Catálogo de libros: Teoría general del derecho

22214 Catálogo de libros: Teoría general del derecho

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  • A Semiotic Interrogation of Law & Economics
    James Moylan
    This is the full text of a doctoral thesis (in Law) that seeks to describe the body of literature that is associated with a seemingly intractable realm of argumentation - the Economic Analysis of Law. Over the course of eight chapters Dr Moylan considers how an ethnographically and semiotically informed modality of inquiry (after Barthes, Bourdieu, Geertz, et al.) can serve to ...

    85,14 €

  • Analysis of the specificities of risks
    Saber Ouni
    The last few years were difficult for the Tunisian tourism sector. The latter has gone through its biggest crisis since its establishment in Tunisia and because of the events that followed January 14, 2011: unstable political climate, security slippage, civil war in Libya, etc.. The continued decline of the French market, the largest emitter of tourists to Tunisia, and the disa...

    123,25 €

  • The status of former heads of state in Africa
    GuéLord Kalawu
    The elaboration of this study consists in providing the readers, present and future, with a reference element that contributes to the development and deepening of knowledge on the status of former Heads of State in Africa and particularly in the DRC. This subject allows us to analyze the notion of this status, explaining the possibility that a Senator for life has to return to ...

    87,09 €

  • Twenty One Century English Grammar
    Ahmed Lafsar
    The twenty one century english grammar book is a tremendous, huge and complet grammar reference. It is devided by four parts: first parts of speech such as nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions. Other parts of speech such as particles, determiners, gerunds, and interjections. The second part is inflection such as conjugation, tense, aspect, moo...

    168,66 €

  • Musculo-skeletal disorders
    Karen Hu
    There are many occupational hazards. In recent years, musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) have gained considerable importance. Specialists even talk about a real pandemic, i.e. a worldwide epidemic. MSDs are currently considered to be so-called 'emerging' risks. An emerging risk is defined as 'any risk that is both new and increasing'. These few sentences raise some questions: is ...

    56,34 €

  • Safe medical abortion in Congolese law
    Wilfrid Majimawa
    In the framework of the GP, the human dignity of women is emphasised, certainly in all aspects of life. It is further emphasised when abortion, which is produced and carried out in dangerous conditions, is presented as a major public health problem. Thus, the state must reduce infant mortality as much as possible so that the number of actual births can correspond roughly to the...

    34,26 €

  • Thinking about the complementarity between the ICC and the CAJDHP
    Cedrick Ngoubou Ndanga
    The idea of the articulation of the relations between criminal jurisdictions has haunted reflections since the advent of an international dimension of criminal justice and, consequently, the emergence of international criminal jurisdictions. In the field of relations between national and international jurisdictional orders, the solution is that of complementarity between the tw...

    113,06 €

  • The Acuity of Mai Mai movements in D.R. Congo
    Merveille SIKWAYA
    The causes of the emergence of armed groups in the Beni region can be of internal or external origin. The external causes can be summed up in three: the cause of resources which abound in the Beni region, the weakness of the reaction of the international community in the face of the serious foreign crimes otherwise present in the D.R. Congo. Thus, as for the causes related to t...

    61,82 €

  • West African regulation of cryptocurrencies
    Ruth Amani
    New technologies are imposing themselves on all of us nowadays and the African continent is not left out. The phenomenon of cryptocurrencies is gaining momentum and the West African regulator, like many others in the world, is looking to regulate this phenomenon. What are the obstacles it faces in its desire to regulate this field and how could it overcome these obstacles? Thes...

    87,11 €

  • Audit risk in the operation of EDF-financed projects
    Koffi Rufin Kouame
    International and national institutions, whether public or private, operate with rules and procedures that are sometimes specific to some of them. In order to ensure their proper functioning, all these institutions must respect these rules and procedures by setting up an adequate system and an efficient control. The objective of the audit in these institutions is to obtain reas...

    56,27 €

  • What status for Palestine and the role of the Security Council
    Adolphe Abeli Butchumi
    The Security Council plays an important role in the admission of a member state. In the case of Palestine, in order for it to become a full member, the Secretary General must transmit this request to the Security Council and at least nine of its 15 members must vote in favour of it. The territory is not a state in the sense of international law, but its current status is that o...

    49,68 €

  • Profitability and Choice of Financing for an Investment Project
    Boua Boidi Omer Pawa
    In a global context of constant change and evolution, companies must adapt to survive, maintain or increase their turnover, but above all, control their costs. This requires optimal management of productive assets. The IT sector is growing rapidly and offers many business opportunities. This professional thesis deals with the profitability and the choice of financing of an inve...

    49,74 €

  • Aeolian Sound Against Doctrine of Basic Structure
    Prahalad Rao
    Constitution is the basic legal document of a country. The Constitution of India had undergone major evolution, changes, and interpretation by many experts, scholars, judges, etc. Among these, the judiciary played a key role in the interpretation of the Constitution. The judiciary is the custodian of the Indian Constitution and the protector of the Fundamental Rights of an ind...

    14,11 €

  • Marriage and Mathematics, what is the link? What is the connection?
    Gilbert BIZINDEMYI
    Marriage is at the heart of humanity and it is an open secret that it is a value to be saved. There are many instruments to save it and in the following lines we would like to reflect on what mathematics can bring. Indeed, let’s admit that the number (Pythagoras) is imposed in all things! Why not in marriage? In our case, we try to see how to reconcile these mathematics with ma...

