Catálogo de libros: Sistemas y estructuras económicas

772 Catálogo de libros: Sistemas y estructuras económicas

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  • 新基建:全球大变局下的中国经济新引擎
    马家进 连一席 任泽平
    疫情全球大流行、世界经济危机和中美贸易摩擦,引发了宏观经济思想与政策的大论战、大变革。我们应该如何战胜危机,走出衰退?新基建经济学应时代而生,成为危机应对和大国竞争的关键胜负手。从历史经验和现实实践来看,新基建是应对经济危机的更简单有效的办法,兼顾短期扩大有效需求和长期扩大有效供给,兼具稳增长、稳就业、调结构、促创新、惠民生的综合性重大作用。美国过度依赖量化宽松,中国则力推新基建,此消彼长,化危为机。笔者长期旗帜鲜明地倡导新基建,引发了市场的广泛关注和业界讨论,新基建*终从学术讨论走向社会共识和国家战略。未来,5G、数据中心、人工智能、充电桩、城市群等领域的新基建大规模展开,将给各行各业带来深刻变革和重大机遇,为吸引全球产业链、抢占科技创新制高点、破局美国战略遏制、实现中华民族伟大复兴奠定坚实的基础。 ...

    50,47 €

  • 新火
    本书的工业研究以实地调研和访谈为基础,结合国际主流创新理论,再现了中国工业发展中鲜为人知的历史,探寻中国工业技术进步之源。本书的主题是:技术只能自己干。书中提出,中国工业要想创新就必须自己掌握技术,而要掌握技术就必须进行和坚持自主的技术研发。书中论证了政府产业政策的发力点应是鼓励、鞭策、支持中国竞争性企业的能力成长,并提出自主创新是中国产业升级和经济转型的根本动力。本书进一步澄清了国内外有关 '自主创新'问题的争论,比如自主创新和开放创新的关系是什么,强调自主创新会不会导致闭关自守,自主创新在技术落后的条件下是否可行,等等。本书观点鲜明,逻辑严谨,文风简洁,破立结合,既充满激情又不失理性。书中的部分内容发表后,曾在国内研究界、相关行业、决策层引发强烈反响和关注。 ...

    59,21 €

  • Office of the Special Project Facilitator’s Lessons Learned
    Asian Development Bank
    This publication focuses on the Tbilisi-Rustavi highway modernization project in Georgia as one of the Office of the Special Project Facilitator’s Lessons Learned series of case studies on ADB’s complaint management experience.It presents the issues, challenges, and solutions that Office of the Special Project Facilitator’s (OSPF)identified from its experience responding to the...

    24,07 €

  • A agenda regulatória dos BRICS
    Jonnas Vasconcelos
    O neoliberalismo é um conceito que qualifica o atual estágio de desenvolvimento do capitalismo, marcado, dentre outras características, pela recorrência de crises financeiras e por novas formas da hierarquia internacional e das relações jurídicas. No contexto de desdobramentos da grave crise iniciada nos mercados financeiros dos EUA e da Europa, a partir de 2007, o cenário geop...

    17,30 €

  • Office of the Special Project Facilitator’s Lessons Learned
    Asian Development Bank
    This publication focuses on the $228 million Batumi Bypass Road Project in Georgia as one of the Office of the Special Project Facilitator’s Lessons Learned series of case studies on ADB’s complaint management experience.It presents the issues, challenges, and solutions that OSPF identified from its experience responding to the concerns of affected households and people in the ...

    24,43 €

  • Gender Equity in the Boardroom
    Dr Ganesh Singh / Payal Kumar
    Gender diversity in boardrooms across India remain below the global average. This book analyses gender representation across industries and focus on the issue of low female representation by interviewing board members, executives and managers. ...

    85,05 €

  • Critical Infrastructure Risk Assessment
    Ernie Hayden
    ASIS Book of The Year Winner as selected by ASIS International, the world’s largest community of security practitioners.Critical Infrastructure Risk Assessment wins 2021 ASIS Security Book of the Year Award - SecurityInfoWatch... and Threat Reduction Handbook by Ernie Hayden, PSP (Rothstein Publishing) was selected as its 2021 ASIS Security Industry Book of the Year.Critical In...

