Catálogo de libros: Teoría general del derecho

22214 Catálogo de libros: Teoría general del derecho

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  • The prison system’s overcrowding in the view of its managers
    Andrei Pereira
    Overcrowding is a problem in the Prison System in Minas Gerais, in Brazil, and in much of the world. This study sought to register the vision of the senior management of the State Department of Prison Administration (SEAP) regarding the consequences of overcrowding for the operation and management of prison units in the State of Minas Gerais. For this, it was traced a general p...

    85,53 €

  • Of the unseizable character of the salary
    The present work, although more scientific than practical than it seems to be, deals with the non-seizable character of the wage in the face of what is provided for in article 245 of the so-called land law in the DRC. This provision is general in scope and the labor code, which enshrines the non-seizable nature of wages, is an exceptional law. But there is a contradiction betwe...

    85,80 €

  • Tying the Knot
    Rebecca Probert

    35,53 €

  • Properties of Law
    Kaarlo Tuori

    35,42 €

  • Standard setting activities
    Natalia Minko
    The publication contains theoretical material and practical exercises on the discipline 'Rule-making activity', including methodological recommendations, tables and charts, tests, glossary. The book is intended for students of law schools and will be interesting for teachers and practicing lawyers, as well as useful for studying the disciplines 'Theory of State and Law', 'Law-m...

    92,05 €

  • Lupus nephropathy in children
    Manel Jellouli
    Lupus nephropathy (LN) affects 50-75% of children with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Lupus nephritis is more common and severe in children and has been associated with high morbidity and mortality. This review aimed to describe the general aspects of LN and its peculiarities when affecting children and adolescents, while focusing on the etiopathogenesis of the disease, cl...

    61,51 €

  • Greater Autonomy
    Dr. Jimmy Chulu
    In this book, the author undertakes a review of the issue of greater autonomy implications on the Intergovernmental Financing Agreement in Papua New Guinea. One of the key effects of greater autonomy is the inability by the Subnational Governments (SNGs) to raise revenue own source revenue and the factors contributing to that, as well as the impact of any limits on the fiscal a...

    61,82 €

  • Analysis of the New Regulatory Framework for Sanitation in Brazil
    Daiara Albuquerque de Araujo / Renan de Paula Silva
    The study discusses the changes that involve the New Legal Framework for Basic Sanitation, analyzing and questioning the changes and its main goals, based on the conception of water as a fundamental human right, understood as the right to life. Data regarding availability and consumption of water in Brazil and access to sanitation in each region of the country were collected th...

    62,08 €

  • Impact of Core Banking and Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction
    Bayu Aklog
    Core banking and all service quality dimensions (tangibility, assurance, empathy, Responsiveness and reliability) are positively and significantly connected to customer Satisfaction. Tangibility, assurance and responsiveness have positively affect customer satisfaction. So, this books explains about the impact of core banking and service quality on customer satisfaction in the ...

    86,89 €

  • Islamic Finance Lexicon
    Fady Jamaleddine
    Hundreds of financial terms from Islamic Shari’aa view explained in easy vocabulary in order to be accessible and understandable to all. You can easily understand the meaning of the terms without having any specific Islamic and Shari’aa Law background. Islamic Banking & Finance refers to banking and financial services provided in accordance with the principles of Sharia, applie...

    34,26 €

  • At the heart of accounting in Cameroonian companies
    Yves Vincent Mballa Atangana
    Accounting is the language of economics, it is the quantified and intelligible representation of the firm’s activity. It is at the heart of the economy as a branch of mathematics. Accounting is 'the science of accounts, by invariably opposing, in a mutation of value, one or more accounts in debit to one or more accounts in credit by an equal amount, realises the mathematical eq...

    93,30 €

  • The Dematerialisation of Judicial Procedures
    Messaoud Aboulfadl
    Every generation thinks it is going through great changes, and ours is not so different. Albert Camus said it long before: 'Each generation, no doubt, believes itself destined to remake the world. My generation knows, however, that it will not remake it. But its task is perhaps greater. In 1899, Charles Holland Duell I, Commissioner of the US Patent Office, recommended the clos...

    92,79 €

  • Ignorance of the Rights of the Constitution in the D.R.C.
    Jonathan MASUDI
    The Constitution as a Republican pact does not only contain constitutional rights understood as the set of prerogatives recognized to citizens, but as a text, it also has rights that are unfortunately unknown to the general public, hence the essence of this book, which is intended to be informative and pedagogical, in order to make the public aware of the existence of such righ...

    85,78 €

  • Mining in Mauritania and Environmental Protection
    Elycheikh Samba
    Mauritania’s subsoil contains numerous mining deposits that are being exploited and developed, giving this sector an important role in the national economy. Mining activity can unbalance the natural environment. It is in this context that this book is written, with a view to raising environmental awareness by emphasising the role of national legislation and institutions in addr...

    54,90 €

  • The Nature Of The Right Of The Congolese State On The Soil
    This work will focus on the contradictions that obstruct the understanding of the nature of the right that the Congolese state holds over land, in the light of a combined reading of Articles 9, 214 and 217 of the Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Congo of 18 February 2006, as amended by Law No. 11/002 of 20 January 2011 revising certain articles of the Constitution of ...

