Catálogo de libros: Historia de la economía

3113 Catálogo de libros: Historia de la economía

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  • Rhode Island Renaissance
    James Neal Freas
    Rhode Island Renaissance: A Sustainable Future at Quonset PointWelcome to the vision of a vibrant future at Quonset Point! In 'Rhode Island Renaissance,' we explore the untapped potential of this Bayside gem, offering a compelling strategy that embraces the region’s rich history, prime location, and proximity to Providence’s burgeoning creativity hub.Unveiling a Unique Opportun...

    24,35 €

  • Economic Development of Bosnia and Herzegovina during Austro-Hungarian Period
    Tahir Mahmutefendic
    The book consists of preface, introduction, six chapters and two appendixes. The first chapter deals with the last decades of the Ottoman rule in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The second chapter analyses interest of Austro-Hungary for Bosnia and Herzegovina. The third chapter gives the overview of literature of Austro-Hungarian period in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The fourth chapter is ...

    22,69 €

  • The Rise Of Inflation
    Romaine Morgan
    Discover the key to constructing a resilient portfolio amidst inflationary pressures with 'The Rise Of Inflation.' This book serves as a comprehensive guide to help you develop a well-rounded and robust investment strategy. It covers a wide range of investment options, including precious metals, real estate, and commodities. Whether you are attracted to the appeal of precious m...

    21,11 €

  • World Oil Fact and Policy
    David Ice
    World Oil Fact and Policy, a brilliant book published in 1944, delivers a deep exploration and disciplined examination of domestic and foreign petroleum resources, their import to United States energy and security policy during World War II, and their capacity to act as a civilizing catalyst for postwar prosperity and peace.The authors methodically make the case that world wars...

    20,91 €

    Cristina Peicuti / Jean-Marc Daniel / JEAN-MARC DANIEL CRISTINA PEICUTI
    Constantly bandied about, ’crisis’ has tended to be a much-overused word. Understanding the economy and its future challenges requires a detailed and precise analysis of what an economic crisis is. This book sets out to do just that. It first provides a deep historical context of what economic theory says about crises and their perpetual return in the form of a cycle. It then l...

    57,03 €

    Cristina Peicuti / Jean-Marc Daniel / JEAN-MARC DANIEL CRISTINA PEICUTI
    Constantly bandied about, ’crisis’ has tended to be a much-overused word. Understanding the economy and its future challenges requires a detailed and precise analysis of what an economic crisis is. This book sets out to do just that. It first provides a deep historical context of what economic theory says about crises and their perpetual return in the form of a cycle. It then l...

    28,88 €

    Jason Mandel sheds light on how the big Wall Street firms manipulate circumstances to benefit themselves first, and their clients second. Mandel argues that investors must demand transparency and seek guarantees from their financial advisers.Clarity is needed to navigate a future economy filled with great volatility and uncertainty. Diversification away from long-only stock and...

    14,24 €

  • General and Periodic Crises of Overproduction
    Jean Lescure
    Jean Lescure’s General and Periodic Crises of Overproduction is a pioneering study of the causes and consequences of industrial crises in capitalist economies in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It was updated periodically through five editions and now appears in English for the first time. ...

    288,56 €

    David M. Bennett
    Dangerous Ideas is a short (124 pages) study in the history of modern macroeconomics. At its core is John Maynard Keynes’ The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, arguably the twentieth century’s most influential economics text. Keynes’ book was a response to the perceived failure of contemporary economic theory - the ’classical’ orthodoxy - to explain adequately t...

    7,05 €

  • Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology
    Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology Volume 41B features a selection of papers presented at the First History of Economics Diversity Caucus Conference. ...

    180,14 €

  • Web 1.0 Dotcom Era Defined
    David Murray-Hundley / The Grumpy Entrepreneur
    David Murray-Hundley, known as "The Grumpy Entrepreneur," provides a meticulously detailed account of the Dotcom Era, portraying a pivotal period marked by ingenuity, ambition, and the unbridled growth of the Internet. This book serves as an invaluable historical repository, replete with nuanced insights from someone who not only witnessed but also actively participated in the ...

    8,72 €

  • Silk Road Chronicles
    A.J. Kingston
    Uncover the Rich Tapestry of the Silk Road’s Past and PresentAre you ready to embark on an extraordinary journey through time and across continents? Dive into the captivating world of the Silk Road with our exclusive book bundle, the 'SILK ROAD CHRONICLES.' This meticulously curated collection delves deep into the heart of one of history’s most iconic and influential trade netw...

    50,87 €

  • Decolonisation in the age of globalisation
    Chi-kwan Mark
    Drawing extensively on the declassified British archives and Chinese sources, this book explores how Britain and China negotiated for Hong Kong’s future, and how Anglo-Chinese relations flourished after 1984. This original study argues that Thatcher was a pragmatic neoliberal, and the British diplomacy of ’educating’ China yielded mixed results. ...

    157,25 €

    Historians have not convincingly explained modern capitalism’s two major economic crises, the Great Depression of the 1930s, and the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) of 2008-2009. Accounting for Crises offers a new explanation, why both began and were more severe in the USA ('America'), based on an accounting interpretation of Marx’s theory of crises. It explains their origins in ...

    190,69 €

  • The State Theory of Money
    Georg Friedrich Knapp / Hans DG Hyun
    An Iconic Money Masterpiece from the 20th Century: Influencing Keynes, Max Weber and Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). Knapp’s State Theory of Money has had a profound impact on shaping modern perspectives on money and banking, notably influencing prominent figures such as John Maynard Keynes, Max Weber, neo-chartalism, Post Keynesian monetary theory, and Modern Monetary Theory (MM...

