Catálogo de libros: Medicina: cuestiones generales

25651 Catálogo de libros: Medicina: cuestiones generales

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  • Un tratado de neumología en Abulcasis
    Luisa María Arvide Cambra
    Abu l-Qasim Al-Zahrawi (c.936-c.1013), conocido en la tradición latina, entre otros nombres, como Abulcasis, es uno de los médicos árabes más importantes del islam medieval, que, entre otras aportaciones, llevó a la cirugía a las más altas cotas científicas. Compuso una obra enciclopédica, titulada Kitab al-Ta?rif (Libro de la disposición médica), que está dividida en treinta t...

    18,00 €

  • They Still Call Me Doctor
    Barbara Henick Bachow M. D.
    Dr. Bachow spent her childhood in the inner city, growing up in the Brooklyn projects. Blessed with the necessary academic skills and personality, she fought her way out of her humble beginnings to achieve a level of success that she had never thought possible. Not surprisingly, over the years she became accustomed to the accolades of achievement while standing on life’s pedest...

    13,04 €

  • They Still Call Me Doctor
    Barbara Henick Bachow M. D.
    Dr. Bachow spent her childhood in the inner city, growing up in the Brooklyn projects. Blessed with the necessary academic skills and personality, she fought her way out of her humble beginnings to achieve a level of success that she had never thought possible. Not surprisingly, over the years she became accustomed to the accolades of achievement while standing on life’s pedest...

    22,52 €

  • Governance, democracy and ethics in crisis-decision-making
    This volume brings together findings from rapid-response COVID-19 research that are linked by a focus on governance decisions, particularly the ’how’ and the ’why’ of decision-making during the pandemic. Contributors reflect on how the pandemic seems impossible to disentangle from issues of trust and accountability in power and authority. ...

    71,32 €

    Nurova Zamira Annakulovna / Urazova Zarina Urmanovna
    The immune system is one of the body’s most important structures, ensuring its safety and integrity throughout the life of the microorganism. It is well known that secondary immunodeficiency is formed in infectious, surgical, somatic, and many other pathologies requiring adequate measures. Correlation of immunodeficiency conditions is carried out, as a rule, with medicinal prod...

    85,59 €

  • Pets Make People Better (pocket book)
    Kevin B DiBacco
    Pets Make People BetterDear Animal Companions,This book is a celebration of the magical bond we share and the countless ways you make our lives better. Through these pages, I’ve explored the remarkable physical, mental, and emotional health benefits that you bring to us humans. But more than that, I’ve sought to capture the essence of what makes our connection so special.You ar...

    5,79 €

  • Курс лекций по нормальной физиологии. Том второй
    Фариза Халимова / Фируз Шукуров
    Второй том лекций по физиологии, является продолжением, выпущенного 2023 году первого тома. Последовательность представления материалов соответствует планам лекций, прочитанных авторами студентам медицинского университета. Авторы уже в течении более 30 лет являются лекторами, преподавателями на кафедре нормальной физиологии Таджикского государственного медицинского университета...

    90,79 €

  • Regard d’un Manager des Services publics de Santé
    La pandémie de Covid-19 a provoqué une crise majeure paralysant les activités des différents domaines à travers le monde. La présente étude avait pour objet de comprendre le refus de la population kinoise à se faire vacciner contre la pandémie de Covid-19 et de proposer une stratégie managériale capable de faire accepter le vaccin dans le but d’éradiquer cette pandémie virale. ...

    61,44 €

  • Islamic Medicine
    Mohammed Salim Khan
    In the centre of naturopathic and herbal medicine is a living healthcare tradition called Tibb. Prophetic medicine provided the foundation, and over time integrated elements from Egypt, India, China and classical Greece. Tibb is an Arabic word, which in difference placed has been referred to as Arabic, Greco-Arab, Hikmah, Unani, Islamic and Sufi medicine. This is the first syst...

    26,41 €

  • Approaches to Human-Centered AI in Healthcare
    The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) stands as both a promise and a challenge in the field of healthcare. As technological advancements reshape the industry, academic scholars find themselves at the forefront of a crucial dialogue about the ethical implications and societal repercussions of AI. The accelerating sophistication of AI technologies brings forth a central...

