Catálogo de libros: Finanzas y contabilidad

10340 Catálogo de libros: Finanzas y contabilidad

Libros Eliminar filtro Economía, finanzas, empresa y gestión Eliminar filtro Finanzas y contabilidad Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Standardization of Financial Reporting and Accounting in Latin American Countries
    Isabel Lourenço / Maria Major
    Accounting has often been described as the language of business. As the increasing competition of overseas markets begins to affect even the smallest local companies, many more business professionals must become fluent in accounting principles and practice. Standardization of Financial Reporting and Accounting in Latin American Countries highlights the recent move to Internatio...

    262,52 €

  • Comptabilisez vos Succès
    Sylvie Deslauriers
    LONGS CAS - RÔLE EN GESTION DE LA PERFORMANCE Préface Mon volume s’adresse aux candidats qui se préparent à l’écriture de longs cas, en particulier dans le cadre du Rôle en Gestion de la performance. Il s’inscrit à la suite du volume qui porte sur les courts cas, volume ayant pour objectif d’initier étudiants et candidats à la résolution de cas multidisciplinaires. Compte t...

    60,50 €

  • Shopping Center Dealmaker’s Handbook®
    Bruce G. Zimmerman / Bruce GZimmerman
    Shopping Center DealMaker's Handbook® (8.5" x 11"; 656 pages) and its Word® Forms CD (or download) gives you the electronic verbal building blocks for U.S. shopping center real estate transactions. The book includes 62 editable "deal-making documents" to make your own proposals and letters of intent creatively, quickly, and efficiently. It is a "thinking tool" you'll us...

    186,35 €

  • Every Woman Should Know Her Options
    Laurie Itkin
    Growing up with a twice-divorced mother who could not financially support herself and her children, Laurie Itkin vowed to do whatever it would take to become financially independent. At 24, Itkin received a $1,600 inheritance from her grandmother. Instead of spending it on clothes and shoes, she bought 40 shares of Starbucks. In Every Woman Should Know Her Options, Itkin outlin...

    12,49 €

  • Instant Experience for Real Estate Agents
    David a. Thyfault
    Lessons, true stories and insider secrets for Real Estate Professionals. A great tool, especially for new agents, as it provides insight and wisdom from a successful 30 year broker. ...

    12,31 €

  • 42 Rules of Sensible Investing (2nd Edition)
    Leon Shirman
    In '42 Rules of Sensible Investing (2nd Edition)', Leon Shirman shares his practical insights on personal investment strategies and philosophies, and on picking winning stocks. These views are heavily influenced by successful long-term approaches used by modern investing legends, such as Benjamin Graham, Warren Buffett and Peter Lynch. The book provides a checklist of concise, ...

    22,52 €

  • Têgeha Guncandina Emlaqa Nûxwaz
    Matthias Fiedler
    Ev pirtûk konsepteke şoreşger a li ser portala (app) guncandina emlaqa di asta dinyayê de, bi tevî hesibandina potansîyela firotinê ya girîng (Mîlyar Dolarî) ku bi bernameya komputerê ya ajanseke emlaq ve hatîye entegrekirin û nirxandina emlaqê (potansîyela firotinê ya bi qasî Trîlyon Dolarî) nîşan dide.Ev yek tê wê maneyê ku sîmsarîya emlaqa niştecihî û bazirganî -çi hatibin k...

    11,60 €

  • Idee des innovativen Immobilienmatchings
    Matthias Fiedler
    In diesem Buch wird ein revolutionäres Konzept für ein weltweites Immobilienmatchingportal (App – Applikation) mit Berechnung des beachtlichen Umsatzpotentials (Milliarden Euro) erklärt, welches in eine Immobilienmaklersoftware inklusive Immobilienbewertung integriert wird (Billionen Euro Umsatzpotential).Hierdurch können Wohn- und Gewerbeimmobilien, eigengenutzt oder vermietet...

    11,60 €

  • Cryptographic Solutions for Secure Online Banking and Commerce
    Technological advancements have led to many beneficial developments in the electronic world, especially in relation to online commerce. Unfortunately, these advancements have also created a prime hunting ground for hackers to obtain financially sensitive information and deterring these breaches in security has been difficult. Cryptographic Solutions for Secure Online Banking an...

