Catálogo de libros: Corrupción política

228 Catálogo de libros: Corrupción política

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  • The Watergate Crisis
    Michael Genovese

    91,23 €

  • Selling America to the Highest Bidder
    PhD J. Mark A. Swan / PhD JMark ASwan
    If, in a reflective moment, you have ever wondered what to make of American Politics, so has the author. Troubled by what he has seen and heard; he has spent five years trying to decipher what is really going on. This book is a summary of his discoveries and conclusions.There are those among us willing and able, at this moment, to rule America by the desires of wealth alone, wi...

    43,79 €

  • Selling America to the Highest Bidder
    PhD J. Mark A. Swan / PhD JMark ASwan
    If, in a reflective moment, you have ever wondered what to make of American Politics, so has the author. Troubled by what he has seen and heard; he has spent five years trying to decipher what is really going on. This book is a summary of his discoveries and conclusions.There are those among us willing and able, at this moment, to rule America by the desires of wealth alone, wi...

    28,09 €

  • Trump
    Bruce Fine / Hank Lewin
    With his threat to use military action to "dominate" U.S. citizens engaging in overwhelmingly peaceful protests, Donald Trump has shown America his true autocratic tendencies and desire to rule this nation with an iron fist.  Trump: The Chosen One. Road to Perdition explores his seduction of the Christian Right with the promise of conservative pro-life Supreme Court nominees. I...

    21,17 €

  • American Tribal Tyranny - federal Indian policy secretly monies up elected officials and forces American taxpayers to fund all annual operating needs of the Bureau of Indian Affairs and 574 wea
    Elaine Devary Willman
    ABOUT THE AUTHORElaine Devary Willman, MPA, authored her first book, Going to Pieces in 2005, and her second book, Slumbering Thunder in 2016. Following two years attendance at Ventura College of Law, she received a Master’s in Public Administration (MPA) from Cal State University in 1991 and has earned 96 credits towards doctoral work in public policy.Willman’s research is sup...

    25,06 €

  • Trump
    Bruce Fine / Hank Lewin
    With his threat to use military action to "dominate" U.S. citizens engaging in overwhelmingly peaceful protests, Donald Trump has shown America his true autocratic tendencies and desire to rule this nation with an iron fist.  Trump: The Chosen One. Road to Perdition explores his seduction of the Christian Right with the promise of conservative pro-life Supreme Court nominees. I...

    19,51 €

  • Noble Drew Ali Plenipotentiaries
    Kudjo Adwo El
    Grand Sheik of M.S.T. of A. Toronto,  Brother Kudjo Adwo El examines the history of the Moorish movement in the Americas and the many offshoot organizations resulting from those taking advantage of the 'schism' that occurred shortly after the transition of our Prophet, Noble Drew Ali.  G.S. Kudjo also expounds on the contributions of those seeking to maintain the movement as th...

    17,57 €

  • Wolf
    Zeev Scheinwald / Ella Scheinwald
    This is the true story of a young Jewish man imprisoned in corporate-owned labor camps during WWll. His name is Wolf. He was caught up in the most vicious and disgraceful mass slaughter of people in history.His experiences during the Holocaust are relevant today, resonating with decent human beings who are concerned about morally corrupt leaders and their admiring masses, which...

    19,69 €

  • The American Millennial Attraction to Socialism
    Laurie Thomas Vass
    Millennials are attracted to socialism because they believe that the socialist economic systems are more fair than their concept of American capitalism, which is the crony corporate capitalist version of capitalism.Our book extends the analysis of the Annual Report on US Attitudes Toward Socialism to explain why so many young Americans are attracted to socialism.We present the ...

    18,05 €

  • Corruptocracy
    Isaac Benson Powell
    DescriptionHave you ever reached a point in your life, where you really don’t care anymore, and want to tell the world what you really think?  This is that type of book.WarningNo topic or organization is off limits.  You will at times come across words and subjects that might make you uncomfortable and/or alter the way you view the world.  Read at your own risk. ...

    16,46 €

  • Haarun Brothers
    Greg Olmsted
    Haarun is a political thriller about Zahi Haarun, an economics professor, who sells his soul to a Middle-Eastern kleptocracy. After reading about himself in his deceased wive's diary, he decides to reclaim his personal integrity. Liko helps Zahi and his brother, Hugo Haarun, who is a well-known international artist, take on the powerful, wealthy, and vicious kleptocrats in ...

    18,46 €

  • Haarun Brothers
    Greg Olmsted
    Haarun Brothers is a political thriller about Zahi Haarun, an economics professor, who sells his soul to a Middle-Eastern kleptocracy. After reading about himself in his deceased wive’s diary, he decides to reclaim his personal integrity. Liko helps Zahi and his brother, Hugo Haarun, who is a well-known international artist, take on the powerful, wealthy, and vicious kleptocrat...

    15,50 €

  • Calm Before The Storm
    Dave Hayes
    Are we living under a two-tiered system of justice? Why do the wealthy and powerful escape prosecution for their crimes? Why is there so much pain and suffering in the world?Is anything being done about it?Using a combination of wit, wisdom, and gravity, an unknown intelligence insider—identified simply as “Q”—has been communicating with anonymous citizens (anons) through inter...

    14,15 €

  • Hope On Hold
    Maureen E. Whittemore
    Hope on Hold offers insight into an ordinary American's political perspective and the value of speaking truth to power as she navigates the shameless world of the Trump administration.Staying silent enables corruption. Raising our collective voice commands change. At this moment in America, hope might be on hold, but it has not yet been extinguished. We decide our future. W...

