Catálogo de libros: Prospectiva económica

48 Catálogo de libros: Prospectiva económica

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  • Trade Disputes and the Dispute Settlement Understanding of the WTO
    James CHartigan
    Addresses the process of dispute resolution and appeal under the DSU of the WTO. This book covers politics and disputes between sovereign nations; power inequities in access to the DSU; specific categories of disputes, such as in agriculture and in intellectual property; and issues pertaining to compliance, enforcement and remedies. ...

    314,43 €

  • Topics in Market Microstructure
    Ilija I. Zovko
    Market microstructure is a study of the processes through which the investors’ predictions of the future and their trading strategies determine market prices. Recent advances in market microstructure have been made possible by the proliferation of computers in the trading process and the availability of high quality financial data. This has attracted researchers from various di...

    46,84 €

  • Renewable Advantage
    Jeffrey Williams
    The task of continuously renewing a company is the greatest challenge confronting any chief executive. To enable managers to project renewal strategies likely to win in the future, Jeffrey Williams has constructed a dynamic road map of outcomes in what he calls 'economic time,' based on a ten-year study of growth, decline, and renewal patterns of hundreds of companies in forty-...

    20,75 €

  • The Synergy Trap
    Mark L. Sirower / Mark LSirower
    With acquisition activity running into the trillions of dollars, the acquisition alternative continues to be the favorite corporate growth strategy of this generation’s executives. Unfortunately, creating shareholder value remains the most elusive outcome of these corporate strategies. After decades of research and billions of dollars paid in advisory fees, why do these major d...

    18,12 €

  • International Operations Simulation
    Hans B. Thorelli / Hans BThorelli / R. L. Graves / RLGraves / Robert L. Graves / Robert LGraves

    37,74 €

  • Bullseye!
    John H. Lingle / John HLingle / William A. Schiemann / William ASchiemann

    13,72 €

  • Virtual Enterprise Integration
    Goran Putnik

    119,10 €

  • Advances in Business and Management Forecasting
    DLawrence Kenneth DLawrence / John BGeurard / KDLawrence
    This volume is part of a blind refereed serial publication published on an annual basis. The objective of this research annual is to present studies in the application of forecasting methodologies to such areas as sales, marketing, and strategic decision making. ...

    220,42 €

  • Advances in Futures and Options Research
    George Pennacchi / Peter Ritchken / Phelim P. Boyle / Phelim PBoyle
    Part of a series which focuses on advances in futures and options research, this title discusses a variety of topics in the field.Contents: Editorial statement. Abstracts. Discrete Parisian and delayed barrier options: a general numerical approach (K.R. Vetzal, P.S. Forsyth). The pricing of double barrier options and their variations (A. Li). Numeraire invariance, change of me...

    211,78 €

  • The Knowable Future
    David Loye
    This unique book gives you a practical guide to a full range of traditional forecasting methods that can be used in business, government, and management to predict future events and trends and to guide your planning and investments. A former member of Princeton University’s psychology faculty, David Loye examines the science lying behind predicting the future and outlines a the...

    14,87 €

  • Forecasting Economic Time Series
    David F. Hendry / David FHendry / David Hendry / Michael Clements

    45,16 €

  • Advances in Financial Planning and Forecasting
    Cheng-Few Lee / Lee Cheng-Few Lee / Steven GSutton
    Covers a variety of topics in financial planning and forecasting, including: the change in earnings response coefficient around dividend omissions; estimating spin-off values; and, forbearance, deposit insurance, and the market value of savings and loan associations. ...

    221,77 €

  • Advances in Business and Management Forecasting
    Geurts Michael Geurts / John BGeurard
    A study of business management and forecasting. It covers forecasting in transportation; forecasting for water and energy; and the applications of forecasting. It also includes a case study of the Greek airport system. ...

    164,80 €

  • Advances in Futures and Options Research
    George Pennachi / Phelim PBoyle / Ritchken Peter Ritchken
    Part of a series which focuses on advances in futures and options research, this volume discusses a variety of topics in the field. ...

    181,17 €

  • Advances in Futures and Options Research
    Don MChance / Ritchken Peter Ritchken / Robert RTrippi
    Part of a series which focuses on advances in futures and options research, this volume discusses a variety of topics in the field of advances in futures and options research. ...

    183,93 €

  • Challenge of Organizational Change
    Rosabeth Moss Kanter

    29,08 €

  • Marketing Imagination
    I. M. Levitt / IMLevitt / Theodore Levitt

    21,95 €

  • Strategy in Action
    Boris Yavitz / William Herman Newman

    21,87 €

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