Catálogo de libros: Economía

20203 Catálogo de libros: Economía

Libros Eliminar filtro Economía, finanzas, empresa y gestión Eliminar filtro Economía Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
    Financial fraud is a serious and seemingly intractable problem. Financial scandals regularly punctuate newspaper headlines and regulators and auditors appear bereft of effective responses. But has this always been the case?This book quantifies financial crime in the UK using three centuries of data. It demonstrates how financial fraud and scandal vary according to systematic ec...

    154,60 €

  • Como Construir Negócios Lucrativos E Rentáveis No Século Xxi Do Zero
    Kesia Macedo
    Um negócio lucrativo e rentável é aquele que gera lucro, rentabilidade e escalabilidade. E para isso é preciso um modelo de negócio escalável, um modelo de vendas automatizado e um plano de crescimento eexpansão sem perder a qualidade e a lucratividade em cima dos produtos e serviços ofertados pela empresa.Essa obra apresenta abordagem prática sobre construir, gerenciar e escal...

    29,11 €

  • Bitcoin Is Not Money
    John Schroder
    Bitcoin as magic 'Internet Money' is somewhat easy to conceptualize, and therefore, somewhat easy to mock or dismiss. This book makes the case that such a simplistic framework misses much of the underlying potential of Bitcoin, and as such, can leave some financial planners thinking it has no role in a client investment strategy. Besides being a form of money that is native t...

    11,11 €

  • The Greatest Crash
    David Kauders
     The Greatest Crash argues that the financial system which evolved from the early Italian bankers has now reached a roadblock.The weight of debt already created prevents further economic expansion, while paying down the debt shrinks economies.To escape this trap, evolution is needed. But bureaucratic design, delegated government, and group think, all combine to prevent evolutio...

    14,98 €

    Ignace Ngoy Mukanya
    Many problems mar the mobilization and maximization of non-tax revenues by the Direction Générale des Recettes Administratives, judiciaires, Domaniales et de Participations in the Democratic Republic of Congo. These problems are multi-faceted and have real negative consequences for the agency on the one hand, and for the State on the other, as they lead to tax evasion, failure ...

    136,51 €

    Ignace Ngoy Mukanya
    La mobilitazione e la massimizzazione delle entrate non fiscali da parte della Direzione generale delle entrate amministrative, giudiziarie, statali e azionarie della Repubblica Democratica del Congo sono afflitte da numerosi problemi. Questi problemi sono di vario tipo e hanno conseguenze negative reali per il dipartimento, da un lato, e per lo Stato, dall’altro, in quanto por...

    136,50 €

    Существует множество проблем, влияющих на мобилизацию и максимизацию неналоговых доходов Главным управлением административных, судебных, государственных и акционерных доходов Демократической Республики Конго. Эти проблемы имеют несколько видов и несут реальные негативные последствия, с одной стороны, для департамента, а с другой - для государства, поскольку приводят к уклонению...

    136,42 €

    Ignace Ngoy Mukanya
    São numerosos os problemas que afectam a mobilização e a maximização das receitas não fiscais da Direção-Geral das Receitas Administrativas, Judiciais, Estatais e Partilhadas da República Democrática do Congo. Estes problemas são de vária ordem e têm consequências negativas reais para o serviço, por um lado, e para o Estado, por outro, uma vez que conduzem à evasão fiscal, ao i...

    136,50 €

    Ignace Ngoy Mukanya
    Die Mobilisierung und Maximierung nichtsteuerlicher Einnahmen durch die Generaldirektion für Verwaltungs-, Justiz-, Domänen- und Beteiligungseinnahmen in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo wird von vielen Problemen beeinträchtigt. Diese Probleme sind vielschichtig und haben echte negative Auswirkungen auf die Behörde einerseits und den Staat andererseits, da sie zu Steuerhinterz...

    136,43 €

  • AI Applications for Business, Medical, and Agricultural Sustainability
    Arshi Naim
    Climate change, natural resource depletion, and unsustainable agricultural practices pose unprecedented challenges to our planet. The increasing environmental footprint of computer networks, communication systems, and other IT infrastructures exacerbates these issues, contributing significantly to energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Without innovative solutions, th...

    314,18 €

  • AI Applications for Business, Medical, and Agricultural Sustainability
    Arshi Naim
    Climate change, natural resource depletion, and unsustainable agricultural practices pose unprecedented challenges to our planet. The increasing environmental footprint of computer networks, communication systems, and other IT infrastructures exacerbates these issues, contributing significantly to energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Without innovative solutions, th...

    412,69 €

  • Early Speculative Bubbles & Increases In The Supply of Money
    Douglas E. French
    Dive into the Untold Story of Historical Bubbles: Discover the Monetary Secrets Behind World’s Greatest Economic Mysteries.For the discerning reader with a passion for economic history, Early Speculative Bubbles & Increases In The Supply of Money: 4th Expanded Edition opens the vault to the past’s most captivating financial enigmas. Douglas E. French masterfully charts a course...

    16,31 €

  • Reskilling the Workforce in the Labor Market
    Oytun Meçik
    In the dynamic model of today’s workforce, marked by technological upheavals, changing consumer preferences, and global economic shifts, a pressing challenge looms large - the imperative for continuous adaptation through reskilling. As the demand for specialized skills intensifies with technological advancements and the nature of work undergoes profound transformations, individ...

    386,43 €

  • Reskilling the Workforce in the Labor Market
    Oytun Meçik
    In the dynamic model of today’s workforce, marked by technological upheavals, changing consumer preferences, and global economic shifts, a pressing challenge looms large - the imperative for continuous adaptation through reskilling. As the demand for specialized skills intensifies with technological advancements and the nature of work undergoes profound transformations, individ...

