Catálogo de libros: Organizaciones no gubernamentales (ONG)

121 Catálogo de libros: Organizaciones no gubernamentales (ONG)

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  • Sphere Sovereignty
    Abraham Kuyper / George Kamp
    'Sphere Sovereignty' by Abraham Kuyper offers a theological and philosophical framework, emphasizing the distinct, God-ordained authorities within various spheres of life-such as the church, state, family, and education. Kuyper argues that each sphere has its own autonomy, directly under God, without interference from the others, particularly the state. This work not only navig...

    9,15 €

  • Agency and Ownership in Reconciliation
    Caitlin Mollica
    Drawing on the cases of South Africa, East Timor, Sierra Leone, and the Solomon Islands, examines how Truth and Reconciliation Commissions (TRCs) have engaged with youth in ways that represent their stories and reflect their substantive participatory capacity as political stakeholders. ...

    126,81 €

  • Working Together for Development Results
    Asian Development Bank
    This publication shows how ADB continues to explore new ways to deepen its relationship with civil society organizations (CSOs) and increase the impact of its development projects in South Asia. Drawing on comprehensive data, it emphasizes how meaningful CSO involvement throughout the lifecycle of a development project helps ensure ADB’s schemes are more organized and better de...

    34,03 €

  • WWF and Arctic environmentalism
    Danita Catherine Burke
    This book explores WWF’s approach toward engagement in the Circumpolar North and reasons why it is relatively well-received by key northern audiences. It argues that the foundation of WWF’s success is based on four inter-related strategic pillars: legacy, networks, scientific research and communication style. ...

    157,64 €

  • Mobilizing Romani Ethnicity
    Anna Mirga-Kruszelnicka
    The Roma issue is generally treated as a European matter. Indeed, the Roma are the largest European minority-their presence outside of Europe is a result of various waves of migration over the past four hundred years. Likewise, the stereotypes associated with the Roma-the problematized, stigmatized status of a 'Gypsy' as well as the historical and contemporary manifestations of...

    108,25 €

  • Why Are We In The Place That We Are In ! Change Starts With You
    Timothy Mario Williams
    This book takes a deep dive into where we are as a country. We look at our current affairs’ that have been in the news and across our states. The social unrest that we have never experienced in this country. The COVID-19 pandemic that seems to never end and all the lives it claims. We look at the presidential race and all the drama it manifests with the big lie the race was sto...

    28,70 €

  • Technologies of Human Rights Representation
    Analyzes the effects of new technologies on human rights, with a particular focus on how representations of technology affect our ability to understand and control it. ...

    42,11 €

  • What WE Lost | Inside the Attack on Canada’s largest Children’s Charity
    Tawfiq Rangwala
    WE Charity had changed the game. In its 25 years, the international development charity and youth empowerment movement impacted lives the world over. Innovation was at its core: while most charities focus on making the world a better place for our children, WE Charity focused on making better children for our world. Founded by the ubiquitous Kielburger brothers, WE Charity oper...

    32,95 €

    When we think of diplomacy, we often envisage Heads of State at formal settings or official meetings. In reality though, everyone can play a positive role in diplomacy.Public diplomacy, also referred to as people diplomacy, is about building friendships and understanding between peoples of different countries. Traditionally meant to promote national interests and advance foreig...

    44,63 €

    When we think of diplomacy, we often envisage Heads of State at formal settings or official meetings. In reality though, everyone can play a positive role in diplomacy.Public diplomacy, also referred to as people diplomacy, is about building friendships and understanding between peoples of different countries. Traditionally meant to promote national interests and advance foreig...

    27,53 €

  • Person to Person Peacebuilding, Intercultural Communication and English Language Teaching
    Amy Jo Minett / Didem Ekici / Sarah E Dietrich / Sarah E. Dietrich
    This book maps person to person peacebuilding as it intersects with, and is embedded in, intercultural communication. It foregrounds the voices and discourses of participants in an intercultural online service-learning project focused on peace through education in Afghanistan, primarily through synchronous English language tutoring. ...

    48,19 €

  • Person to Person Peacebuilding, Intercultural Communication and English Language Teaching
    Amy Jo Minett / Didem Ekici / Sarah E Dietrich / Sarah E. Dietrich
    This book maps person to person peacebuilding as it intersects with, and is embedded in, intercultural communication. It foregrounds the voices and discourses of participants in an intercultural online service-learning project focused on peace through education in Afghanistan, primarily through synchronous English language tutoring. ...

    169,80 €

  • Technologies of Human Rights Representation
    Analyzes the effects of new technologies on human rights, with a particular focus on how representations of technology affect our ability to understand and control it. ...

    121,82 €

  • Reconstructing lives
    Vanja Kovacic
    Through the narrations of war-injured individuals and MSF humanitarian workers, the book explores healing and rehabilitation process in all its complex forms: physically, emotionally and symbolically. ...

    145,42 €

  • A Sourcebook for Engaging with Civil Society Organizations in Asian Development Bank Operations
    Asian Development Bank
    This publication provides guidance on how civil society organizations (CSOs) can be more effectively engaged in Asian Development Bank (ADB) operations to maximize the benefits for its developing member countries.With their unique strengths and specialized knowledge of their communities and constituencies, CSOs have an essential role to play in creating a more prosperous, inclu...