    262,60 €

  • Jefferson's Nightmare
    William O. Joseph
    Common working people have been getting screwed by the banking industry for hundreds of years. In the United States over 21 million family members have lost their homes since 2007. Millions more have watched their careers go up in smoke. If you think there is nothing wrong with such a system then don't bother to read this book.   Two hundred years ago, Thomas Jefferson ha...

    12,42 €

  • So You're Going Contracting
    Paul Reynolds
    So you're going contracting - This book tells you everything you need to know to make it as a successful consultant or contractor in a succinct and easy to digest package. Contracting is not as complicated as many make out, as you will discover from reading this book. The author has been a successful consultant for over a decade, and demystifies the process with real world ...

    17,95 €

  • Business Planning in the Public Sector
    Jennifer Bean / Lascelles Hussey
    This book is one of a series of books entitled “Essential Skills for the Public Sector”. It sets out the process of identifying a clear vision, SMART objectives, strategies and action plans for public sector and not-for-profit organisations. Business planning is an essential process to ensure the long term future viability and sustainability of an organisation. It gives directi...

    24,26 €

  • Comment réussir ses études en comptabilité
    Sylvie Deslauriers
    Le volume Comment réussir ses études en comptabilité présente diverses stratégies d’apprentissage menant vers le succès. Il fournit de nombreux moyens d’apprendre à se concentrer sur l’essentiel, dans une attitude gagnante. Le volume offre des clés accessibles à tout étudiant en comptabilité, entre autres, pour étudier et résumer l’information de manière efficiente, pour mieux ...

    23,76 €

  • Business Builder's Blueprint
    Allen E Fishman
    TENS OF THOUSANDS OF BUSINESS OWNERS, AROUND THE WORLD, HAVE USED BUSINESS BUILDER'S BLUEPRINT TO LEAD THEIR BUSINESSES TO INCREASED PROFITS WHILE ACHIEVING THEIR PERSONAL VISIONS FOR SUCCESSIn 1990, Allen E Fishman founded The Alternative Board® (TAB), which is the world’s largest franchise system providing advisory board and coaching services for business owners and other...

    15,67 €

  • A Woman's Guide To Financial Planning
    Shak Hill
    When my mother was 43 years old, she was divorced after 22 years of marriage and 5 boys, and I’m number two. Through no fault of her own, my mother was not prepared to handle her half of the settlement, and had tripped herself down the path of becoming an “old lady on a fixed income.” This book is fast past, fun and entertaining AND informative. The 7 Essential Ingredients walk...

    17,98 €

  • Sviluppare Lean Leader a tutti i livelli
    Jeffrey Liker
    'Sviluppare Lean Leaders a tutti i Livelli: Una Guida Pratica' è vincitore del premio SHINGO RESEARCH AND PROFESSIONAL PUBLICATION 2016: è un libro da leggere. Il Lean Leadership Development Model (LLDM) presentato in questo libro è intuitivo e si allinea bene con i principi indiscussi dell' eccellenza operativa. Approfondisce in modo significativo gli elementi della Lean, ...

    28,52 €

  • Securing Transactions and Payment Systems for M-Commerce
    Mobile commerce, or M-commerce, is booming as many utilize their mobile devices to complete transactions ranging from personal shopping to managing and organizing business operations. The emergence of new technologies such as money sharing and transactional applications have revolutionized the way we do business. Wholeheartedly adopted by both the business world and consumers, ...

    269,07 €

  • Comptabilisez vos succès
    Sylvie Deslauriers
    Le volume Comptabilisez vos succès s’adresse aux étudiants et candidats qui doivent résoudre des cas intégrés multi-sujets au cours de leurs études en comptabilité. Il facilite l’apprentissage par le développement d’une démarche pratique structurée. Les propos sont d’ailleurs abondamment illustrés par des exemples qui proviennent entre autres de l’analyse détaillée d’une étude ...

    64,74 €

  • Financial Planning for Global Living
    Jennifer A Patterson
    What is financial planning for global living?Whether you are embarking on a short- or long-term overseas assignment, moving for love, are a dual citizen, are considering retiring abroad, or are an advisor to people in any of those situations, Financial Planning for Global Living will give you the insight and practical guidance, and the tools you need, all honed from the trenche...