    509,95 €

  • The Complete Guide to Heart Diseases
    Dr. Nilesh Panchal
    'The Complete Guide to Heart Diseases' provides a thorough exploration into the complex world of cardiovascular diseases. This comprehensive guide covers a broad spectrum of heart-related conditions, ranging from common ailments like hypertension and Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) to more severe disorders such as cardiomyopathy and aortic aneurysms. Each chapter delves deeply in...

    40,97 €

  • The essence of Homeopathy Materia Medica
    Dr. Mahendra Prasad Mahapatra
    In the study and application of homeopathy’s Materia medica, students focus on constant comparison and differentiation. They meticulously compare remedy pathogenesis with patient anamnesis and differentiate similar symptoms among various remedies to select the simillimum. Essential to this process is a deep understanding of each remedy’s individuality, including its peculiar or...

    28,09 €

  • Echoes of Infection
    Dr. Nilesh Panchal
    'Echoes of Infection: Battling Rheumatic Heart Disease' meticulously explores the serious but preventable connection between rheumatic fever and the lasting damage it can cause to heart valves, a condition known as rheumatic heart disease. This book details the pathophysiology of the disease, tracing its development from a streptococcal infection to the inflammatory processes t...

    5,65 €

  • Clots in Motion Understanding Venous Thromboembolism
    Dr. Nilesh Panchal
    'Clots in Motion: Understanding Venous Thromboembolism' provides an essential guide to venous thromboembolism (VTE), including deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE), conditions characterized by the formation of blood clots that can pose immediate risks to health and life. This book explores the myriad causes and risk factors of VTE, from genetic predispositions...

    5,62 €

  • Diagnostic et Prise en charge des Péritonites Post Opératoire
    Nabil Ghomari / Rabeh Kouadria / Soumia Benbernou
    Les péritonites post opératoires (PPO) représentent la complication la plus redoutée dans les suites d’une chirurgie abdomino-pelvienne notamment, digestive.Le principe de leur prise en charge est basé sur un diagnostic précoce, sur le contrôle chirurgical optimal de la source infectieuse, sur une antibiothérapie adaptée et sur la gestion des défaillances d’organes.Le pronostic...

    61,57 €

  • L’effet de l’accouchement dystocique sur la psychologie de la femme
    Fatma Chaker / Fatma Khanfir / Mohamed Derbel
    Les troubles psychologiques du post-partum sont fréquents et peuvent être majorés après accouchement dystocique. Nos objectifs étaient d’évaluer les facteurs associés à l’état de stress post traumatique (ESPT), la dépression du post partum (DPP) et les aspects relationnels après un accouchement dystocique.Une étude transversale descriptive et analytique incluant 60 femmes ayant...

    61,88 €

  • Anesthésie de l’obèse
    Abdelkader Dahmane / Fadila Larbaoui / Soumia Benbernou
    Ces dernières années, l’obésité est devenue la première maladie non transmissible de l’histoire. Elle a fortement augmenté dans le monde, y compris dans les pays en développement. Elle représente un facteur de risque important pour les maladies cardiovasculaires, le diabète ou encore le cancer. L’algerie n’échappe pas à cette règle Par conséquent, cette augmentation de prévalen...

    61,88 €

  • Échographie des kystes mammaires
    Lynda Aoudia
    Le kyste est l’affection la plus fréquente dans la pathologie mammaire. Il est constitué d’une cavité néoformée à contenu liquidien, entourée d’un tissu épithélial de revêtement. Les kystes mammaires peuvent être classés en trois catégories : simples, compliqués et complexes, selon leur aspect échographique (la présence ou non d’une paroi épaisse, des cloisons internes épaisses...

    61,82 €

  • Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) importance in Diabetes mellitus
    Geethanjali Santhanam / Subhasree Dhanabalan
    Diabetes is one of the major degenerative diseases in the world, at present, 422 million adults are affected with diabetes, and 3.7 million deaths are caused due to diabetes and its co-morbid conditions. India poses second place in global diabetes prevalence next to China according to the World Health Organization report. For every 11 in 1 person is diagnosed with diabetes. The...

    97,47 €

    AKANSH DATTA / ALI QAMAR / Nandakishore D
    This book is about Temporomandibular joint Ankylosis, discussing in a very simple language all its causes and management. Temporomandibular Joint is a very complex structure and students often find it hard to study. This book covers the history, causes, features, treatment, management and complications related to temporomandibular joint ankylosis and all other necessary informa...

