Catálogo de libros: Finanzas y contabilidad

10340 Catálogo de libros: Finanzas y contabilidad

Libros Eliminar filtro Economía, finanzas, empresa y gestión Eliminar filtro Finanzas y contabilidad Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Revolutionizing Customer-Centric Banking Through ICT
    Many developing countries face a significant challenge: their population needs access to essential financial services. This financial exclusion limits their ability to save, invest, and participate fully in the economy. Despite the rapid advancements in information and communication technology (ICT), millions of people remain underserved by traditional banking systems. Revoluti...

    412,62 €

  • The Wizard Of Wall Street And His Wealth
    Trumbull White
    The history of any man who had been able to distinguish himself by acquiring in his lifetime the greatest amount of wealth ever accumulated by one man, would necessarily be of interest, even if his success had been won by the most ordinary of methods or the most marvelous succession of good fortune. But when that man is one whose career was full of the most dramatic incidents; ...

    17,01 €

  • Deep Utopia
    Nick Bostrom
    A greyhound catching the mechanical lure-what would he actually do with it?  Has he given this any thought? Bostrom’s previous book, Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies changed the global conversation on AI and became a New York Times bestseller.  It focused on what might happen if AI development goes wrong.  But what if things go right? Suppose that we develop superi...

    11,12 €

  • As Finanças Públicas Portuguesas
    Ricardo Ferraz
    «O trabalho agora publicado (que se baseia na investigação de doutoramento do autor) é [] muito relevante para compreender uma parte considerável das finanças públicas portuguesas do pós-Segunda Guerra Mundial e até ao advento do primeiro choque petrolífero que marcou o fim dos anos dourados de crescimento. [] Além disto, esta obra ajuda a contextualizar a época a que diz respe...

    15,70 €

    Rubén Vasco Martínez
    La obra Interpretación económica de la historia permitirá al lector comprender diversos hechos históricos y de actualidad, entre ellos la guerra entre Ucrania y Rusia; el enfrentamiento entre los israelíes, el pueblo palestino e Irán; el cambio abrupto de orientación política en países como Estados Unidos, Colombia, Chile, El Salvador, Argentina y Portugal; las tensiones para i...

    12,00 €

  • Determinanten der Kundenzufriedenheit in islamischen Banken in Pakistan
    Fahad Ahmed Qureshi / Mubeen Butt / Muhammad Ali Aslam
    Das islamische Bankwesen in Pakistan hat in den letzten zehn Jahren eine bemerkenswerte Entwicklung durchgemacht und sich zunehmend schwieriger gestaltet. Der Hauptzweck dieser Forschungsarbeit bestand darin, die wichtigsten Determinanten zu untersuchen, die das Zufriedenheitsniveau der pakistanischen Kunden im Islamic Banking beeinflussen können. Servicequalität, Produktqualit...

    49,81 €

  • Déterminants de la satisfaction de la clientèle dans les banques islamiques du Pakistan
    Fahad Ahmed Qureshi / Mubeen Butt / Muhammad Ali Aslam
    La banque islamique au Pakistan a connu un développement remarquable et un rythme de plus en plus difficile au cours de la dernière décennie. L’objectif premier de ce travail de recherche était d’examiner les principaux déterminants susceptibles d’influencer le niveau de satisfaction des clients pakistanais de la banque islamique. La qualité du service, la qualité du produit et...

    49,81 €

  • Детерминанты удовлетворенности клиентов в исламских банках Пакистана
    Мубин Батт / Мухаммад Али Аслам / Фахад Ахмед Куреши
    За последнее десятилетие исламский банкинг в Пакистане пережил значительное развитие и становится все более сложным. Основной целью проведения данной исследовательской работы было изучение основных факторов, которые могут повлиять на уровень удовлетворенности пакистанских клиентов исламским банком. Качество обслуживания, качество продукта и уровень осведомленности были использо...

    49,87 €

  • Determinantes da satisfação do cliente nos bancos islâmicos do Paquistão
    Fahad Ahmed Qureshi / Mubeen Butt / Muhammad Ali Aslam
    A banca islâmica no Paquistão registou um desenvolvimento notável e um ritmo cada vez mais exigente na última década. O principal objetivo deste trabalho de investigação era examinar os principais factores determinantes que podem influenciar o nível de satisfação dos clientes paquistaneses no sector bancário islâmico. A qualidade do serviço, a qualidade do produto e o nível de ...

