart Rodney Wolk
    A must-read examination of prostate cancer, its implications, and treatments available. 3 ...

    31,05 €

  • Effective Health Behavior in Older Adults
    Howard Leventhal / K. Warner PhD Schaie / KWarner PhD Schaie / Sherry L. Willis / Sherry LWillis
    In what ways do health behaviors and societal mechanisms help or discourage individuals in assuming responsibility for their health? Highly-esteemed and diverse contributors examine the health behaviors of older adults and the ways in which these behaviors are affected by societal trends.The volume begins with a discussion of the personal attributes affecting health behaviors ...

    143,04 €

  • Losing A Million Minds
    Office of Technology Assessment
    Prepared at the request of several committees of Congress, this report discusses the medical, social, political, and financial aspects of dementia in the elderly and assesses the impact of these diseases on the Nation. The U.S. Office of Technology Assessment published this first government report on Alzheimer’s disease in 1987. ...

    41,08 €

  • Blood Chemistry and CBC Analysis
    Dicken Weatherby / Scott Ferguson

    75,42 €

  • The Dream Drugstore
    J. Allan Hobson

    26,85 €

  • Probleme der Körperwahrnehmung bei Herzinfarktpatienten
    Barbara Schmitt-Fink
    Inhaltsangabe:Einleitung: Nachdem die im Verlauf der 50er und Anfang der 60er Jahre erworbenen wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse die Auffassung bestätigten, daß die Frühmobilisation zu positiven Effekten bei Patienten im Zustand nach Herzinfarkt führt, nehmen bewegungs- und sporttherapeutische Maßnahmen einen festen Platz in der Behandlung Herzinfarktgeschädigter ein. Die Zielse...

    51,75 €

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
    Brian E. Voncannon

    14,06 €