Catálogo de libros: Guerra y defensa

5013 Catálogo de libros: Guerra y defensa

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  • Report on the Historical Record of U.S. Government Involvement with Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP), Volume I (February 2024)
    U.S. Department of Defense
    This report represents Volume I of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office’s (AARO) Historical Record Report (HR2) which reviews the record of the United States Government (USG) pertaining to unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP). In completing this report, AARO reviewed all official USG investigatory efforts since 1945, researched classified and unclassified archives, conduc...

    14,44 €

  • Mars Adapting
    Francis G Hoffman
    As Clausewitz observed, 'In war more than anywhere else, things do not turn out as we expect.' The essence of war is a competitive reciprocal relationship with an adversary. Commanders and institutional leaders must recognize shortfalls and resolve gaps rapidly in the middle of the fog of war. The side that reacts best (and absorbs faster) increases its chances of winning. Mars...

    30,77 €

  • Security Studies

    95,88 €

  • Cannae
    Alfred von Schlieffen
    The controversial classic of German military theoryIn 1891 Count Alfred von Schlieffen (1833-1913) was thrust into the position of Chief of Germany’s Great General Staff. He was given an impossible task: figure out how to win a war on two fronts in which Germany would be outnumbered and outgunned. Long after his retirement in 1905, his efforts would define the German strategy u...

    59,35 €

  • Tácticas de combate
    Matthew Luke / New England Language Academy
    El libro más popular sobre tácticas de infantería. ¡Más de 10.000 libros vendidos!Las tácticas de combate son el arte de utilizar escuadras y pelotones de soldados en el combate. Estas tácticas priorizan moverse detrás de líneas enemigas dejando pocas o ninguna huella mientras se mantiene una seguridad estrecha. Utiliza tácticas para destruir al enemigo ejecutando una emboscada...

    22,60 €

  • Tácticas de combate
    Matthew Luke / New England Language Academy
    El libro más popular sobre tácticas de infantería. ¡Más de 10.000 libros vendidos!Las tácticas de combate son el arte de utilizar escuadras y pelotones de soldados en el combate. Estas tácticas priorizan moverse detrás de líneas enemigas dejando pocas o ninguna huella mientras se mantiene una seguridad estrecha. Utiliza tácticas para destruir al enemigo ejecutando una emboscada...

    33,61 €

  • Tácticas de combate
    Matthew Luke / New England Language Academy
    El libro más popular sobre tácticas de infantería. ¡Más de 10.000 libros vendidos!Las tácticas de combate son el arte de utilizar escuadras y pelotones de soldados en el combate. Estas tácticas priorizan moverse detrás de líneas enemigas dejando pocas o ninguna huella mientras se mantiene una seguridad estrecha. Utiliza tácticas para destruir al enemigo ejecutando una emboscada...

    45,32 €

  • Ucrania, el precio de la libertad
    John Mario González
    ¿Qué precio está dispuesto a pagar el pueblo ucraniano por su libertad? Este libro, Ucrania, el precio de la libertad. Viaje por un país en guerra, es un ensayo histórico-político esencial para entender las raíces de la guerra, la lucha existencial del pueblo ucraniano por su identidad, por defender su libertad y la democracia, y por recuperar la historia que la propaganda sovi...

    21,47 €

  • Unshackled
    Sana Malim
    Unshackled is Sana Malim’s debut poetry collection reflecting on the heartbreak, disappointment, and grief over genocide in Gaza. It is a testimony of unshakeable faith, hope in divine justice, and the firm belief that one day, Palestine will be unshackled from the grips of cruelty. ...

    14,50 €

  • Red Team, Blue Team
    Black Hat Kathy
    'Red Team, Blue Team: A White Hacking Reference' is a comprehensive guide that takes readers on a journey through the world of ethical hacking. Written in an engaging and informative style, the book covers a wide range of topics including network and operating system security, essential hacking tools, basic and advanced hacking techniques, red teaming and blue teaming strategie...

