Catálogo de libros: Economía política

2420 Catálogo de libros: Economía política

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  • Supporting Shrinkage
    Eliza W. Kinsey / Eliza WKinsey / Justin B. Hollander / Justin BHollander / Michael P. Johnson / Michael PJohnson
    Demonstrates how residents can play a leading role in the positive transformation of their communities in the face of economic and population decline. ...

    41,97 €

  • Capitalism for All
    John Mikler / Neil E. Harrison / Neil EHarrison
    Demonstrates that a true liberal capitalism has the capacity to enable personal well-being while dealing with new challenges such as pandemics, climate change, and automation. ...

    121,80 €

  • Wage Labour and Capital / Value Price and Profit
    Karl Marx
    Since their first appearance as separate brochures Wage ­ Labour and Capital and Value, Price and Profit have served as popular introductions to the study of political economy, each complementing the other. The first is based on lectures delivered by Marx before the German Workingmen’s Club of Brussels in 1847, the second is an address by Marx before two sessions of the General...

    16,87 €

  • The Housing Question
    Frederick Engels
    In the early-1870s, an ideological debate began to unfold in the German press on the shortage of affordable housing available to workers in major industrial areas. The rapid increase in industrial production necessitating an increase in industrial workers created a housing crisis. From June 1872 to February 1873, Fredrick Engels contributed a series of articles to the publicati...

    16,83 €

  • Twenty-first-century capital
    Aleksander Buzgalin / Andrey Kolganov / Renfrey Clarke
    This attempt at a ’Capital for the 21st century’ asks how commodities, money and capital have changed. Combining Soviet and post-Soviet critical Marxism with Western Marxism and political economy with culture and theorizes knowledge and information commodification; simulacra markets; financialization; creative work; and market fundamentalism. ...

    145,03 €

  • Truth and Post-Truth in Public Policy
    Frank Fischer

    23,99 €

  • Philosophy, Politics, and Economics
    Gerald Gaus / John Thrasher
    An updated and expanded edition of the classic introduction to PPE-philosophy, politics, and economics-coauthored by one of the field’s pioneersPhilosophy, Politics, and Economics offers a complete introduction to the fundamental tools and concepts of analysis that PPE students need to study social and political issues. This fully updated and expanded edition examines the core ...

    40,12 €

  • Philosophy, Politics, and Economics
    Gerald Gaus / John Thrasher
    An updated and expanded edition of the classic introduction to PPE-philosophy, politics, and economics-coauthored by one of the field’s pioneersPhilosophy, Politics, and Economics offers a complete introduction to the fundamental tools and concepts of analysis that PPE students need to study social and political issues. This fully updated and expanded edition examines the core ...

    135,60 €

  • Slowing for the Rough Stuff
    Jonathan Jones
    The complexities of war are only truly known when you’ve experienced it.From 1992 to 1994, Jonathan Jones, an ex-serviceman of the Gloucestershire Regiment, found himself in the depths of chaos while providing humanitarian aid as a civilian truck driver in the former Yugoslavia.As part of the British Convoy Team, Jones, along with other civilian truck drivers, were able to acce...

    104,72 €

  • Political Solidarity Economy
    Jorge Santiago Santiago
    This book seeks to generate debate and deepen our reflections about collectivity and understanding about political solidarity economy. Political Solidarity Economy is an alternative economy that enables a production process which transforms unfair relationships and defends territories from the interests of transnational corporations. ...

    36,80 €

  • How Blair killed the co-ops
    Leslie Huckfield
    A detailed examination of social enterprise development under New Labour, which, though rarely reported elsewhere, represented a major and deliberate political rupture with the wider Cooperative Movement, of the same order of political magnitude as Blair’s earlier repudiation of Clause Four of its Constitution. ...

    145,08 €

  • The pound and the fury
    Jack Mosse
    This book argues that misconceptions about the economy are rife in the general population and that this democractic deficit is caused by institutional bias and wilful misrepresentation at our most powerful institutions. This book exposes the structures of bias that distort public perceptions and understandings of the economy. ...

    26,31 €

  • Reforms for the modernization of the Beninese public administration
    K. Philippe AKPAKI / KPhilippe AKPAKI / Rock Mermoz ADJALLA
    In view of the efficiency crisis in the Beninese public administration, a process of modernization of the civil service as a lever for the administration’s performance has been initiated. In designing and implementing its economic recovery programme, the Government of Benin has made reform and modernization of the Administration one of its main priorities. In spite of these ref...

    82,85 €

  • Historical Materialism
    Nikolai Bukharin
    ’One of the true geniuses of the Russian Revolution' - Kevin Murphy, JacobinFirst published in 1921, this work by Nikolai Bukharin, a highly influential Marxist and Soviet Politician who would later become one of the most famous victims of Stalin’s show trials, expands upon Karl Marx’s theory of historical materialism.Offering a Marxist interpretation of sociology, this edition...

    16,09 €

  • Public Health and Economic Resiliency in the Post-COVID-19 Era
    The COVID-19 pandemic has affected individuals and caused destabilization of households and business activities. In emerging economies, many sectors and companies, especially small and medium enterprises (SMEs), are severely influenced by the reduction or cessation of economic activity. Overcoming the COVID-19 virus and allowing the world to heal will allow the economy to grow ...

    314,56 €

  • Strategy Formulation and Positioning
    Dr. Phuong Callaway
    This book is a graduate study research project and for those who have the roles and responsibilities in strategy development, formulation and implementation in their organizations. The content of the book includes definitions of strategy, decision-making models and strategy formulation, lessons learned, strategy as revolution, strategy as evolution, strategy as resource alloca...

