Catálogo de libros: Economía medioambiental

417 Catálogo de libros: Economía medioambiental

Libros Eliminar filtro Inglés Eliminar filtro Economía, finanzas, empresa y gestión Eliminar filtro Economía Eliminar filtro Economía medioambiental Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Sustainability Standards and Instruments
    Alan S. Gutterman / Alan SGutterman
    This book serves as an introduction to sustainability standards and instruments and includes chapters on initiatives of governmental and intergovernmental bodies, sectoral CSR commitments, CSR-related reporting and management standards, and securities exchanges and regulators.It is becoming increasingly clear that firms can contribute to their own wealth and to overall societal...

    22,73 €

  • Financing Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia and the Pacific
    Asian Development Bank
    This publication aims to guide policy makers and other stakeholders on how to scale up disaster risk reduction financing in developing member countries of the Asian Development Bank.Disaster events impact Asia and the Pacific more than any other region in the world. In light of current and future climate and disaster risks, there is an urgent need to address the region’s underi...

    31,15 €

  • Asian Water Development Outlook 2020
    Asian Development Bank
    The Asian Water Development Outlook (AWDO) assesses national water security across the Asia and the Pacific, with a focus on five key dimensions: rural, economic, urban, environmental, and water-related disaster.Despite considerable achievements in the region since the AWDO 2013 edition, 1.5 billion people in rural areas and 0.6 billion in urban areas still lack adequate water ...

    40,45 €

  • Challenges On the Path Toward Sustainability in Europe
    Challenges On the Path Toward Sustainability in Europe offers a theoretical and empirical approach to addressing sustainable development, providing rich data analysis at cross-country level, as well as practical examples from the European context. ...

    152,03 €

  • The Capitalist Commodification of Animals
    This volume offers analysis regarding the historical transformations in the material conditions and ideological conceptions of nonhuman animals, alienated speciesism, the ecological crisis that is undermining the conditions of life for all species, and the capitalist commodification of animals that results in suffering, death, and profits. ...

    159,43 €

  • A Guide to Planning and Managing Open Innovative Ecosystems
    Digital technology in the form of big data and data analytics is transforming the global economy. This book is the first to take an open innovation perspective to the study and practice of ecosystems, providing a novel way of understanding the impact data has on the way entrepreneurial firms develop. ...

    152,67 €

  • Understanding Risks and Uncertainties in Energy and Climate Policy
    Alexandros Flamos / Haris Doukas / Jenny Lieu
    This open access book analyzes and seeks to consolidate the use of robust quantitative tools and qualitative methods for the design and assessment of energy and climate policies. In particular, it examines energy and climate policy performance and associated risks, as well as public acceptance and portfolio analysis in climate policy, and presents methods for evaluating the cos...

    67,35 €

  • Understanding Risks and Uncertainties in Energy and Climate Policy
    Alexandros Flamos / Haris Doukas / Jenny Lieu
    This open access book analyzes and seeks to consolidate the use of robust quantitative tools and qualitative methods for the design and assessment of energy and climate policies. In particular, it examines energy and climate policy performance and associated risks, as well as public acceptance and portfolio analysis in climate policy, and presents methods for evaluating the cos...

    82,87 €

  • Climate Econometrics
    David F. Hendry / David FHendry / Jennifer L. Castle / Jennifer LCastle
    Climate Econometrics: An Overview provides a review of the research in this new and growing field. The structure of the monograph is as follows: First, section 2 describes econometric methods for empirical climate modeling that can account for wide-sense non-stationarity, namely both stochastic trends and location shifts, with possibly large outliers, as well as dynamics and no...

    136,08 €

  • Adapting to Environmental Challenges
    Adapting To Environmental Challenges: New Research In Strategy And International Business provides new perspectives to understand strategic adaptation in international business contexts based on corporate responsible behavior and cultural sensitivity as the ingredients for agile operations and a resilient multinational organization. ...

    152,44 €

  • China’s Engine of Environmental Collapse
    Richard Smith
    As the world hurtles towards environmental oblivion, China is leading the charge. The country’s CO2 emissions are more than double those of the US yet its GDP is just two-thirds as large. China leads the world in solar and wind energy generation but it’s building new coal-fired power plants even faster than renewables. The country’s lakes, rivers and aquifers are severely pollu...

    126,73 €

  • China’s Engine of Environmental Collapse
    Richard Smith
    As the world hurtles towards environmental oblivion, China is leading the charge. The country’s CO2 emissions are more than double those of the US yet its GDP is just two-thirds as large. China leads the world in solar and wind energy generation but it’s building new coal-fired power plants even faster than renewables. The country’s lakes, rivers and aquifers are severely pollu...

    31,36 €

  • The Slow Strange Death of Economic Man

    Peter Baron
    The Slow Strange Death of Economic Man explains how classical economics of the market place combined with the major ethical theories of western nations to produce an inevitable destruction of our environment. Locked in a system of thought that sees the maximisation of happiness as the key economic and moral goal, the three major problems of short-termism, injustice, and self-in...

