Catálogo de libros: Medicina: cuestiones generales

25574 Catálogo de libros: Medicina: cuestiones generales

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  • Масло бычьей лягушки и его противовоспалительный потенциал
    Андре Луи Силва Давим / Р. Перейр / Тереза Не де К. Дантас
    Натуральные продукты различного происхождения, как растительного, так и животного, играют важную роль в различных отраслях промышленности, например, в фармацевтике, поскольку некоторые из этих веществ оказывают благотворное влияние на борьбу с различными заболеваниями, например, воспалительного происхождения и даже раком. Многие гипотезы основаны на действии этих соединений в м...

    85,78 €

  • Ochsenfroschöl und sein entspannendes Potenzial
    André Luiz Silva Davim / Marcia R. Pereira / Tereza Neuma de C. Dantas
    Natürliche Produkte verschiedener Herkunft, ob pflanzlich oder tierisch, spielen eine wichtige Rolle in verschiedenen Bereichen der Industrie, wie z.B. in der Pharmazie, da einige dieser Substanzen bei der Bekämpfung verschiedener Krankheiten, wie z.B. Entzündungen und sogar Krebs, eine positive Wirkung haben. Viele Hypothesen stützen sich auf die Wirkung dieser Verbindungen be...

    85,72 €

  • L’huile de grenouille et son potentiel anti-inflammatoire
    André Luiz Silva Davim / Marcia R. Pereira / Tereza Neuma de C. Dantas
    Les produits naturels de diverses origines, végétales ou animales, jouent un rôle important dans différents secteurs de l’industrie, tels que les produits pharmaceutiques, car certaines de ces substances agissent de manière bénéfique dans la lutte contre diverses maladies, telles que celles d’origine inflammatoire et même le cancer. De nombreuses hypothèses sont basées sur l’ac...

    85,72 €

  • Bullfrog oil and its anti-inflammatory potential
    André Luiz Silva Davim / Marcia R. Pereira / Tereza Neuma de C. Dantas
    Natural products of various origins, whether plant or animal, have been playing an important role in different sectors of the industry, such as pharmaceuticals, because some of these substances act beneficially in the fight against various diseases, such as those of inflammatory origin and even cancer. Many hypotheses are based on the action of these compounds in modulating the...

    85,59 €

  • Veterinary Medical Education
    Veterinarians are valued and respected professional figures. Veterinary research transcends species boundaries and includes the study of both spontaneously occurring and experimentally induced models of both human and animal diseases. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of the One Health program, and this adaptive and responsive approach should be implemented i...

    79,73 €

  • Reconstructive Microsurgery
    Albert H. Chao
    The subspecialty of reconstructive microsurgery utilizes microsurgical techniques to allow surgeons to operate on the smallest of structures, including vessels, lymphatics, and nerves. Traditionally, these procedures have been used by microsurgeons to reconstruct complex tissue defects through the use of free tissue transfer, which involves the transfer of tissue (free flaps) b...

    60,94 €

  • Advances in Paediatric Spine Surgery
    The always-evolving field of pediatric spine surgery has seen tremendous advancements in recent years. Improvements in surgical planning, techniques, implants, and peri-operative pathways have greatly benefited our patients and their families. Nevertheless, there are still many questions to be answered and there is room for improvement. Modern technologies, including vertebral ...

    60,98 €

  • Régénération rénale par échafaudage décellularisé
    Jianse Zhang / Jin Mei / Yaling Yu
    À l’exception du poisson zèbre, aucun vertébré n’est considéré comme ayant la capacité de régénérer ses reins. La file d’attente des patients ayant besoin d’un autre rein peut aller de la Maison Blanche à la place Tiananmen. Après avoir essayé des techniques génétiques, moléculaires, cellulaires et autres, les scientifiques n’ont toujours pas fait de percée dans la régénération...

    68,73 €

  • Dezellularisierte Gerüste für die Nierenregeneration
    Jianse Zhang / Jin Mei / Yaling Yu
    Abgesehen von Zebrafischen gibt es kein Wirbeltier, das seine Niere regenerieren kann. Die Schlange der Patienten, die eine neue Niere benötigen, kann vom Weißen Haus bis zum Platz des Himmlischen Friedens reichen. Trotz aller Versuche mit genetischen, molekularen, zellulären und anderen Techniken ist den Wissenschaftlern noch immer kein Durchbruch bei der In-vivo-Regeneration ...

    68,73 €

  • Клинический профиль больных гемофилией из Верхнего Ассама
    Анупам Датта
    В исследование были включены все пациенты, поступившие в отделение медицины и педиатрии с гемофилией. Всего было исследовано 79 пациентов с гемофилией, 94,9% мужчин и 4% женщин; 74,7% были в возрасте до 20 лет, 78,5% были известными пациентами с гемофилией, в то время как 21,5% были недавно диагностированы; 64,6% пациентов имели определенный семейный анамнез; 79,7% были с дефиц...

