Catálogo de libros: Economía

20203 Catálogo de libros: Economía

Libros Eliminar filtro Economía, finanzas, empresa y gestión Eliminar filtro Economía Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Saber Sentir
    Ana Amália Ottoni
    Buscando compreender a melhor forma de me movimentar, mergulhei nas sensações produzidas por cada movimento feito. E nesta observação ocorreu o silêncio mental através do qual descobriiminha inteireza, onde tantoas funções orgânicas como as mentais atingem sua excelênciaPraticantes da consciência viva (que nunca está pronta) percebem que o mergulho nesta vivência nos revela, pa...

    13,23 €

  • Just Sentiments
    In March 2022, Adam Smith Works, a website of Liberty Fund, launched a new monthly feature called Just Sentiments. Collected here are the 22 essays that appeared during 2022-2023. Most are on the thought of Adam Smith, by scholars who study Smith. Each author draws on his or her own lengthier scholarly works, to offer interpretations that are important, textually grounded, and ...

    8,56 €

  • Building Sustainable Businesses
    This book delves into the world of ecotourism, exploring the unique challenges and triumphs faced by entrepreneurs building sustainable businesses in the form of eco-lodges. Through the lens of their decision-making processes, the book offers valuable insights into:Balancing environmental responsibility with economic viability: Discover how eco-lodge entrepreneurs navigate the ...

    44,46 €

  • Strengthening Sustainable Digitalization of Asian Economy and Society
    In the ongoing evolution of Asia’s economy and society, there is a crucial need to explore innovative conceptual frameworks, empirical studies, and case analyses. These endeavors aim to unravel the intricate relationship between digital transformation and the imperative for fostering a greener, more circular, and climate-neutral Asian economy. Strengthening Sustainable Digitali...

    380,42 €

  • Strengthening Sustainable Digitalization of Asian Economy and Society
    In the ongoing evolution of Asia’s economy and society, there is a crucial need to explore innovative conceptual frameworks, empirical studies, and case analyses. These endeavors aim to unravel the intricate relationship between digital transformation and the imperative for fostering a greener, more circular, and climate-neutral Asian economy. Strengthening Sustainable Digitali...

    288,44 €

  • Promoting Sustainable Gastronomy Tourism and Community Development
    Against the backdrop of a world increasingly concerned with the health of the planet, the promotion of sustainable culinary tourism takes on heightened importance. It provides a unique opportunity to engage tourists and locals in a collaborative effort to preserve and celebrate the diverse gastronomic heritage of the world. Food has transcended its role as mere sustenance to be...

    281,40 €

  • Green Economy and Renewable Energy Transitions for Sustainable Development
    Rui Alexandre Castanho
    The fate of our planet hangs in the balance, making the pursuit of sustainable development more than a mere aspiration, it is an imperative. Green Economy and Renewable Energy Transitions for Sustainable Development delves deep into the intricate web of interconnections between the environment, green economies, and energy transitions, and lays down the intellectual foundation f...

    360,40 €

  • Monetary Policy and Central Banking in Korea
    Woosik Moon

    47,44 €

  • Undermining American Hegemony

    41,88 €

  • A Third Path
    Melissa Teixeira
    How Brazil and Portugal experimented with corporatism as a “third path” between laissez-faire capitalism and communism Following the Great Depression, as the world searched for new economic models, Brazil and Portugal experimented with corporatism as a “third path” between laissez-faire capitalism and communism. In a corporatist society, the government vertically integrates eco...

    50,01 €

  • Hamas
    Carlos Araujo
    Israel e os Territórios Palestinos Ocupados pertencem a uma região com séculos de influências culturais, religiosas e políticas, sendo o conflito entre Israel e Palestina uma das contendas geopolíticas mais antigas do planeta.Para compreender a conduta do Hamas, movimento que comanda a Faixa de Gaza, um dos Territórios Ocupados, é essencial examinar o contexto histórico que ori...

    10,14 €

  • Financial Inclusion, Sustainability, and the Influence of Religion and Technology
    Financial inclusion has proven to be a looming issue challenging policymakers and scholars. Financial inclusion revolves around the fundamental notion of ensuring that individuals from all walks of life have access to affordable and effective financial products and services that cater to their unique needs. Yet, as we grapple with this issue, we find it entwined with other crit...

    353,90 €

  • Examining Corruption and the Sustainable Development Goals
    Ibrahim Nandom Yakubu
    In global development, corruption entangles many societies, most observably in the vulnerable fabric of developing nations. Examining Corruption and the Sustainable Development Goals unravels the layers of this persistent challenge, meticulously examining its pervasive influence on pursuing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This book ventures into the hea...

    334,34 €

  • Utilizing AI and Smart Technology to Improve Sustainability in Entrepreneurship
    Syed Far Abid Hossain
    Businesses must confront a pressing challenge-how to navigate the turbulent seas of market dynamics and technological advancements. As traditional business models face obsolescence in the wake of relentless innovation, enterprises failing to quickly to harness the power of advanced technologies risk fading into obscurity. This predicament sets the stage for a critical explorati...

    380,20 €

  • Recent Developments in Financial Management and Economics
    Abdelkader Mohamed Sghaier Derbali
    The field of Financial Management & Economics (FME) is constantly adapting to the changing economic landscape, observing the ongoing developments in the global business environment. These shifting dynamics have introduced a variety of influences, both fleeting and enduring, that deeply affect the decision-making foundations within the business arena. Researchers are tasked with...

