Catálogo de libros: Medicina clínica e interna

7443 Catálogo de libros: Medicina clínica e interna

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  • Incorporação de sincitina-2 em mulheres grávidas
    Amirath Alakè Olaitan Badarou
    A placenta é um órgão essencial para a manutenção da gravidez e do crescimento fetal. Estudos recentes demonstraram a existência de secreções microvesiculares activas na placenta, incluindo exossomas. A incorporação de sincitina-2 na superfície destes exossomas foi claramente demonstrada. O objetivo geral do nosso estudo de investigação é avaliar a incorporação de sincitina-2 n...

    56,21 €

  • Incorporazione della sincitina-2 nelle donne in gravidanza
    Amirath Alakè Olaitan Badarou
    La placenta è un organo essenziale per il mantenimento della gravidanza e la crescita del feto. Studi recenti hanno dimostrato una secrezione microvescicolare attiva nella placenta, compresi gli esosomi. L’incorporazione della sincitina-2 sulla superficie di questi esosomi è stata chiaramente dimostrata. L’obiettivo generale del nostro studio è valutare l’incorporazione della s...

    56,21 €

  • Syncytin-2 incorporation in pregnant women
    Amirath Alakè Olaitan Badarou
    The placenta is an essential organ for maintaining pregnancy and fetal growth. Recent studies have demonstrated active microvesicular secretion in the placenta, including exosomes. The incorporation of syncytin-2 on the surface of these exosomes has been clearly demonstrated. The overall aim of our research study is to evaluate syncytin-2 incorporation in exosomes from normal p...

    56,21 €

  • Включение синцитина-2 у беременных
    Амират Алаке О Бадару
    Плацента является важным органом для поддержания беременности и развития плода. Недавние исследования показали активную микровезикулярную секрецию в плаценте, включая экзосомы. Включение синцитина-2 на поверхности этих экзосом было четко продемонстрировано. Общая цель нашего исследования - оценить включение синцитина-2 в экзосомы от нормальных беременных женщин в период с 01 по...

    27,54 €

  • Cognitive Cardiac Rehabilitation Using IoT and AI Tools
    In recent times, research in human-focused robot technologies aims to bring social-emotional intelligence closer, which interconnects with human lifestyles. Among several areas that can benefit from it, the healthcare sector, which consists of many possible areas of therapeutic interposition, is the most vital. Further, there is always concern about patient adherence to cardiac...

    579,53 €

  • Migreeni Lokikirja
    Urho Kankkunen
    Tämä loki on suunniteltu huolellisesti auttamaan sinua päänsäryn ja migreenin kirjaamisessa terveydenhuollon ammattilaisten suositusten mukaisesti. Kun pystyt tunnistamaan, missä kipusi on, se voi auttaa sinua selvittämään, miksi sinulla on kipua. Päiväkirja voi auttaa sinua seuraamaan oireitasi ja auttaa sinua löytämään tehokasta helpotusta tai päättämään, onko sinun hakeudutt...

    12,15 €

  • Mirror-Pain Synesthesia
    P D Groesbeek
    "Mirror-Pain Synesthesia: My Understanding and Coping with a Rare Condition" is an insightful and personal account that takes readers on a journey into the world of mirror-pain synesthesia. Written by someone who has experienced this extraordinary condition firsthand, this book provides a deep understanding of the phenomenon, offering practical coping strategies and fostering a...

    16,16 €

    Dan Jiang / Fanyi Meng / FANYI MENG KERRY WEBSTER DAN JIANG / Kerry Webster
    The COVID-19 pandemic dominated the globe for at least three years, and infected a large proportion of the worldwide population. After the acute infection, many stay in poor health for months. The nature of this aftermath is not yet fully understood, therefore the management of this syndrome through biomedical therapy is not ideal. Health services are struggling to help those w...

    164,16 €

  • Bipolare Störung Mit Schnellen Zyklen
    Ghassene AMRI / Mehdi Karoui
    Die bipolare Störung mit schnellen Zyklen (BPSR) ist eine besonders schwere Verlaufsmodalität. Sie ist eine Entität, die in den Arbeiten kaum individualisiert wird. Das Profil der Patienten mit dieser klinischen Spezifikation ist schlecht definiert und die Behandlungsmethoden sind schlecht kodifiziert. Ziel unserer Arbeit war es, eine deskriptive Bewertung der soziodemografisch...

    61,57 €

  • Bipolar Disorder With Rapid Cycles
    Ghassene AMRI / Mehdi Karoui
    Rapid-cycling bipolar disorder (RCBD) is a particularly severe progressive modality. It is a poorly individualized entity. The profile of patients with this clinical specification is poorly defined, and therapeutic remedies are poorly codified. The aim of our work was to make a descriptive assessment of the sociodemographic, clinical and therapeutic characteristics of patients ...

