Catálogo de libros: Finanzas y contabilidad

10340 Catálogo de libros: Finanzas y contabilidad

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  • Financial Inclusion, Sustainability, and the Influence of Religion and Technology
    Financial inclusion has proven to be a looming issue challenging policymakers and scholars. Financial inclusion revolves around the fundamental notion of ensuring that individuals from all walks of life have access to affordable and effective financial products and services that cater to their unique needs. Yet, as we grapple with this issue, we find it entwined with other crit...

    268,46 €

  • Recent Developments in Financial Management and Economics
    Abdelkader Mohamed Sghaier Derbali
    The field of Financial Management & Economics (FME) is constantly adapting to the changing economic landscape, observing the ongoing developments in the global business environment. These shifting dynamics have introduced a variety of influences, both fleeting and enduring, that deeply affect the decision-making foundations within the business arena. Researchers are tasked with...

    321,10 €

  • Issues of Sustainability in AI and New-Age Thematic Investing
    In the face of an evolving global landscape characterized by climate change and a pressing need for sustainable development, the finance sector remains at a critical juncture. Traditional financial models struggle to address the challenges posed by the transition to a low-carbon economy, and unlocking private investments for sustainable initiatives remains an uphill battle. The...

    320,61 €

    Robert A Van Order / ROBERT A VAN ORDER ROSE NENG LAI / Rose Neng Lai
    This book contends that the housing markets and shadow banking have been involved in a kind of 'dance' over the last two decades. It traces this dance to be between the roles of mortgage markets since the 1980s in both the US and China and the developments of securitization and 'shadow banks.' It gives side-by-side comparisons between the two and suggests that house price dynam...

    169,60 €

  • Exploring Global FinTech Advancement and Applications
    In the world of FinTech, scholars face an overwhelming dilemma; it is challenging to access comprehensive and up-to-date information across various regions with regards to timeliness. The transformative power of FinTech, driven by innovations such as blockchain, AI analytics, and mobile payment systems, has reshaped financial transactions, influenced economic growth, and spurre...

    380,23 €

    This text integrates trade theory and open economy macroeconomics with straightforward diagrams and numerous examples. The emphasis is on the gains from competitive trade and the limits of policy. Economics began with the political debate over import tariffs in England. Tariffs lead to net economic losses, except in a few circumstances, and would then lead to retaliation. Consu...

    183,22 €

    This text integrates trade theory and open economy macroeconomics with straightforward diagrams and numerous examples. The emphasis is on the gains from competitive trade and the limits of policy. Economics began with the political debate over import tariffs in England. Tariffs lead to net economic losses, except in a few circumstances, and would then lead to retaliation. Consu...

    96,62 €

  • Capitalism and the Market Economy
    Jonathan McMillan
    The Beginning of a New Economic OrderWhat is capitalism? Most people would describe it as a free-market economy. But this description falls short. And it prevents us from tackling one of the most important questions of our time: What is wrong with capitalism, and how can we fix it?In this trailblazing book, Jonathan McMillan provides a corrective to certain deeply held but misg...

    19,38 €

    Carl Robson
    Entfesseln Sie Ihr unternehmerisches Potenzial und navigieren Sie durch die aufregende Welt der Reisebranche mit dem unverzichtbaren Leitfaden 'REISEGESCHÄFTERFOLGSWEGWEISER'. Dieses Buch ist Ihr Kompass auf dem Weg zum Erfolg und bietet Ihnen profundes Wissen und praktische Einblicke, um Ihre Leidenschaft für das Reisen in ein florierendes Geschäft zu verwandeln.Der 'REISEGESC...

    20,48 €

  • Como Calcular Honorários Médicos Cbhpm E Amb 90
    Glauber G. Silva
    EmComo Calcular Honorários Médicos CBHPM e AMB 90: Guia Prático para Profissionais de Saúde ,os leitores mergulharão em uma abordagem abrangente e acessível sobre o Complexo universo do faturamento hospitalar.Este guia é essencial para profissionais da saúde que buscam compreender e dominar o cálculo de honorários médicos, especialmente utilizando as normativas CBHPM e AMB 90.D...

