Catálogo de libros: Medicina preclínica: ciencias básicas

1196 Catálogo de libros: Medicina preclínica: ciencias básicas

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  • Cutting-Edge Applications of Nanomaterials in Biomedical Sciences
    Cutting-Edge Applications of Nanomaterials in Biomedical Sciences is a comprehensive exploration of the revolutionary impact of nanotechnology on the field of medicine. This book delves into the remarkable potential of nanomaterials in advancing medical diagnostics and therapeutics, particularly in drug delivery. It serves as an indispensable guide, presenting the latest develo...

    396,47 €

  • Chemistry for Students
    Leonel Travers / Oakridge Press
    The aim of this guide is not to be your teacher. Think of it as a road map. A way to navigate the world of chemistry and enjoy the scenery as you do so. And believe me, there is a lot to see. Atoms, the periodic table, chemical equations, acids, the Arrhenius theory; all these and many other concepts, as well as the minds behind them, are vital to understanding the world we inh...

    18,61 €

  • Applications of Synthetic Biology in Health, Energy, and Environment
    Muhammad Arshad
    The application of genetic engineering techniques by redesigning and repurposing biological systems for novel biotechnical applications has paved the way for the field of synthetic biology. This field boosted the evolution and discovery of various novel technologies essential to the conquest of biological problems related to health, disease, the environment, and energy. The fie...

    443,10 €

  • Segurança Do Paciente
    Elisandra Venzke Pinto
    Esta obra aborda de uma forma objetiva, estratégias para a segurança do paciente em uso de agentes quimioterápicos e a a relação entre avaliação da qualidade em saúde e a assistência de enfermagem segura. ...

    7,19 €

  • The Brain Unveiled
    Gaurav Garg
    Welcome to a captivating journey into the uncharted territory of your most incredible organ—the human brain. This book is your ticket to unraveling the mysteries of this intricate neural universe, a journey that will take you from the very basics to the frontiers of contemporary neuroscience, all while keeping the wonders of the brain accessible to every curious mind.In the pag...

    15,36 €

  • Reprodução Humana Para Doação De Órgãos
    Nielson Ribeiro Modro
    O presente livro é fruto da tese de doutorado defendida no curso de Ciências Jurídicas da Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa (UAL).Seu principal objetivo é realizar uma análise relativa a questões jurídicas e bioéticas envolvendo os avanços tecnológicos da atualidade no campo da manipulação genética, já que hoje é possível a geração de seres humanos, manipulados geneticamente, par...

    45,91 €

  • The Power and Versatility of RNA-seq in Laboratory Research
    Susan K. Rathe
    RNA-sequencing is one of the most powerful tools available to cancer researchers, but it is not without its challenges.In this book, Dr. Rathe provides a plethora of user-friendly tools and methods to assist cancer researchers in making the most of their RNA- sequencing data.Dr. Rathe describes a novel approach to prioritize the gene and pathway changes in controlled experiment...

    131,49 €

  • O Reembolso Médico
    Alexandre Campos Moraes Amato
    O Reembolso Médico é a maneira mais inteligente de atuar na saúde. O equilibrio entre o poder decisório, a informação médica e o poder financeiro permite a realização da medicina sem influência de interesses escusos. Para o paciente, ele recebe a informação de saúde da fonte, sem filtro econômico da operadora de saúde. Para o médico, não há influência da operadora de saúde nas ...

    17,08 €

    This book is an introduction to epigenetics, a controversial term that denotes the mechanisms that instruct the genome on how to express the purely genetic information that encodes proteins. Starting with the discovery of repressor proteins in the 1960s, epigenetics evolved into a kind of user manual for the genetic information, telling the genome if, when, how much and in what...

    110,02 €

    This book is an introduction to epigenetics, a controversial term that denotes the mechanisms that instruct the genome on how to express the purely genetic information that encodes proteins. Starting with the discovery of repressor proteins in the 1960s, epigenetics evolved into a kind of user manual for the genetic information, telling the genome if, when, how much and in what...