    61,76 €

  • Sustainable fisheries and adaptation to climate change
    Fatma Ndiaye
    Fishing is a development factor and must be rationally and efficiently exploited. Indeed, it represents a very important sector in the economy of some African countries and more specifically those of the ECOWAS region. The need to regulate fishing constitutes a guarantee for the development of this source of income as well as the protection and preservation of nature which is i...

    55,16 €

  • The Intelligence of the Police Organisation
    Celso Moreira Ferro Junior
    The axiom that ease of access to information enables face-to-face interaction between people in different territorial corners also allows us to state that there is nothing more distributed and widespread than information today. There is no longer a stable world, based only on individual experiences, which seeks to explain phenomena empirically and answer all questions. Hence th...

    87,11 €

  • The prospects of Islamic finance in Morocco
    Meriem Bentoudja
    At a time when the effectiveness and success of the principles that drive Islamic finance are no longer to be demonstrated, some countries, such as Morocco, are opening the door to this unconventional system. The introduction of Islamic finance in Morocco may however upset some legal, economic and ideological foundations when a country of Muslim faith has to introduce a finance...

    49,87 €

  • SCPI, a relevant investment to prepare for retirement?
    Coraline Chagniot
    Since the end of the 1970s, retirement has been associated with a haven of peace, putting an end to professional constraints. However, a feeling of uncertainty about the standard of living and the amount of the pension prevails today. The main concern for a French person regarding his or her retirement is to receive a pension that will not be able to cover his or her financial ...

    55,16 €

  • The threshold of exposure to environmental and health risks
    Huguette Sesep
    This study is part of the general issue of environmental law and is intended as a contribution to the work devoted to this subject. The present study focuses on a number of fundamental questions: What is meant by environmental risk and exposure threshold? What are the possible effects of exposure to environmental risks? How can they be assessed? What thresholds can be used to d...

    49,74 €

  • Common law of obligations and OHADA law of collective procedures
    Hubert Tsague Donkeng
    In the context of OHADA collective procedures, the eviction of the ordinary law of obligations is neither systematic nor absolute. Faced with a debtor in serious economic and financial difficulties, the application of ordinary rules would not ensure the rational payment of creditors, let alone the recovery of the company. However, the regime of collective proceedings is far fro...

    176,18 €

  • Environmental Protection in the WTO DSB Litigation
    Bénédict Mbaiornom Ngaralta
    The World Trade Organization (WTO) was created by the Marrakesh Agreement of April 15, 1994 to replace the GATT of 1947. The main objective of the WTO is to conduct trade relations between member states by removing obstacles to free trade. It ensures the effective application of the Marrakesh agreements in the various areas of international trade. Its forum is a place where fut...

    79,28 €

    Isaya Mushagalusa Namegabe
    The physician is not a separate citizen and like any citizen, he can, in the exercise or on the occasion of his profession, be held criminally responsible when he is accused of a fault constituting an offence, that is to say, an act that violates the criminal law. However, in spite of the appearance and consensus on this cause. It must be noted that in the DRC, the implementati...

    60,20 €

    Rape is a blatant crime with devastating consequences for its victims. Perceived as a weapon of war often used in times of armed conflict, the most visible perverse effect of this atrocity, of which women are permanent victims in the eastern DRC, is the destruction of the victim’s body, which ipso facto requires reconstructive surgery. Its effects are moral and physical. As a r...

    60,13 €

  • Financial risk management through options
    Jacinda Orianne Allosse
    Nowadays, we notice the influential place that investment has taken on our daily life. Investment is the commitment of capital in an operation from which we hope to obtain a potential future gain with the objective of creating value. However, being in the present, we do not control all the parameters inherent to the future concerning this investment. Indeed, the resources commi...

    49,68 €

  • Before It’s Too Late
    Nicole Garton
    In the event you became incapable or passed away, do your family members and personal representatives know where to locate your critical personal and financial information and documents?Organizing your most important information and documents will relieve a big burden on your family if anything should happen to you. Your preparation and planning now will ensure that your wishes...

    20,58 €

  • Legal pardons and the problem of impunity in Haiti
    Rostonn Brutus
    This work is of scientific interest. This subject would contribute to launching the debate on the alternative means offered by the international human rights system for a better action of the State in the search for the protection of its citizens. In this sense, society today is reproving certain acts that tend to upset it. This disapproval is even greater when these acts, comm...

    69,40 €

  • From impunity to decriminalization of suicide in the DRC
    Giresse Emery Kasaka Ngemi
    Since 2009, when law n°09/001 of January 10 on child protection was promulgated, there are currently few works dealing specifically with the various forms of protection of minors in Congolese law. However, this law regulates almost all the legal aspects of the life of a minor in the Democratic Republic of Congo by introducing innovations in four major areas, namely the private ...

    60,58 €

  • Right to food in Haiti
    Francisco Brumaire
    'The Justiciability of the Right to Food in Haiti' responds above all to an academic requirement, but it is also a contribution to the academic reflection on the issue of 'the justiciability of the right to food'. The objective of this research work intended for the academic community, the vulnerable categories of society who are daily victims of violation of their right to foo...

    113,14 €

  • The commercial lease
    Mohamed Jinari
    The cumbersome nature of the procedure under the 1955 dahir relating to commercial leases contributed substantially to the complexity of litigation in this area, which was the main criticism of the previous text. Faced with this observation, the drafters of the new law, 49-16, paid particular attention to the procedural provisions in order to guarantee a certain celerity to the...

    55,16 €