    12,12 €

  • Presstitutes Embedded in the Pay of the CIA
    Udo Ulfkotte / Andrew Schlademan
    The eagerly awaited English edition of 'Bought Journalists'  was suppressed for three years under the title 'Journalists for Hire' -- and still got 24 five-star-only Amazon reviews from would-be readers. 18 months on the bestseller list in Germany. Now it’s finally here!Ever get the feeling the media tries to manipulate or lie to you? You have plenty of company! And you are rig...

    39,35 €

  • The Republican Response to the US House of Representatives Trump-Ukraine Impeachment Inquiry Report
    Republican Staff
    On July 25th, 2019, President Donald Trump spoke on the phone with the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky.A whistle blower reported the call, notifying the Inspector General for the Director of National Intelligence of the contents of the call. While The Inspector General determined that the call was an “urgent concern,” which is defined as a serious or flagrant problem, a...

    22,60 €

  • The Republican Response to the US House of Representatives Trump-Ukraine Impeachment Inquiry Report
    Republican Staff / US House of Representatives
    On July 25th, 2019, President Donald Trump spoke on the phone with the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky.A whistle blower reported the call, notifying the Inspector General for the Director of National Intelligence of the contents of the call. While The Inspector General determined that the call was an “urgent concern,” which is defined as a serious or flagrant problem, a...

    12,28 €

    Republican Staffers / US House of Representatives
    On July 25th, 2019, President Donald Trump spoke on the phone with the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky.A whistle blower reported the call, notifying the Inspector General for the Director of National Intelligence of the contents of the call. While The Inspector General determined that the call was an “urgent concern,” which is defined as a serious or flagrant problem, a...

    40,65 €

    Republican Staffers / US House of Representatives
    This should sell for $3.99 The Gadsden Press is the ImprintOn July 25th, 2019, President Donald Trump spoke on the phone with the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky.A whistle blower reported the call, notifying the Inspector General for the Director of National Intelligence of the contents of the call. While The Inspector General determined that the call was an “urgent con...

    27,06 €

  • Summary Transcript of Donald Trump’s Phone Conversation with Volodymyr Zelensky; Whistleblower Complaint Against President Trump; US House of Representatives
    US House of Representatives
    On July 25th, 2019, President Donald Trump spoke on the phone with the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky. In that call President Trump asked President Zelensky to investigate Joe and Hunter Biden, and to look into CrowdStrike (a cybersecurity firm that the Democratic National Committee hired to investigate the hacking of their server during the 2016 election), while seemi...

    20,10 €

  • US House of Representatives
    US House of Representatives
    On July 25th, 2019, President Donald Trump spoke on the phone with the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky. In that call President Trump asked President Zelensky to investigate Joe and Hunter Biden, and to look into CrowdStrike (a cybersecurity firm that the Democratic National Committee hired to investigate the hacking of their server during the 2016 election), while seemi...

    20,05 €

  • Summary Transcript of Donald Trump’s Phone Conversation with Volodymyr Zelenskyy; Whistleblower Complaint Against President Trump; and US House of Representatives
    US House of Representatives
    On July 25th, 2019, President Donald Trump spoke on the phone with the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky. In that call President Trump asked President Zelensky to investigate Joe and Hunter Biden, and to look into CrowdStrike (a cybersecurity firm that the Democratic National Committee hired to investigate the hacking of their server during the 2016 election), while seemi...

    31,09 €

  • Corruption, Accountability and Discretion
    This timely and insightful book provides the key elements needed to understand the nature and prevalence of corruption in public governance, as well as the devastating public policy consequences. ...

    65,08 €

    Adriaan Basson

    20,09 €

  • Global Corruption and Ethics Management
    Carole L. Jurkiewicz / Carole LJurkiewicz
    This book advances the study and practice of ethics management through seminal analyses of the who/how/why/when/and where of corruption. In accessible and direct language, thirty foremost scholars and experts from across the globe translate robust theory into actionable programs and policies. ...

    68,27 €

  • The Ego Humanists
    Kristian Tørning

    27,02 €

    Crispian Olver
    It’s 2018 and Cape Town is racked by its worst drought on record. The prospect of ‘Day Zero’ – when the taps will run dry – is driving citizens into a frenzy.Then the ruling Democratic Alliance removes control of the water issue from Mayor Patricia de Lille. While politicians turn on each other, revealing deep-lying faultlines and new enmities, critical questions arise: what li...

    20,53 €

  • It’s Just the Way It Was
    Brendan Doherty / Joe Broadmeadow
    In It’s Just the Way It Was: Inside the War on the New England Mob and other stories, Joe Broadmeadow and Brendan Doherty take you inside the investigations, covert surveillances, and murky world of informants in the war against Organized Crime.Make no mistake about it, it was a war targeting the insidious nature of the mob and their detrimental effect on Rhode Island and throu...

    16,68 €

  • Crystal Mesh
    Alicia Mundy / Jennifer Banmiller
    This is a story about greed.The story of vaginal mesh and genital mutilation has all the makings of a Hollywood blockbuster—billions of dollars, vulnerable women patients, Lamborghinis and ski trips dangled in front of doctors, and scandalous corporate emails. But it’s not a movie. It is real life, and real women are left suffering in the wake of capitalism gone wild.“SHOW ME T...

    15,44 €

  • Bend Over
    John Bankhead / Vincent Frattaruolo
    Like soldiers, they were in a battle, and some were injured, and disabled, yet they received no pension, no free medical care, and were cast out on the street to fend for themselves.The patients who scratched them, bit them, struck them, kicked them, cursed at them. The arrogant doctors who couldn’t function without them. The hospital administrators who made the nurses stand in...

    18,05 €

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