    61,51 €

  • Didactic model for the development of professional competencies
    Enrrique Rivera Nápolez / Margartet Calzado Luna / Nurimar Martínez Pérez
    The research arises from the need to achieve a competent development in correspondence with the latest changes in sport. The inadequacies are shown as a result of the theoretical and practical diagnosis, a wide analysis of the theoretical and methodological foundations related to the subject is carried out. As a response to these needs, a didactic model is elaborated for the de...

    61,57 €

  • The Congolese woman between her past and her future
    Giresse Emery Kasaka Ngemi
    There is no doubt that the feminist movement in Congo-Kinshasa has existed for a long time. No one can question the struggle of women for an effective representation in power and in other domains of social life that require the contribution of men and women. Women’s voice is heard and they defend their prerogatives as best they can. This is why her history is now quite rich in ...

    121,09 €

  • Problematic on determination and distribution of assets
    Josue Siga
    The author’s main objective was to assess the way of determining and distributing properties commonly owned by unlawful married partners in case their cohabitation ends. Additionally, when some difficulties are discovered, the author also aimed to suggest effective mechanisms to be used in determination of common assets to be distributed between unlawful married partners in any...

    61,88 €

  • The transition to IFRS and its impact on the mission of the CAC
    Mohamed Mimouni
    The transition to international accounting standards will have an impact on all aspects of the auditor’s work. Indeed, the impact of the change will not only be limited to the audit of the first financial statements established according to the international accounting standards, but also to other aspects, such as the cost of the mission which will certainly increase due to the...

    124,99 €

  • The problem of unemployed ESU graduates in DR Congo.
    Théodore Lubana Ngiyene Amena
    In these times when global warming, the scandalous and revolting level of poverty of the populations of many countries of the South, which have been beating growth records (figures above 10%) for years, are throwing thousands of young people (girls and boys, graduates and less educated, unemployed and underemployed, etc.) on the roads of political exile or economic migration, o...

    71,03 €

  • Analysis of the Human Rights of Teenage-girls
    Chiedu Victor Aliogo
    Child marriage is a global issue giving rise to a number of human rights abuses and is a common occurrence in Asia, Eastern Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa, and by extension Nigeria. It affects both boys and girls. However, this research is focused on the girl-child, as she tends to bear the bulk of the brunt arising from the act. Child marriage is common among certain communities b...

    61,88 €

  • Ethics and the fight against corruption in public procurement
    Robert Kikidi Mboso Kama
    We are, of course, aware that corruption is a scourge that spares no society and prevents the true Modernization of a country and pushes it into the criminal governance of public contracts, mediocrity and chaos. That is to say, in the development of underdevelopment. Nevertheless, we do not intend to resign ourselves to it as if it were an inevitable fate. It is high time, inde...

    123,16 €

  • The Files pt. 2
    Alexander P M van den Bosch
    Marge, we had those files with the 5555 camouflage also on clearance red/mauve. What happened. ...

    18,25 €

  • The one-person company in the Congolese legal system
    Balume Kavebwa
    According to the definition of the company as given by article 446.1 of the civil code book three, the company can only be created by a group of two or more persons. From now on, due to the adherence of Lumumba’s country to the Treaty of Port-Louis, only one person can legally create a company in accordance with article 5 of the Uniform Act on Commercial Companies. Some jurists...

    43,53 €

    Dr. Jimmy Chulu
    This book is intended to contribute to the policy debate on the decentralization and integration described as Sunshine Model in Papua New Guinea. This system seeks to integrate best practice on decentralization reforms from post-independence era to existing arrangements within three levels of government. The author submits that the book will inform deliberations and decisions a...

    61,76 €

    Willy ZOGO
    Law is one of the building blocks of culture. But, to play its role of mediation and social bond, culture must itself be mediated. This logic can be applied to business law in French-speaking Africa. In the Central and West African region, business law is created by the Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa (OHADA). In the 17 member countries of this orga...

    61,88 €

  • Technical and Legal Aspects of Registration Fees
    Ahmed Mouatamid
    In Moroccan doctrine, there has always been a question of studying the relationship between civil law and tax law. This relationship, marked by an imbalance favouring the economic aspect to the detriment of legal security, has been the subject of much criticism. The amalgam that marks this relationship, conflicting according to some and complementary according to others, is due...

    56,27 €

  • The reference standards for constitutionality review
    Mouna Tabei
    Constitutional law is becoming more international, constitutions are becoming more standardised, the rule of law as a protector of subjective rights is becoming more universal, and constitutional justice is increasingly finding its way into the various political systems of the states. Constitutional review has become a symbol of the proper functioning of state institutions. In ...

    123,62 €

  • Principles of liability in European environmental law
    Amaury Teillard
    The European Union has changed its paradigm in the formation of its Environmental Law. Unesco, in 1989 in Vancouver (Canada), declared: 'The survival of the planet is now a major and immediate concern (...). Any delay in the establishment of a world eco-cultural peace will only increase the cost of survival'. In line with this warning, the United States and the European Union f...

    36,81 €

  • Judicial Activism and Landmark Cases in India
    Sreewin K. V.
    The Indian Judiciary is an integral part of India’s democratic system, and its role is to interpret the Constitution and ensure justice for all. Over the years, the judiciary has played a significant role in shaping Indian society and protecting the rights of its citizens. One of the most prominent features of the Indian Judiciary has been its activism, which has been a subject...

    72,39 €

  • Carrier’s liability insurance
    Pinga-Wende Bernard Sylvain Korogo
    You are involved in transport in a continental, regional, sub-regional and even local area; your civil liability can be engaged at any time in case of a disaster. This is why it is necessary to take out insurance to cover the risks. This book is a guide that allows you, through practical legal rudiments, to understand the issues and to identify your insurance needs. ...

    30,09 €