Catálogo de libros: Medicina clínica e interna

7443 Catálogo de libros: Medicina clínica e interna

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  • Ocular sarcoidosis
    Rym Maamouri
    Introduction: Ocular involvement in sarcoidosis accounts for 11.8% of uveitis cases. The aim of our work is to study the clinical characteristics of patients presenting with sarcoidosis uveitis. Patients and Methods Retrospective study in the ophthalmology department. Results We included 9 patients (8 women and 1 man), 4 patients presented with initial ocular manifestations rev...

    63,00 €

  • Pharmacological Benefits of Natural Agents
    Many natural products are known to have health-promoting pharmaceutical activities. For example, capsaicin, curcumin, epigallocatechin, resveratrol, and quercetin have been reported to possess anti-inflammatory activity. Additionally, bioactive agents such as flavonoids, alkaloids, and terpenoids have shown a protective effect against diseases such as cancer, liver diseases, ca...

    442,34 €

  • Supporto alle famiglie in un’unità di terapia intensiva neonatale
    Christie Coupe
    Questo libro esplora l’esperienza dei genitori e del personale e l’efficacia del personale, per determinare le aree di miglioramento per le famiglie che hanno un neonato in Terapia Intensiva Neonatale (TIN) e offrire ai membri del personale l’opportunità di discutere il loro ruolo in relazione al neonato e alla famiglia. I risultati dello studio indicano inoltre che il supporto...

    72,27 €

  • Apoio à família numa Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatais
    Christie Coupe
    Este livro explora a experiência dos pais e do pessoal e a eficácia do pessoal, para determinar áreas de melhoria para as famílias que têm um bebé na Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatais (UCIN), e oferece aos membros do pessoal a oportunidade de discutir o seu papel na relação com o bebé e a família. Os resultados do estudo também indicaram que o apoio de enfermagem foi mui...

    72,27 €

  • Familienunterstützung in einer Neugeborenen-Intensivstation
    Christie Coupe
    In diesem Buch werden die Erfahrungen der Eltern und des Personals sowie die Effektivität des Personals untersucht, um Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten für Familien mit einem Säugling auf der Neugeborenen-Intensivstation (NICU) zu ermitteln und den Mitarbeitern die Möglichkeit zu geben, ihre Rolle in der Beziehung zum Säugling und zur Familie zu diskutieren. Die Ergebnisse der Studie...

    72,33 €

  • Поддержка семьи в отделении интенсивной терапии новорожденных
    Кристи Коуп
    В этой книге исследуется опыт родителей и персонала, а также эффективность работы персонала, чтобы определить области улучшения для семей, в которых находится младенец в отделении интенсивной терапии новорожденных (ОИТН), и предложить сотрудникам обсудить их роль в отношениях с младенцем и семьей. Результаты исследования также показали, что поддержка медсестер очень важна для р...

    27,91 €

  • Soutien familial dans une unité de soins intensifs néonatals
    Christie Coupe
    Ce livre explore l’expérience des parents et du personnel et l’efficacité du personnel, afin de déterminer les domaines à améliorer pour les familles qui ont un enfant en unité de soins intensifs néonatals (USIN), et d’offrir aux membres du personnel l’occasion de discuter de leur rôle par rapport à l’enfant et à la famille. Les résultats de l’étude indiquent également que le s...

    72,27 €

  • Semaglutides
    Richard Lipman / Richard M.D. Lipman
    Semaglutides: Ozempic, Wegovy and Mounjaro and Zepbound Produce Dramatic Weight Loss Embark on a transformative journey towards lasting weight loss with 'Semaglutides: Once a Week Weight Loss Injections.' In this groundbreaking guide, endocrinologist and weight loss expert, Dr Richard Lipman M.D. delves into the challenges of weight loss, the elusive nature of maintaining it...

    18,73 €

  • Mind Body Secrets
    Dr. Beatriz Olson
    In Mind Body Secrets - A Medical Doctor’s Spiritual and Scientific Guide to Wellness Dr. Beatriz Olson unravels the 'secrets' of our ancestral biology and survival mentality. This knowledge is crucial in order to thrive in the contemporary world. She teaches us how to change limiting mindsets, key elements of the care of our bodies and minds, and the importance of spirit to wel...

    20,74 €

  • Rainbow Girl
    Livia Sara
    Autism and Anorexia - a 'Perfect' ComboAt just 15 years of age, Livia was tossed out of the Dutch eating disorder treatment system with the message: 'You’re just going to have to accept the fact that you’re never going to get better.'Growing up unknowingly autistic, Livia spent the majority of her young life seeking worth and validation in external achievements. She excelled in...

