Catálogo de libros: Estrategia, planificación e investigación defensivas

1029 Catálogo de libros: Estrategia, planificación e investigación defensivas

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  • Making Warriors in a Global Era
    Tone Danielsen
    Making Warriors in a Global Era provides ethnographic data, analyses, and discussions to infuse new debates among both military personnel and academics about the rise of special operations forces and the ways they impact how armed conflicts are dealt with and how wars are fought. ...

    54,22 €

  • Instructions for the Government of Armies of the United States in the Field - General Order No. 100
    Francis Lieber / US Dept. of War / US Deptof War
    “The United States acknowledge and protect, in hostile countries occupied by them, religion and morality; strictly private property; the persons of the inhabitants, especially those of women; and the sacredness of domestic relations. Offenses to the contrary shall be rigorously punished.” —Article 37, Instructions for the Government of Armies of the United States in the Field—G...

    13,78 €

  • The Art of War
    Sun Tzu / Lionel Giles
    Written 2,500 years ago by Chinese General Sun Tzu, The Art of War is a poetic and potent treatise on military strategy still in use in war colleges around the world. It has been the most famous and influential of China’s Seven Military Classics, and for the last two thousand years it remained the most important military treatise in Asia, where even the common people knew it by...

    16,83 €

  • The Art of War
    Sun Tzu / Lionel Giles
    Written 2,500 years ago by Chinese General Sun Tzu, The Art of War is a poetic and potent treatise on military strategy still in use in war colleges around the world. It has been the most famous and influential of China’s Seven Military Classics, and for the last two thousand years it remained the most important military treatise in Asia, where even the common people knew it by...

    5,79 €

  • Bush Fighting
    James Edward Alexander
    This is an authoritative book, both as a military history of the second Maori War of 1860-66 and also serving as a useful instruction in the art of Bush Fighting. During this campaign the Maoris proved to be a formidable enemy, with their knowledge of the bush and well-fortified ‘pahs’ (fortified settlements). British and Colonial casualties were heavy; the British catastrophe ...

    55,39 €

  • Chess
    Eduard Tanner
    For hundreds of years, people have taken their armies to battle on a checkered battlefield, employing skill and patience to capture their opponent’s forces. Chess is an ancient game that allows players to exercise their minds. With this guide, you will learn the rules of the game, and how to identify and utilize each chess piece. Whether you want to draw the game out to expand ...

    19,43 €

  • Jeanne d’Arc’s Grand Strategy
    Fred Hamburg / TBD
    Although contemporaries of Jeanne d’Arc (1412-1431) tell us little about the Maid’s strategic thinking, it was truly exceptional. In this book, the author shares some enlightening thoughts on her Grand Strategy and her remarkable leadership qualities.Interestingly, Jeanne d’Arc's followers, including various important members of King Charles’ army, shared the military strat...

    21,10 €

  • GRANT’S CAMPAIGNS of 1864 and 1865
    C F Atkinson
    This a detailed and scholarly account of Lee and Grant’s first encounter. Originally published in 1898 as part of the valued 'Pall Mall Series’ of military text books, works that are now regarded as classics of military theory Intended for serious or professional students of military history, each volume in this sought after series is interspersed with strategical and tacti...

    50,35 €

    P Howell
    The First Balkan War was fought between Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece, and Montenegro (known as the Balkan League) and the Ottoman Empire. Montenegro opened hostilities by declaring war on Turkey on Oct. 8, 1912, and the other members of the league followed suit 10 days later. The Balkan League was soon victorious. In Thrace, the Bulgarians defeated the main Ottoman forces, advancin...

    29,61 €

  • The Art of War by Sun Tzu
    Sun Tzu
    Written in China more than 2,500 years ago, Sun Tzu's classic The Art of War is the first known study of the planning and conduct of military operations. These terse, aphoristic essays are unsurpassed in comprehensiveness and depth of understanding, examining not only battlefield maneuvers, but also relevant economic, political, and psychological factors. Indeed, the precep...

