Catálogo de libros: Medicina clínica e interna

7467 Catálogo de libros: Medicina clínica e interna

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  • Prevalence of Transfusion-Transmitted Infections
    Silvina Gendler
    This is a descriptive, observational, cross-sectional and retrospective study carried out in the Transfusion Transmissible Infections Laboratory (ITT) of the Hemotherapy and Immunohematology Unit of the General Hospital of Acute Diseases Juan. A. Fernández General Hospital belonging to the GCABA.The purpose of this work is to study the average prevalence of the mandatory screen...

    98,86 €

  • Prévalence des infections transmises par transfusion (ITT)
    Silvina Gendler
    Il s’agit d’une étude descriptive, observationnelle, transversale et rétrospective réalisée au laboratoire des infections transmissibles par transfusion (ITT) de l’unité d’hémothérapie et d’immunohématologie de l’hôpital général des maladies aiguës Juan. A. Fernández, appartenant au GCABA.L’objectif de ce travail est d’étudier la prévalence moyenne des maladies de dépistage obl...

    98,85 €

  • Multidisciplinary Applications of Natural Science for Drug Discovery and Integrative Medicine
    The multidisciplinary applications of natural science in drug discovery are essential for identifying and developing new drugs and represent a promising area of research. Drug discovery is a complex and challenging process that involves multiple disciplines, including biology, chemistry, pharmacology, and medicine. One of the most interesting areas of drug discovery is using na...

    440,68 €

  • Paediatrics in the Reichsuniversität Straßburg
    Aisling Shalvey
    Examines the experience of paediatric patients, and the staff who determined their treatment, in the Reichsuniversitat Strasbourg, a Nazi-run hospital in occupied France from 1941 to 1944. ...

    135,38 €

  • The Quirky Girls Club
    Chris Wever
    A book for high school girls with Autism Spectrum Disorder.​The Quirky Girls Club is a book about three girls with Autism Spectrum Disorder who struggle in their transition to high school and about the support they give each other. Though they do struggle with the changing world of being a teenager, they use their strengths and friendship to flourish.Autism Spectrum Disorder in...

    15,53 €

  • Características psicocomportamentais em indivíduos submetidos à eletrocardiografia ambulatorial de 24 horas para avaliação de arritmias cardíacas
    Renata Lima Giolo
    Tendo como base o princípio do bem-estar do indivíduo como um todo, fica o questionamento da interferência da mente sobre os processos de saúde e doença. Entende-se hoje que não somente determinantes biológicos estejam envolvidos na instalação das alterações cardiovasculares, mas também que fatores psicocomportamentais como ansiedade, depressão e distresse são contribuintes e...

    18,37 €

  • 2023 Endocrine Case Management
    Stephen M Rosenthal
    2023 Endocrine Case Management: Meet the Professor (MTP) Reference Edition is your source for the latest updates in the diagnosis and management of a wide range of endocrine disorders. This valuable resource allows you to evaluate your endocrine knowledge and gain insight into the strategies used by clinical experts. MTP is updated annually with new cases. Features include:• Si...

    140,41 €

  • 2023 Endocrine Case Management
    Stephen M Rosenthal
    2023 Endocrine Case Management: Meet the Professor (MTP) Reference Edition is your source for the latest updates in the diagnosis and management of a wide range of endocrine disorders. This valuable resource allows you to evaluate your endocrine knowledge and gain insight into the strategies used by clinical experts. MTP is updated annually with new cases. Features include:• Si...

    128,46 €

  • The Flesh Eaters
    J.D. Sherwood
    Are you prepared for what you are about to discover in the chilling world of flesh-eating diseases? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to face the devastating effects of such a terrifying affliction?Have you ever heard of the term necrotizing fasciitis? If you haven’t, then brace yourself for an eye-opening journey that will forever change your perception of flesh-eat...

    11,95 €

  • The Science of Lucid Dreaming
    Casey Williams
    Looking to take your dreams to the next level? Look no further than "The Science of Lucid Dreaming," the comprehensive guide to unlocking the power of lucid dreaming. With the latest scientific research and techniques, this book is packed with everything you need to know to start inducing and controlling lucid dreams. Discover proven lucid dreaming techniques, including how to ...

    21,51 €

  • It’s No Biggie
    Linda Barboa / Mary Lou Datema
    It’s No Biggie: Autism in the Early Childhood Classroom is designed as an introduction for preschool teachers, childcare workers and others working with young children to best practices in working with all children, but most notably with those on the autism spectrum. The book contains background information on effective early childhoodpractices, with an emphasis on students who...

