Catálogo de libros: Finanzas y contabilidad

10340 Catálogo de libros: Finanzas y contabilidad

Libros Eliminar filtro Economía, finanzas, empresa y gestión Eliminar filtro Finanzas y contabilidad Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Marché des capitaux
    Chukwuemeka Uwaezuoke
    Ce livre n’est pas le seul du genre, mais il se concentre sur un segment très restreint du marché officiel des capitaux, à savoir la Bourse de Varsovie. L’étude d’autres segments pourrait donner des résultats différents. La recherche empirique rencontre également des problèmes similaires lorsqu’elle étudie l’efficacité des marchés de capitaux dans d’autres économies en transiti...

    48,51 €

  • Analyzing and Understanding Weekly Financial News
    RWG Publishing
    In the fast-paced world of finance, staying informed with the latest news is crucial for making sound financial decisions. 'Analyzing and Understanding Weekly Financial News: A Comprehensive Guide' by RWG Publishing is an essential resource for both novice and experienced investors looking to stay ahead of the curve. This comprehensive guide dives into the intricacies of financ...

    13,53 €

  • Эконометрический анализ неработающих кредитов
    Кристина Элиза Удреа
    Неработающие кредиты уже очень давно находятся в центре внимания правительств и национальных банков. Существует ли основной фактор, провоцирующий возникновение проблемных кредитов? Или в каждой стране есть своя борьба и свое решение проблемы неработающих кредитов? Можем ли мы найти причину и ограничить последствия плохих кредитов? На каждый из этих вопросов мы нашли ответ, испо...

    48,57 €

  • Ökonometrische Analyse der notleidenden Kredite
    Cristina Eliza Udrea
    NPLs stehen schon seit langem im Mittelpunkt des Interesses von Regierungen und nationalen Banken. Gibt es einen Hauptauslöser für notleidende Kredite? Oder hat jedes Land einen anderen Kampf und eine andere Lösung für NPLs? Können wir die Ursache finden und die Auswirkungen von notleidenden Krediten begrenzen? Auf jede dieser Fragen haben wir mit Hilfe eines neuartigen Panelda...

    48,57 €

  • Analyse économétrique des prêts non productifs
    Cristina Eliza Udrea
    Les prêts non productifs sont depuis très longtemps au centre des préoccupations des gouvernements et des banques nationales. Existe-t-il un élément déclencheur principal des créances douteuses ? Ou bien chaque pays a une lutte différente et une solution différente aux prêts non productifs ? Peut-on trouver la cause et limiter l’effet des créances douteuses ? Nous avons trouvé ...

    48,51 €

  • Analisi econometrica dei prestiti in sofferenza
    Cristina Eliza Udrea
    Gli NPL sono da tempo al centro dell’attenzione dei governi e delle banche nazionali. Esiste una causa principale che scatena i crediti deteriorati? O ogni Paese ha una lotta diversa e una soluzione diversa agli NPL? È possibile individuare la causa e limitare l’effetto dei crediti deteriorati? Per ognuna di queste domande abbiamo trovato la risposta utilizzando un’inedita seri...

    48,51 €

  • Análise econométrica dos créditos não produtivos
    Cristina Eliza Udrea
    Há muito tempo que os NPL têm estado no centro das atenções dos governos e dos bancos nacionais. Existe uma causa principal para o crédito malparado? Ou cada país tem uma luta diferente e uma solução diferente para os NPL? Podemos encontrar a causa e limitar o efeito do crédito malparado? Para cada uma destas questões, encontrámos a resposta utilizando um novo conjunto de dados...

    48,51 €

  • New Jersey Real Estate License Exam Prep
    David Cusic / Ryan Mettling / Stephen Mettling
    Features of New Jersey Real Estate License Exam Prep (NJ-RELEP):National Principles & Law Key Point Review (60 pages)Real Estate Math Key Formula Review & Practice (20 pages)New Jersey-Specific Laws and Practices (32 pages)National Practice Tests (500 questions)New Jersey Practice Tests (100 questions)New Jersey Sample Exam (100 questions)We know the real estate licensing exam ...

    33,81 €

  • Playing the Wealth Game
    Freddie Rappina
    Do you want to transform your financial future?Build the kind of wealth you’ve always dreamed of having?Create a brighter financial future simply by changing your wealth game?Wealth-building isn’t just luck or happenstance-it’s a series of strategic moves that take you from where you are today to where you dream of being tomorrow. It’s all about playing the right game, and play...

