Catálogo de libros: Corrupción política

228 Catálogo de libros: Corrupción política

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  • Ayn Rand’s Anthem
    Ayn Rand / Charles Province
    Written in 1937, Anthem was published in England after being refused publication in America. It was finally published in 1946 by Pamphleteers, Inc. In 1950, it was published in Famous Fantastic Mysteries as a Science-Fantasy story.Anthem tells the story of a man who rediscovers individualism and the personal pronoun 'I' in a world where enslaved people have been subjugated to a...

    46,83 €

  • Blind Justice
    Wayne Beyea
    Drawing on his background as a police officer, the author examines true criminal cases where legal loopholes contributed to the issuance of no sentence, or lenient sentences. In the author’s opinion, these represent cases where justice was not served. ...

    13,28 €

  • Dirty News
    Penny Fletcher
    Forty-year journalist Penny Fletcher describes how drastic changes in US news stem from Supreme Court decisions favoring corporations and from the elimination of the FCC’s Fairness Doctrine. But she doesn’t leave you trying to sort truth from propaganda pushed by the six corporate owners who have bought out all the national media in the United States. Remember, this does not ap...

    8,62 €

  • The History of the Standard Oil Company
    Ida M. Tarbell / Ida MTarbell
    Journalist Ida Tarbell wrote her exposé of the monopolistic practices of John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company as a serialized work in McClure’s Magazine before the appearance of the first book edition of 1904. The breakup of Standard Oil in 1911 into thirty-four 'baby Standards' can be attributed in large part to Tarbell’s masterly investigative reporting, often labeled a...

    18,21 €

  • Dumb Genius
    Jr. Rod Martin
    Rod Martin, Jr. claims to be an expert on the Dumb Genius syndrome, having suffered this malady on numerous occasions. This, he says, made him uncomfortably aware of the symptoms of this syndrome in all his fields of interest-from history, myth and legend, to climate science, geology, mathematics and education. This syndrome has even corrupted religion and spirituality.The synd...

    34,06 €

  • The Intrepid Brotherhood
    Gordon Graham
    Deep corruption threatened to ruin jobs and harm lives. Intimidation, distrust, and secrecy became the norm among the executive management group of Chelan County Public Utility.Even in a small and semirural American government, corrupt leaders aren’t simply dishonest and immoral. They’re dangerous.A board of directors should hold wrongdoers accountable, but sometimes that respo...

    21,29 €

  • The Rhetorical Rise and Demise of 'Democracy' in Russian Political Discourse, Volume 1
    David Cratis Williams / Marilyn J. Young / Marilyn JYoung / Michael K. Launer / Michael KLauner
    The 1983shootdown of KAL 007 and the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear accident dramatically changedthe Soviet Union in unpredictable ways. The Communist Party, which struggled tomaintain control of political messaging after the KAL crisis, lost control inthe aftermath of Chernobyl. ...

    199,27 €

  • Fighting Tyranny
    Bruce Jenkins / Gene Sharp
    Fighting Tyranny combines two of Gene Sharp’s books in a single pocket-sized volume - From Dictatorship to Democracy and The Anti-Coup. At a time when governments around the world are becoming increasingly authoritarian and aggressive towards their citizens, this book offers ideas and nonviolent methods of action to defend or establish democratic systems. From Dictatorship to D...

    11,99 €

  • Fighting for Justice
    Paulette Buchanan
    Abuse victims often feel very alone, helpless, and hopeless. Fighting for Justice will resonate with anyone who has experienced long term abuse and injustice from both the perpetrator and 'the system' that enables abusers. This book will encourage and empower abuse victims to refuse to be silenced and demand justice.Author Paulette J. Buchanan takes the reader through her lifet...

    24,69 €

  • Tax Haven Ireland
    Brian O’Boyle / Kieran Allen
    This is the story of how a small island on the edge of Europe became one of the world’s major tax havens. From global corporations such as Apple and Google, to investment bankers and mainstream politicians, those taking advantage of Ireland’s pro-business tax laws and shadow banking system have amassed untold riches at enormous social cost to ordinary people at home and abroad....

    126,93 €

  • Free Speech and Koch Money
    Isaac Kamola / Ralph Wilson
    In recent years hundreds of high-profile ’free speech’ incidents have rocked US college campuses. Milo Yiannopoulos, Ben Shapiro, Ann Coulter and other right-wing speakers have faced considerable protest, with many being disinvited from speaking. These incidents are widely circulated as examples of the academy’s intolerance towards conservative views. But this response is not t...

    126,99 €

  • Politics
    Scott Bolinger
    Introduction     This book was started based on my fight against a corrupt government. I served on a community board and ran for several public offices. The local city government and city council did not like my campaigns so I became a political target. I took a lot of heat from the local government for several years with them interfering with my business and my everyday life. ...

    31,53 €

  • Manna from Heaven and other True Stories
    Christopher Spencer
    Is Edwards a typical Englishman? He is lazy but can work hard. He likes his home comforts. When he can get it, he likes the High Life. He is sociable, but hates crowds. He has an ability to fit in, especially with foreigners.But Edwards seems to get himself into some very difficult situations, both at home and abroad. Too often, he finds himself steeped in Intrigue, Espionage o...

    17,16 €

  • Thoughts of an American Taxpayer
    G. Williamson / GWilliamson
    'Government is not a solution to our problem; government is the problem.' -President Ronald ReaganLooking all around us, it is evident that the United States of America is heading down a course of economic, financial, and social ruin thanks, in most part, to an irresponsible and careless government. Author G. Williamson, through his passionate writing, shows us why he believes ...