    49,81 €

  • Determinanti della soddisfazione del cliente nelle banche islamiche del Pakistan
    Fahad Ahmed Qureshi / Mubeen Butt / Muhammad Ali Aslam
    Nell’ultimo decennio l’attività bancaria islamica in Pakistan ha conosciuto un notevole sviluppo e un ritmo sempre più impegnativo. Lo scopo principale di questo lavoro di ricerca è stato quello di esaminare le principali determinanti che possono influenzare il livello di soddisfazione dei clienti pakistani nel settore bancario islamico. La qualità del servizio, la qualità del ...

    49,81 €

    Carl Robson
    'DOLLARS & DREAMS' is a comprehensive guide that empowers readers to take control of their financial future and build lasting wealth. This book is a must-read for anyone seeking financial freedom and the realization of their dreams.In the opening chapter, 'Laying the Foundation for Wealth Creation,' the author lays the groundwork by exploring the fundamental principles and mind...

    20,62 €

  • Six Sigma DMAIC and Markov Chain Monte Carlo Applications to Financial Risk Management
    Vojo Bubevski
    Financial institutions face a critical challenge in managing financial risks effectively under the stringent regulatory frameworks of Basel III and Solvency II. Traditional risk management approaches often need to provide the necessary tools to control risks in a dynamic and evolving market environment. A comprehensive methodology integrating advanced risk analysis concepts and...

    334,29 €

  • Six Sigma DMAIC and Markov Chain Monte Carlo Applications to Financial Risk Management
    Vojo Bubevski
    Financial institutions face a critical challenge in managing financial risks effectively under the stringent regulatory frameworks of Basel III and Solvency II. Traditional risk management approaches often need to provide the necessary tools to control risks in a dynamic and evolving market environment. A comprehensive methodology integrating advanced risk analysis concepts and...

    255,37 €

  • Trade Smart
    Unlock the secrets to financial success with this comprehensive guide to Trading Psychology. Dive into a transformative journey through 18 chapters, each crafted to equip traders, from novices to seasoned investors, with the mental tools needed for success. ...

    34,01 €

  • Artificial Intelligence Approaches to Sustainable Accounting
    In an age defined by unparalleled technological advancements, globalization, and the looming specter of environmental and societal crises, the need for a holistic and sustainable approach to accounting practices has never been more pressing. Academic scholars stand witness to the challenges posed by the new era, characterized by transformative shifts across industry, education,...

    360,38 €

  • Impact of Digitalization on Reporting, Tax Avoidance, Accounting, and Green Finance
    Digital era reporting undergoes a seismic shift as automation takes center stage. The transition from manual reporting to real-time automated systems enhances precision and efficiency and reduces errors, empowering decision-makers. However, this era of digital reporting brings forth a new set of challenges, from data security and privacy concerns to the imperative need for robu...

    354,02 €

  • Impact of Digitalization on Reporting, Tax Avoidance, Accounting, and Green Finance
    Digital era reporting undergoes a seismic shift as automation takes center stage. The transition from manual reporting to real-time automated systems enhances precision and efficiency and reduces errors, empowering decision-makers. However, this era of digital reporting brings forth a new set of challenges, from data security and privacy concerns to the imperative need for robu...

    268,57 €

  • Artificial Intelligence Approaches to Sustainable Accounting
    In an age defined by unparalleled technological advancements, globalization, and the looming specter of environmental and societal crises, the need for a holistic and sustainable approach to accounting practices has never been more pressing. Academic scholars stand witness to the challenges posed by the new era, characterized by transformative shifts across industry, education,...

    274,93 €

  • The Wannabe Investor
    Ann Marie Sabath
    LET THE WANNABE INVESTOR BE THE KEY TO UNLOCKING A BRIGHTER FINANCIAL FUTURE FOR YOU!Do you find the stock market intimidating?Does the thought of losing your hard-earned money hold you back?Do you think you don’t have enough time to dedicate to investing in the market?You’re not alone! A staggering 40 percent of Americans shy away from investing in the stock market due to a la...