    53,63 €

  • Auswirkungen der Muskelnergietechnik auf Rückenschmerzen
    Karthikeyan T.
    Dieses Buch soll die therapeutischen Behandlungseffekte der Muskelenergietechnik bei Rückenschmerzen aufzeigen. Das Ziel dieser Studie ist es, die Behandlungseffekte zwischen konventionellen Wirbelsäulenübungen mit MET und konventionellen Wirbelsäulenübungen mit Stretching zu vergleichen, um Schmerzen zu reduzieren und die Flexibilität bei Patienten mit Kreuzschmerzen zu verbes...

    70,90 €

  • Effets de la technique de l’énergie musculaire sur les douleurs dorsales
    Karthikeyan T.
    Ce livre a pour but de présenter les effets thérapeutiques de la technique de l’énergie musculaire sur les douleurs dorsales. L’objectif de cette étude est de comparer les effets du traitement entre les exercices conventionnels de la colonne vertébrale avec MET et les exercices conventionnels de la colonne vertébrale avec étirements pour réduire la douleur et améliorer la flexi...

    70,83 €

  • Effetti della tecnica di energia muscolare sul mal di schiena
    Karthikeyan T.
    Questo libro intende fornire gli effetti terapeutici della tecnica dell’energia muscolare sulle condizioni di mal di schiena. L’obiettivo di questo studio è confrontare gli effetti del trattamento tra gli esercizi spinali convenzionali con MET e gli esercizi spinali convenzionali con stretching per ridurre il dolore e migliorare la flessibilità dei pazienti affetti da lombalgia...

    70,83 €

  • Efeitos da técnica de energia muscular nas dores de costas
    Karthikeyan T.
    Este livro tem como objectivo fornecer efeitos terapêuticos da técnica de energia muscular em condições de dor nas costas. O objectivo deste estudo é comparar os efeitos do tratamento entre os exercícios convencionais da coluna vertebral com MET e os exercícios convencionais da coluna vertebral com alongamentos para reduzir a dor e melhorar a flexibilidade na dor lombar dos pac...

    70,83 €

  • Влияние техники мышечной энергии на боль в спине
    Картхикеян Т.
    Цель данной книги - обеспечить терапевтическое воздействие метода мышечной энергии на боль в спине. Цель данного исследования - сравнить лечебные эффекты между обычными упражнениями для позвоночника с МЭТ и обычными упражнениями для позвоночника с растяжкой для уменьшения боли и улучшения гибкости при болях в спине у пациентов. Эта специфическая терапевтическая форма лечения с ...

    26,42 €

  • Pressing RESET for Longevity
    Original Strength / Suzie Gullett
    Every day people hear from a doctor or a friend, 'That pain you’re experiencing, get used to it. It’s just a part of getting older.' Well, I say no. Pain isn’t just a part of getting older. Pain is simply a change request. Come on a movement journey with me and learn from what others know about longevity. Meet six people who have decided to keep movement as part of their lives ...

    4,92 €

  • Nurse Florence®, What is Blood Pressure?
    Michael Dow
    Sometimes it seems only a nurse can bring technical information down to an understanding that an ordinary person can grasp. The Nurse Florence® book series provides high quality medical information that even a child can grasp. By introducing young kids to correct terminology and science concepts at an early age, we can help increase our children’s health literacy level as wel...

    17,27 €

  • Atlas of Common Subluxations of the Human Spine and Pelvis, Second Edition
    DC William J Ruch
    The serious results of subluxations can now be seen in color. By studying the dramatic consequences of chronic degeneration of the spine when caused by subluxations, rational treatment and better outcomes for your patients can be achieved. This atlas is filled with more than 260 photos and illustrations. Pictures of specimens, x-rays, CT scans and MRIs of the spine, rib cage an...

    106,69 €

  • CDCES Exam Prep
    E. M. Falgout
    Introducing our CDCES Exam Prep: 2 Full-Length Practice Tests and Study Guide for the Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist Credential! Ascencia Test Prep’s CDCES Exam Prep includes everything you need to pass the CDCES exam the first time.Quick review of the concepts covered on the CDCES exam2 full practice tests with detailed answer explanationsTips and tricks from...

    57,79 €

  • Machine Learning and AI in Clinical Practice
    Herman Strange
    Machine Learning and AI in Clinical Practice: Revolutionizing Diagnosis and Treatment Strategies is a groundbreaking book that delves into the world of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in healthcare. With advancements in technology, AI and ML have become integral parts of clinical practice, revolutionizing the way diagnoses are made and treatments are admi...