    36,05 €

  • The Wealth of Nations
    Adam Smith
    The Wealth of Nations offers one of the world’s first connected accounts of what builds nations’ wealth, and has become a fundamental work in classical economics.It influenced a number of authors and economists, as well as governments and organizations. Alexander Hamilton was influenced in part by The Wealth of Nations to write his Report on Manufactures, in which he argued aga...

    60,35 €

  • The Control and Manipulation of Money
    Edward D. Duvall
    Part 1 is a tutorial on basic economics, covering wealth, money, prices, capital, rent, labor, economic expansions and contractions, inequality, debt, credit, monetary inflation, and national debt.   It details the causes and consequences of monetary inflation, and the role of central banks contributing to it.   Part 2 contains a complete financial and economic history of the U...

    43,11 €

  • The Acquisitive Society
    R.H. Tawney
    The Acquisitive Society was written by R. H. Tawney and published in 1920. Tawney herein criticizes the selfish individualism of modern industrial societies. He argues that capitalism corrupts via the promotion of economic self-interest, leading to aimless production in response to greed and insatiable acquisitiveness, and hence to perversions of industrialism. He attests furth...

    21,31 €

  • Extraordinary Popular Delusions and The Madness of Crowds
    Charles Mackay
    This is the full unabridged edition that includes all three volumes.In this book, Charles Mackay discusses the irrational behaviors of crowds in the economy, war and magic. He gives several different examples of market bubbles such as the Mississippi Scheme and the infamous Tulip Mania in the Netherlands. Ever since it was written, Investors have used it as a guide to help iden...

    31,04 €

  • Extraordinary Popular Delusions and The Madness of Crowds
    Charles Mackay
    This is the full unabridged edition that includes all three volumes.In this book, Charles Mackay discusses the irrational behaviors of crowds in the economy, war and magic. He gives several different examples of market bubbles such as the Mississippi Scheme and the infamous Tulip Mania in the Netherlands. Ever since it was written, Investors have used it as a guide to help iden...

    22,64 €

  • Ghana’s Economic Diplomacy - Past, Facts, And The Future
    Ernest Nana Adjei
    Ghana has its eye firmly on the future. But to realise its enormous economic potential, the country’s foreign relations must evolve to combine the political with the economic imperative. The Foreign Service has taken a leadership role for the entire gamut of Ghana’s economic relations, including trade, investments, energy, climate change, and health diplomacy.In Ghana’s Economi...

    22,93 €

  • Leonid Hurwicz
    Michael Hurwicz
    In 1938, young Leonid Hurwicz leaves Warsaw seeking safety and an economics degree. These challenging years spawn a lifelong intellectual adventure, a stellar career in economics and a Nobel Prize. This book tells his story. ...

    171,35 €

  • Leonid Hurwicz
    Michael Hurwicz
    In 1938, young Leonid Hurwicz leaves Warsaw seeking safety and an economics degree. These challenging years spawn a lifelong intellectual adventure, a stellar career in economics and a Nobel Prize. This book tells his story. ...

    27,76 €

    Adam Smith, one of the founding fathers of contemporary economics, observed that religiosity is influenced by the extent of regulation in the 'market' for religion. In countries where there is a state-sponsored religion, one can expect less overall religiosity than if the market were competitive and religions had to compete to increase their membership. Religion, he claims, is ...

    164,23 €

  • Summary of The Oqual Cycle
    Amjad Farooq
    This book is a summary of The oqual Cycle without an in-depth analysis. Briefly, almost every nation today is teetering on the brink of a societal meltdown as it finds itself in the midst of a sociopolitical upheaval, the like of which has not hitherto been witnessed in our lifetime.Yet, hardly anyone realizes that like a winter that returns every year, such a concerted turmo...

    16,70 €

  • Fronsperger and Laffemas
    Leonhard Fronsperger
    This volume introduces two very early, unique, and hitherto largely unknown contributions to the making of modern economic knowledge: Fronsperger’s on the role of self-interest in economic development (later called the ’Mandeville Paradox’) and Laffemas’ on the importance of an active industrial policy. Both for the first time in English. ...

    158,29 €

  • DeFi for the Diaspora
    Hubbard / Kamal Hubbard
    One-part Black history, one-part Black futurism 'DeFi for the Diaspora' examines the history of money to underscore the economic predicament of the global Black collective in the face of the 'Great Reset.' People of African heritage are confronted with a threat and a choice after years of financial maltreatment & discrimination. This book presents how technology can be leverage...

    27,58 €

  • Essays in Honor of Joon Y. Park
    Volumes 45a and 45b of Advances in Econometrics honor Professor Joon Y. Park, who has made numerous and substantive contributions to the field of econometrics over a career spanning four decades since the 1980s and counting. ...

    225,02 €

  • Essays in Honor of Joon Y. Park
    Volumes 45a and 45b of Advances in Econometrics honor Professor Joon Y. Park, who has made numerous and substantive contributions to the field of econometrics over a career spanning four decades since the 1980s and counting. ...

    231,74 €

  • Roosevelt’s New Deal From The Crisis of The Great Depression to The Era of Extraordinary Changes
    Davis Truman
    The Roosevelt New Deal was a series of domestic programs and initiatives launched by President Franklin D. Roosevelt shortly after he assumed office in 1933. At that time, the United States faced one of the worst economic crises in its history, with unemployment rates exceeding 25%, banks failing, and businesses closing down. In response to this crisis, Roosevelt sought to impl...

    14,59 €