Catálogo de libros: Derecho internacional

2898 Catálogo de libros: Derecho internacional

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  • How to learn English language
    Dilshoda Alisherova
    This collection presents the articles written by a student of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature of Uzbekistan State World Languages university Alisherova Dilshoda Azizkhan qizi which is about her field of study. Articles are written mainly on topics such as language learning, translation, grammar, literature and their history. These articles can be used by teacher...

    55,04 €

  • Nature and role of overflowing shoal in a maritime boundary
    Souleymane Houseini Bawa
    It is a question at this level of clarifying the ambiguity that is troubling the Kingdom of Jasmine concerning the configuration and role of the shoals that belong to them, in the delimitation of the maritime boundary that separates them from the Republic of Tulip in accordance with the provisions of Article 13 of the Montego Bay Convention of 1982. However, before doing so, it...

    56,27 €

  • The social responsibility of transnational companies
    Didier Bimule Buhendwa
    In Africa, as in Asia in some less industrialized countries, transnational companies, especially extractive companies, are active but not without negative impacts on the environment and respect for human rights. In fact, with regard to the notions of corporate social responsibility, an attempt at regulation has been reported with two currents, namely the voluntary approach and ...

    49,68 €

  • The Politics of the European Union
    Herman Lelieveldt / Sebastiaan Princen

    47,70 €

  • International Arbitration
    Roland Amoussou-Guenou
    The notion of 'seat' or 'Place' is one of the most disconcerting in the international arbitration system. It is usually confused with similar notions such as 'Site', 'Place', 'City', 'Venue', 'Forum', 'Home', 'Territory' or 'Jurisdiction'. Legal professionals add to the complexity with Latin expressions referring to the same such as 'Lex fori' (the law of the forum - the jurisd...

    85,81 €

  • Control of the legality of community acts
    Nabilatou SABI ADAM
    The UEMOA and ECOWAS courts of justice have similar competences to the CJEU in terms of reviewing the legality of community acts. A brief review of their activities gives the impression that litigation on legality is almost non-existent. This observation prompts us to study the question of the effectiveness of this litigation before these West African courts. A normative and in...

    98,65 €

  • Controlo da legalidade dos actos comunitários
    Nabilatou SABI ADAM
    Os tribunais de justiça da UEMOA e da CEDEAO têm competências semelhantes às do TJUE no que diz respeito ao controlo da legalidade dos actos comunitários. Uma breve revisão das suas actividades dá a impressão de que os litígios sobre a legalidade são quase inexistentes. Esta observação leva à questão da eficácia deste litígio perante estes tribunais da África Ocidental. Uma abo...

    98,65 €

  • Burundi and the UPR
    Armel Niyongere
    After participating in several sessions of the UN Human Rights Council and treaty bodies, I realised that some countries are rushing to ratify international human rights texts but their implementation remains fragile and problematic. My perception is that it is not enough for human rights to be declared, let alone for states to ratify international human rights texts, but rathe...

    37,92 €

  • Application of Universal Jurisdiction in the Americas
    Judith Hernández B
    This research was conducted in 2012 from the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, located in the context of the 35 countries that make up the American Continent to know the compliance with the application of universal jurisdiction, as a mechanism to prevent impunity for atrocious criminal offenses that are typified in the Rome Statute, international agreement in which the U.S., Cu...

    86,83 €

    Ekaterina Anyanova
    When the book was being finished, the Canadian authorities introduced package of sanctions against the world’s first female cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova and the world’s second female cosmonaut Svetlana Savitskaya. Radical change in the attitude of the policy towards these cosmonauts, the first women to travel into space, clearly demonstrates the blind and destructive influenc...

    87,15 €

  • History, Politics, Law

    42,31 €

  • The Prospects of Common Concern of Humankind in International Law

    42,00 €

  • Preclassical Conflict of Laws
    Nikitas E. Hatzimihail

    49,87 €

  • The Case of the Welched Reward
    Mark A. Cymrot
    Reward takes the reader behind the scenes of an international manhunt and an unusual lawsuit that rattled law enforcement in three countries. The story is born out of a real-life spy thriller--the flight of Peru’s notorious National Security chief, Vladimiro Montesinos, who was accused of many crimes. The lawsuit, Jose Guevara v. Republic of Peru, was brought by a Venezuelan sp...

    38,07 €

  • The applicability of IHL to the armed struggle against terrorism
    Tierowe Germain Dabire
    Today, with the advent of the international war on terrorism, all international law seems to be in the process of being disfigured. Indeed, since September 11, 2001, international law as a whole seems to have been struck by a stupor and a relative inability to qualify certain phenomena, notably the armed struggle against terrorism. Faced with this silence, which seems to revive...