    16,87 €

  • Dislocazione perilunare (PDL) del carpo
    Hassib Keskes / Wajdi Bouaziz / Wassim Zribi
    Le lussazioni e le fratture-lussazioni perilunari del carpo sono lesioni poco comuni e rappresentano il 5-10% delle lesioni traumatiche del polso. La combinazione di lesioni ossee e legamentose spiega la difficoltà di trattamento di queste lesioni. Abbiamo raccolto 30 lussazioni e fratture-lussazioni retrolunari del carpo trattate chirurgicamente tra il 2004 e il 2014 con un fo...

    54,97 €

  • Deslocação perilunar (PDL) do carpo
    Hassib Keskes / Wajdi Bouaziz / Wassim Zribi
    As luxações e as fracturas-luxações perilunares do carpo são lesões pouco frequentes, representando 5 a 10% das lesões traumáticas do punho. A combinação de lesões ósseas e ligamentares explica a dificuldade no tratamento destas lesões. Reunimos 30 luxações retrolunares e fracturas-luxações do carpo tratadas cirurgicamente entre 2004 e 2014 com um seguimento mínimo de 24 meses....

    54,97 €

  • Perilunate dislocations of the carpus (LPL)
    Hassib Keskes / Wajdi Bouaziz / Wassim Zribi
    Dislocations and perilunate fracture-luxations of the carpus are uncommon injuries, accounting for 5-10% of traumatic wrist injuries. The combination of bone and ligament injuries explains the difficulty of treating these injuries. We collated 30 retrolunate dislocations and fracture-luxations of the carpus surgically treated between 2004 and 2014 with a minimum follow-up of 24...

    54,90 €

  • Перилунный вывих (LPL) запястья
    Важди Буазиз / Вассим ЗРИБИ / Хассиб Кескес
    Вывихи и переломо-вывихи перилунатной кости запястья - нечастые повреждения, составляющие 5-10% травматических повреждений запястья. Сочетание повреждений костей и связок объясняет сложность лечения этих повреждений. Мы собрали данные о 30 ретролунарных вывихах и переломо-вывихах карпуса, подвергнутых хирургическому лечению в период с 2004 по 2014 г. с минимальным сроком наблюд...

    27,54 €

  • Perilunäre(LPL) Luxationen der Handwurzelknochen
    Hassib Keskes / Wajdi Bouaziz / Wassim Zribi
    Luxationen und perilunäre Fraktur-Luxationen der Handwurzel sind nicht sehr häufig und machen 5-10% der traumatischen Verletzungen des Handgelenks aus. Die Kombination aus Knochen- und Bandverletzungen erklärt die Schwierigkeit der therapeutischen Behandlung dieser Verletzungen. Wir haben 30 retrolunäre Luxationen und Frakturluxationen des Handwurzelknochens gesammelt, die zwis...

    54,97 €

  • Vaccins en CMV-Reactivering
    Antonius van Boston
    De mRNA COVID-19-vaccins kunnen een kortstondige tijdelijke immunosuppressie veroorzaken, waardoor het cytomegalovirus (CMV) bij sommige mensen opnieuw kan worden geactiveerd. Deze reactivering van het cytomegalovirus kan myocarditis en het Guillain-Barré-syndroom en tal van andere aandoeningen veroorzaken. Het cytomegalovirus is zeer alomtegenwoordig van aard en komt veel voor...

    27,75 €

  • The MSing Link
    Dr. Gretchen Hawley
    Has multiple sclerosis caused you to become fearful, frustrated, or overwhelmed because your walking or mobility isn’t improving?In this straightforward and action-focused guide, Dr. Gretchen Hawley provides the exact steps to take control of your MS symptoms and feel empowered. Common symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, difficulty walking, and poor balance require MS-specific ...

    17,08 €

  • Toilet Training for Autistic & SEND Children and Adults
    Faria Arsh
    This book has incredible strategies and techniques which are broken down into easy-to-follow steps to help you toilet-train your child/adult with autism and other disabilities. This method is based on ’behavioural training’ that can be used at any age, & ability and can also be used for some neurotypical children who struggle to grasp the concept of toilet training. This book a...

    15,98 €

  • Kardio-renales Syndrom
    Mourad Boukheloua / SOUAD CHELGHOUM
    Bei mehr als einem Drittel der Herzinsuffizienzpatienten wird eine Niereninsuffizienz festgestellt. Die Kombination dieser beiden Erkrankungen hat eine schlechte Prognose, da sie häufig die bei Herzinsuffizienz empfohlene Behandlungsstrategie verändert und die progressive Schädigung beider Organe verstärkt. Die Niere spielt eine wichtige Rolle in der Pathophysiologie der Herzin...

    61,82 €

  • Cardio-renal syndrome
    Mourad Boukheloua / SOUAD CHELGHOUM
    Kidney failure is detected in over a third of heart failure patients. The association of these two pathologies has a poor prognosis, as it often alters the therapeutic strategy recommended for heart failure patients, and increases the progressive damage to both organs. The kidney plays an important role in the pathophysiology of heart failure, and suffers the progressive conseq...