    6,08 €

  • The Book of Five Ring
    Musashi Miyamoto
    Miyamoto Musashi’s Go Rin no Sho or the book of five rings, is considered a classic treatise on military strategy, much like Sun Tzu’s The Art of War and Chanakya’s Arthashastra.The five 'books' refer to the idea that there are different elements of battle, just as there are different physical elements in life, as described by Buddhism, Shinto, and other Eastern religions. Thro...

    8,04 €

  • Thoughts of a Hessian Officer on what has to be done during a Tour with a detachment in the Field
    Johann Ewald / James McIntyre
    A treaties by Johann Ewald on the conduct of operations in the field.  Ewald was a Hessian officer who saw service in the Seven Years' War, The American Revolution, The Revolutionary Wars and the Napoleonic Wars.  'Thought..' is his treatise on small unit actions in the field. 3 ...

    22,46 €

  • Small Unit Tactics
    Matthew Luke
    The most popular book on infantry tactics. Over 10,000 copies sold!Small unit tactics is the art of using Soldiers in squads and platoons to conduct war. These tactics prioritize moving behind enemy lines with little to no footprint while maintaining tight security. Use tactics to destroy the enemy by executing a perfect ambush.Special operations veterans have written from thei...

    33,61 €

  • Evading and Escaping Capture
    Sam Fury
    Teach Yourself Escape and Evasion Tactics!Whether you’re a high profile individual, a tourist, or a random target for an opportunistic criminal, there’s a chance you’ll be taken.This book is packed with covert military and spy escape techniques adapted for the average person.Discover the skills you need to evade and escape capture, because you never know when they will save you...

    32,76 €

  • The Second World War
    Captivating History
    Explore How the Second World War Began, the Aftermath and the Events in Between while also getting an In-depth Look Into the Extraordinary Military Operation Called D Day!Two captivating manuscripts in one book: World War 2: A Captivating Guide from Beginning to End D Day: A Captivating Guide to the Battle for Normandy The Second World War was one of the most traumatic eve...

    23,32 €

  • Borders and Battles
    J Francis
    The author has in simple language made it possible to understand the role of the Indian Army in guarding its frontiers. The book indeed is a reference work for anyone wishing to delve deeper and do research on the origin of borders that India inherited at independence, the present status the sacrifices made and the continuing vigil that is required in challenging environments o...

    39,52 €

  • The Campaign in Bulgaria 1877 - 1878
    F V GreeneF / TBD
    Originally published in 1903 as part of the valued “Pall Mall Series’ of military text books, works that are now regarded as classics of military theory Intended for serious or professional students of military history, each volume in this sought after series is interspersed with strategical and tactical comments and illustrated by numerous maps.An instructive view of the 1877-...

    36,15 €

  • LETTERS ON APPLIED TACTICS 25 Tactical Exercises Dealing With The Operations Of Small Detached Forces Of The Three Arms
    Major- General Griepenkerl / TBD
    Originally published in 1912 as part of the valued “Pall Mall Series’ of military text books, works that are now regarded as classics of military theory. Intended for serious or professional students of military history.This is a classic textbook that was used used to guide the young pre-Great War officer cadet through complicated tactical problems, exposure to field orders, an...

    50,08 €

  • Sun Tzu & Machiavelli Leadership Secrets
    Larry Parkman
    Discover The Ancient Wisdom Of “The Prince” And “The Art Of War” Both masterpieces were written hundreds of years ago and are fundamentals in the areas of decision-making and strategic leadership. Due to the nature of how they were written, few people today have actually read the books in detail, and applied them in modern society. This is a result of the different era in which...

    14,20 €

  • The Art of War
    Sun Tzu
    The Art of War is the collection of leadership and military strategies composed by the esteemed Chinese general, Sun Tzu. Divided into 13 distinct chapters, each category gives clarity and voice to varying subjects pertaining to the intricacies of war and wartime strategy. Having inspired generations of readers,The Art of War continues to be perceived as a kind of spiritual lig...