    44,64 €

  • Highlights of ADB’s Cooperation with Civil Society Organizations 2020
    Asian Development Bank
    This annual report provides insights on ADB’s cooperation with civil society organizations (CSOs) in 2020, featuring lessons and success stories in Asia and the Pacific.Partnerships with CSOs help promote community participation and social inclusion throughout the project cycle of ADB-financed operations. In 2020, ADB approved a new indicator for assessing civil society engagem...

    26,67 €

  • How to Create Smart Villages
    Henry Chesbrough / Solomon Darwin / Werner Fischer
    The COVID-19 crisis is a game-changer that will eventually benefit rural economies around the world. Around 3.4 billion people are living in rural areas lacking access to resources, tools, knowledge, and markets to find their way to prosperity. The exodus of millions of migrant workers from cities and back to their villages in India demonstrated that digital infrastructure that...

    17,89 €

  • Nongovernmental Organization (NGO) Professionals
    Tracy Brown Hamilton
    This book walks you through the steps of deciding whether an NGO career is right for you and understanding the types of roles available within the sector. ...

    52,17 €

  • Human Rights and Public Goods
    Diana Fuguitt / William F. Felice / William FFelice
    This powerful and empowering text offers a way forward for alleviating human suffering, presenting a realistic roadmap for practical solutions to mass poverty. Arguing for a “global new deal,” the authors provide a viable direction for structural reform to protect those left behind by the world economy. ...

    162,55 €

  • Human Rights and Public Goods
    Diana Fuguitt / William F. Felice / William FFelice
    This powerful and empowering text offers a way forward for alleviating human suffering, presenting a realistic roadmap for practical solutions to mass poverty. Arguing for a “global new deal,” the authors provide a viable direction for structural reform to protect those left behind by the world economy. ...

    58,77 €

  • The Work of Nonviolence
    Julie Thomas-Beckett
    The Work of Nonviolence describes the tactics used on various domestic and international peace teams and provides tools for everyday people to de-escalate tensions.“Facts and figures aren’t always the best way to make a point. Reaching out heart-to-heart and sharing stories can create a powerful impact on the reader. That is just what The Work of Nonviolence: Stories from the F...

    11,69 €

  • The NGO CARE and food aid from America, 1945-80
    Heike Wieters
    This book on the humanitarian NGO CARE offers a unique historical insight into the successes and crises of one of the major private humanitarian players throughout the second half of the 20th century. ...

    54,96 €

  • Kakuma Refugee Camp
    Bram J Jansen
    Kenya’s Kakuma refugee camp is one of the world’s largest, home to over 100,000 people drawn from across east and central Africa. Though notionally still a ‘temporary’ camp, it has become a permanent urban space in all but name with businesses, schools, a hospital and its own court system. Such places, Bram J. Jansen argues, should be recognised as ‘accidental cities’, a unique...

    39,49 €

  • Food Aid in Sudan
    Susanne Jaspars
    In 2004, the UN’s Humanitarian Coordinator for Sudan called Darfur the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. A comprehensive food aid programme soon followed, at the time the largest in the world. Yet by 2014, while the crisis continued, international agencies found they had limited access to much of the population, with the Sudanese regime effectively controlling who received aid...

    39,41 €

  • Love Anyway
    Jeremy Courtney
    With wars, injustice, and tragedy, this world can be scary as hell. Founder of Preemptive Love Coalition Jeremy Courtney shares his story of moving his young family across the globe to serve those in war-torn Iraq, looking fear and heartbreak in the face and discovering what it means to love anyway. ...

    20,99 €

  • Cross-Border Giving
    Cross-border donors often face daunting challenges. Complex US and international regulatory frameworks apply to cross-border giving, and a lack of understanding of these rules and regulations can result in excessive exposure of donors to risks impacting both their bank accounts and their reputation. In this age of increased prevalence of money laundering, terrorist financing, a...

    46,16 €

  • Disarmament, Peace and Development
    This new volume provides reflections and insights from leading public figures and activists who oppose military expenditure in any form. Many of the contributions to this volume were presented as speeches at the ’Disarm! For a Climate of Peace’ meeting held in Berlin in 2016, organized by the International Peace Bureau. ...

    184,46 €

  • Democracy Struggles
    Theodora Vetta
    Tracing the boom of local NGOs since the 1990s in the context of the global political economy of aid, current trends of neoliberal state restructuring, and shifting post-Cold War hegemonies, this book explores the "associational revolution" in post-socialist, post-conflict Serbia. Looking into the country's "transition" through a global and relational analytical prism, the ...

    184,30 €

  • Europeanization in Sweden
    Notwithstanding its many successes since 1945, the project of European integration currently faces major difficulties, from financial crises and mass immigration to the impending departure of the UK from the European Union. At the same time, these challenges have spurred civil society organizations within and across Europe, revealing a shared public sphere in which citizens can...

    183,97 €

  • Labour, state and society in rural India
    Jonathan Pattenden
    Drawing on fieldwork in rural South India over more than a decade, the book uses a ’class-relational’ approach that focuses on ’the poor’s’ iniquitous relations with others. ...

    46,92 €

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