    85,59 €

  • Jewish refugees and the British nursing profession
    Jane Brooks
    This book bears witness to the personal experiences of Jewish refugees from Nazi Europe in the highly gendered profession of nursing. ...

    157,22 €

  • Unpacked
    Dr. Sara Coffey
    The COVID-19 pandemic affected all of us, with individuals, families, and friends navigating the changing landscape in different ways. Many stepped into uncomfortable conversations and experiences that have lingering, lasting effects.In Unpacked, Dr. Sara Coffey explores our collective experience to this life-altering, global pandemic and helps provide clarity and meaning to th...

    26,37 €

  • Unpacked
    Dr. Sara Coffey
    The COVID-19 pandemic affected all of us, with individuals, families, and friends navigating the changing landscape in different ways. Many stepped into uncomfortable conversations and experiences that have lingering, lasting effects.In Unpacked, Dr. Sara Coffey explores our collective experience to this life-altering, global pandemic and helps provide clarity and meaning to th...

    18,58 €

  • Chirurgia cardiaca aperta post-operatoria
    Yousef S. S. Albattniji
    L’assistenza post-operatoria del paziente cardiochirurgico è impegnativa in quanto i cambiamenti possono verificarsi rapidamente. Le condizioni preoperatorie del paziente e gli eventi intraoperatori devono essere presi in considerazione nell’assistenza postoperatoria. Gli infermieri di terapia intensiva sono nella posizione migliore per applicare le conoscenze nella pratica, po...

    63,07 €

  • Nuove tendenze nel trattamento dei casi di intossicazione
    Said Said Elshama
    Questo libro esplora il ruolo della medicina alternativa e complementare nel trattamento delle manifestazioni tossiche di diversi farmaci e sostanze chimiche. Presenta una rassegna generale che mostra il ruolo dei prodotti naturali e la loro efficacia come agenti preventivi e terapeutici. Questo libro è un tentativo di scoprire una strategia terapeutica innovativa nella disinto...

    111,90 €

  • Novas tendências no tratamento de casos de intoxicação
    Said Said Elshama
    Este livro explora o papel da medicina alternativa e complementar no tratamento das manifestações tóxicas de diferentes medicamentos e produtos químicos. Apresenta uma revisão global que mostra o papel dos produtos naturais e a sua eficácia como agentes preventivos e terapêuticos. Este livro é um ensaio para descobrir uma estratégia terapêutica inovadora na desintoxicação e no ...

    111,90 €

  • Pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca aberta
    Yousef S. S. Albattniji
    O cuidado pós-operatório do paciente de cirurgia cardíaca é um desafio, pois as mudanças podem ocorrer rapidamente. A condição pré-operatória do paciente, bem como os eventos intra-operatórios, devem ser considerados nos cuidados pós-operatórios. Os enfermeiros de cuidados intensivos estão na melhor posição para aplicar os conhecimentos na prática, uma vez que estão à cabeceira...

    63,07 €

  • Послеоперационная хирургия открытого сердца
    Юсеф С.С Альбаттниджи
    Послеоперационный уход за кардиохирургическим пациентом сложен тем, что изменения могут происходить быстро. В послеоперационном уходе необходимо учитывать предоперационное состояние пациента, а также интраоперационные события. Медсестры интенсивной терапии находятся в наилучшем положении для применения знаний на практике, поскольку они находятся у постели больного 24 часа в сут...

    63,13 €

  • Neue Trends in der Behandlung von Vergiftungsfällen
    Said Said Elshama
    In diesem Buch wird die Rolle der Alternativ- und Komplementärmedizin bei der Behandlung der toxischen Wirkungen verschiedener Medikamente und Chemikalien untersucht. Es bietet einen umfassenden Überblick über die Rolle von Naturprodukten und ihre Wirksamkeit als präventive und therapeutische Mittel. Dieses Buch ist ein Versuch, eine innovative therapeutische Strategie für die ...

    111,86 €

  • Nouvelles tendances dans le traitement des cas d’intoxication
    Said Said Elshama
    Ce livre explore le rôle de la médecine alternative et complémentaire dans le traitement des manifestations toxiques de différents médicaments et produits chimiques. Il présente une revue globale montrant le rôle des produits naturels et leur efficacité en tant qu’agents préventifs et thérapeutiques. Ce livre est un essai pour découvrir une stratégie thérapeutique innovante dan...

    111,89 €