    13,49 €

  • The Talent Advantage
    Jeff Lupinacci
    Unlock the Power of Talent with 'The Talent Advantage'Step into the high-stakes business world with Richard, a visionary leader facing his greatest challenge yet--the loss of his largest customer. As Richard searches for answers, he stumbles upon a discovery that will revolutionize his company’s future and reshape the business landscape.In ’The Talent Advantage,’ you’ll be imme...

    35,02 €

  • Depreciation Reports in British Columbia
    AACI Jeremy Bramwell
    Depreciation Reports in British Columbia - The Strata Lot Owners Guide to Selecting Your Provider and Understanding Your Report was written to assist Strata Councils and Owners in receiving an accurate and reliable Depreciation Report by making an informed choice about the provider, understanding how the planner prepared the report, and how to analyze the conclusions. Checklist...

    35,71 €

  • The Buy Right Approach to Property Investing
    Cate Bakos / Pete Wargent
    The best time to sell property is never.If you buy the right property in the first place, you may never have to sell. It will keep increasing in value and, if you are an investor, providing a rental income.The Buy Right Approach to Property Investing demystifies the world of real estate investing so you can better understand how to make informed and profitable buying decisions....

    16,04 €

  • The Long Distance Millionaire
    Andre Green
    New to real estate? Skip the hype and master the system.Ditch the daily grind and welcome a future overflowing with financial freedom! Long Distance Millionaire unlocks the secrets to passive income, placing you in control of your destiny. Build a legacy that transcends fleeting paychecks, one rental property at a time. Secure your family’s future and watch your wealth blossom,...

    25,98 €

  • The Hogan Edge
    Jerome Austry
    The book is about the inception and creation of an iconic golf company and the success that was achieved by the Ben Hogan Company for over twenty-five years. This was followed by the turmoil the company went through, following a corporate raid, and by reorganizing the management team and how by featuring Ben Hogan in an ad campaign at the Riviera Country Club pole-vaulted the c...

    24,55 €

  • The Hogan Edge
    Jerome Austry
    The book is about the inception and creation of an iconic golf company and the success that was achieved by the Ben Hogan Company for over twenty-five years. This was followed by the turmoil the company went through, following a corporate raid, and by reorganizing the management team and how by featuring Ben Hogan in an ad campaign at the Riviera Country Club pole-vaulted the c...

    16,61 €

  • Dívidas???jamais!
    Ronaldo Nasr Tabet
    Nesta obra, oriento as pessoas a não perderem o foco dos seus gastos.Você não pode gastar mais do que ganha. Bem como comprar parcelado ou com cartão de crédito sem ter a perspectiva de ter o seu dinheiro mensalmente para tal. Compre sempre à vista!Não deixe as contas vencerem, para evitar de pagar juros e multas!Não compre sem necessidade!Procure sempre incrementar os seus ren...

    8,82 €

  • Fin É Tech
    Victor L. Barboza
    Com a evolução da tecnologia, o universo das finanças ganhou uma grande aliada, possibilitando o surgimento das FinTechs. Estas são empresas que formam um novo setor financeiro que aplica tecnologia para melhorar as atividades financeiras. O Brasil já conta com mais de 1.800 fintechs, que oferecem as mais variadas soluções. E quem sai mais ganhando são os usuários. Venha explor...

    9,51 €

  • Of Banks and Crises
    Cristina Peicuti / Jacques Beyssade / JACQUES BEYSSADE CHRISTINE DAGONVILLE
    A professor of economics, who predicted the subprime mortgage crisis in her doctoral thesis at the Sorbonne between 2006 and 2009, and the general secretary of a major bank analyse the role of banks in triggering the Great Depression and the Great Recession, as well as in helping companies out of the COVID-19 crisis and into the New Environmental Cycle. The book focuses on the ...

    69,20 €

    Cristina Peicuti / Jacques Beyssade / JACQUES BEYSSADE CHRISTINE DAGONVILLE
    A professor of economics, who predicted the subprime mortgage crisis in her doctoral thesis at the Sorbonne between 2006 and 2009, and the general secretary of a major bank analyse the role of banks in triggering the Great Depression and the Great Recession, as well as in helping companies out of the COVID-19 crisis and into the New Environmental Cycle. The book focuses on the ...

    33,68 €

  • The Financial System Limit
    David Kauders
    Can the world really continue to stimulate its way out of every downturn? What happens to debt as central banks and governments buy prosperity?In The Financial System Limit, the author puts forward three radical theories which show that Keynesian economics can no longer benefit society. He explains why debt cannot expand to infinity; then how debt interest is a cost to us all. ...

    11,98 €

  • The Law of Financial Success
    Edward E. Beals
    Unlock the principles of financial abundance and prosperity with Edward E. Beals’ enlightening guide, 'The Law of Financial Success.' In this transformative book, Beals reveals the timeless laws and strategies for achieving financial freedom, security, and success.With clarity and insight, Beals delves into the mindset and habits of financially successful individuals, offering ...