    426,15 €

  • Examining Corruption and the Sustainable Development Goals
    Ibrahim Nandom Yakubu
    In global development, corruption entangles many societies, most observably in the vulnerable fabric of developing nations. Examining Corruption and the Sustainable Development Goals unravels the layers of this persistent challenge, meticulously examining its pervasive influence on pursuing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This book ventures into the hea...

    255,42 €

  • Financial Inclusion, Sustainability, and the Influence of Religion and Technology
    Financial inclusion has proven to be a looming issue challenging policymakers and scholars. Financial inclusion revolves around the fundamental notion of ensuring that individuals from all walks of life have access to affordable and effective financial products and services that cater to their unique needs. Yet, as we grapple with this issue, we find it entwined with other crit...

    268,46 €

  • Recent Developments in Financial Management and Economics
    Abdelkader Mohamed Sghaier Derbali
    The field of Financial Management & Economics (FME) is constantly adapting to the changing economic landscape, observing the ongoing developments in the global business environment. These shifting dynamics have introduced a variety of influences, both fleeting and enduring, that deeply affect the decision-making foundations within the business arena. Researchers are tasked with...

    321,10 €

  • Utilizing AI and Smart Technology to Improve Sustainability in Entrepreneurship
    Syed Far Abid Hossain
    Businesses must confront a pressing challenge-how to navigate the turbulent seas of market dynamics and technological advancements. As traditional business models face obsolescence in the wake of relentless innovation, enterprises failing to quickly to harness the power of advanced technologies risk fading into obscurity. This predicament sets the stage for a critical explorati...

    288,22 €

  • Le monde et l’Afrique, entre espoir, dérives et pessimisme ambiant
    Oumarou LANKOANDE
    Le monde et l’Afrique vont mal. Le monde connait des conflits, des clivages et des crises sécuritaire, sanitaire et climatique qui sapent son unité et menacent sa viabilité. L’ordre mondial unipolaire des occidentaux est contesté par le tandem russo-chinois qui s’active à la mise en place d’une alternative. L’Europe qui a tant dominé le monde décline et la Françafrique perd du ...

    159,83 €

  • Black Tuesday
    Allan C. Hanrahan
    As an academic project, the author extensively researched the day and era of the cataclysmic financial event, the Stock Market Crash of October 29, 1929; its roots and causes he labeled The Gathering Storm; The Day Itself; The Deluge; and its Aftermath. Concurrent with the history unfolding is the capture of the flavor of the early third of the Twentieth Century, especially of ...

    10,13 €

  • Gastronomic Sustainability Solutions for Community and Tourism Resilience
    In the rapidly changing landscape of global tourism and community dynamics, a pressing challenge emerges - the delicate balance between gastronomy tourism, community development, and social impact. As communities grapple with the consequences of unchecked tourism, the need for a sustainable approach becomes vital. Gastronomic Sustainability Solutions for Community and Tourism R...

    294,55 €

  • Gastronomic Sustainability Solutions for Community and Tourism Resilience
    In the rapidly changing landscape of global tourism and community dynamics, a pressing challenge emerges - the delicate balance between gastronomy tourism, community development, and social impact. As communities grapple with the consequences of unchecked tourism, the need for a sustainable approach becomes vital. Gastronomic Sustainability Solutions for Community and Tourism R...

    386,53 €

    This text integrates trade theory and open economy macroeconomics with straightforward diagrams and numerous examples. The emphasis is on the gains from competitive trade and the limits of policy. Economics began with the political debate over import tariffs in England. Tariffs lead to net economic losses, except in a few circumstances, and would then lead to retaliation. Consu...

    183,22 €

    This text integrates trade theory and open economy macroeconomics with straightforward diagrams and numerous examples. The emphasis is on the gains from competitive trade and the limits of policy. Economics began with the political debate over import tariffs in England. Tariffs lead to net economic losses, except in a few circumstances, and would then lead to retaliation. Consu...

    96,62 €

  • Capitalism and the Market Economy
    Jonathan McMillan
    The Beginning of a New Economic OrderWhat is capitalism? Most people would describe it as a free-market economy. But this description falls short. And it prevents us from tackling one of the most important questions of our time: What is wrong with capitalism, and how can we fix it?In this trailblazing book, Jonathan McMillan provides a corrective to certain deeply held but misg...

    19,38 €

  • Resilience and Realities - Exploring Pandemic Effects, Governance Challenges, and Economic Insights
    In the face of unprecedented challenges posed by the global COVID-19 pandemic, Resilience and Realities - Exploring Pandemic Effects, Governance Challenges, and Economic Insights offers a comprehensive exploration of the intricate interplay between public policies and uncertain times. This enlightening volume presents a thought-provoking collection of chapters that dissect the ...

    156,50 €

  • Vendas Não É Sorte
    Joaquim B. De Souza
    No livro tratamos de um assunto importante: o vendedor. O comportamento do vendedor é crucial para o sucesso do negócio. O vendedor deve estar bem informado sobre os produtos que a loja oferece. Isso inclui entender suas características, benefícios e como eles podem facilitar a vida dos clientes. Destaque os benefícios desses produtos, mostrando como eles podem economizar tempo...

    11,21 €

  • Agents of European overseas empires
    Agents of European overseas empires examines networks of trade and communication on a global scale whose activities enabled early modern European overseas empires. ...

    169,53 €

    There are many theories on why managers do not (as a behavior) or should not (as a value) supplement profit orientation with people-centrism and planet sensitivity. In practice, managers do not supplement profit orientation with considerations for people and the planet unless they have the tools and know how to make that possible. This book seeks to address that by focusing on ...

    166,58 €