    6,83 €

    C W Robinson
    A very good unabridged and voluminous edition of Robinson's invaluable work that was prepared for students of the Staff College Sandhurst. The series was published initially as three separate volumes and later collated into this one publication which has the benefit of a full index, revised text, maps and plans.Wellington faced and defeated many of Napoleon's marshals a...

    90,00 €

  • War and the Arme Blanche
    Erskine Childers / Ryan Desmond
    Robert Erskine Childers (1870-1922) was a British-born Irish writer. In his early career, he was a notable military historian and critic, famously writing an account of the Boer War for which he was a correspondent. In his 1910 work, 'War and the Arme Blanche' Childers offers a critique of the cavalry. Employing his personal experiences in the Boer War, he argues that instead o...

    28,53 €

  • German Influence on British Cavalry
    Erskine Childers / Ryan Desmond
    First published in 1911, this vintage book contains an fascinating account of how British cavalry was influenced by German practices and techniques at the turn of the twentieth century. Contents include: 'Introductory', 'Sir John French on', 'The Arme Blanche', 'The British Theory of The Arme Blanche', 'Cavalry In Combat', 'Tactics Against The Various Arms', 'The Fight Of The I...

    20,20 €

    Leopold Scholtz
    ‘A shooting war is often followed by a second war. This war is not fought with bullets or artillery shells, not with tanks or bombers, but rather with words.’In 1987–1988 the dusty Angolan town of Cuito Cuanavale was the backdrop for the final battles of the Border War. Ever since the war ended, the fighting around Cuito has been the subject of a fierce public debate over who a...

    18,18 €

  • Supplying the Nuclear Arsenal
    Rodney P Carlisle
    Originally published in 1996. Although the history of commercial-power nuclear reactors is well known, the story of the government reactors that produce weapons-grade plutonium and tritium has been shrouded in secrecy. In the first detailed look at the origin and development of these production reactors, Rodney Carlisle and Joan Zenzen describe a fifty-year government effort no...

    60,23 €

  • Spartans
    Captivating History
    If you want to discover the captivating history of Sparta, then keep reading...Sparta is one of the first names that comes to mind when we think about the ancient world. And this is for good reason. After its founding sometime in the 10th century BCE, Sparta soon rose to be one of the most powerful city-states in not only the Greek but the entire ancient world.Its unique govern...

    21,59 €

    Malual Ayom Dor
    THIS BOOK FOCUSES ON THE ROLE of the SPLM/A in the negotiating process that eventually brought about the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in 2005. It presents a precise description and explanation of the processes involved in the design and implementation of the CPA and its predecessor, the Addis Ababa Agreement (AAA), signed in 1972. It takes an interpretative constructivis...

    23,43 €

  • The Art Of War
    Sun Tzu
    Art of War is a widely acclaimed book on military strategy that has influenced and shaped the idea of Western and Eastern nations military philosophy. It presents complete instructions on how to win battles and manage conflicts. The theories proposed in Art of War are extremely beneficial on the battle ground and has been tried and tested by many successful military generals ar...

    7,07 €

  • Before Pearl Harbor
    Michael Lemish
    Early on Sunday morning, December 7th 1941, waves of Japanese Naval bombers took off from carriers in the Pacific to attack the United States Navy base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. In his radio address shortly after the raid, President Roosevelt described the unprovoked act of aggression as  “...a day that would live in infamy.” It ended the United States’ position of neutrality in...

    24,18 €

  • Before Pearl Harbor
    Michael Lemish
    Early on Sunday morning, December 7th 1941, waves of Japanese Naval bombers took off from carriers in the Pacific to attack the United States Navy base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. In his radio address shortly after the raid, President Roosevelt described the unprovoked act of aggression as  “...a day that would live in infamy.” It ended the United States’ position of neutrality in...

    17,92 €