    103,32 €

  • Tactiques de combat
    Matthew Luke / Jacques Stéphan
    Le livre le plus populaire sur les tactiques d’infanterie. Plus de 10 000 livres vendus !Tactiques de combat traite des actions d’infanterie menées au niveau du groupe et de la section. Les tactiques présentées décrivent les manœuvres optimales pour opérer en sûreté et en discrétion derrière les lignes ennemies afin de conduire la mission et d’atteindre les objectifs. Mettez en...

    45,33 €

  • Tactiques de combat
    Jacques Stéphan / Matthew Luke
    Le livre le plus populaire sur les tactiques d’infanterie. Plus de 10 000 livres vendus !Tactiques de combat traite des actions d’infanterie menées au niveau du groupe et de la section. Les tactiques présentées décrivent les manœuvres optimales pour opérer en sûreté et en discrétion derrière les lignes ennemies afin de conduire la mission et d’atteindre les objectifs. Mettez en...

    33,62 €

  • The Gulf monarchies after the Arab Spring
    Cinzia Bianco
    This book applies an original theoretical framework to unpack the threat perceptions and strategic calculus driving the behaviour of the Gulf monarchies, which emerged after the Arab Spring as major geopolitical players in the Middle East and North Africa region and as middle powers destined to play an oversized role in the new multipolar world. ...

    157,50 €

  • Theory of Irregular War
    Jonathan W. Hackett
    From Afghanistan to Angola, Indonesia to Iran, and Colombia to Congo, violent reactions erupt, states collapse, and militaries relentlessly pursue operations doomed to fail. And yet, no useful theory exists to explain this common tragedy. All over the world, people and states clash violently outside their established political systems, as unfulfilled demands of control and p...

    71,92 €

  • The Climate General
    Antonie van Campen / Tom Middendorp
    'We recommend The Climate General to anyone keen on understanding the multifaceted challenges posed by climate change and more importantly, the solutions and strategies that can lead us to a better tomorrow.'Ban Ki-moon and Feike Sijbesma, Co-Chairs Global Center on Adaptation.Following a speech in December 2016, the Dutch Chief of Defence, Tom Middendorp, hit the headlines in ...

    25,77 €

  • BRICS Emerging Markets, Sustainable Development and Inclusive Growth
    FD Wuriee
    The BRICS group comprises Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, and has become a significant geopolitical and economic force in the international arena. Its aim is to promote sustainable development, economic growth, and inclusive prosperity, which has garnered attention worldwide for its potential to reshape the existing world order. Each member nation has different ...

    61,22 €

  • Russia’s Wars of Emergence
    Carol Stevens / Ilya Nahmason
    Russia’s emergence as a Great Power in the eighteenth century is usually attributed to Peter Is radical programme of Westernising reforms. But the Russian military did not simply copy European armies. Adapting the tactics of its neighbours on both sides, Russia created a powerful strategy of its own, integrating steppe defence with European concerns. In Russia’s Wars of Emergen...

    40,20 €

  • Precision
    James Patton Rogers
    A ground-breaking study on the concept of precision warfare and how it has shaped our view of armed conflict ...

    35,77 €

  • Precision
    James Patton Rogers
    A ground-breaking study on the concept of precision warfare and how it has shaped our view of armed conflict ...

    157,50 €

  • Ukraine
    Michael Cox
    The full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russia in 2022 has not only caused immense suffering inside the country, and among its people, it has shifted the political landscape in Russia for the worse, altered the strategic map of Europe, and created division and economic pain in the rest of the world.In this volume, a group of internationally acclaimed academics - many originally f...

    31,16 €

  • Suicide Bombers in CONUS
    Philip E Kapusta
    This 2007 thesis was written at a time when the threat of suicide bombings inspired by 'Islamist' radical ideology was near a peak, and with the renewed conflict in the Middle East, sadly may soon become a significant concern again. It contains a then-unique historical table of suicide bombings 1980-2006 as well as many enduring insights about the strategic ramifications of t...

