Catálogo de libros: Medicina preclínica: ciencias básicas

1196 Catálogo de libros: Medicina preclínica: ciencias básicas

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  • Vaccins et Réactivation du CMV
    Antoine de Boston
    Les vaccins à ARNm COVID-19 peuvent induire une immunosuppression temporaire de courte durée permettant au cytomégalovirus (CMV) de se réactiver chez certaines personnes dans de très rares cas. Cette réactivation du cytomégalovirus peut dans de rares circonstances provoquer une myocardite et le syndrome de Guillain-Barré et une foule d’autres affections. Le cytomégalovirus est ...

    28,15 €

  • Impfstoffe und CMV-Reaktivierung
    Anthony von Boston
    Die mRNA-COVID-19-Impfstoffe können eine kurzlebige vorübergehende Immunsuppression induzieren, die es in sehr seltenen Fällen ermöglicht, dass das Cytomegalovirus (CMV) bei manchen Menschen reaktiviert wird. Diese Reaktivierung des Cytomegalovirus kann in seltenen Fällen Myokarditis und Guillain-Barré-Syndrom sowie eine Vielzahl anderer Erkrankungen verursachen. Das Cytomegalo...

    29,58 €

  • Vacunas y Reactivación CMV
    Antonio de Boston
    Las vacunas mRNA COVID-19 pueden estar induciendo una inmunosupresión temporal de corta duración que permite que el citomegalovirus (CMV) se reactive en algunas personas en casos muy raros. Esta reactivación del citomegalovirus puede, en raras circunstancias, causar miocarditis y síndrome de Guillain-Barré y muchas otras dolencias. El citomegalovirus es de naturaleza muy ubicua...

    25,79 €

    This comprehensive compendium provides an up-to-date scientific source of biomedical engineering principles of 'replacement parts and assist devices' for the bionic man. It covers biomechanics, biochemistry, rehabilitation, tissue engineering, and sports science, as well as applications in cardiovascular, visual, auditory, and neurological systems.The useful reference text bene...

    170,30 €

  • 多峰宽带生命能量波 治疗技术(上集)
    Xianglin Wang

    35,11 €

  • Biochemistry and Therapeutic Attributes of Culinary Herbs
    Bina Rani
    India has been recognized as the Land of Spices from the dawn of time due to the cultivation of such a broad range of spice crops and represents the status of the world’s one of the leading spice producers and exporters, accounting for around 25-30% of the global spice commercially. The scent, flavor and pungency of Indian spices are well-known. The present book deals with the ...

    61,99 €

  • Médicos Pelo Brasil
    José Renato Andrade Filho
    Livro com questões comentadas da última prova do Program Médicos pelo Brasil ...

    32,70 €

  • Anticoncepción Hormonal
    David Vásquez Awad / Santiago Palacios
    En un principio, el hombre desconocía toda relación entre elacto sexual y la concepción. Toda acción que involucrara lapenetración no era más que un frívolo acto de emociones ysensaciones más allá de cualquier deseo de procrear, y el frutofortuito de dicho suceso se lo atribuían a fuerzas divinas. Conel auge de los grandes pensadores y junto con la investigaciónsobre el funcion...

    24,96 €

  • Pain Truth Makes Sense
    Bahram Jam / Tashmeen Khimani Lalani
    The Pain Truth by Dr. Bahram Jam, PTWhat is pain? Why do people feel it? Where exactly does it come from? Most importantly, how can chronic pain be completely eliminated or at least reduced? These are questions Dr. Bahram Jam is asked hundreds if not thousands of times every year as people turn to him for help in treating their various pains.Dr. Jam entered the field of Phys...

    35,71 €

  • No tengas hijos
    Pierina Calle
    Ser mamá es ser la mano derecha de Dios, pues le ayudas a criar un ángel en la Tierra.Nadie está preparada para ser mamá, sin embargo, cuando hablo de hacerlo con profesionalismo no me refiero a tener una carrera o algo corporativo: quiero decir que seamos profesionales en el área materna.Cada mujer hace lo mejor que puede, pero ser mamá va más allá de solo traer un bebé al mun...