    90,53 €

    Foundations of the Future examines the geo-economic and geo-strategic implications of a growing global "battle" to promote infrastructural connectivity across and between continents of the world. In this context, it highlights the importance of China's Belt and Road Initiative and of corresponding initiatives by the United States, Japan, India and Australia, among others.Th...

    44,52 €

  • Azerbaijan
    Asian Development Bank
    Azerbaijan has set the course for the economy to reduce its dependence on oil by promoting new drivers of growth. This publication emphasizes the need for diversification, particularly in the agriculture, tourism, and manufacturing sectors.By 2025, under the Strategic Roads Maps of the Government of Azerbaijan, a more diversified economy should take shape led by these three sec...

    33,10 €

  • Next Steps for ASEAN+3 Central Securities Depository and Real-Time Gross Settlement Linkages
    Asian Development Bank
    This report provides an update on progress toward the establishment of a regional settlement intermediary to support investment and more integrated bond markets among ASEAN+3 economies.The proposed intermediary is to be based on bilateral links between national central securities depositories and central banks’ real-time gross settlement systems. This model can realize cross-bo...

    28,76 €

  • Global Street Economy and Micro Entrepreneurship
    Simon Grima
    Throughout the history of capitalism, street economy has found a space in the failures of the open market economy, but it has been ignored by the mainstream media and academy. As street economies pop up as a spontaneous solution to the failures of capitalism, these economies are an opportunity to learn, explore and grow away from the mainstream. ...

    152,67 €

  • Prioritization of Failure Modes in Manufacturing Processes
    Harwinder Singh / Jagdeep Singh
    Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) are used to assess, investigate and predict the Risk Priority Number (RPN) of potential failures within the manufacturing industry. The authors use fuzzy logic as a tool to overcome the vagueness associated with traditional methods of assessing potential failures. ...

    143,19 €

  • Terminplaner 2020/2021 - Hardcover
    Pilvi Tippa
    Wochenplaner 2020/ 2021Buchkalender mit modischem Umschlagdesign, gemustert schwarzGroßes Format: Din A4Jahresübersicht 2020 / 2021Von Juli 2020 bis Dezember 2021MonatsübersichtenDie ganze Woche auf einen Blick: Wochenübersichten mit 1 Woche auf 2 SeitenVertikales Layout: 1 Spalte pro TagFerienübersicht & FeiertageListen für Kontakte, Urlaubstage/Urlaubsplanung, Verträge, Gesch...

    39,81 €

  • Disruption Games
    Trond Undheim
    Common wisdom says that success breeds success, and indeed this is how most VCs pick startups, businesses select talent, and singles search for dates. In contrast, the evidence from science to startups shows that only repeated failure breeds success.In Disruption Games, MIT’s Trond Undheim reveals how companies (and individuals) can build a successful, multi-faceted innovation ...

    15,18 €

  • Profits for All
    Grattan Brown / Michael Szpindor Watson
    Creative destruction is a long-recognized and accepted feature of a dynamic market economy. But can this destruction go too far? Should there be no limit to the number of jobs, families, and even entire communities that are sacrificed for the sake of greater economic production and efficiency? Could it be, as some critics claim, that a drastic fettering of markets is the only s...

    5,74 €

  • Practically Radical
    William C Taylor / William C. Taylor

    16,24 €

  • The Price of Tomorrow
    Jeff Booth
    'Your world view will transform instantly' - SALIM ISMAIL, Bestselling Author of Exponential Organizations We live in an extraordinary time. Technological advances are happening at a rate faster than our ability to understand them, and in a world that moves faster than we can imagine, we cannot afford to stand still. These advances bring efficiency and abundance—and they are pr...

    22,40 €

  • The Price of Tomorrow
    Jeff Booth
    We live in an extraordinary time. Technological advances are happening at a rate faster than our ability to understand them, and in a world that moves faster than we can imagine, we cannot afford to stand still. These advances bring efficiency and abundance—and they are profoundly deflationary. Our economic systems were built for a pre-technology era when labour and capital wer...

    34,63 €

  • Green Infrastructure Design for Transport Projects
    Asian Development Bank
    This report discusses the impacts of transport projects on wildlife and biodiversity in Asia, and how to address them by integrating road ecology principles and green infrastructure to balance construction with environmental conservation.Asia harbors immense biodiversity that is increasingly threatened by expanding transport networks across the region. While considered essentia...

