Catálogo de libros: Economía política

2427 Catálogo de libros: Economía política

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  • The Left Hand of Capital
    Fernando Ignacio Leiva
    Original and comprehensive examination of Chilean political and economic development since the end of the Pinochet military regime in 1990. ...

    121,15 €

  • Économie et société
    Tarak Abdallah
    Crée dans l’illusion politique reliée à l’idée de puissance de la nation grâce à l’armée et l’économie, l’État arabe moderne finit par se fondre dans les transfigurations courantes de la modernité qui réside désormais dans l’usage des objets modernes plutôt que dans un rapport au monde et à l’institution de la société. Comme l’ensemble des États de ce siècle, il croit à la nati...

    98,99 €

  • 'Covenant' Model versus 'Force' Model, The Past and Outlook
    Bill Ni
    This book introduces a new theory as a response to what has been considered as the universal model of political order with which there exist three institutional elements, namely a state, the rule of law, and government accountability. The theory also echoes on the discussions regarding the forming sequence of these elements and the importance of coexistence of all the elements....

    22,54 €

  • The Wealth of Nations
    Adam Smith
    An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, generally referred to by its shortened title The Wealth of Nations, is the magnum opus of the Scottish economist and moral philosopher Adam Smith. First published in 1776, the book offers one of the world’s first collected descriptions of what builds nations’ wealth and is today a fundamental work in classical econ...

    39,51 €

  • The Cycle of Coalition
    David Fortunato

    120,67 €

  • Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations and Small Island Developing States Approach
    Asian Development Bank
    The fragile and conflict-affected situations (FCAS) and small island developing states (SIDS) approach-or FSA-represents a new way of doing business for ADB’s most vulnerable developing member countries.As this paper explains, the FSA introduces flexible processes and procedures that will allow ADB to tailor interventions to the specific challenges of developing member countrie...

    31,15 €

  • Darkness by Design
    Walter Mattli
    An exposé of fragmented trading platforms, poor governance, and exploitative practices in today’s capital marketsCapital markets have undergone a dramatic transformation in the past two decades. Algorithmic high-speed supercomputing has replaced traditional floor trading and human market makers, while centralized exchanges that once ensured fairness and transparency have fragme...

    26,59 €

  • People’s Republic of China Poverty Reduction and Regional Cooperation Fund
    Asian Development Bank
    This annual report provides details about the 2019 activities and performance of the People’s Republic of China Poverty Reduction and Regional Cooperation Fund (PRC Fund).The report focuses on the technical assistance and grants provided through the PRC Fund from 1 January to 31 December 2019 and includes details on the operational performance of this support. An overview of th...

    28,02 €

  • Rigged
    Anna Killick
    Most people find it hard to define ’the economy’ beyond saying it is ’to do with money’. Through ethnographic research in a city on the South coast of England, this book explores what ’the economy’ means to people’s lives and what goes through their minds when they hear politicians talking about it. ...

    37,33 €

  • Fear Unmasked 2.0
    Clay Clark
    Updated and revised for 2021. Fear Unmasked 2.0 provides more resources to kill the spirit of fear and giving YOU an action plan to save America.The headlines aren’t telling the whole truth.Fear Unmasked gives you the essential information you need to know about the coronavirus, the government shutdown, and the media that is perpetuating the hysteria. Entrepreneur and small bus...

    16,11 €

  • Public Governance as Co-creation
    Christopher Ansell / Jacob Torfing

    132,33 €

  • Democratic Capitalism at the Crossroads
    Carles Boix
    An incisive history of the changing relationship between democracy and capitalismThe twentieth century witnessed the triumph of democratic capitalism in the industrialized West, with widespread popular support for both free markets and representative elections. Today, that political consensus appears to be breaking down, disrupted by polarization and income inequality, widespre...

    27,94 €

  • Enterprise Risk Management in Europe
    Marco Maffei
    Enterprise Risk Management in Europe advances understanding of ERM in Europe, providing a novel and unique set of perspectives on the ongoing dynamics between ERM and corporate processes. This is an essential guide for researchers, practitioners and policy makers both in and beyond European borders. ...

    150,57 €

  • Wrecking Ball
    Stu Woolman
    Wrecking Ball explores, in an unprecedented manner, a decalogue of wicked problems that confronts humanity: Nuclear proliferation, climate change, pandemics, permanent technological unemployment, Orwellian public and private surveillance, social media that distorts reality, cyberwarfare, the fragmentation of democracies, the inability of nations to cabin private power, the fail...

    88,10 €

  • China
    György Simon
    The author, based on the concept of modernization development, examines the example of China political and economic aspects of this process in the XVII-XXI centuries. During this time, the country has passed a complex and controversial path from a monarchical regime to market socialism. The econometric analysis, covering the period 1955-2017, uses a general growth model that ta...