    36,40 €

  • The Maternal Genetic Lineages of Ashkenazic Jews
    Kevin Alan Brook
    This comprehensive and up-to-date guide to the genetic origins of Ashkenazic Jews focuses on their 129 maternal haplogroups and their connections to the Middle East, North Africa, Europe, and East Asia. It definitively shows that all Ashkenazim descend both from the ancient Israelites and from converts to Judaism. ...

    22,02 €

  • The Maternal Genetic Lineages of Ashkenazic Jews
    Kevin Alan Brook
    This comprehensive and up-to-date guide to the genetic origins of Ashkenazic Jews focuses on their 129 maternal haplogroups and their connections to the Middle East, North Africa, Europe, and East Asia. It definitively shows that all Ashkenazim descend both from the ancient Israelites and from converts to Judaism. ...

    171,41 €

    Our hearts have evolved to be extremely efficient, long-lasting pumps that exquisitely match the needs of our bodies. This book is about how the heart does this; how can a heart pump the blood for up to 100 years while the best Formula 1 racing engine has a working life measured in hours? Why is the heart so efficient, and how are worn out parts replaced while working? How does...

    194,63 €

  • Embryology Made Easy
    Embryology is the science that deals with the development of an individual within the uterus. It is an essential field in the education of medical students because a competent knowledge in embryology is essential to diagnose and treat various congenital anomalies. Embryology is considered as a challenging subject according to most student’s opinions. This book "Embryology Made ...

    5,82 €

  • Atlas of Cardiac Anatomy
    Kalyanam Shivkumar / Mori Shumpei
    Atlas of Cardiac Anatomy represents a new standard for the study of the human heart. Drs. Shumpei Mori and Kalyanam Shivkumar have created a visually stunning presentation of more than 200 full-color photographs of the human heart and its adjacent structures. Atlas of Cardiac Anatomy includes unpublished and restored iconic photographs from the Wallace A. McAlpine Collection at...

    449,83 €

  • Mutación C677T del gen de la metilentetrahidrofolato reductasa
    Desirée Martínez Briones
    En los últimos años se han descrito numerosos polimorfismos asociados con un mayor o menor riesgo a padecer una enfermedad trombótica en sus distintas variantes. Una de estas mutaciones de interés es la C677T del gen metilentetrahidrofolato reductasa (MTHFR), que consiste en la sustitución de una citosina por una timina en el nucleótido 677. Este cambio de aminoácido genera una...

    12,22 €

  • The Instrumental Spectrometric and Spectroscopic Analysis of Amino Acids
    Jasmine Tripconey / Nick Winstone-Cooper
    This is the seventh in a series of textbooks which address the analysis of different classes of molecules using elemental data and infrared, mass and multinuclear spectra to determine the structures of many different classes of molecules.This book concentrates on fifteen of the twenty amino acids, both essential and non-essential. ...

    28,90 €

  • Anatomía humana. Manual de laboratorio
    Carlos Arturo Florido Caicedo
    Anatomía humana: manual de laboratorio recoge la experiencia académica obtenida durante más de 50 años por la Unidad de Anatomía de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. La obra aborda los segmentos estudiados en la anatomía topográficadorso y cabeza ósea, cara, cuello, miembro superior, tórax, abdomen, retroperineo y pelvis, y miembro superior integra...

    20,80 €

  • Dr. Schuessler’s Biochemistry
    J. B. Chapman / J. W. Cogswell
    The Theory and Practical Applications of Schuessler’s Twelve Biochemic Remedies discovered over one century ago by German physician, Dr. Wilhelm Heinrich Schuessler. This is an Unabridged, Digitally Enlarged Printing of ’A Medical Book for the Home,’ with Repertory, to include a Comprehensive Index at book’s end. ...