    51,83 €

  • Marketing Global Justice
    Christine Schwöbel-Patel

    41,52 €

  • Governance and Politics in the Post-Crisis European Union

    52,94 €

  • Terrorism and international humanitarian law
    Ahmed Alhoussein Abassi
    When we see the city of Palmyra after the occupation of the so-called 'Islamic State', a historic city since antiquity, a common heritage of humanity, was almost destroyed, we seriously think of more effective mechanisms fighting terrorism while trying to protect the cultural assets of humanity. Images that remind us of the practices of the Vandals in the Middle Ages after a mi...

    77,98 €

  • State of necessity in international law
    Haoua Savadogo
    Invoked by a good number of States since the 19th century and discussed by several courts and international bodies, the state of necessity has long suffered from a lack of clear, precise and universally recognised legal status in international law. While some jurisdictions saw it as a circumstance precluding wrongfulness, others only admitted it as a circumstance mitigating lia...

    54,90 €

  • The legal framework of diplomatic and consular relations.
    Papa Makhtar Sylla
    The book has two major objectives. On the one hand, the book is a practical guide and reference manual for persons who reside in the territory of a State of which they are not nationals. These persons, who are the international representatives of the State and its nationals, benefit from the international protection that international law grants them against the State of reside...

    84,51 €

  • Institutional child abuse in Colombia
    Stefany Limas de Ávila / Tatiana Polo Arcón
    Institutional mistreatment of children and adolescents is an invisible form of violence that affects the exercise of their human rights and can lead to damage to their physical and mental health and integral development. This apparently unnoticed form of violence has been the subject of few studies that attempt to focus on institutional management, whose practices are harmful t...

    60,83 €

  • A Practical Guide to International Crimes in Proceedings Before the Courts of England and Wales
    Kathryn Howarth
    ’A Practical Guide to International Crimes in Proceedings Before the Courts of England and Wales’ will examine how international criminal law and international crimes have been, are, and can be litigated in domestic proceedings. It will examine the applicable law and practice in relation to the prosecution of international crimes before the Crown Court in England and Wales and ...

    155,55 €

  • The proof in the digital universe
    Brice Michel Dofini TAMINY
    Writing as evidence has long been accepted only on paper. It is different nowadays with the advent of digital technology. Indeed, it was necessary to wait for the intervention of the legislator through the law 045-2009/AN of November 10, 2009 on the regulation of electronic services and transactions in Burkina Faso to recognize the written document as a probative force whatever...

    83,23 €

  • The Impact of International Criminal Justice on African States
    Tamfuh Yombo Nyako Wilson
    This book unveils the transaction of adjudicating international crimes in Africa. It surveys the history of international criminal justice and tribunals and studies principles applicable in international tribunals such as universal jurisdiction, collective responsibility and command responsibility (superior orders). The author unravels the impact of ad hoc tribunals and interna...

    96,13 €

  • The Art of Maintaining Peace
    Dr. Lorenca Bejko
    For ages, peace procedures and peace treaties have been used to stop war, promote stability, and foster a feeling of oneness across the globe. Certain components must be addressed, agreed upon, and effectively executed in order for a peaceful conclusion to be accomplished within any particular war, frequently via the development of official agreements known as peace treaties. T...

    110,44 €

  • Consular Affairs Diplomatic Insights
    Dr Lorenca Bejko
    Diplomacy is a challenging and dynamic discipline, and the art of consular affairs is one of its subfields. It includes the administration of diplomatic relations, the negotiating of international agreements, and the protection of persons who are living outside their own country. This is a field that calls for an in-depth knowledge of international politics, legal systems, and ...

    60,64 €

  • Encounters between Foreign Relations Law and International Law

    42,34 €

  • Transnational Lawmaking Coalitions for Human Rights
    Nina Reiners

    35,91 €

  • The implementation of the state of siege in North Kivu and Ituri
    Jacques Mpoyi Mubenga
    This book explains the understanding of the state of siege, its roots, the strategies to be put in place and the objectives pursued. It should be remembered that the concept of 'State of Siege' is not understood by the majority of our fellow citizens insofar as it calls for an exception. Many people have never experienced a state of siege and therefore, it remains a strange con...

    110,31 €

    Nathan Mutombo
    Democratic Republic of Congo following the example of several African states expresses its will to belong to the concert of civilized nations as of its accession to the international sovereignty, thus the DRC gradually equipped itself with tools reinforcing the protection of human rights.The constitution of the DRC, in its article 16 disposes ¨toute human person is sacred ¨ and...

    83,77 €