    146,31 €

  • Democratic Republic of the Congo
    György Simon
    In this monograph, the Hungarian economist György Simon, Jr. investigates the political and economic development of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (the former Zaire) in the post-colonial era. The study by the example of that country is focused on the question what the causes of economic backwardness and enormous income differences observable in the modern world economy ar...

    108,92 €

  • Reset
    John Morgan
    In the late 1990s, after years of skilled and stable employment, John Morgan joined the ranks of the ’precariat’, another of the countless victims of neoliberal reforms and so-called labour market flexibility. 'I was a classic case study proving that once a person had taken a temporary job after a spell of unemployment, the results were lower earnings for years ahead.'The exper...

    16,60 €

  • Capitalism and Slavery, Third Edition
    Eric Williams
    Slavery helped finance the Industrial Revolution in England. Plantation owners, shipbuilders, and merchants connected with the slave trade accumulated vast fortunes that established banks and heavy industry in Europe and expanded the reach of capitalism worldwide. Eric Williams advanced these powerful ideas in Capitalism and Slavery, published in 1944. Years ahead of its time, ...

    121,70 €

  • Karl Marx’s ’Capital’
    Kenneth Smith
    This book provides a comprehensive guide to all three volumes of Karl Marx’s Capital, with advice on further reading and points for further discussion. ...

    42,91 €

  • European future
    Eugene Eteris
    In the beginning of March 2021, the three EU legislative institutions - the European Parliament, Council on Ministers and the European Commission adopted a joint declaration on the Conference on the Future of Europe. The agreed document paves the way to debates and discussions to enable EU citizens to share ideas on the European future. Some other actions shall be taken in the ...

    40,79 €

    This book takes a fresh look at Chinese political economy at a key inflection point. Facing a more competitive international environment, Chinese reform has shifted from its earlier focus on economic liberalization and political decentralization to a more tightly organized, centralized form of state socialism. The Party-state’s vigorous fiscal reaction to the Global Financial C...

    166,46 €

  • International organizations in the modern world.
    The monograph deals with the problems of the emergence and evolution of international organizations in the modern world, the models of their interaction with the states. The emergence and diverse development of international organizations and other non-state actors is the result of the increasing complexity of global and regional relations, the consequence of globalization proc...

    122,86 €

    Atanásio Mykonios
    The critique of necessity is a field of the critique of political economy, which aims at an extension of the theoretical conditions in which human-social necessity has its meaning within the capitalist system from the structural analysis of the theory of value. Necessity, as a historical process of satisfaction of needs, in capitalism is reversed in a double character, namely. ...

    135,77 €

  • Modernization development in India and Indonesia
    Dyördy Shimon
    The author, based on the concept of modernization development, explores the political and economic aspects of this process in the period after the liberation of these two major Asian countries from colonial dependence on the example of India and Indonesia.The theoretical framework of the study includes the works of the classics of Marxism-Leninism, key postulates of development...

    128,42 €

  • Investing in Dividends
    Antonio Robinhood
    This book has been written with the intention that all great research has, to demystify: to refute what is commonly held to be true.In this case, that investing in the stock market or investing in dividends is something limited to the rich and that for the rest of the world it is very dangerous and difficult.In these pages you will learn how it is possible, without the need to ...

    16,30 €

  • Guidance Note on State-Owned Enterprise Reform in Sovereign Projects and Programs
    Asian Development Bank
    This publication provides guidance to support efforts to reform state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in developing Asia.Under its Strategy 2030, ADB is committed to SOE reform in its developing member countries (DMCs). The publication reviews the significance of SOEs in Asia and the Pacific, the role of SOE reform in ADB’s strategy, and related requirements for sovereign projects. SO...

    24,61 €

  • Of Privacy and Power
    Abraham L. Newman / Henry Farrell
    How disputes over privacy and security have shaped the relationship between the European Union and the United States and what this means for the futureWe live in an interconnected world, where security problems like terrorism are spilling across borders, and globalized data networks and e-commerce platforms are reshaping the world economy. This means that states’ jurisdictions ...

    30,80 €

  • Why Not Default?
    Jerome E. Roos
    How creditors came to wield unprecedented power over heavily indebted countries-and the dangers this poses to democracyThe European debt crisis has rekindled long-standing debates about the power of finance and the fraught relationship between capitalism and democracy in a globalized world. Why Not Default? unravels a striking puzzle at the heart of these debates-why, despite f...

    39,81 €

    Dr. Georgel Rusu / DrGeorgel Rusu
    The accelerated pace of economic-social development carries the military instrument in its bandolier, the one with which it every so often reverses tempos, shares methods and exchanges roles. If the Cold War showed us that it was possible for humanity to be destroyed through nuclear weapons, the decades after the fall of the Iron Curtain came with distilled versions for rearran...

    50,32 €

    The evergreen debate over government’s involvement in business continues in earnest. Participants straddle all stakeholder groups, from the state itself to the private sector to the public at large. Add to that debate increasing globalisation, and now de-globalisation, and the advent of technological advances. Criticism is often levelled at a government that is slow to act or o...

    105,24 €