    10,51 €

  • HIPEC vs EPIC em doentes com tumores malignos da superfície peritoneal
    M. D. Ray / T. S. H. Vardhan Surya
    No nosso estudo, comparámos os resultados cirúrgicos imediatos da HIPEC e da EPIC em doentes com cancro do ovário disseminado para a cavidade peritoneal submetidas a cirurgia citorredutora. Esta comparação pode ajudar a avaliar a viabilidade de futuros ensaios prospectivos que comparem os resultados de ambas as modalidades e a estabelecer e normalizar protocolos para ambas as i...

    84,47 €

  • Epidemiologie der klinischen Symptome im Zusammenhang mit Luftverschmutzung
    Eloge Tiekwe
    Die Luftverschmutzung und ihre möglichen Auswirkungen auf die menschliche Gesundheit haben in den letzten Jahren in den afrikanischen Ländern südlich der Sahara ein stetig wachsendes Interesse geweckt. In Kamerun gibt es keine Daten über die Situation. Ziel dieser Vorstudie war es, die klinischen Symptome der Luftverschmutzung bei den Einwohnern von Douala und Dschang in Kameru...

    49,87 €

  • Epidemiology of air pollution-related clinical symptoms
    Eloge Tiekwe
    Air pollution and its possible impact on human health has been the subject of growing interest in sub-Saharan African countries in recent years. In Cameroon, there is a lack of data on the situation. The aim of this preliminary study was to highlight the clinical manifestations linked to air pollution among the inhabitants of Douala and Dschang in Cameroon. It was a descriptive...

    49,81 €

  • Epidemiologia dei sintomi clinici legati all’inquinamento atmosferico
    Eloge Tiekwe
    L’inquinamento atmosferico e il suo possibile impatto sulla salute umana sono stati oggetto di un crescente interesse nell’Africa sub-sahariana negli ultimi anni. Lo scopo di questo studio preliminare è stato quello di evidenziare le manifestazioni cliniche associate all’inquinamento atmosferico tra gli abitanti di Douala e Dschang in Camerun. Si è trattato di uno studio trasve...

    49,81 €

  • Epidemiologia dos sintomas clínicos ligados à poluição atmosférica
    Eloge Tiekwe
    A poluição atmosférica e o seu possível impacto na saúde humana têm sido objecto de um interesse crescente na África subsariana nos últimos anos. Nos Camarões, há falta de dados sobre a situação. O objectivo deste estudo preliminar foi destacar as manifestações clínicas associadas à poluição atmosférica entre os habitantes de Douala e Dschang nos Camarões. Trata-se de um estudo...

    49,81 €

  • Эпидемиология клинических симптомов, связанных с загрязнением воздуха
    Элодж Тиекве
    В последние годы загрязнение воздуха и его возможное влияние на здоровье человека стало предметом растущего интереса в странах Африки к югу от Сахары. Целью данного предварительного исследования было выявление клинических проявлений, связанных с загрязнением воздуха, среди жителей городов Дуала и Дшанг в Камеруне. Это было описательно-аналитическое перекрестное исследование, пр...

    26,35 €

  • O espectro da imaginação no autismo
    Guo-Hui XIE / Ming-Jie Deng
    A perturbação do espectro do autismo (PEA) é uma perturbação crónica do desenvolvimento neurológico que afecta a forma como uma pessoa se relaciona com o ambiente e com as pessoas que a rodeiam. A capacidade da pessoa de estabelecer relações com os outros é afectada, assim como a sua capacidade de compreender os sentimentos dos outros. As pessoas com PEA manifestam a tríade clá...

    38,49 €

  • Спектр воображения при аутизме
    Го-Хуэй Сюэ / Минг-Джи Денг
    Расстройство аутистического спектра (РАС) - это хроническое расстройство нейроразвития, которое влияет на то, как человек относится к окружающей среде и окружающим людям. У человека нарушается способность строить отношения с другими людьми, а также способность понимать чувства других людей. Люди с ASD проявляют классическую триаду нарушений (Wing, 1988) в социализации, коммуник...

    34,64 €

  • Le spectre de l’imagination dans l’autisme
    Guo-Hui XIE / Ming-Jie Deng
    Les troubles du spectre autistique (TSA) sont des troubles neurodéveloppementaux chroniques qui affectent les relations d’une personne avec son environnement et les personnes qui l’entourent. La capacité de la personne à établir des relations avec les autres est altérée, de même que sa capacité à comprendre les sentiments d’autrui. Les personnes atteintes de TSA présentent la t...

    38,49 €