Catálogo de libros: Ética empresarial y responsabilidad social

1216 Catálogo de libros: Ética empresarial y responsabilidad social

Libros Eliminar filtro Inglés Eliminar filtro Economía, finanzas, empresa y gestión Eliminar filtro Empresa y gestión Eliminar filtro Ética empresarial y responsabilidad social Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Muckraking and Objectivity
    Robert Miraldi

    122,02 €

  • Ethical Decision Making in Everyday Work Situations
    Mary Guy

    44,78 €

  • Ethics in the World of Business
    David Braybrooke
    With the help of this book, readers can gain practice asking moral questions about actions in business and finding answers to those questions. Asked frequently enough, readers will no longer take for granted the answers to questions like “Is this deception?” or “Is it oppression?”. ...

    80,65 €

  • Ethics, Efficiency and the Market
    Allen Buchanan
    A clear and incisive review and critique of the widely scattered arguments, both economic and moral, which bear on the merits of markets . . . will be very useful for students in political philosophy and applied philosophy courses in which issues of distributive justice are considered. ...

    74,15 €

  • Organizations and Ethical Individualism
    Pauline Kolenda

    95,75 €

  • Ethics and Professionalism
    John Kultgen
    John Kultgen explores the ways morality and professional ideals are connected. In assessing the moral impact of professionalism in our society, he examines both the structure and organization of occupations and the ideals and ideology associated with them.Differing from standard treatments of professional ethics, Ethics and Professionalism recognizes that it is the practices wi...

    34,32 €

  • Ministerial Ethics and Etiquette
    Nolan B. Harmon / Nolan BHarmon

    18,55 €

  • Accountability and the Business State
    Francis J. Leazes / Francis JLeazes

    95,94 €

  • Corporate Policy, Values and Social Responsibility
    Anthony F. Buono / Anthony FBuono / Lawrence T. Nichols / Lawrence TNichols / T. Nichols Lawrence / TNichols Lawrence

    121,66 €

  • The Firm Bond
    George Geis / Robert Kuhn

    121,77 €

  • To Serve with Honor
    Richard A. Gabriel / Richard AGabriel / UNKNOWN

    108,50 €

  • Science and Ethical Values
    Bentley Glass / Hiram Bentley Glass / UNKNOWN

    96,15 €

  • Power and Morality
    Saul Engelbourg

    95,74 €

  • Matters of the Heart and Soul
    Imam Ibn Kathir
    Ibn Al-Jawzi compiled the first book free from weak or fabricated Hadith, Ibn Qudamah summarised it further, and then Ibn Kathir added his invaluable comments. The Arabic book is in one volume, however the English version comprises of 4 separate books.The first book covers the ethics of eating, marriage, and companionship, earning a living, traveling, enjoying the good, and sta...

    33,23 €

  • Other People’s Money and How The Bankers Use It
    Louis D. Brandeis / Louis DBrandeis
    Louis D. Brandeis was a Supreme Court Justice and a patriot. He wrote "Other People's Money and How Bankers Use It" to warn the American people about the greedy bankers that control the United States and drive us into financial ruin. The book attacked the use of investment funds to promote the consolidation of various industries under the control of a small number of corpor...

    21,26 €

  • Other People’s Money, and How the Bankers Use It
    Louis D. Brandeis / Louis DBrandeis
     "The great monopoly in this country is the money monopoly. So long as that exists, our old variety and freedom and individual energy of development are out of the question. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men, who, even if...

    14,53 €