    28,96 €

  • Klinisches Profil von Hämophiliepatienten in Upper Assam
    Anupam Dutta
    Alle Patienten, die in der Abteilung für Medizin und Pädiatrie mit Hämophilie aufgenommen wurden, wurden in die Studie einbezogen. Insgesamt wurden 79 Hämophiliepatienten untersucht, davon 94,9 % Männer und 4 % Frauen; 74,7 % waren unter 20 Jahre alt und 78,5 % waren bekannte Hämophiliepatienten, während 21,5 % neu diagnostiziert wurden; 64,6 % der Patienten hatten eine eindeut...

    28,96 €

  • Profil clinique des patients hémophiles du Haut Assam
    Anupam Dutta
    Tous les patients hémophiles admis dans le département de médecine et de pédiatrie ont été inclus dans l’étude. Au total, 79 patients hémophiles ont été étudiés, dont 94,9 % d’hommes et 4 % de femmes ; 74,7 % avaient moins de 20 ans et 78,5 % étaient des patients hémophiles connus, tandis que 21,5 % étaient nouvellement diagnostiqués ; 64,6 % des patients avaient des antécédent...

    28,90 €

  • Évaluation de cas de services intégrés de développement de l’enfance en Inde
    Anjana Verma / Jitendra Kumar Meena / Rajesh Kumar
    ' Évaluation très pratique et méthodologique du principal programme de nutrition de l’Inde avec l’intégration d’aspects qualitatifs. Analyse approfondie de la littérature pour une compréhension claire du programme et des défis auxquels il est confronté. Une évaluation perspicace des forces et des faiblesses pour des recommandations politiques. Lecture conseillée aux étudiants e...

    48,63 €

  • Fallbewertung von integrierten Entwicklungsdiensten für Kinder in Indien
    Anjana Verma / Jitendra Kumar Meena / Rajesh Kumar
    ' Äußerst praxisnahe und methodische Bewertung von Indiens wichtigstem Ernährungsprogramm unter Einbeziehung qualitativer Aspekte. Eingehende Literaturrecherche für ein klares Verständnis des Programms und der damit verbundenen Herausforderungen. Aufschlussreiche Bewertung der Stärken und Schwächen für politische Empfehlungen. Empfehlenswerte Lektüre für Studenten und Fachleute...

    48,63 €

  • Оценка комплексных услуг по развитию детей в Индии
    Анджана Верма / Джитендра Кумар Мина / Раджеш Кумар
    ' Высокопрактичная и методологическая оценка важнейшей индийской программы питания с учетом качественных аспектов. Глубокий обзор литературы для четкого понимания программы и проблем, с которыми она сталкивается. Проницательная оценка сильных и слабых сторон для выработки политических рекомендаций. Рекомендуется к прочтению студентам и специалистам в области общественного питан...

    48,69 €

  • Avaliação de casos de serviços integrados de desenvolvimento da infância na Índia
    Anjana Verma / Jitendra Kumar Meena / Rajesh Kumar
    ' Avaliação altamente prática e metodológica do principal programa de nutrição da Índia com a integração de aspectos qualitativos. Revisão aprofundada da literatura para uma compreensão clara do programa e dos desafios que enfrenta. Avaliação perspicaz dos pontos fortes e fracos para recomendações de políticas. Sugestão de leitura para estudantes e especialistas em Nutrição Com...

    48,63 €

  • Valutazione di un caso di servizi integrati per lo sviluppo dell’infanzia in India
    Anjana Verma / Jitendra Kumar Meena / Rajesh Kumar
    ' Valutazione altamente pratica e metodologica del principale programma nutrizionale indiano con l’integrazione di aspetti qualitativi. Approfondita revisione della letteratura per una chiara comprensione del programma e delle sfide affrontate. Valutazione approfondita dei punti di forza e di debolezza per le raccomandazioni politiche. Lettura consigliata per studenti e special...

    48,63 €

  • Восстановление почек с помощью децеллюляризированных строительных лесов
    Джин Мэй / Цзяньсе Чжан / Ялинг Ю
    Считается, что ни одно позвоночное, кроме рыбы-зебры, не обладает способностью к регенерации почки. Очередь из пациентов, нуждающихся в другой почке, может протянуться от Белого дома до площади Тяньаньмэнь. Испробовав генетические, молекулярные, клеточные и другие методы, ученые так и не совершили прорыва в регенерации почек in-vivo. Автор идет совершенно другим путем, решая пр...