    14,78 €

  • Cryptocurrency Explained
    The most informative Cryptocurrency Bible in the market.Today cryptocurrencies have become a global phenomenon known to most people. While still somehow geeky and not understood by most people especially Newcomers, information provided in this book unlocks the secretive world of cryptocurrency and how to master it.Whether you are seeking information on concept of cryptocurrency...

    11,19 €

  • Too Easy
    Marcos Figueroa
    Less than 10% of all sales people in America make six figures a year, let alone multiple six figures. It's time. Time to start living up to your true potential. Time to take your career seriously. Time to commit to success instead of giving your attention to the distractions in life. Time to make the type of money you've always expected in this field. Most people who wo...

    10,40 €

  • Idea del innovador matching inmobiliario
    Matthias Fiedler
    En este libro se explica un concepto revolucionario para un portal internacional (app - aplicación) de búsqueda de inmuebles que calcula el potencial de ventas (mil millones de Euros). Este portal está integrado en un software de gestión inmobiliaria y de tasación de inmuebles (con un potencial de ventas de billones de euros).Aquí se pueden gestionar, de forma rápida y eficient...

    11,60 €

  • Splitting Pennies
    Joseph Gelet
    Splitting Pennies - Understanding Forex is a book about our global financial system and its direct impact on every human being on this planet Earth.  Every day, our money is worth less and less.  Splitting Pennies explores why, through the prism of its mechanism; Forex.  Forex is the largest business in the world and the least understood.  This is not taught in school - start y...

    30,75 €

  • Mortgage Matters
    Sylvia M Gutierrez
    The Only Guide You Need to the Mortgage Loan Process If you're like most people, getting a mortgage can seem like a confusing, overwhelming, and frustrating process. You have lots of questions and need guidance in selecting the best options to fit your financial goals. Imagine if you had a close friend who could share with you all the answers without adding sales pressure or m...

    23,10 €

  • # B2B Strategic Pricing Tweet Book01
    Bob Bonacorsi
    Strategic pricing is a game-changing process for business-to-business pricing in today’s highly competitive global markets.It continues to have a significant, positive impact on the profitability of companies that have embraced and employed it effectively. It is not unusual for companies to increase their bottom line by two to three points or more within the first two years aft...

    22,43 €

  • Checking the Banks
    Tom Sgouros
    “This is a marvelous book! Well-written-even enjoyable to read-about local banking! Packed with important information, not only for the expert, but for anyone, activist or public official, Put it on top of your reading pile!” - Gar Alperovitz, author of What Then Must We Do? “A clear, accessible, practical, grounded, and authoritative intro- duction to ...

    23,74 €

  • The Sloth Investor
    R P Stevens
    Step aside bull and bear, the humble sloth is the BEST animal to characterise successful investing.From Mr. Sloth, the host of the Sloth Investor podcast, comes The Sloth Investor, a book catering to beginner investors, young and old, seeking to take advantage of the greatest wealth creation machine of all time. The Sloth Investor provides an evidence-based framework for those ...

    20,36 €

  • Revolutionizing the Global Stock Market
    In the aftermath of the profound fiscal crisis of 2008, the very foundation of the global financial system came under intense scrutiny. The ensuing crash laid bare systemic vulnerabilities and underscored the urgent need for alternative solutions capable of fostering a more transparent and resilient model. This period of economic turbulence exposed critical flaws in the existin...

    294,44 €

  • Revolutionizing the Global Stock Market
    In the aftermath of the profound fiscal crisis of 2008, the very foundation of the global financial system came under intense scrutiny. The ensuing crash laid bare systemic vulnerabilities and underscored the urgent need for alternative solutions capable of fostering a more transparent and resilient model. This period of economic turbulence exposed critical flaws in the existin...

    386,43 €

  • Navegando a través del tiempo
    Eric Jones
    Navegando a Través del Tiempo te lleva en un viaje introspectivo para explorar los principios fundamentales de la filosofía y la naturaleza del ser, de modo que puedas mirarte en el espejo y hacerte la pregunta, ’¿quién eres realmente?’ ¿Qué compone tus pensamientos, tus acciones, tu carácter, y eres feliz? ¿Quién quieres ser? ¿Adónde quieres ir? Aunque algunos de nosotros pode...

    21,88 €