    12,03 €

  • The Insider’s Guide to Car Buying
    Phil Mendzat / Ryan Leverette
    We understand your fears and concerns when buying a vehicle from a dealership. With the reputation of the auto industry being full of sleazy salesmen just waiting to take advantage of you, it is easy to see why so many are worried about their next vehicle purchase. Add to that the horror stories of thousands lost and credit hurt, and it’s no wonder the car sales industry has a ...

    24,86 €

  • The Insider’s Guide to Car Buying
    Phil Mendzat / Ryan Leverette
    We understand your fears and concerns when buying a vehicle from a dealership. With the reputation of the auto industry being full of sleazy salesmen just waiting to take advantage of you, it is easy to see why so many are worried about their next vehicle purchase. Add to that the horror stories of thousands lost and credit hurt, and it’s no wonder the car sales industry has a ...

    17,92 €

  • The Book Of Business Etiquette
    Nella B. Henney
    he Book of Business Etiquette was written by author Nella Henney’s, who’s goal in writing this book was to introduce the basics of appropriate business etiquette to the American masses at a time when more and more people were joining the white-collar workforce. The book begins with a general introduction to the new American businessman. The author’s light-hearted approach to th...

    14,33 €

  • Desmistificar o mercado de acções
    Pooja Vats
    O conteúdo fornece um guia completo para compreender e navegar no mundo do investimento, centrando-se nos conceitos fundamentais, estratégias e práticas do mercado de acções. Abrange um vasto leque de tópicos, incluindo a definição e o objetivo do mercado de acções, os participantes no mercado, as bolsas de valores, os mecanismos de negociação, a criação de riqueza através da p...

    61,88 €

  • Демистификация фондового рынка
    Пуджа Ватс
    Содержание книги представляет собой всеобъемлющее руководство по пониманию и навигации в мире инвестиций с упором на фундаментальные концепции, стратегии и практику работы на фондовом рынке. Книга охватывает широкий круг тем, включая определение и назначение фондового рынка, участников рынка, фондовые биржи, механизмы торговли, построение богатства через собственность, историче...

    61,88 €

  • Demistificare il mercato azionario
    Pooja Vats
    I contenuti forniscono una guida completa alla comprensione e alla navigazione nel mondo degli investimenti, concentrandosi sui concetti fondamentali, sulle strategie e sulle pratiche del mercato azionario. Copre un’ampia gamma di argomenti, tra cui la definizione e lo scopo del mercato azionario, i partecipanti al mercato, le borse, i meccanismi di negoziazione, la costruzione...

    61,82 €

  • Entmystifizierung des Aktienmarktes
    Pooja Vats
    Der Inhalt bietet einen umfassenden Leitfaden zum Verständnis und zur Navigation in der Welt des Investierens, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf grundlegenden Konzepten, Strategien und Praktiken auf dem Aktienmarkt liegt. Es deckt ein breites Spektrum an Themen ab, darunter die Definition und der Zweck des Aktienmarktes, Marktteilnehmer, Börsen, Handelsmechanismen, Vermögensaufbau durc...

    61,88 €

  • Démystifier le marché boursier
    Pooja Vats
    Le contenu fournit un guide complet pour comprendre et naviguer dans le monde de l’investissement, en se concentrant sur les concepts fondamentaux, les stratégies et les pratiques du marché boursier. Il couvre un large éventail de sujets, notamment la définition et l’objectif du marché boursier, les acteurs du marché, les bourses, les mécanismes de négociation, la constitution ...

    61,88 €

    Leidis Y Bedoya
    ¡Como sacar tu negocio adelante en medio de los obstáculos!Este libro no es solo una guía de negocios; es un faro de motivación cristiana diseñado para encender tus sueños y llevarte a nuevas alturas en tu emprendimiento.Desde sus roles como inversionista, licenciada profesional en bienes raíces y seguros, hasta CEO de múltiples compañías, la autora de esta obra comparte sus va...