    194,74 €

  • Nurse Florence®, What is Blood Pressure?
    Michael Dow
    Sometimes it seems only a nurse can bring technical information down to an understanding that an ordinary person can grasp. The Nurse Florence® book series provides high quality medical information that even a child can grasp. By introducing young kids to correct terminology and science concepts at an early age, we can help increase our children’s health literacy level as wel...

    35,35 €

  • Abc Da Dor
    Elgin B.e.gossalter
    Prepare-se para embarcar em uma jornada transformadora e emocionante comABC da Dor , a obra inovadora da Dra. Elgin Gossalter. Neste livro cativante, a autora mergulha nas profundezas dos fenômenos da dor humana, revelando segredos preciosos para lidar com traumas, cicatrizar feridas e encontrar caminhos em direção ao alívio através dos mais variados tratamentos e abordagens. ...

    29,34 €

    Regarded by many as a dead or simply dull subject, Change and Challenge in Human Structure - Sixty Years On shatters this prejudice with a series of studies that go beyond dissection and measurement and covers novel approaches to anatomical form. Award-winning anatomist Charles Oxnard takes us on an exhilarating ride: beginning with rudimentary dissections and the fascinating o...

    140,68 €

  • 多峰宽带生命能量波 治疗技术(下集)
    Xianglin Wang

    34,84 €

    Julian Gendreau / Nolan J Brown / NOLAN J BROWN SHANE SH JULIAN GENDREAU / Shane Shahrestani
    What is machine learning? What is the current state of prosthetics in healthcare? Can scientists cure paralysis? Are supercomputers composed of human DNA real?These are all questions contemplated by both highly educated biomedical engineers and individuals without formal scientific training that have simple interests in medicine. Technology, undoubtedly, has given rise to advan...

    127,72 €

    Julian Gendreau / Nolan J Brown / NOLAN J BROWN SHANE SH JULIAN GENDREAU / Shane Shahrestani
    What is machine learning? What is the current state of prosthetics in healthcare? Can scientists cure paralysis? Are supercomputers composed of human DNA real?These are all questions contemplated by both highly educated biomedical engineers and individuals without formal scientific training that have simple interests in medicine. Technology, undoubtedly, has given rise to advan...

    50,69 €

  • The Genetics Revolution
    Kenneth Caraballo
    The study of genetics has come a long way since the discovery of the structure of DNA in the 1950s. With the advent of new technologies such as CRISPR-Cas9, scientists have been able to manipulate genes in ways that were once unimaginable. The implications of these breakthroughs are far-reaching and profound, touching on everything from healthcare to agriculture to ethics."The ...

    287,07 €

  • Anatomia Umana
    Nathan Orwell
    Sei uno studente universitario alle prime armi e cerchi un manuale completo e semplificato sull’anatomia umana?Hai un esame in vista e hai necessità di ripassare questa complessa materia della medicina?O forse, sei già un professionista e cerchi una lettura nuova e aggiornata sul complicato argomento dell’anatomia?Che tu abbia intenzione di diventare medico o semplicemente cono...

    55,01 €

  • Epigenetica per Intermedi
    Genetica Moderna
    Stai per sviluppare una conoscenza approfondita dell’epigenetica, compresa la loro relazione con il DNA, i fattori ambientali, lo sviluppo umano e l’evoluzione; il loro ruolo nella salute mentale e fisica dell’uomo, compreso il loro uso nel trattamento di diverse condizioni e malattie insieme alle più attuali pratiche e ricerche epigenetiche!Ciò che è iniziato come un’ampia ric...

    20,30 €

  • Giants and Dwarfs
    Edward J. Wood
    Discover the world of Giants and Dwarfs in this revised and first illustrated edition of the classic 1868 book by Edward J. Wood. This fascinating and rare collection of accounts brings to life both mythical and many historical figures, including the infamous Gogmagog and Polyphemus. Explore the chapter entitled 'Bible Dwarfs' featuring the biblical hybrid giants known as the N...

