Catálogo de libros: Economía

20203 Catálogo de libros: Economía

Libros Eliminar filtro Economía, finanzas, empresa y gestión Eliminar filtro Economía Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Política de turismo da UE no contexto da crise migratória
    Vladislav Sotnikov
    A Europa está atualmente a sofrer uma grande crise migratória devido à situação militar na Síria. A investigação contida neste livro está prestes a demonstrar se a crise económica é local e, de facto, facilmente gerível ou se a União Europeia como um todo deve considerá-la um assunto sério. Além disso, a investigação contém números exactos que mostram a gravidade da influência ...

    49,68 €

  • La politique touristique de l’UE dans le contexte de la crise migratoire
    Vladislav Sotnikov
    L’Europe souffre actuellement d’une grande crise migratoire due à la situation militaire en Syrie. La recherche contenue dans ce livre vise à démontrer si la crise économique est locale et facilement gérable ou si l’Union européenne dans son ensemble devrait la considérer comme une question sérieuse. La recherche contient également des chiffres exacts montrant la gravité de l’i...

    49,74 €

  • La politica turistica dell’UE nel contesto della crisi migratoria
    Vladislav Sotnikov
    L’Europa sta soffrendo una grande crisi migratoria dovuta alla situazione militare in Siria. La ricerca contenuta in questo libro intende dimostrare se la crisi economica è locale e facilmente gestibile o se l’Unione Europea nel suo complesso dovrebbe considerarla una questione seria. La ricerca contiene anche numeri precisi che mostrano quanto sia grave l’influenza della migra...

    49,68 €

  • Thaïlande
    D’jord’ Shimon
    Dans cette monographie, l’économiste hongrois György Šimon Jr. tente de retracer les conditions et les conséquences politiques, économiques, sociales et autres de l’essor puis du déclin de la Thaïlande, l’un des 'nouveaux tigres ou dragons' de l’Asie du Sud-Est. L’étude cherche à découvrir les raisons du développement dynamique relativement long de l’économie thaïlandaise et de...

    96,16 €

  • Thailandia
    D’jord’ Shimon
    In questa monografia, l’economista ungherese György Szymon Jr. cerca di tracciare i presupposti e le conseguenze politiche, economiche, sociali e di altro tipo dell’ascesa e del successivo declino della Thailandia come una delle 'nuove tigri o draghi' del Sud-Est asiatico. Lo studio mira a svelare le ragioni dello sviluppo dinamico piuttosto lungo dell’economia thailandese e de...

    96,17 €

  • Tailândia
    D’jord’ Shimon
    Nesta monografia, o economista húngaro György Szymon Jr. tenta traçar as condições prévias e as consequências políticas, económicas, sociais e outras da ascensão e subsequente declínio da Tailândia como um dos 'novos tigres ou dragões' do Sudeste Asiático. O estudo visa desvendar as razões do longo desenvolvimento dinâmico da economia tailandesa e da sua transição para uma traj...

    96,16 €

  • Thailand
    D’jord’ Shimon
    In this monograph, Hungarian economist György Szymon Jr. attempts to trace the political, economic, social and other preconditions and consequences of the rise and subsequent decline of Thailand as one of the 'new tigers or dragons' of Southeast Asia. The study seeks to uncover the reasons for the rather long dynamic development of the Thai economy and its transition to a lower...

    96,21 €

  • Manual De Judô
    Ricardo André Alonso Netto
    O presente Manual de Judô foi elaborado com o objetivo de facilitar o aprendizado do Judô para os alunos de escolas e academias, para divulgar a arte suave, promover e informar aos judocas e familiares a história, a filosofia, os benefícios, a origem, o desenvolvimento e o progresso do Judô no Brasil e no mundo. Para o aluno estudar e treinar, tanto iniciantes quanto aqueles qu...

    17,89 €

  • The WTO and Economic Development
    Ben Zissimos

    58,46 €

  • J.D. Ponce sur Karl Marx
    J.D. Ponce
    Cet essai passionnant se concentre sur l’explication et l’analyse de Le Capital - Livre 3, de Karl Marx, l’une des œuvres les plus influentes de l’histoire et dont la compréhension, en raison de sa complexité et de sa profondeur, échappe à la compréhension à la première lecture. Que vous ayez déjà lu le Livre 3 du Capital ou non, cet essai vous permettra de vous immerger dans c...

    20,54 €

  • J.D. Ponce sur Adam Smith
    J.D. Ponce
    Cet essai passionnant se concentre sur l’explication et l’analyse de La Richesse des Nations, d’Adam Smith, l’une des œuvres les plus influentes de l’histoire et dont la compréhension, en raison de sa complexité et de sa profondeur, échappe à la compréhension à la première lecture. Que vous ayez déjà lu La Richesse des Nations, cet essai vous permettra de vous immerger dans cha...

    20,37 €

  • Land and labour
    Martin Crawford
    This book is a history of the Potters’ Emigration Society from its founding in 1844 to its dissolution in early 1851. The Society, which became a national organisation after 1848, sought to solve the problems of surplus labour by turning workers into frontier farmers. It was the most significant industrial emigration scheme of its period. ...

    157,28 €

  • Anatomía de un esquema Ponzi
    Colleen Cross
    La mayoría de los esquemas Ponzi más grandes de todos los tiempos se vinieron abajo durante la crisis financiera de 2008. Los mercados financieros actuales son incluso más volátiles, las condiciones exactas para constituir el detonante de una caída en picado de un esquema Ponzi. Los inversores inconscientes se verán financieramente arruinados y con una inversión que no valdrá n...