    12,22 €

    This book will give readers a unique insiders' perspective on how renewable energy deals actually get done.Renewable Energy Finance (Second Edition) describes in rich detail current best practices and evolving trends in clean energy investing. With contributions by some of the world's leading experts in energy finance, the book documents how investors are spending over ...

    181,94 €

    This book will give readers a unique insiders' perspective on how renewable energy deals actually get done.Renewable Energy Finance (Second Edition) describes in rich detail current best practices and evolving trends in clean energy investing. With contributions by some of the world's leading experts in energy finance, the book documents how investors are spending over ...

    72,63 €

  • Global Waste Management
    Kamila Pope / TBD
    Among other factors, rapid global population growth, our development model and patterns of production and consumption have increased waste generation worldwide to unsustainable rates. This rise has led to crises in many countries where waste management practices are no longer sound. Global Waste Management outlines the emerging global waste crisis considering the perspectives o...

    80,08 €

  • Global Waste Management
    Kamila Pope / TBD
    Among other factors, rapid global population growth, our development model and patterns of production and consumption have increased waste generation worldwide to unsustainable rates. This rise has led to crises in many countries where waste management practices are no longer sound. Global Waste Management outlines the emerging global waste crisis considering the perspectives o...

    256,27 €

  • Green Strategy
    Marc Brodine

    15,67 €

  • Hurry Up and Stop
    John H. Barber / John HBarber
    The UK economy and environment are not in a good place. We have contributed to global warming and our sense of wellbeing is being eroded. The book cuts through to the facts regarding each issue, explains the background and looks behind the headlines. It examines the current direction of travel of many related issues and outlines a joined up way forward that improves the outlook...

    14,46 €

    This book discusses lessons and challenges of metropolitan circles development and urbanization in Asia, Europe, North America, Latin America and Africa. The book examines the effects of local governance systems, central-local relations, and administrative borders on metropolitan area development. It surveys economic, social and environmental issues, with an emphasis on how int...

    144,94 €

  • Habit Stacking
    Daniel Patterson
    If you’re looking to change your habits for good without resorting to unhealthy and impractical processes, keep listening…So, here’s the deal. You’ve tried all the 'clean eating' plans available online… You’ve tried making new resolutions every morning… you’ve worked your butt off at the gym… but you still look at it as nothing but time spent, with nothing great coming out of i...

    15,01 €

    Youguo Zhang / YOUGUO ZHANG & HAO XU / Hao Xu / Linlin Xie
    This book discusses several important issues in the practice of China's green development. It analyzes the carbon mitigation, water conservation and environmental pollution from the perspectives of economic development, technological change, production and demand. The book uses various quantitative methods to reveal the pathways of China's green development. The methods...

    178,59 €

  • The Simpler Way
    Ted Trainer is an Australian scholar-activist who for decades has been defending and practising an 'eco-anarchist' perspective he describes as the Simpler Way. His vision is of a world where self-governing communities live materially simple but sufficient lives, in harmony with ecological limits.This anthology contains some of Trainer's most insightful and provocati...

    14,55 €

    Regional Economics: Fundamental Concepts, Policies, and Institutions is a unique and unconventional economics textbook which emphasizes the role of 'space' in economics and highlights the importance of non-economic factors particularly the role of institutions in regional development. It also presents the approach on how to evaluate regional development performance base...

    93,74 €

    Regional Economics: Fundamental Concepts, Policies, and Institutions is a unique and unconventional economics textbook which emphasizes the role of 'space' in economics and highlights the importance of non-economic factors particularly the role of institutions in regional development. It also presents the approach on how to evaluate regional development performance base...

    45,91 €

  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions Accounting for ADB Energy Project Economic Analysis
    Asian Development Bank
    This guidance note focuses on economic analysis of greenhouse gas emissions effects of projects in the energy sector. Recommendations seek to make practices consistent across cost-benefit calculations.Reporting of emissions of energy projects outside of economic analysis uses a different point of comparison (a baseline scenario) than does economic analysis (a without project sc...

    24,61 €

  • The Law and Economics of a Sustainable Energy Trade Agreement

    42,01 €

  • Just Transitions
    In the field of ’climate change’, no terrain goes uncontested. The terminological tug of war between activists and corporations, scientists and governments, has seen radical notions of ’sustainability’ emptied of urgency and subordinated to the interests of capital. ’Just Transition’ is the latest such battleground, and the conceptual keystone of the post-COP21 climate policy w...

    134,89 €

    YING LIANG & KAIXIANG ZHENG / Kaixiang Zheng
    This book is the second volume of Series on China-ASEAN Relations. This volume presents comprehensive and in-depth studies of China-ASEAN cooperation and development by Chinese scholars from the China-ASEAN Research Institute of Guangxi University and the China-ASEAN Collaborative Innovation Center for Regional Development. The book is divided into six parts. Part one is the ge...

    334,43 €

  • Eco Eco
    Jane Robertson / John Robertson
    Ecology and economics share a common root: the Greek word oikos, meaning a house. Ecology is the way the natural world manages its house. Economics is the way society manages its house. The contentions of this book are that the natural world is the best guide to our economic activities, that supply and demand are insufficient determinants, that profit and loss are not alternati...

    9,24 €