    16,54 €

  • Decoding Tomorrow’s Currency
    Randy Woodrum
    'Decoding Tomorrow’s Currency: An In-Depth Exploration of the Future of Cryptocurrency' is an illuminating journey into the multifaceted world of digital currencies and blockchain technologies. This comprehensive exploration examines the origins and evolution of cryptocurrency, unraveling its intricate technological underpinnings and tracing the emergence of groundbreaking conc...

    14,27 €

  • How to Become a Loan Signing Agent
    Lisa Carr
    Are you ready to embark on an exciting and rewarding career as a Loan Signing Agent? Look no further! This comprehensive book takes you step by step through the process of becoming a successful loan signing agent, from understanding the role and responsiblities to mastering essential skills and building a thriving business. ...

    39,34 €

    Financial fraud is a serious and seemingly intractable problem. Financial scandals regularly punctuate newspaper headlines and regulators and auditors appear bereft of effective responses. But has this always been the case?This book quantifies financial crime in the UK using three centuries of data. It demonstrates how financial fraud and scandal vary according to systematic ec...

    154,60 €

  • The Greatest Crash
    David Kauders
     The Greatest Crash argues that the financial system which evolved from the early Italian bankers has now reached a roadblock.The weight of debt already created prevents further economic expansion, while paying down the debt shrinks economies.To escape this trap, evolution is needed. But bureaucratic design, delegated government, and group think, all combine to prevent evolutio...

    14,98 €

  • 財務自由的數學法則
    Justin Xia / Weishan Xia

    10,44 €

  • Real Estate Fast Track
    Sam Olson / Scott Comey
    A Nationally Ranked Broker and a Top Team Leader Share Their Secrets and Systems to Propel Agents to Real Estate Sales Success!'From setting goals and maximizing time to serving clients and generating referrals, Sam Olson and Scott Comey covers all the bases in an encouraging, straightforward style.' - Dave Liniger, Chairman & Co-Founder, RE/MAX Holdings, Inc.'Conversational, s...

    15,10 €

  • The Value of Money
    Benjamin McAlester Anderson
    Benjamin Anderson, American Austrian, was among a handful of economists, led by Ludwig von Mises in his pioneering work The Theory of Money and Credit in 1912, who set out to integrate monetary theory into a general theory of value. Anderson devoted a major portion of his great book The Value of Money, published in 1917, to a refutation of the 'mechanical' quantity theory of mo...

    16,14 €

  • Frenzied Finance
    Thomas W. Lawson
    Before you enter the confines of 'Frenzied Finance,' here spread out-for your inspection, at least; enlightenment, perhaps-halt one brief moment. If the men and things to be encountered within are real-did live or live now -you must deal with them one way. If these embodiments are but figments of my mind and pen, you must regard them from a different view-point. Therefore, befo...

    17,01 €

  • 100X
    William U. Peña / William U. Peña MBA
    If you could 100X your results, what would that mean for you?You’ve heard of 10X. Now, it’s time to up your game to 100X!Entrepreneurs everywhere are eager to 10X their results. Yet, in today’s marketplace, 10X is not enough.This is because the amount of time, effort and resources to do so is difficult to maintain, leaving them with little results to show for their efforts.Now ...

    12,99 €

  • Master Key System
    Charles F. Haanel
    The Book that will not only leave you ’feeling’ good, but also ’thinking’ good. The Master Key is here given to the world as a means of tapping the great Cosmic Intelligence and attracting from it that which corresponds to the ambitions, and aspirations of each reader. The Master Key teaching has been published in the form of a Correspondence Course of 24 lessons, delivered to ...

    17,07 €

  • Harnessing Blockchain-Digital Twin Fusion for Sustainable Investments
    The pressing challenge of aligning cutting-edge technologies with environmental sustainability has emerged as a pivotal issue. As the demand for green investment strategies intensifies, the need for a comprehensive understanding of how to integrate blockchain and digital twins into financial practices becomes increasingly urgent. The disconnect between these innovative technolo...

    288,45 €