    68,80 €

  • Phytochemicals Beneficial to Human Health
    To date, numerous research groups have focused on the study and characterization of herbal extracts to identify numerous plant metabolites that have remarkable effects on biological systems. ...

    89,09 €

  • Common Medical Plants of India
    Edward John Waring
    'The principal use of Aloes is as a purgative, in doses of from three to six grains. If administered alone, it is apt to cause griping, nausea.' 'In Coughs, especially those of Infancy and Childhood, where there is difficulty of breathing, the application of betel leaves, warmed, smeared with oil, and applied in layers over the chest, often affords speedy and marked relief. It ...

    16,17 €

  • Hypnose und Akupunktur bei chronischen Schmerzen
    Alfred Witzmann
    In diesem Buch werden die neurophysiologischen Grundlagen zum Verständnis des Phänomens Schmerz beschrieben. Im Anschluss daran wird beschrieben, was es mit Hypnose auf sich hat. Dabei werden die indirekte Hypnose nach Milton Erickson und die direkte Methode nach Dave Elman in ihren Grundzügen beschrieben. Die Akupunktur wird sodann ebenfalls grundlagenmässig, aber so umfassend...

    28,28 €

  • Bronx Brat
    Alvin Billings
    This is the story of Bernie, a Brat born and raised in the Bronx. His story unfolds in the Bronx of the 1940s and 50s-a colorful mosaic of Italian, Irish and Jewish families. Local parks (especially the Bronx Zoo and Botanical Garden) were peaceful oases from crowded Bronx apartment houses. Bernie was highly intelligent and sought adult-level knowledge in local libraries. He h...

    18,12 €

  • Tragedy to Triumph
    Janet W. Mauk Pete Radigan
    Tragedy to Triumph-The Story of Tom’s Heart provides an up-close and personal look at the journeys of two individuals facing death as they present their individual perspectives as the donor family and the recipient. There are very few stories in life that grip you like the loss of a child. When that story hits home, it can feel like your very heart is being ripped out. This sto...

    12,13 €

  • My Interesting Life
    Donald Ezekiel
    This is a memoir written for my family. It outlines what little I have managed to piece togetherof my parents and their family histories, together with the story of my own family and the challenges and successesthat have come our way.My parents were both refugees and neither ever really spoke about their past. I regret not having pressed them, as the experiences of their respec...

    30,41 €

  • Porneiopathology; A Popular Treatise on Venereal and Other Diseases of the Male and Female Genital System; With Remarks on Impotence, Onanism, Sterility, Piles, and Gravel, and Prescriptions for Their
    Robert James Culverwell
    Porneiopathology; A Popular Treatise on Venereal and Other Diseases of the Male and Female Genital System; With Remarks on Impotence, Onanism, Sterility, Piles, and Gravel, and Prescriptions for Their Treatment, a classical book, has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its pre...

    19,86 €

  • Power Through Repose
    Annie Payson Call
    Power Through Repose, a classical book, has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and designed. These books are not made of scanned cop...

    16,27 €

  • Prescription for Success
    Shadawn Henderson
    Prescription for Success is intended to inspire and guide all, but especially first-generation individuals through the process of applying to pharmacy school. This book offers advice on meeting school requirements, understanding what schools look for in applicants, preparing for the application process, and choosing the right school for their needs. The book also provides suppo...

    19,10 €

  • Pitfalls in Family Medicine Clinical Practice
    Adil Alharti / Khalid Almutairi
    In recent years, the discipline of general practice has undergone significant development. A general practitioner requires a broad knowledge base and a wide range of skills to provide comprehensive care for their patients. Within the time constraints of a busy practice and limited consultation time, the general practitioner must do their best to address various patient complain...

    24,42 €

  • Modelli di sistema del corpo umano
    A. Tumen-Ulzii / M. Ambaga / T. Buyantushig
    Gli autori hanno stabilito per la prima volta i modelli di sistema del corpo umano, compresi i 10 sistemi principali del corpo umano come donatori di protoni e accettori di elettroni, il potenziale redoxy di membrana, tre stati dipendenti, un ciclo chiuso completo a nove fasi della conduttanza protonica e quattro tipi di cellule che si distinguono per le differenze nella condut...

    77,65 €

  • Modelos de sistemas do corpo humano
    A. Tumen-Ulzii / M. Ambaga / T. Buyantushig
    Os autores começaram por estabelecer os modelos de sistema do corpo humano, incluindo os 10 sistemas principais do corpo humano como dadores de protões e aceitadores de electrões, o potencial de redox da membrana, três estados dependentes, ciclo fechado completo de nove etapas de condutância de protões e quatro tipos de células distinguidas por diferenças na condutância de prot...

    77,65 €