    30,16 €

  • How Dancing Really Stops the Clock
    MD FACP Robert L Buckingham
    This book is about the theoretical mechanics of how capillary and endothelial cells stay healthy or alternatively what causes them to get sick and die. When their infrastructures begin to lose gravitas from the loss of dance step rhythm counterbalance, the processes that evoke chronic interstitial space inflammation escalate. When this occurs, the end organ cell loses functiona...

    41,72 €

  • How Dancing Really Stops the Clock
    MD FACP Robert L Buckingham
    This book is about the theoretical mechanics of how capillary and endothelial cells stay healthy or alternatively what causes them to get sick and die. When their infrastructures begin to lose gravitas from the loss of dance step rhythm counterbalance, the processes that evoke chronic interstitial space inflammation escalate. When this occurs, the end organ cell loses functiona...

    50,09 €

    Soft biological tissues often undergo large (nearly) elastic deformations that can be modeled using the nonlinear theory of elasticity. Because of the varied approaches to nonlinear elasticity in the literature, some aspects of the subject may be difficult to appreciate.This volume clarifies and unifies those treatments, illustrating the advantages and disadvantages of each thr...

    178,44 €

  • Vacinas e Reativação do CMV
    Antonio de Boston
    As vacinas de mRNA COVID-19 podem estar induzindo uma imunossupressão temporária de curta duração, permitindo que o citomegalovírus (CMV) seja reativado em algumas pessoas em casos muito raros. Esta reativação do citomegalovírus pode, em raras circunstâncias, causar miocardite e síndrome de Guillain-Barré e uma série de outras doenças. O citomegalovírus é altamente onipresente ...

    26,29 €

  • Expressive Origins
    Rachelle Simpson Sweet
    Have you or a family member struggled to lose weight despite years of dieting? Do you struggle with a chronic disease that won’t resolve? Are you reaching an age where menopause symptoms are affecting your lifestyle? Or do you just need a decent night’s sleep and less brain fog?By combining breakthrough science in epigenetics with unique genetic blueprints, the authors in this ...

    23,03 €

    Michael Lutter
    Eating Disorders are one of the most common, but elusive conditions to treat in all of Psychiatry. While current treatments do help some patients with eating disorders, too many individuals receive little to no benefit from treatment options leading to a lifelong struggle with anxiety around eating and body image. In this book, Michael Lutter, MD/PhD presents the developement o...

    22,32 €

  • Define Yourself
    Aaron Smith
    'What a read! A warts-and-all depiction of the amazing journey of the KX brand.'Melanie Gleeson, Founder & CEO, Endota SpaWhat happens when passion, purpose and business collide?A global fitness franchise is born.After discovering dynamic reformer Pilates in a boutique London studio, Aaron Smith brought the concept back to Australia under his own KX brand, disrupting the fitnes...

    20,30 €

  • Honorary Doctorate Dr. Katalin Karikó
    Floris Rutjes / Katalin Karikó
    On 20 October 2022, the day that Radboud University celebrated its 99th anniversary, Dr. Katalin Karikó received a Radboud honorary doctorate in recognition of her scientific contributions to developing mRNA-based vaccines. This edition includes the laudatio of the honorary supervisor and the speech of the honorary doctor.Karikó spent years researching medical applications of m...

    15,15 €

  • The Shadow of Evil The Ethical Dilemma of Nazi Medical Experiments, Darwinism, And Racial Purification
    Davis Truman
    The Nazi regime of Germany during World War II is known for its atrocities, including the systematic persecution and extermination of millions of Jews and other minorities. However, the unethical medical experiments conducted by Nazi doctors on prisoners are less widely known, which were rooted in the ideology of Darwinism and racial purification. These experiments involved sub...

    12,86 €

  • Rotinas De Enfermaria Em Pediatria
    Ana Talita Vasconcelos Arcanjo E Vanessa Rocha Neves Carneiro
    O diagnóstico e tratamento das doenças mais relevantes na pediatria, através de uma linguagem direta e práticaEste é um livro atualizado sobre os principais temas da Pediatria, direcionado aos estudantes de medicina, médicos e residentes de pediatria, que facilita a compreensão dos temas no manejo de casos clínicos. ...

    20,46 €