    15,02 €

  • The Great Education Robbery
    Nigel Gann
    Nigel Gann explains how English schools provided by local councils and embedded in communities were grabbed by an authoritarian government and handed to billionaire business owners. Administrators and academics with knowledge and understanding built up over decades were replaced by a new ’educational establishment’ of hedge-fund investors and political cronies. Utilising the ’s...

    13,00 €

  • Rights as Weapons
    Clifford Bob
    An in-depth look at the historic and strategic deployment of rights in political conflicts throughout the worldRights are usually viewed as defensive concepts representing mankind’s highest aspirations to protect the vulnerable and uplift the downtrodden. But since the Enlightenment, political combatants have also used rights belligerently, to batter despised communities, demol...

    30,70 €

  • Release The Kraken
    Dr. Terry Lee LaFleur / DrTerry Lee LaFleur
    This is a legal point of view about the Coup D’état of the Constitution Party of South Dakota by the Republican Party of South Dakota; the coup was created by Dan Lederman and Shantel Krebs to fix the November Gubernatorial election in 2018. The fix was in and Kristi Noem was guaranteed to win the governor’s race of SD. The Republican Party has the Courts and the CBS and NBC ...

    27,79 €

  • Corruption in the Public Sector
    Evan Berman
    This edited collection examines corruption in the public sector, assessing case studies from across the world to provide an international perspective on this global issue. Providing a broad overview of public sector corruption, including local and national perspectives, this volume will appeal to scholars of public policy and corruption worldwide. ...

    136,23 €

  • Ten Days in a Mad House
    Nellie Bly
    Ten Days in a Mad-House (1887) is a book by American investigative journalist Nellie Bly. For her first assignment for Joseph Pulitzer’s famed New York World newspaper, Bly went undercover as a patient at a notorious insane asylum on Blackwell’s Island. Spending ten days there, she recorded the abuses and neglect she witnessed, turning her research into a sensational two-part s...

    8,18 €

  • Ethics and Accountability in Criminal Justice
    Tim Prenzler
    This book is designed to meet head on the urgent need for academics, advocates and policymakers to develop universal ethical standards in criminal justice practice. By using quality research and policy analysis focusing on the core components of the criminal justice system - police, courts and corrections- Professor Prenzler formulates a basic checklist that can be used to asse...

    35,87 €

  • Justice Denied
    Alan Bowers
    'JUSTICE DENIED'Is the chronological story of one man’s attempt to obtain JUSTICE; it has cost him 30 years of his life, and in excess of £200,000.He is one of many who have suffered years of distress and financial burden in an attempt to protect their property from having 'Rights of Way' imposed upon them.They have all suffered 'INJUSTICE' while attempting to fight the ESTABLI...

    19,12 €

  • The Last Temptation of Boris Johnson
    Jonathan Maitland
    What will Britain look like in decades to come? What do we want from our leaders? Are all political careers destined to end in failure? And is chlorinated chicken really bad for you? ...

    12,47 €

  • The Corruption of Ethos in Fortress America
    Christopher Carter
    This book argues that authoritarian strains of U.S. governance violate the idea of ethos in its ancient, collectivist sense, corrupting the cultural “dwelling place” through public relations strategies, policies on race and immigration, and a general disregard for ecological concerns. ...

    136,12 €

  • Crisis of Conscience
    Tom Mueller

    21,54 €

  • Deception and Lies
    David Burke
    In May of 1970, two government ministers were dismissed from Cabinet for allegedly purchasing guns for the IRA. The Taoiseach Jack Lynch disavowed any knowledge of the plot. Few believed him. Charles Haughey, Minister for Finance, a captain in Irish military intelligence along with two others were put on trial. All were acquitted. Haughey refused to talk about the crisis for th...

    25,26 €

  • 2020 To Save America
    Charles Pearlman
    The current Administration in 2020 has to come to an end. This book lays out the case, as well as the facts to inspire the transition to a brighter future.It is serious, and funny. It's full of specific quotes, events, and opinion. It is a treasure trove of scientific analysis, making it an indispensable guide to survival in our times.The authors knowledge and expertise in ...

    13,73 €

  • All That Rendered Trump... And What Led Up to His Election
    Drew Nickell
    Written in the summer of 2016 (three months before that year’s presidential election), this book delves into the political issues facing the United States, at a crucial moment in this country’s history when America found itself struggling with her national identity and the direction in which the country was headed. The book discusses the personalities, the political and cultura...

    22,28 €

  • Ecocide
    David Whyte
    This is the first book to argue comprehensively that unless we destroy the legal and political basis for the corporation, we are unlikely to reverse the decline of the eco-system, and therefore we will hasten the end of the species. ...

    17,47 €

  • Political Communication Ethics
    Peter Loge
    Political Communication Ethics: Theory and Practice introduces students to how political communication professionals ought to behave, and how they actually behave. The chapters by both scholars and practitioners will help students wrestle with the question of what ethical responsibilities, if any, political communication professionals have. ...

    94,23 €

  • Political Communication Ethics
    Peter Loge
    Political Communication Ethics: Theory and Practice introduces students to how political communication professionals ought to behave, and how they actually behave. The chapters by both scholars and practitioners will help students wrestle with the question of what ethical responsibilities, if any, political communication professionals have. ...

    47,16 €

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