    15,77 €

  • Estimulação Magnética Transcraniana
    Joaquim Pereira Brasil-neto
    A neuromodulação terapêutica não-invasiva é um dos campos mais dinâmicos e inovadores da medicina atual. As principais técnicas envolvidas são a estimulação magnética transcraniana (EMT) e a estimulação transcraniana por corrente contínua (ETCC). Esta nova edição física do E-BookEstimulação Magnética Transcraniana: Manual Práticofoi revista e atualizada, com base principalmente...

    24,99 €

  • Hormones
    Tish Davidson

    56,69 €

  • The Pelvic Book for Osteopaths and Chiropractors
    John R Bayliss
    This heavily illustrated book is about the bony anatomy and physiology of the pelvic joints in never seen before detail. How and why pelvic lesions are created and their effect on the whole body. How to treat with new techniques. This is the topic the manipulative professions at the time of writing have been waiting for. Osteopaths and Chiropractors know how to correct sacroili...

    46,70 €

  • The Face
    Marty Roth
    The face circulates through most things of this world: anything that has presence, that presents itself, that has a front, a surface, an appearance, an aspect, a reputation, or honor - anything that confronts, opposes, or defies - has a face. And the face is a front: from the back it is just a head, a radically different entity. In this exciting new book, distinguished philosop...

    141,61 €

  • Voice Quality
    Allison Benner / John H. Esling / Scott R. Moisik

    40,30 €

  • The Spaces of Renaissance Anatomy Theater
    Leslie R. Malland
    The space of Renaissance anatomy is not solely in the physical theatre. As this collection demonstrates, the space of the theatre encompasses every aspect of Renaissance culture, from its education systems, art, and writing to its concepts of identity, citizenship, and the natural world. This book argues that Renaissance anatomy theatres were spaces of intersection that influen...

    69,00 €

  • Studies on Wines and Fuel Alcohol Production
    Nandita Gupta
    THESIS Submitted to the Punjab Agricultural University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN MICROBIOLOGY.ABSTRACTSubstandard and waste mango (Mangifera indica) variety Dussehri was utilized for ethanol fermentation by Saccharomyces Cerevisiae var. ellipsoideus strain montrachet (@ 15% v/v).Ethanol 9.0% v/v was produced from the subst...

    22,53 €

  • Fundamentos del habla: guía de ejercicios prácticos
    Maryluz Camargo Mendoza
    El libro Fundamentos del Habla: guía de ejercicios prácticos fue elaborado con el propósito de ofrecer a estudiantes y profesionales de fonoaudiología una serie de actividades relacionadas con los conceptos básicos del proceso del habla humana. El texto no pretende, de ninguna manera, profundizar en los conceptos presentados, sino que se propone reforzar con diferentes ejercici...

    15,96 €

    Social and environmental factors have profound impacts on health and diseases across the lifespan. Each year, hundreds of millions of animals are used in biomedical research. Yet many experimental studies utilize animals housed in standard conditions conferring minimal physical, social, and mental stimulation. Lacking appreciation of macroenvironment impacts on physiology and d...

    182,15 €

  • Honeybee Anatomy Brought to Life
    Graham Kingham
    Honeybee Anatomy Brought to LifeThis book uses photo essays to set out and display the anatomy, internal, external of the honeybee with over 350 detailed micrographs, together with slide images and drawings. Pests and other additional hive activities are also included. It will appeal to anyone interested in this fascinating insect and be particularly valuable to beekeepers stud...

    33,99 €

  • Advances in Computational Approaches in Biomechanics
    With the advent of digital computers and rapidly developing computational techniques, computer simulations are widely used as predictive tools to supplement experimental techniques in engineering and technology. Computational biomechanics is a field where the movements of biological systems are assessed in the light of computer algorithms describing solid and fluid mechanical p...

    340,77 €