    40,77 €

  • Public Policy and Environmental Protection in Africa
    Mahamat Moustapha Ibrahim
    The objective of this research is to identify public policy indicators that contribute to environmental protection in Africa. To achieve this, we estimated using the Generalized Methods of Moments (GMM) to identify governance indicators that reduce deforestation in Africa and Double Least Squares (DLS) to identify public policy indicators that contribute to pollution control in...

    81,67 €

  • Capitalising on constraint
    Catherine Moury / Daniel Cardoso / Stella Ladi
    This book explores the constraints on national executives in the five bailed out countries of the Eurozone - namely Greece, Cyprus, Ireland, Portugal and Spain. It also sheds light on the policy-makers’ discretion and motivations to revert, or alternatively to keep, policies that had been taken under conditionality. ...

    145,25 €

  • Cuentapropismo in Cuba
    Arnaldo Gálvez Zaldívar
    The realization of self-employment in the updating of the Cuban Economic and Social Model of Socialist Development, due to its dimensions and scope in the production of goods and provision of services, the composition of the labor force, its impact on the social division of labor and the socio-class structure of society, make it an economic actor in prospective, for the develop...

    59,08 €

  • The Untold History of Capitalism
    Enrique S. Rivera / Enrique SRivera
    What, exactly, is capitalism? When did it come about? And how does it differ from other economic systems? Despite centuries of discussion surrounding capitalism, its merits and its shortcomings, defining the term ’capitalism’ itself has been an elusive affair.In his new book, The Untold History of Capitalism: Primitive Accumulation and the Anti-Slavery Revolution, historian Enr...

    29,55 €

    The labyrinthine BRI projects, aimed at realizing win-win benefits, have created new challenges for the host countries. Economic aspirations must be shielded and protected by security umbrellas, thus making these countries partners of the China-dominated security architecture. Nowhere is this more evident than in the countries of Sri Lanka and Pakistan. Despite Southeast Asian ...

    129,81 €

  • The Untold History of Capitalism
    Enrique S. Rivera
    What, exactly, is capitalism? When did it come about? And how does it differ from other economic systems? Despite centuries of discussion surrounding capitalism, its merits and its shortcomings, defining the term ’capitalism’ itself has been an elusive affair.In his new book, The Untold History of Capitalism: Primitive Accumulation and the Anti-Slavery Revolution, historian Enr...

    45,49 €

  • Poverty in Africa. Causes and prospects
    Eugène Basonota
    This book is inspired by the scandalous poverty found in several African cities. Indeed, several African cities share a common setting illustrating a tiny opulent minority and masses of poor people disguised as beggars, homeless, street children, etc. Consequently, this book undertakes a critical reflection on the experiences of Africans in all their diversity, ranging from the...

    29,10 €

  • Focus of mind
    Ezzeddine Bouzouita
    The attacks of 11 September sent shockwaves around the world and left an indelible mark on people’s consciousness.The shock was so violent that it practically paralysed analysis and reflection in favour of urgent measures to be taken to avoid repetition.In our Abidjan Appeal, nineteen days before the attack, we warned President Bush and drew his attention to the need to trust h...

    43,89 €

    Camila Fernández / Johan López / Julio Pérez
    The objective of this work is to determine the growth of green businesses in the city of Cúcuta, performing the analysis and evaluation through variables which result in the why of the growth in the years 2018 and 2019. Likewise, the opinion of entrepreneurs and consumers was taken into account as a means to achieve the objectives set. The current business environment is descri...

    82,34 €

  • Legislative Foundations of American Consumer Society
    Bob Sullivan
    The current literature on consumerism is diverse, scattered, and unsystematic. This book remedies this by identifying the beginning of mass consumer society in the United States, starting with the New Deal. The New Deal framework of guaranteeing new home purchases by means of low down-payment, fixed-rate home mortgages lasted until the 1970s, at which time the legal framewor...

    57,61 €

    This book showcases how the People’s Republic of China (PRC) has been utilizing the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) to reshape the global order. Dissecting China’s increasingly assertive international behaviour, the book demonstrates how the PRC projects its self-perception onto the international order. The book outlines five aspects of China’s international role projection, whi...

    190,49 €

    Galo René Fernández Díaz / Jessica Patricia Cruel Angulo / Rosa Clemencia Cruel Angulo
    An approach to the problems and the existing food crisis in the agricultural sector and its possible solutions.In the process and construction of this book we want to correspond in a very special way to those warriors who live in the different rural sectors that struggle and suffer day by day great consequences and anguish, for their work, survival, dedication and dedication wh...

    83,04 €

  • Thailand’s current politics and economy
    D’örd’ Shimon
    The author analyzes the post-war development of one of the 'new Asian tigers,' Thailand, where modernization is opposed by social forces defending traditional structures and values, which often find support in the religion of Buddhism. Using that country as an example, he shows the results and implications of an open development strategy. In Southeast Asia, Thailand has been an...

    122,14 €

  • The organization of the State in Thomas More’s utopia
    The author aims to examine the thought of Thomas More, which analyzes the situation of England, marked by darkness. Indeed, this state is characterized by corruption, misappropriation of public funds, injustice and inequality. In order to come out of the darkness and embrace the light, it is necessary to aim at development, especially in the field of science and technology. The...

    60,13 €