Catálogo de libros: Macroeconomía

3400 Catálogo de libros: Macroeconomía

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  • Macroeconomics Essentials You Always Wanted to Know
    Dr. Amlan Ray / Vibrant Publishers
    Macroeconomics Essentials You Always Wanted To Know is an introduction to the requisites of macroeconomics, for beginners and veterans alike.Learn the concepts of macroeconomics and the logic behind various economic policies adopted at national and global levels.Macroeconomics Essentials You Always Wanted To Know sheds light on the essential concepts of macroeconomics and how t...

    41,70 €

  • Macroeconomics Essentials You Always Wanted to Know
    Dr. Amlan Ray / Vibrant Publishers
    Macroeconomics Essentials You Always Wanted To Know is an introduction to the requisites of macroeconomics, for beginners and veterans alike.Learn the concepts of macroeconomics and the logic behind various economic policies adopted at national and global levels.Macroeconomics Essentials You Always Wanted To Know sheds light on the essential concepts of macroeconomics and how t...

    62,30 €

  • The Empire of Value
    Andre Orlean / M. B. Debevoise

    43,53 €

  • Bitcoin is Better
    Daniel Hershberger
    In a world where the working class struggles against the tide of unnatural inflation, this illuminating read unveils the power of bitcoin as nature’s true currency. Journeying from Wall Street to the Himalayan mountains, Daniel exposes the sinister plot of the Keynesian Kings and explores how a simple, transparent, and energy-driven digital money can become a unifying force to ...

    15,18 €

  • Models of Risk Preferences
    Models of Risk Preferences collects studies that critically review alternatives to Expected Utility Theory from the perspective of experimental economics. ...

    191,11 €

  • The Monero Standard
    Michael Fitzgerald
    The fiat system we live under today is nothing like the monetary systems of the past... At least not the prosperous ones.It is a rather strange time in which a small minority of global elites are able to control or influence nearly every aspect of our lives through control of the monetary system.They are able to take from us and give to them what they please with control of the...

    20,95 €

  • The Importance of Entrepreneurship in Fostering Economic Progress
    Despite most societies having recognized the vital role of entrepreneurship in driving economic progress, there is still a lack of understanding of the components of innovation, entrepreneurship, and growth and the relationship between microeconomic foundations of development and macroeconomic outcomes. Moreover, the impact of new venture competitiveness and performance, growth...

    314,30 €

  • The Importance of Entrepreneurship in Fostering Economic Progress
    Despite most societies having recognized the vital role of entrepreneurship in driving economic progress, there is still a lack of understanding of the components of innovation, entrepreneurship, and growth and the relationship between microeconomic foundations of development and macroeconomic outcomes. Moreover, the impact of new venture competitiveness and performance, growth...

    235,38 €

  • Learning Consumer Psychology And
    This book is concerned how to apply behavioral economy method to predict consumer behavior. Also I shall compare to explain what advantages and disadvantages between any one of my solvable suggestions and the any one of the company’s choice of solvable method to these any one sample industry consumer behavioral economic challenges to aim to let any reader to judge whether how t...

    55,91 €

  • Learning Consumer Psychology And
    This book is concerned how to apply behavioral economy method to predict consumer behavior. Also I shall compare to explain what advantages and disadvantages between any one of my solvable suggestions and the any one of the company’s choice of solvable method to these any one sample industry consumer behavioral economic challenges to aim to let any reader to judge whether how t...

    33,25 €

  • Sustainable Futures
    Mak kh
    In an era where the consequences of climate change are becomingIncreasingly evident, it is crucial for graduates and social workers to understand the significance of environmental and sustainability careers. This subchapter aims to shed light on the importance of these careers and their potential to create a positive impact on our planet and society. Environmental and sustainab...

    34,07 €

  • The Economics of Sovereign Debt and Default
    Manuel Amador / Mark Aguiar
    An integrated approach to the economics of sovereign defaultFiscal crises and sovereign default repeatedly threaten the stability and growth of economies around the world. Mark Aguiar and Manuel Amador provide a unified and tractable theoretical framework that elucidates the key economics behind sovereign debt markets, shedding light on the frictions and inefficiencies that pre...

    47,64 €

    John Thompson / JOHN THOMPSON TIANTIAN Z KENT MATTHEWS / Kent Matthew / Tiantian Zhang
    The Economics of Banking (Fourth Edition) examines trends and operations in banking within a microeconomic framework. Covering a range of topics, including global trends in banking, theories of the banking firm, economics analysis of bank behaviour, and much more, this book addresses the need for a user-friendly and mathematically accessible textbook in this subject area.Each s...

    207,06 €

    John Thompson / JOHN THOMPSON TIANTIAN Z KENT MATTHEWS / Kent Matthew / Tiantian Zhang
    The Economics of Banking (Fourth Edition) examines trends and operations in banking within a microeconomic framework. Covering a range of topics, including global trends in banking, theories of the banking firm, economics analysis of bank behaviour, and much more, this book addresses the need for a user-friendly and mathematically accessible textbook in this subject area.Each s...

    97,75 €

    This book reinforces an understanding of Economics by showing how basic mathematics is used to construct models of the economy. By taking wide-ranging examples drawn for virtually all areas of economics, it shows how model-building is an indispensable aid to understanding economics.The mathematical techniques used in the book are fairly rudimentary - optimisation methods and eq...