    15,87 €

  • J.D. Ponce sur Karl Marx
    J.D. Ponce
    Cet essai passionnant se concentre sur l’explication et l’analyse de Le Capital - Livre 1, de Karl Marx, l’une des œuvres les plus influentes de l’histoire et dont la compréhension, en raison de sa complexité et de sa profondeur, échappe à la compréhension à la première lecture. Que vous ayez déjà lu le Livre 1 du Capital ou non, cet essai vous permettra de vous immerger dans c...

    18,42 €

  • J.D. Ponce sur Karl Marx
    J.D. Ponce
    Cet essai passionnant se concentre sur l’explication et l’analyse de Le Capital - Livre 2, de Karl Marx, l’une des œuvres les plus influentes de l’histoire et dont la compréhension, en raison de sa complexité et de sa profondeur, échappe à la compréhension à la première lecture. Que vous ayez déjà lu le Livre 2 du Capital ou non, cet essai vous permettra de vous immerger dans c...

    21,35 €

  • Funkyeconomics
    Dinah Foucault
    In 'Funkyeconomics' by Dinah Foucault, explore the unconventional and paradigm-busting world of funky economics, from non-traditional economic indicators to post-capitalist models, grassroots activism, and global trade transformations. Discover the significance of social justice, cultural impacts, and future trends in this engaging and thought-provoking exploration of economic ...

    103,50 €

  • Playbook para tu libertad financiera
    Íñigo Arístegui
    ¿Para qué escribí este libro? Es una pregunta poderosa que merece ser respondida con franqueza. Lo hice con un propósito claro: ayudar al prójimo. ¿Te imaginas cómo se siente aquel que, presa de creencias, miedos y deudas, no es libre para ser quien realmente es? Este libro está diseñado para ofrecer apoyo a esas personas.En sus páginas, encontrarás respuestas a preguntas cruci...

    17,00 €

  • Deep transformations
    Hubert Buch-Hansen / Iana Nesterova / Max Koch
    This book provides a comprehensive theory of degrowth. It conceptualises degrowth as a multi-faceted phenomenon on different scales (trans-national, national and local) and sites (civil society, the state and business) and discusses a range of ecosocial policies and initiatives capable of bringing about deep transformations. ...

    157,72 €

  • Deep transformations
    Hubert Buch-Hansen / Iana Nesterova / Max Koch
    This book provides a comprehensive theory of degrowth. It conceptualises degrowth as a multi-faceted phenomenon on different scales (trans-national, national and local) and sites (civil society, the state and business) and discusses a range of ecosocial policies and initiatives capable of bringing about deep transformations. ...

    44,66 €

  • Mastering Market Entry
    Manny Schoenhuber
    Make it BIG in America by bringing your European business to the US!As global economies shift, many European companies are entering the US market for the first time. Though the American market holds endless opportunities, too often those unfamiliar with it fail to present themselves in the best light possible. Mastering Market Entry: USA is your guide. Manny Schoenhuber knows t...

    13,22 €

  • One Billion Americans
    Matthew Yglesias

    22,68 €

  • The Waste-Free World
    Ron Gonen

    22,68 €

  • Honor Thy Label
    Gero Leson

    22,33 €

  • The Coming Decline
    Michael Weidokal
    For decades, most of the world’s leading economies have been growing at an ever-slower pace. Worse, many of the economies that have so far managed to avoid such a slowdown are also facing the prospect of a decline in their economic growth. How did the global economy reach this point? Why has economic growth trended downwards in the final decades of 20th century and the first de...

    28,59 €

  • The Role of Female Leaders in Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
    The world is in a race against time to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) by 2030. Despite global efforts to address these ambitious goals, progress remains uneven, and significant gaps persist. Women are often underrepresented and underutilized in leadership positions, yet they possess untapped potential to be formidable forces of change. The Ro...

    373,57 €

  • The Role of Female Leaders in Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
    The world is in a race against time to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) by 2030. Despite global efforts to address these ambitious goals, progress remains uneven, and significant gaps persist. Women are often underrepresented and underutilized in leadership positions, yet they possess untapped potential to be formidable forces of change. The Ro...

    281,59 €

    This book presents a series of lectures on applied environmental economics and policy covering the following issues: environmental cost-benefit analysis; ecosystem services; ecosystems biodiversity and the economy; and sustainability.The first part introduces basic concepts in environmental cost-benefit analysis and explains in detail the choice of the discount rate. Distributi...

    166,58 €

    This book presents a series of lectures on applied environmental economics and policy covering the following issues: environmental cost-benefit analysis; ecosystem services; ecosystems biodiversity and the economy; and sustainability.The first part introduces basic concepts in environmental cost-benefit analysis and explains in detail the choice of the discount rate. Distributi...

    69,57 €

  • Promoting Sustainable Gastronomy Tourism and Community Development
    Against the backdrop of a world increasingly concerned with the health of the planet, the promotion of sustainable culinary tourism takes on heightened importance. It provides a unique opportunity to engage tourists and locals in a collaborative effort to preserve and celebrate the diverse gastronomic heritage of the world. Food has transcended its role as mere sustenance to be...

    373,38 €

  • The Accidental Societist
    Peter Ellis
    Our lived experience should be enriched by a political and economic system that is just and fair, that strengthens the ties that bind us together as a society with shared values, and allows us to live, however we choose, safely, and secure in the provision of the essential elements of our lives; economic, human and environmental.Our current market economy was conceived in a s...

    14,01 €