    61,57 €

  • Disturbo bipolare a cicli rapidi
    Ghassene AMRI / Mehdi Karoui
    Il disturbo bipolare a cicli rapidi (RBCD) è una forma particolarmente grave della malattia. Si tratta di un’entità poco identificata in letteratura. Il profilo dei pazienti con questa specifica clinica è poco definito e le opzioni terapeutiche sono poco codificate. Lo scopo del nostro lavoro è stato quello di effettuare una valutazione descrittiva delle caratteristiche sociode...

    61,57 €

  • Perturbação bipolar com ciclos rápidos
    Ghassene AMRI / Mehdi Karoui
    A perturbação bipolar de ciclo rápido (BPR) é uma forma particularmente grave da doença. É uma entidade que tem sido pouco identificada na literatura. O perfil dos doentes com esta especificação clínica está mal definido e as opções de tratamento são pouco codificadas. O objetivo do nosso trabalho foi avaliar de forma descritiva as características sociodemográficas, clínicas e ...

    61,57 €

  • Биполярное расстройство с быстрыми циклами
    Гассен Амри / Мехди Каруи
    Биполярное расстройство с быстрой цикличностью (БРЦН) является особенно тяжелой формой заболевания. В литературе это явление описано мало. Профиль пациентов с этой клинической характеристикой плохо определен, а варианты лечения плохо кодифицированы. Целью нашей работы было провести описательную оценку социально-демографических, клинических и терапевтических характеристик пациен...

    27,66 €

  • Emergências médicas no consultório dentário pediátrico
    Pallavi Vashisth / Sathyajith Naik / Vaishnavi Singh
    As emergências médicas podem ocorrer e ocorrem de facto na prática da medicina dentária. As emergências médicas podem ocorrer e ocorrem também em pacientes pediátricos. A maioria das emergências médicas desenvolve-se quando o doente, normalmente um adulto, está com medo ou tem um controlo inadequado da dor. As emergências mais comuns registadas em doentes dentários adultos incl...

    87,04 €

  • Medizinische Notfälle in der Kinderzahnarztpraxis
    Pallavi Vashisth / Sathyajith Naik / Vaishnavi Singh
    Medizinische Notfälle können in der zahnärztlichen Praxis vorkommen und tun es auch. Medizinische Notfälle können auch bei pädiatrischen Patienten vorkommen und tun es auch. Die meisten medizinischen Notfälle entstehen, wenn der Patient, in der Regel ein Erwachsener, ängstlich ist oder eine unzureichende Schmerzkontrolle hat. Zu den häufigsten Notfällen bei erwachsenen zahnärzt...

    87,03 €

  • Urgences médicales au cabinet dentaire pédiatrique
    Pallavi Vashisth / Sathyajith Naik / Vaishnavi Singh
    Les urgences médicales peuvent se produire et se produisent dans la pratique de la dentisterie. Les urgences médicales peuvent se produire et se produisent également chez les patients pédiatriques. La plupart des urgences médicales surviennent lorsque le patient, généralement un adulte, a peur ou ne contrôle pas suffisamment la douleur. Les urgences les plus courantes observées...

    87,03 €

  • Emergenze mediche in uno studio dentistico pediatrico
    Pallavi Vashisth / Sathyajith Naik / Vaishnavi Singh
    Le emergenze mediche possono verificarsi nella pratica dell’odontoiatria. Le emergenze mediche possono verificarsi anche nei pazienti pediatrici. La maggior parte delle emergenze mediche si sviluppa quando il paziente, in genere un adulto, è spaventato o non ha un controllo adeguato del dolore. Le emergenze più comuni riscontrate nei pazienti odontoiatrici adulti includono sinc...

    87,04 €

  • Медицинские чрезвычайные ситуации в кабинете детского стоматолога
    Ваишнави Сингх / Паллави Вашистх / Сатхяйитх Наик
    В стоматологической практике могут возникать и возникают неотложные медицинские ситуации. Неотложные медицинские ситуации могут возникать и возникают и у пациентов детского возраста. Большинство неотложных медицинских ситуаций развивается, когда пациент, обычно взрослый, испытывает страх или неадекватный контроль боли. Наиболее распространенные неотложные состояния, отмечаемые ...

    41,28 €

  • Embracing the Spectrum
    Cara Cusack
    Cara Cusack is a multifaceted author, IT Business Leader, mother, grandmother, and small-scale farmer. Born and raised in Texas, she now calls the beautiful landscapes of Washington State home. With an impressive 25-year career in information technology, Cara’s wealth of knowledge is as broad as the landscapes she has traversed, from the green fields of Ireland to the coastal b...

    10,98 €

  • Рак молочной железы
    Зукар Ольфа / Фолех Ража / Хаддад Анис
    Рак молочной железы - самое распространенное онкологическое заболевание у женщин. Диагноз рака молочной железы всегда является шоком для пациентки и ее семьи. Ее семейная и профессиональная жизнь глубоко нарушается. Диагноз рака всегда вызывает широкий круг вопросов, многие из которых вызывают страдания. Данное руководство содержит наиболее полные, точные, понятные, проверенные...