    28,71 €

  • Stay Safe
    Ronald Rufo
    Fear causes people to act in ways they normally wouldn’t and fosters prime conditions for becoming a victim. Remove that fear and learn how to proactively create a safe environment for yourself and those you love, whether you’re at an ATM machine, in a huge convention hall, on the subway, or in your home or car. As a Chicago Police officer for more than 22 years, author Dr. Ron...

    18,06 €

    Historical Works
    Sun Tzu The Art of War, The Commander stands for the virtues of wisdom, sincerely, benevolence, courage and strictness. By method and discipline are to be understood the marshaling of the army in its proper subdivisions. By method and discipline are to be understood the marshaling of the army in its proper subdivisions, the graduations of rank among the officers, the maintenanc...

    6,61 €

    Historical Tomes
    Sun Tzu said: The art of war is of vital importance to the State. It is a matter of life and death, a road either to safety or to ruin. Hence it is a subject of inquiry which can on no account be neglected. The art of war, then, is governed by five constant factors, to be taken into account in one’s deliberations, when seeking to determine the conditions obtaining in the field....

    8,44 €

  • Stoning the Devil of War in Sudan
    Eltigani Ahmed
    Have you ever wondered what lies beneath the surface of political turmoil and recurrent conflicts in Africa and elsewhere? Amid the seemingly abrupt armed conflict in Khartoum in 2023, the question on everyone’s mind was, 'What’s going on there?' The question was posed time and again whenever an armed conflict erupted somewhere in the World. This timely publication provides the...

    11,55 €

  • The Ends of Justice
    Alan Greeley Misenheimer
    US forces have been engaged around the globe since World War II, and 'endless' war has become the backdrop of American life. This militarized status quo is rife with contradiction. The Constitution requires a congressional declaration of war, yet the executive branch routinely acts alone to dispatch forces and launch attacks. The norms of republican self-governance stipulate al...

    25,06 €

  • The Ends of Justice
    Alan Greeley Misenheimer
    US forces have been engaged around the globe since World War II, and 'endless' war has become the backdrop of American life. This militarized status quo is rife with contradiction. The Constitution requires a congressional declaration of war, yet the executive branch routinely acts alone to dispatch forces and launch attacks. The norms of republican self-governance stipulate al...

    38,93 €

  • Aquitania - la fine di una guerra
    Annemarie Nikolaus / Deborah Pierini
    l primo libro di una serie di mete turistiche francesi straordinarie e poco conosciute. Ai bordi della strada... ci sono manifestazioni e luoghi poco conosciuti che meritano una fermata intermedia.Il libro presenta uno dei maggiori eventi estivi d’Aquitania e fornisce uno sguardo più approfondito sul contesto storico ripreso dall’evento, riportato in vita in modo incomparabile:...

    10,93 €

  • Great Captains
    Theodore A. Dodge
    The following lectures aim to indicate briefly what we owe to the great captains, and to draw an intelligible outline of their careers. Caesar is the only one of the great captains who trained himself to arms. Alexander, Hannibal, Gustavus Adolphus, Frederick, owed their early military training to their fathers, though, indeed, Frederick’s was but the pipe-clay of war. Napoleon...

    14,82 €

  • Aquitania - el final de una guerra
    Annemarie Nikolaus / Juan Oswaldo Serey Aguilera
    Al borde del camino...hay unos poco conocidos eventos y lugares, en los que vale la pena hacer una pausa.Un evento del verano para aquellos pasan sus vacaciones en el sudeste de Francia o en la costa del Atlántico: una recreación de la última batalla de la guerra de los cien años en la Dordoña.Esta publicación suministra una sinopsis de los acontecimientos históricos y sus cont...

    9,03 €