    34,34 €

  • The Wannabe Investor
    Ann Marie Sabath
    LET THE WANNABE INVESTOR BE THE KEY TO UNLOCKING A BRIGHTER FINANCIAL FUTURE FOR YOU!Do you find the stock market intimidating?Does the thought of losing your hard-earned money hold you back?Do you think you don’t have enough time to dedicate to investing in the market?You’re not alone! A staggering 40 percent of Americans shy away from investing in the stock market due to a la...

    25,01 €

  • Investor’s Blueprint
    Park Windsor
    'Investor’s Blueprint: Stocks, Real Estate, and Beyond' is an essential guide for anyone looking to navigate the complex world of investments. This comprehensive book covers a wide range of topics, from the basics of stock investing, bonds, and mutual funds to advanced strategies in real estate, private equity, and hedge funds. Whether you’re a beginner eager to understand the ...

    17,80 €

  • A Millionaire’s Guide | Creating Habitual Wealth
    Clay Clark
    ARE YOU LOOKING FOR THE PROVEN PATH TO CREATING FINANCIAL SUCCESS? Are you looking for a proven and practical plan for achieving financial freedom? In this millionaire’s guide, Clay Clark teaches the specific steps that you need to take in order to create habitual wealth including: • How to Go from Poverty to Prosperity• How to Increase Your Income• How to Invest In Yourself, S...

    20,53 €

  • Real Estate Realist
    S.J. Plotkin
    For over a quarter-century, S.J. Plotkin has been a driving force in Southern California’s rental property market. Real Estate Realist unleashes Plotkin’s seasoned strategies, mixing actionable insights with a dash of relatability. It invites you to explore rental property investing through the eyes of an expert who knows how to simplify the complexities, helping you build gene...

    10,65 €

  • Exit On Top
    Brooke Lively
    Attorneys work tirelessly to build their practices and are beginning to realize that these businesses have value.With non-attorney ownership of law firms on the horizon, the sale of law firms is expected to increase exponentially. EXIT ON TOP can help lawyers strategically approach this future by outlining a path forward.EXIT ON TOP can help lawyers strategically approach this ...

    10,11 €

  • Future Money
    Ronit Ghose
    Cryptocurrency. DeFi. Web3. Fintech. The Metaverse. AI. The future of money is here. The world of money is rapidly changing, but what does it all really mean? Exploring key developments such as blockchain, DeFi, AI and the metaverse, the book brings these technical topics to vivid life via narrative deep dives into selected founders and their companies. Spanning multiple geogra...

    27,31 €

  • Future Money
    Ronit Ghose
    Cryptocurrency. DeFi. Web3. Fintech. The Metaverse. AI. The future of money is here. The world of money is rapidly changing, but what does it all really mean? Exploring key developments such as blockchain, DeFi, AI and the metaverse, the book brings these technical topics to vivid life via narrative deep dives into selected founders and their companies. Spanning multiple geogra...

    100,09 €

  • Unlock The Millionaire Lying Dormant Inside
    Keith Henderson
    Prepare to embark on an exhilarating odyssey of self-discovery and empowerment with 'Unlock the Millionaire Lying Dormant Inside.' Join Michael on a riveting journey from the depths of ordinary existence to the pinnacle of extraordinary success.In this gripping narrative, follow Michael’s incredible transformation as he navigates the twists and turns of life, fueled by a burnin...

    28,43 €

  • Financial Inclusion, Sustainability, and the Influence of Religion and Technology
    Financial inclusion has proven to be a looming issue challenging policymakers and scholars. Financial inclusion revolves around the fundamental notion of ensuring that individuals from all walks of life have access to affordable and effective financial products and services that cater to their unique needs. Yet, as we grapple with this issue, we find it entwined with other crit...

    353,90 €

  • Recent Developments in Financial Management and Economics
    Abdelkader Mohamed Sghaier Derbali
    The field of Financial Management & Economics (FME) is constantly adapting to the changing economic landscape, observing the ongoing developments in the global business environment. These shifting dynamics have introduced a variety of influences, both fleeting and enduring, that deeply affect the decision-making foundations within the business arena. Researchers are tasked with...

    426,15 €

  • Issues of Sustainability in AI and New-Age Thematic Investing
    In the face of an evolving global landscape characterized by climate change and a pressing need for sustainable development, the finance sector remains at a critical juncture. Traditional financial models struggle to address the challenges posed by the transition to a low-carbon economy, and unlocking private investments for sustainable initiatives remains an uphill battle. The...

    425,65 €