    105,48 €

  • Social Sector Development and Inclusive Growth in India
    Ishu Chadda
    Social Sector Development and Inclusive Growth in India examines whether growth strategies based on the human development approach render growth inclusive. This comprehensive study considers all components of the social sector in aggregate and also covers both the financial and physical aspects. ...

    149,71 €

  • Fiat Ruins Everything
    Jimmy Song
    You are being stolen from. Your money is being debased, your labor is being debased, your civilization and all of its institutions are being debased. You’re having to work longer for less pay. You see your friends and family less and less. You eat worse food, you sleep a little less, and your neighborhood gets a little more impersonal every year. Your life is getting worse, and...

    26,32 €

  • Economy, Gender and Academy
    Laura Andrea Cristancho Giraldo / Mario Enrique Vargas Sáenz / Marisol Salamanca Olmos
    Relying on a variety of examples from Latin America and the Caribbean, this book counteracts the gender gap by focusing on what you need to know to analyze the modernization of business management and economic growth as well as design effective public policies that allow for greater participation of women in society. ...

    143,01 €

  • Systemic Risk, Crises, and Macroprudential Regulation
    Jose-Luis Peydro / Luc Laeven / Xavier Freixas

    63,00 €

  • Pacific Economic Monitor - August 2023
    Asian Development Bank
    Pacific economies are bouncing back as tourism recovers and infrastructure projects resume, but inflationary pressures and vulnerability to natural hazards remain downside risks.This edition of the Pacific Economic Monitor tracks the rebound of some tourism-dependent economies; explores new opportunities from agriculture, digitalization, and fisheries; and analyzes ways to miti...

    28,02 €

  • How To Manage Money
    Eberhard Gutmann
    This book provides a comprehensive guide on effectively managing your finances, covering a range of topics such as mortgage payments, utility bills, weekly shopping budgets, and savings toward your desired vacation. Through the utilization of straightforward exercises, we will assist you in calculating your overall income and expenses, allowing you to gain precise insights into...

    25,41 €

  • How To Manage Money
    Konrad Fichtinger
    Would you be interested in enhancing your financial acumen in the domain of money management? Are you interested in acquiring knowledge on establishing financial objectives and devising a strategy to accomplish them? Do you possess an inclination towards acquiring knowledge pertaining to the efficient administration and organization of your financial resources, ultimately enabl...

    24,17 €

  • How To Manage Money
    Milenko Kirschner
    It is inevitable. A significant portion of the population is deficient in the essential financial management abilities required for effective life management. This book intricately examines the underlying principles of monetary dynamics - acquisition, management, and allocation - equipping you with comprehensive tools and knowledge to effectively attain authority and responsibl...

    25,40 €

  • Doomed To Fail
    Shotton Paul
    Human societies are complex adaptive systems, the nature of which has important ramifications for the way in which countries organize themselves politically and arrange themselves economically.In Doomed To Fail Paul Shotton explains why liberal democracy is the least-bad political framework, and why every other political system will inevitably lead to war. Likewise, capitalism,...

    20,06 €

  • Pirate Money
    Kevin D Freeman
    When they met in Philadelphia in 1787, everyone understood real money as Spanish gold doubloons and silver pieces of eight. The Founders hid a clause in the Constitution that allowed states to use Pirate Money as legal tender. Adding current technology, their secret can be used to stop the threats of inflation, federal overreach, and the Great Reset while preserving personal li...

    14,27 €

  • Quantum Governance
    Christopher Pissarides / Fadi Farra
    Old systems of governance are struggling to cope with the pressures placed on them by the accelerating development of modern society. There is a desperate need for change. Quantum Governance offers a new way of thinking about policy implementation and has profound ramifications for policymakers. ...

    54,32 €

  • The State Theory of Money
    Georg Friedrich Knapp / Hans DG Hyun
    An Iconic Money Masterpiece from the 20th Century: Influencing Keynes, Max Weber and Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). Knapp’s State Theory of Money has had a profound impact on shaping modern perspectives on money and banking, notably influencing prominent figures such as John Maynard Keynes, Max Weber, neo-chartalism, Post Keynesian monetary theory, and Modern Monetary Theory (MM...

    36,05 €

  • Handbook of Research on Bioeconomy and Economic Ecosystems
    Ana Pego
    Bioeconomy is an essential natural capital for life, citizen well-being, and societal prosperity. After decades of intense damaging use, pollution, and hydrological stress, Europe’s ecosystems are acutely threatened with serious degradation. This situation not only means acute economic loss, but also entails catastrophic ecological, social, and cultural damage. Handbook of Rese...

    387,19 €

  • The Path to Six Figures
    Kenneth Caraballo
    'The Path to Six Figures: A Practical Guide to Making $100,000 and Beyond''The Path to Six Figures' is an empowering and comprehensive non-fiction book that equips readers with the knowledge, strategies, and practical advice necessary to achieve the significant milestone of earning $100,000 or more. With a clear focus on actionable steps and a holistic approach to financial suc...

    115,13 €

  • Preserving Wealth in Inflationary Times - Strategies for Protecting Your Financial Future
    Alex Thompson
    "Preserving Wealth in Inflationary Times: Strategies for Protecting Your Financial Future" is your comprehensive guide to understanding the impact of inflation on personal finances and implementing effective strategies to preserve and grow your wealth in an inflationary environment.Inflation, the persistent increase in prices of goods and services over time, poses a significant...

    30,28 €