    10,19 €

  • Der Rechtsrahmen für den elektronischen Geschäftsverkehr
    K. M. Anwarul Islam / Mahbuba Zaman
    Das Zeitalter der Globalisierung erfordert den effizienten Einsatz von Technologien, um mit der modernen Welt und ihren Besonderheiten zurechtzukommen. Ohne die Technologie kann keine Nation an eine Entwicklung denken. In der Geschäftswelt bedeutet Entwicklung wirtschaftliches Wachstum und das Streben nach seinem Höhepunkt. Dieser Gipfel ist nur nach angemessenem Einsatz einzig...

    49,68 €

  • Le cadre réglementaire du commerce électronique
    K. M. Anwarul Islam / Mahbuba Zaman
    L’ère de la mondialisation exige une utilisation efficace des technologies pour faire face au monde moderne et à ses caractéristiques. Sans la technologie, aucune nation ne peut envisager de décoller vers le développement. Dans le monde des affaires, le développement est synonyme de croissance économique et de progression vers son apogée. Ce sommet ne peut être atteint qu’après...

    49,68 €

  • Il quadro normativo del commercio elettronico
    K. M. Anwarul Islam / Mahbuba Zaman
    L’era della globalizzazione richiede un uso efficiente delle tecnologie per far fronte al mondo moderno e alle sue caratteristiche. Senza la tecnologia nessuna nazione può pensare di decollare verso lo sviluppo. Nel mondo degli affari, sviluppo significa crescita economica e corsa verso l’apice. Questo picco è raggiungibile solo dopo un uso appropriato di tecnologie uniche. La ...

    49,68 €

  • O quadro regulamentar do comércio eletrónico
    K. M. Anwarul Islam / Mahbuba Zaman
    A era da globalização exige a utilização eficiente das tecnologias para fazer face ao mundo moderno e às suas características. Sem a tecnologia, nenhuma nação pode pensar em descolar para o desenvolvimento. No mundo dos negócios, desenvolvimento significa crescimento económico e corrida para o seu pico. Este pico só pode ser atingido após a utilização adequada de tecnologias ún...

    49,68 €

  • Нормативно-правовая база электронной коммерции
    K. М. Анварул Ислам / Махбуба Заман
    Эпоха глобализации требует эффективного использования технологий, чтобы справиться с современным миром и его особенностями. Без технологий ни одна страна не может думать о взлете к развитию. В мире бизнеса развитие означает экономический рост и движение к своей вершине. Этот пик достижим только при правильном использовании уникальных технологий. Технологии экономят время и моби...

    49,68 €

  • Carteira Consciente
    José Figueiredo Silva
    A Consciência da sua Carteira é um processo contínuo.É importante analisar os seus objetivos e o seu plano regularmente para garantir que eles ainda estejam alinhados com as suas necessidades e desejos.Com uma CarteiraConsciente, pode alcançar a segurança e a liberdade financeira que deseja. ...

    8,15 €

  • Nachhaltigkeit der Segmentierung von Nischenmärkten im Bankensektor
    Grace den Dulk
    Ziel dieser Studie war es, die Nachhaltigkeit der Nischenmarktsegmentierung im Bankensektor am Beispiel des Barclays Bank Premier Account zu untersuchen. Die Studie wurde von den folgenden Forschungsfragen geleitet: Welche Auswirkungen hat die Nischensegmentierung auf die Kundenakquisition? Was sind die Auswirkungen der Nischensegmentierung auf die Kundenzufriedenheit? und Was ...

    69,85 €

  • Устойчивость сегментации нишевого рынка в банковской отрасли
    Грейс ден Дулк
    Целью данного исследования было изучение устойчивости сегментации нишевого рынка в банковской отрасли на примере Barclays Bank Premier Account. В ходе исследования были поставлены следующие исследовательские вопросы: Каково влияние нишевой сегментации на привлечение клиентов? Каково влияние сегментации ниш на удовлетворенность клиентов? и, Каково влияние сегментации ниш на удер...

    69,91 €

  • Durabilité de la segmentation des marchés de niche dans le secteur bancaire
    Grace den Dulk
    L’objectif de cette étude était d’examiner la durabilité de la segmentation des marchés de niche dans le secteur bancaire en utilisant le cas du compte Premier de la Barclays Bank. L’étude a été guidée par les questions de recherche suivantes : Quels sont les effets de la segmentation de niche sur l’acquisition de clients ? Quels sont les effets de la segmentation de niche sur ...

    69,85 €