Catálogo de libros: Derecho comparado

431 Catálogo de libros: Derecho comparado

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  • Lectures on the Growth of Criminal Law in Ancient Communities
    Richard R. Cherry / Richard RCherry
    A PIONEERING, AND FASCINATING, COMPARATIVE STUDYIn these six lectures Cherry compares ancient Irish, Hebrew, Mohammedan, Roman and English penal law systems. It was described as 'a sound and careful piece of work in a branch of comparative law not yet adequately treated by any English writer' in an 1891 review in the Law Quarterly Review (Vol. 7, p. 89).RICHARD ROBERT CHERRY [1...

    19,09 €

  • Marital Agreements and Private Autonomy in Comparative Perspective
    Jens M Scherpe
    This book deals with a subject that has recently been the focus of debate and law reform in many jurisdictions: how much scope should spouses have to conclude agreements concerning their financial affairs and under which circumstances should such agreements be binding and enforceable? These marital agreements include pre-nuptial, post-nuptial, and separation agreements. The boo...

    244,40 €

  • The Principles of Roman Law and Their Relation to Modern Law
    William L. Burdick / William LBurdick
    This book offers a fine introduction to Roman law and its significance to personal and family law in the English, American and civil-law systems. Contents include 'The World Wide Extension of Roman Law,' 'The Civil Law in the United States and Canada,' 'Outlines of Roman Law History,' 'The Corpus Juris Civilis,' 'The Law of Persons including Marriage, Husband and Wife, Divorce,...

    49,09 €

  • The Principles of Roman Law and Their Relation to Modern Law
    William L. Burdick / William LBurdick
    This book offers a fine introduction to Roman law and its significance to personal and family law in the English, American and civil-law systems. Contents include 'The World Wide Extension of Roman Law,' 'The Civil Law in the United States and Canada,' 'Outlines of Roman Law History,' 'The Corpus Juris Civilis,' 'The Law of Persons including Marriage, Husband and Wife, Divorce,...

    73,87 €

  • Rethinking Criminal Law Theory
    In the last two decades, the philosophy of criminal law has undergone a vibrant revival in Canada. The adoption of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms has given the Supreme Court of Canada unprecedented latitude to engage with principles of legal, moral, and political philosophy when elaborating its criminal law jurisprudence. Canadian scholars have followed suit by paying incre...

    147,35 €

  • Religion-State Relations in the United States and Germany
    Claudia E. Haupt / Claudia EHaupt

    121,82 €

  • Judiciaries in Comparative Perspective

    192,48 €

  • Public Procurement Law

    206,55 €

  • Failures of American Civil Justice in International Perspective
    James R. Maxeiner

    127,41 €

  • The Future of African Customary Law

    192,77 €

  • Intellectual Property, Competition Law and Economics in Asia
    R Ian McEwin
    This book results from a conference held in Singapore in September 2009 that brought together distinguished lawyers and economists to examine the differences and similarities in the intersection between intellectual property and competition laws in Asia. The prime focus was how best to balance these laws to improve economic welfare. Countries in Asia have different levels of de...

    245,18 €

  • Law and Legal Institutions of Asia

    252,42 €

  • A General Treatise on Statutes
    Sir Fortunatus Dwarris
    Dwarris’ Treatise is a work on the construction andinterpretation of statutes and constitutions, made valuableto the American practitioner by the work of the NewYork jurist, Platt Potter. According to Sweet & Maxwell,it includes 'an excellent statutory history of the Englishlaw from Magna Carta down to the end of the reign ofGeorge IV' (1:547). Final American edition.SIR FORTUN...

    54,68 €

  • A General Treatise on Statutes
    Sir Fortunatus Dwarris
    Dwarris’ Treatise is a work on the construction andinterpretation of statutes and constitutions, made valuableto the American practitioner by the work of the NewYork jurist, Platt Potter. According to Sweet & Maxwell,it includes 'an excellent statutory history of the Englishlaw from Magna Carta down to the end of the reign ofGeorge IV' (1:547). Final American edition.SIR FORTUN...

    39,00 €

  • Comparative Legal Studies

    74,12 €

  • Constituting Equality

    68,57 €

  • Chinese Justice

    155,26 €

  • Legal Aspects of Economic Integration in Africa
    Richard Frimpong Oppong

    162,79 €

  • Compensation for Personal Injury in English, German and Italian Law
    Basil Markesinis / Guido Alpa / Michael Coester

    87,28 €

  • Russian Culture, Property Rights, and the Market Economy
    Uriel Procaccia

    42,84 €

  • International and Comparative Criminal Justice and Urban Governance
    Adam Crawford

    192,43 €

  • Law and Religion in Theoretical and Historical Context

    55,01 €

  • A Comparative View of the Constitutions of Great Britain and the United States of America
    P. F. Aiken / PFAiken
    In six lectures, Aiken compares the constitutions of Great Britain and the United States and also examines their similarities and differences in terms of government, (The House of Commons and the House of Representatives, the Senate and the House of Lords), religion, slavery, elections, the judiciary and other topics. 'The author’s design was to compare our limited monarchy wit...

    22,09 €

  • Legal Accents, Legal Borrowing
    James L. Nolan / James LNolan
    A wide variety of problem-solving courts have been developed in the United States over the past two decades and are now being adopted in countries around the world. These innovative courts--including drug courts, community courts, domestic violence courts, and mental health courts--do not simply adjudicate offenders. Rather, they attempt to solve the problems underlying such cr...

    47,40 €

  • Challenging Gender Inequality in Tax Policy Making
    Kim Brooks
    This volume takes a critical look at the gender inequality of tax policy around the world. The book’s contributors - based in eight different countries - examine the profound effects that gender norms and practices have had in shaping tax law and policy, and how taxation in turn impacts the possibilities for equality along the lines of gender, race, class, sexuality, and other....

    167,02 €

  • Networks as Connected Contracts
    Gunther Teubner
    Business networks consist of independent businesses that enter into interrelated contracts, conferring on the parties many of the benefits of co-ordination achieved through vertical integration in a single firm, without creating a single integrated business, such as a corporation or partnership. Retail franchises are one such example of a network, but the most common instance i...

    153,97 €

  • The Constitutional System of Thailand
    Andrew Harding / Peter Leyland
    This book assesses the attempt to establish a modern system of democratic government in Thailand against the background of Thai politics and culture. The fact that since 1932, when it became a constitutional monarchy, Thailand has had 18 constitutions speaks of an unstable political system which has seen rapid and repeated fluctuations between military rule and elected governme...

    48,17 €

  • Is the Death Penalty Dying?

    129,88 €

  • Courts in Latin America

    142,12 €

  • Boilerplate Clauses, International Commercial Contracts and the Applicable Law
    Giuditta Cordero-Moss

    162,68 €