    61,76 €

  • Кардио-ренальный синдром
    Моурад Боукхелоуа / Соуад Кхелгхоум
    Почечная недостаточность выявляется более чем у трети пациентов с сердечной недостаточностью. Сочетание этих двух состояний имеет плохой прогноз, поскольку часто изменяет терапевтическую стратегию, рекомендованную пациентам с сердечной недостаточностью, и усиливает прогрессирующее повреждение обоих органов. Почка играет важную роль в патофизиологии сердечной недостаточности и с...

    27,91 €

  • Síndrome cardio-renal
    Mourad Boukheloua / SOUAD CHELGHOUM
    A insuficiência renal é detectada em mais de um terço dos doentes com insuficiência cardíaca. A combinação destas duas condições tem um mau prognóstico, uma vez que altera frequentemente a estratégia terapêutica recomendada para os doentes com insuficiência cardíaca e aumenta os danos progressivos em ambos os órgãos. O rim desempenha um papel importante na fisiopatologia da ins...

    61,82 €

  • Sindrome cardio-renale
    Mourad Boukheloua / SOUAD CHELGHOUM
    L’insufficienza renale viene riscontrata in più di un terzo dei pazienti con insufficienza cardiaca. La combinazione di queste due condizioni ha una prognosi sfavorevole, poiché spesso altera la strategia terapeutica raccomandata per i pazienti con insufficienza cardiaca e aumenta il danno progressivo a entrambi gli organi. Il rene svolge un ruolo importante nella fisiopatologi...

    61,82 €

  • PACE The PANCE PA Review Series
    Eric A. Roman / Eric Roman
    Prepare for your Pediatrics End of Rotation (EOR) Exam with PACE The PANCE’s PA Review Series. In this book, we cover hundreds of practice questions to help you succeed on your exam. Our book is written in a rapid-review style format covering the definition, etiology, risk factors, signs and symptoms, labs, imaging, diagnosis, treatment, health maintenance, and patient educatio...

    45,81 €

  • Gestione dell’assistenza infermieristica nel centro chirurgico
    Francisca A. Barreto
    L’infermieristica è intesa come una pratica sociale con diversi campi d’azione, tra i quali il Centro chirurgico è citato come un settore ad alta concentrazione di pratica tecnico-scientifica, in cui l’infermiere coordina e gestisce l’intero processo di assistenza da sviluppare nel contesto dell’istituzione ospedaliera, anche nel periodo perioperatorio. Nelle relazioni degli in...

    55,16 €

  • Nursing care management in the surgical centre
    Francisca A. Barreto
    Nursing is understood as a social practice with various fields of action, among these, the Surgical Center is cited as a sector of high concentration of technical and scientific practice, in which the nurse coordinates and manages the entire process of care to be developed in the context of the hospital institution, including in the perioperative period. Five categories of anal...

    55,16 €

  • Gestion des soins infirmiers dans le centre chirurgical
    Francisca A. Barreto
    Les soins infirmiers sont compris comme une pratique sociale avec différents champs d’action, parmi lesquels le centre chirurgical est cité comme un secteur de forte concentration de pratique technique et scientifique, dans lequel l’infirmière coordonne et gère l’ensemble du processus de soins à développer dans le contexte de l’institution hospitalière, y compris dans la périod...

    55,22 €

  • Управление сестринским уходом в хирургическом центре
    Франциска А. Баррето
    Сестринское дело понимается как социальная практика с различными сферами деятельности, среди которых хирургический центр упоминается как сектор высокой концентрации технической и научной практики, в котором медсестра координирует и управляет всем процессом ухода, который должен быть разработан в контексте больничного учреждения, в том числе в периоперационный период. В отчетах ...

    27,79 €

  • Pflegedienstleitung im chirurgischen Zentrum
    Francisca A. Barreto
    Die Krankenpflege wird als eine soziale Praxis mit verschiedenen Handlungsfeldern verstanden, von denen das chirurgische Zentrum als ein Bereich mit einer hohen Konzentration an technischer und wissenschaftlicher Praxis angeführt wird, in dem die Krankenschwester den gesamten Pflegeprozess koordiniert und verwaltet, der im Kontext der Krankenhauseinrichtung zu entwickeln ist, e...

    55,22 €

  • Endocrine Self-Assessment Program Questions, Answers, and Discussions (ESAP 2023)
    Endocrine Self-Assessment Program (ESAP), Reference Edition 2023 is a self-study resource for physicians and health professionals wanting a self-assessment and broad review of endocrinology. It consists of approximately 120 multiple-choice questions in the areas of endocrinology, diabetes, and metabolism. Correct answers for each question are extensively discussed, with referen...

    451,38 €