Catálogo de libros: Derecho comparado

431 Catálogo de libros: Derecho comparado

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  • Privacy and Power

    240,77 €

  • Canada in the World

    177,16 €

  • Justices and Journalists

    139,78 €

  • Law, Society and Transition in Myanmar
    This edited volume addresses the dynamics of the legal system of Myanmar/Burma in the context of the dramatic but incomplete transition to democracy that formally began in 2011. It includes contributions from leading scholars in the field on a range of key legal issues now facing Myanmar, such as judicial independence, constitutional law, human rights and institutional reform. ...

    63,21 €

  • The Struggle for European Private Law
    Leone Niglia
    The European codification project has rapidly gathered pace since the turn of the century. This monograph considers the codification project in light of a series of broader analytical frameworks - comparative, historical and constitutional - which make modern codification phenomena intelligible. This new reading across fields renders the European codification project (currently...

    51,32 €

  • Legitimate Expectations in the Common Law World
    The recognition and enforcement of legitimate expectations by courts has been a striking feature of English law since R v North and East Devon Health Authority; ex parte Coughlan [2001] 3 QB 213. Although the substantive form of legitimate expectation adopted in Coughlan was quickly accepted by English courts and received a generally favourable response from public law scholar...

    192,93 €

  • Civil Society in Europe
    Cornelia R. M. Versteegh / Cornelia RMVersteegh / Tymen J. van der Ploeg / Tymen Jvan der Ploeg / Wino J. M. van Veen / Wino JMvan Veen

    167,99 €

    Allan R. Brewer-CARias / Allan RBREWER-CARÍAS
    Ce livre ressemble les travaux en droit comparé ecrits par le Professeur Allan R. Brewer-Carías pendant les trois dernières décennies, comme Rapporteur Général pour les Congtrés Internationaux de droit comparé (Uppsala 1966, Pescara 1970, Téhéran 1974, Caracas 1982, Montréal 1990, Bristol 1998) organisés par l'Académie Internationale de droit comparé; pour les Journées Fran...

    63,61 €

  • Regulatory Waves

    147,46 €

  • East Asian Perspectives on Political Legitimacy

    147,39 €

  • Unstable Constitutionalism

    44,80 €

  • Regulating Government Ethics
    Chonghao Wu

    138,62 €

  • Modern Challenges to Islamic Law
    Shaheen Sardar Ali

    48,90 €

  • Reasoning Rights
    Liora Lazarus
    This book is about judicial reasoning in human rights cases. The aim is to explore the question: how is it that notionally universal norms are reasoned by courts in such significantly different ways? What is the shape of this reasoning; which techniques are common across the transnational jurisprudence; and which are particular? The book, comprising contributions by a team of w...

    67,18 €

  • The Demographic Transformations of Citizenship
    Heli Askola

    140,04 €

  • Nationalism and Private Law in Europe
    Guido Comparato
    While the internationalisation of society has stimulated the emergence of common legal frameworks to coordinate transnational social relations, private law itself is firmly rooted in national law. European integration processes have altered this state of affairs to a limited degree with a few, albeit groundbreaking, interventions that have tended to engender resistance from var...

    63,73 €

  • Exclusion from Public Space
    Daniel Moeckli

    196,38 €

  • Warlords, Strongman Governors, and the State in Afghanistan
    Dipali Mukhopadhyay

    43,70 €

  • Fairness in Antitrust,
    Adi Ayal
    What drives popular support for state-enforced competition policy? What is it about antitrust law that garners approval from both the public and courts, to the point of demonizing large firms convicted of antitrust offenses? In this book Adi Ayal argues that the populist roots of antitrust are still with us, guiding sentiment towards a legal regime that has otherwise shifted to...

    52,45 €

  • The US Supreme Court and the Modern Common Law Approach
    Simona Grossi

    48,44 €

  • Modern Challenges to Islamic Law
    Shaheen Sardar Ali

    126,27 €

    Allan R. Brewer-CARias / Allan RBREWER-CARÍAS
    Esta obra del profesor Allan R. Brewer-Carías que la Asociación Dominicana de Derecho Administrativo ha decidido editar en la República Dominicana, bajo los auspicios de la Editorial Jurídica Venezolana International, sobre Principios del Procedimiento Administrativo, tiene su origen remoto en el curso dictado por el autor en la Universidad de París II, en 1989-1990; cuyo texto...

    30,97 €

  • EL DERECHO DE AUTOR EN EL MARCO DE LOS DERECHOS HUMANOS. Su consagración constitucional en España y demás países iberoamericanos
    Gileni GÓMEZ MUCI
    La evolución del derecho de autor y su innegable impacto en lo económico, tecnológico y comercial, como su consecuencia, no debe apartarnos de su razón de ser que no es otra que su fundamentación como derecho humano lo que se ve reflejado en diversos instrumentos jurídicos internacionales como un reconocimiento legal expreso de los derechos morales y patrimoniales de los titula...

    35,20 €

  • Appellate Courts in the United States and England
    Delmar Karlen
    Considered a classic of comparative law and legal systems, this book has been twice reprinted since its first appearance 50 years ago, and is now available in a high-quality, modern hardback edition. No work has so openly and extensively--using hands-on observations by leading legal figures of the time--compared appellate courts in two common law countries. While much comparati...

    54,08 €

  • Antitrust in Emerging and Developing Countries - 2nd Edition
    Concurrences Review in partnership with New York University School of Law held the second edition of the conference, “Antitrust in Emerging and Developing Countries” in New York on October 23, 2015. Five panels of prominent speakers representing 10 jurisdictions explored the economic context and addressed the challenges and developments in competition law and policy in emerging...

    170,56 €

    Allan R. Brewer-CARias / Allan RBREWER-CARÍAS
    Esta obra del profesor Allan R. Brewer-Carías además de recopilar todas las leyes que regulan la acción de amparo, de protección o de tutela de los derechos fundamentales en el Continente Iberoamericano, tiene por objeto estudiar comparativamente las grandes líneas de regulaciones de esta institución de garantía constitucional en todos nuestros países, la cual ya forma parte de...

    46,04 €

  • El constitucionalismo en el continente americano
    Daniel Bonilla Maldonado
    El presente libro se encuentra estructurado en tres partes bien diferenciadas. En la primera, se examina la relación que existe entre el constitucionalismo latinoamericano y el estadounidense. En la segunda parte del libro, se examina críticamente la experiencia que ha tenido Latinoamérica tanto con el constitucionalismo liberal como con el radical durante los últimos 25 años. ...

    23,92 €

  • Perils of Judicial Self-Government in Transitional Societies
    David Kosar

    185,75 €

  • Controlling Administrative Power
    Peter Cane

    137,23 €

  • Emergencies in Public Law
    Karin Loevy

    147,12 €