    294,44 €

  • E-Mobility in Electrical Energy Systems for Sustainability
    As more and more communities around the world are turning to electric vehicles (EVs) to help the environment and save energy, we face a big challenge. The systems that deliver power to our homes and businesses are having a tough time keeping up, especially with the increasing use of EVs. This challenge is a major issue for the experts in the energy field who are working hard to...

    314,41 €

  • E-Mobility in Electrical Energy Systems for Sustainability
    As more and more communities around the world are turning to electric vehicles (EVs) to help the environment and save energy, we face a big challenge. The systems that deliver power to our homes and businesses are having a tough time keeping up, especially with the increasing use of EVs. This challenge is a major issue for the experts in the energy field who are working hard to...

    412,93 €

  • La economía peruana del periodo 1950-2020
    Este libro analiza las consecuencias del estilo de crecimiento peruano desde la década de 1990 y sus diferencias con lo que ocurrió entre 1950 y 1980.En primer lugar, las reformas y políticas del periodo neoliberal, 1990-2020, consolidaron una estructura productiva primario-exportadora y ocasionaron una desindustrialización prematura. La industria manufacturera perdió capacidad...

    15,35 €

  • Four Introductory Lectures on Political Economy
    Nassau William Senior
    'Four Introductory Lectures on Political Economy' by Nassau William Senior serves as an essential primer in economics, offering insightful lectures that lay the foundation of the discipline. Presented as an introduction to political economy, Senior’s lectures delve into the theory and principles underlying the study of wealth, production, distribution, and consumption. Through ...

    9,65 €

  • Next Generation Materials for Sustainable Engineering
    As the global community confronts challenges in energy, environment, health, agriculture, industry, and construction, the significance of sustainable materials becomes paramount. The looming specter of resource depletion necessitates a paradigm shift, urging researchers and engineers to anticipate future needs and forge materials that align with evolving requirements. Next Gene...

    386,97 €

  • Next Generation Materials for Sustainable Engineering
    As the global community confronts challenges in energy, environment, health, agriculture, industry, and construction, the significance of sustainable materials becomes paramount. The looming specter of resource depletion necessitates a paradigm shift, urging researchers and engineers to anticipate future needs and forge materials that align with evolving requirements. Next Gene...

    294,99 €

  • Organizational Management Sustainability in VUCA Contexts
    Organizational Management Sustainability in VUCA Contexts is an insightful and comprehensive book that delves into the complex interplay between sustainability and the challenging landscapes of Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity (VUCA). With a focus on bridging the gap between present and future generations, this book navigates the intricate web of economic succ...

    275,37 €

  • Harnessing Blockchain-Digital Twin Fusion for Sustainable Investments
    The pressing challenge of aligning cutting-edge technologies with environmental sustainability has emerged as a pivotal issue. As the demand for green investment strategies intensifies, the need for a comprehensive understanding of how to integrate blockchain and digital twins into financial practices becomes increasingly urgent. The disconnect between these innovative technolo...

    288,45 €

  • Harnessing Blockchain-Digital Twin Fusion for Sustainable Investments
    The pressing challenge of aligning cutting-edge technologies with environmental sustainability has emerged as a pivotal issue. As the demand for green investment strategies intensifies, the need for a comprehensive understanding of how to integrate blockchain and digital twins into financial practices becomes increasingly urgent. The disconnect between these innovative technolo...

    380,43 €

  • J.D. Ponce on Adam Smith
    J.D. Ponce
    This exciting essay focuses on the explanation and analysis of Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations, one the most influential works in history and whose understanding, due to its complexity and depth, escapes comprehension on a first reading.Whether you have already read The Wealth of Nations or not, this essay will allow you to immerse yourself in each and every one of its meani...

    20,85 €

  • J.D. Ponce on Karl Marx
    J.D. Ponce
    This exciting essay focuses on the explanation and analysis of the first volume of Karl Marx’s Capital, one the most influential works in history and whose understanding, due to its complexity and depth, escapes comprehension on a first reading.Whether you have already read the first volume of Capital or not, this essay will allow you to immerse yourself in each and every one o...

    18,76 €

  • Foundations of social ecological economics
    Clive L Spash / Clive L. Spash
    This book presents social ecological economics as an emerging paradigm combining critical social science with structural realism to offer a radical, theoretically grounded, alternative economics based on ethical social provisioning and meeting needs. The foundations include its radical roots, philosophical presuppositions and preanalytic vision. ...

    157,26 €

  • Digital Transformation and Sustainable Development in Cities and Organizations
    In the ever-evolving landscape of the modern business world, a critical challenge has emerged at the crossroads of digital transformation and sustainable development. Businesses grapple with the need to adapt to digitalization while ensuring their practices align with the imperatives of sustainability. The complexities of this intersection demand innovative solutions and profou...

    347,30 €

  • Digital Transformation and Sustainable Development in Cities and Organizations
    In the ever-evolving landscape of the modern business world, a critical challenge has emerged at the crossroads of digital transformation and sustainable development. Businesses grapple with the need to adapt to digitalization while ensuring their practices align with the imperatives of sustainability. The complexities of this intersection demand innovative solutions and profou...

    261,85 €

  • Culture is not an industry
    Justin O’Connor
    Culture is not an industry argues that art and culture in the UK need to renew their social contract and re-align with the radical agenda for a more equitable future. Bold and uncompromising, the book offers a powerful vision for change. ...

    29,48 €

  • Culture is not an industry
    Justin O’Connor
    Culture is not an industry argues that art and culture in the UK need to renew their social contract and re-align with the radical agenda for a more equitable future. Bold and uncompromising, the book offers a powerful vision for change. ...

    156,96 €