    33,79 €

  • Capitalism, Socialism, and the Promise of Democracy
    William Dale Barber
    Why are some people so rich and some people so poor?  Why do some have so much and others have so little?  What, if anything can, or should, be done about it?  In many ways, these are the most important questions confronting us as a nation.  Capitalism, Socialism, and the Promise of Democracy examines the different ways that advocates of Capitalism and advocates of Socialism an...

    24,39 €

  • Lean Six Sigma. Management System for Leaders
    Carlo Reato / Luis Vicente Socconini
    Henry Ford implemented the lean concept in the early 1900s, Toyota started TPS in the 1970’s, Motorola first initiated the Six Sigma journey, followed by GE and many others just years later. Still today, Lean Six Sigma remains the strongest continuous improvement methodology in order to achieve stable and lean processes and the number of defects in a single digit figure per mil...

    14,75 €

  • Armenia’s Transformative Urban Future
    Asian Development Bank
    This report identifies future urban development scenarios in Armenia that rely on strong political commitment to establish a territorial strategy that ensures balanced regional development and inclusive economic growth.The National Urban Assessment for Armenia provides a snapshot of the country’s urban sector and offers insights to achieving prosperous and sustainable cities. A...

    26,86 €

  • Almaty-Bishkek Economic Corridor Tourism Master Plan
    Asian Development Bank
    This tourism master plan provides a framework for developing the Almaty–Bishkek Economic Corridor (ABEC) into an international-quality destination.In Central West Asia, the area between Almaty in Kazakhstan and Bishkek in the Kyrgyz Republic is home to exceptional heritage and a wealth of cultural and natural assets. The tourism potential is immense, but remains largely untappe...

    32,91 €

  • Historia económica del sur peruano: lanas, minas y aguardiente en el espacio regional
    Martín Monsalve Zanatti
    La región sur del Perú suele configurarse como el espacio articulado a partir de las ciudades de Arequipa y Cuzco. Dosciudades serranas, una más próxima a la costa que la otra. El puerto de Arica venía a ser la pata costeña de este tablero, aunque su movimiento comercial se orientaba más hacia el Altiplano, hoy boliviano, que hacia los departamentos de Puno y Cuzco. Productos c...

    44,72 €

  • Marxist Theory of Economic Crisis and Cycles
    Mingyuan Liu
    Chinese Marxist scholars have first started to explore the issue of economic crisis and its cyclic character in the 1930s after the Great Depression. Initial studies were deeply affected by the economic theories of the Soviet Union, which to some extent restricted creative theoretical exploration. Nevertheless they have made extensive research and held academic debates on major...

    25,70 €

  • Locally Grown
    Jim Fini
    America’s government has become top-heavy and is starting to display stress fractures. Crushing social spending is driving massive public debt. Civil debate is replaced by shrill emotional attacks. Citizens are losing faith in a federal government with seemingly no limit on its power. Agreement on the common good is no longer agreed upon. America's problems are clear, but t...

    14,66 €

  • Moving to a Finite Earth Economy - Crew Manual
    Bob Leonard`` / David Houle
    “Moving to a Finite Earth Economy – Crew Manual” is a book that, in an all-inclusive way, outlines what humanity needs to do to successfully address the root cause of our climate emergency.When it comes to climate change, the past doesn't equal the future. What is happening now has never occurred during humanity’s time on Earth. Who better than a futurist to address this? F...

    15,40 €

  • Commercial Facilities Protection and Homeland Security
    Frank R. Spellman / Frank RSpellman
    The thirteenth of a well-received and highly acclaimed series on critical infrastructure, Commercial Facilities Protection and Homeland Security is intended to help law enforcement, security specialists, managers, and anyone involved in protecting infrastructure, handle the security threats that they deal with on a daily basis. ...

    133,18 €

  • Financial Services Sector Protection and Homeland Security
    Frank R. Spellman / Frank RSpellman / Frank Spellman
    The financial services sector is critical to the economy and represents a vital component of our nation’s critical infrastructure. Financial Services Sector Protection and Homeland Security provides readers with an understanding of the challenges and potential threats faced by this sector. ...

    133,28 €

  • Thinking Infrastructures
    Thinking Infrastructures brings together interdisciplinary research on informational infrastructures to show how thinking, thought, and cognition as in ideas/rationalities and the practice/activity of thinking are inseparable from infrastructures. ...

    234,73 €