    34,57 €

  • Brustkrebs
    Faleh Raja / Haddad Anis / Zoukar Olfa
    Brustkrebs ist die häufigste Krebserkrankung bei Frauen. Die Diagnose Brustkrebs ist immer ein Schock für die Patientin und ihre Familie. Ihr Familien- und Berufsleben wird dadurch stark verändert. Die Krebsdiagnose wirft immer viele verschiedene und oft beängstigende Fragen auf. Dieser Leitfaden bietet die umfassendsten, präzisesten, verständlichsten, validierten und aktualisi...

    93,36 €

  • Breast cancer
    Faleh Raja / Haddad Anis / Zoukar Olfa
    Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. The diagnosis of breast cancer is always a shock for the patient and her family. Her family and professional life are profoundly disrupted. The diagnosis of cancer always raises a wide range of questions, many of them distressing. This guide provides the most comprehensive, precise, understandable, validated and up-to-date answe...

    93,24 €

  • Cancro al seno
    Faleh Raja / Haddad Anis / Zoukar Olfa
    Il cancro al seno è il tumore più comune nelle donne. La diagnosi di cancro al seno è sempre uno shock per la paziente e la sua famiglia. La sua vita familiare e professionale viene profondamente sconvolta. La diagnosi di cancro solleva sempre una vasta gamma di domande, molte delle quali angoscianti. Questa guida fornisce le risposte più complete, accurate, comprensibili, conv...

    93,30 €

  • Cancro da mama
    Faleh Raja / Haddad Anis / Zoukar Olfa
    O cancro da mama é o cancro mais frequente nas mulheres. O diagnóstico de cancro da mama é sempre um choque para a doente e para a sua família. A sua vida familiar e profissional é profundamente perturbada. O diagnóstico de cancro levanta sempre um vasto leque de questões, muitas delas angustiantes. Este guia fornece as respostas mais completas, precisas, compreensíveis, valida...

    93,36 €

  • Neuroplasticity
    Johnnie Cantrell
    Neuroplasticity is the change in neural pathways and synapses that occurs due to certain factors, like behavior, environment, or neural processes. Cognitive-behavioral therapy modified the neural circuits involved in the regulation of negative emotions and fear extinction in judged treatment responders. Neuroimaging studies revealed that cbt was able to change dysfunctions of t...

    16,03 €

  • Prevalenza delle infezioni trasmesse da trasfusione (TTI)
    Silvina Gendler
    Si tratta di uno studio descrittivo, osservazionale, trasversale e retrospettivo condotto presso il Laboratorio di Infezioni Trasmissibili alla Trasfusione (ITT) dell’Unità di Emoterapia e Immunoematologia dell’Ospedale Generale di Malattie Acute Juan. A. Fernández, appartenente al GCABA.Lo scopo di questo lavoro è studiare la prevalenza media delle malattie di screening obblig...

    98,85 €

  • Prevalência de infecções transmitidas por transfusão (ITT)
    Silvina Gendler
    Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, observacional, transversal e retrospetivo realizado no Laboratório de Infecções Transfusionais Transmissíveis (ITT) da Unidade de Hemoterapia e Imunohematologia do Hospital Geral de Doenças Agudas Juan. A. Fernández pertencente ao GCABA.O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar a prevalência média das doenças de rastreio obrigatório nos dadores de sa...

    98,85 €

  • Распространенность инфекций, передаваемых трансфузионным путем (ИТП)
    Сильвина Гендлер
    Это описательное, обсервационное, перекрестное и ретроспективное исследование, проведенное в лаборатории трансфузионно-трансмиссивных инфекций (ITT) отделения гемотерапии и иммуногематологии Главной больницы острых заболеваний им. A. Fernández General Hospital belonging the GCABA.Целью данной работы является изучение средней распространенности обязательных скрининговых заболева...

    34,82 €

  • Prävalenz von durch Transfusionen übertragenen Infektionen (TTIs)
    Silvina Gendler
    Es handelt sich um eine deskriptive, beobachtende, querschnittliche und retrospektive Studie, die im Labor für durch Transfusionen übertragbare Infektionen (ITT) der Abteilung für Hämotherapie und Immunhämatologie des Allgemeinen Krankenhauses für akute Krankheiten Juan. A. Fernández, das der GCABA angehört.Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die durchschnittliche Prävalenz der obligato...

    98,85 €

  • Prevalence of Transfusion-Transmitted Infections
    Silvina Gendler
    This is a descriptive, observational, cross-sectional and retrospective study carried out in the Transfusion Transmissible Infections Laboratory (ITT) of the Hemotherapy and Immunohematology Unit of the General Hospital of Acute Diseases Juan. A. Fernández General Hospital belonging to the GCABA.The purpose of this work is to study the average prevalence of the mandatory screen...

    98,86 €