Catálogo de libros: Activismo político

1279 Catálogo de libros: Activismo político

Libros Eliminar filtro Inglés Eliminar filtro Sociedad y ciencias sociales Eliminar filtro Política y gobierno Eliminar filtro Activismo político Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • The Colored Conventions Movement
    This volume of essays is the first to focus on the Colored Conventions movement, the nineteenth century’s longest campaign for Black civil rights. Well before the founding of the NAACP and other twentieth-century pillars of the civil rights movement, tens of thousands of Black leaders organized state and national conventions across North America. Over seven decades, they advoca...

    121,22 €

  • Amakomiti
    Trevor Ngwane
    Can people who live in shantytowns, shacks and favelas teach us anything about democracy? About how to govern society in a way that is inclusive, participatory and addresses popular needs? This book argues that they can. In a study conducted in dozens of South Africa’s shack settlements, where more than 9 million people live, Trevor Ngwane finds thriving shack dwellers’ committ...

    187,16 €

  • The Communist Republic
    Paul Haedo
    This is a collection of Marxist/Communist Theory written by Paul Haedo. This theory primarily covers the Transitionary Socialist State, how it would look like, how it would operate, and how it will help lay the groundwork and foundation towards Communism for the country of The United States of America.The successful liberation of the Proletariat, from the necessity of having to...

    16,49 €

    Since the end of the Cold War, liberal capitalism has spread worldwide without any significant ideological rivalry, characterized by the frenetic search for an ever-increasing return on capital and constantly-increasing profits, a generalized un-concern for the moral values of liberalism, and for social inequalities and human misery.The book, Servants of the Devil: The Facilita...

    58,10 €

  • Kurdish Women’s Stories
    Houzan Mahmoud
    Kurdistan has had a tumultuous history, and the women who lived there have experienced a life like no other. From Saddam Hussein’s reign of terror beginning in the 1960s, to the fight against ISIS today, violence, revolution and questions around identity, agency, survival and resistance have been at the forefront of women’s lives for decades. This book is a collection of these ...

    126,57 €

  • Around the Corner
    John W. Davis / John WDavis
    Mr. Davis gives us a film noir collection of intriguing, heart breaking, and insightful essays. Real people and actual events emerge from this collection in ways you won’t forget. Each draws us deeper into the questions we raise when we demand others serve in the secret world for their country.In Around the Corner we find more thought provoking true stories from the Cold War, i...

    21,07 €

  • How to Create Smart Villages
    Henry Chesbrough / Solomon Darwin / Werner Fischer
    The COVID-19 crisis is a game-changer that will eventually benefit rural economies around the world. Around 3.4 billion people are living in rural areas lacking access to resources, tools, knowledge, and markets to find their way to prosperity. The exodus of millions of migrant workers from cities and back to their villages in India demonstrated that digital infrastructure that...

    17,89 €

  • Nongovernmental Organization (NGO) Professionals
    Tracy Brown Hamilton
    This book walks you through the steps of deciding whether an NGO career is right for you and understanding the types of roles available within the sector. ...

    52,17 €

  • Jewish Defense League
    Steven Siesser
    The use of violence to extract political gains is not a new phenomenon in American society as some of our leaders would have us believe. Our history is coated with incidents of violence: The treatment of Native Americans, the enslavement of blacks, the Whiskey Rebellion, the Civil War draft riot in New York, the post-civil war treatment of blacks, the Pullman Strikes, the civ...

    17,68 €

  • Political Assassins, Terrorists and Related Conspiracies in American History
    Scott P Johnson / Scott P. Johnson
    Political assassinations and terrorism have both outraged and fascinated the public throughout American history, particularly in the modern era. Providing biographical summaries of more than 100 assassins and terrorists, this book aims at a more complete understanding of the motivations behind violent extremism. The lives of the subjects are analyzed with a focus on psycho...

    73,74 €

  • Disasters and Social Reproduction
    Peer Illner
    Many communities in the United States have been abandoned by the state. What happens when natural disasters add to their misery? This book looks at the broken relationship between the federal government and civil society in a time of crisis. Mutual aid has gained renewed importance in providing relief when hurricanes, floods and pandemics hit, as cuts to state spending put sign...

    127,33 €

    This book provides an anatomy of Hong Kong's 2019–2020 social unrest, which has significantly damaged its economy and image. A coalition of Opposition to the Communist Party of China (CPC) emerged in Hong Kong after the 1989 Tiananmen Square Incident. Hong Kong's mini-constitution, the Basic Law, which became effective in 1997, defines "one country, two systems" in Hong...

    33,62 €

    This book provides an anatomy of Hong Kong's 2019–2020 social unrest, which has significantly damaged its economy and image. A coalition of Opposition to the Communist Party of China (CPC) emerged in Hong Kong after the 1989 Tiananmen Square Incident. Hong Kong's mini-constitution, the Basic Law, which became effective in 1997, defines "one country, two systems" in Hong...

    69,16 €

    Jerry Day / Paul Craig Roberts / Søren Roest Korsgaard
    'In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.'George Orwell.In seventy-eight essays, seven prominent social critics question everything from government authority to COVID-19 in what has been called, 'the most dangerous book ever published.' This thought-provoking and empowering, even 'criminal,' anthology is a major challenge to the establishment, th...

    42,60 €

  • Human Rights and Public Goods
    Diana Fuguitt / William F. Felice / William FFelice
    This powerful and empowering text offers a way forward for alleviating human suffering, presenting a realistic roadmap for practical solutions to mass poverty. Arguing for a “global new deal,” the authors provide a viable direction for structural reform to protect those left behind by the world economy. ...

    162,55 €

  • Human Rights and Public Goods
    Diana Fuguitt / William F. Felice / William FFelice
    This powerful and empowering text offers a way forward for alleviating human suffering, presenting a realistic roadmap for practical solutions to mass poverty. Arguing for a “global new deal,” the authors provide a viable direction for structural reform to protect those left behind by the world economy. ...

    58,77 €

  • Neoliberalism and neo-jihadism
    Imogen Richards
    Neoliberalism and Neo-jihadism investigates the political economy of Al Qaeda and Islamic State. Its examination reveals that while these organisations propagandise on the basis of widespread anti-capitalist sentiments, at the same time they exploit and contribute to the same mechanisms of neoliberal, late modern capitalist finance they condemn. ...

    157,28 €

  • Tourism, Terrorism and Security
    International tourism has been a target for terrorist agents seeking to cause political instability and economic disruption in the West. This book lays the foundations of a new understanding of tourism security by discussing the nature of tourism, tourists, and terrorists. ...

    152,66 €

  • IRAN - The Imperative to Reimpose UN Sanctions
    National Council of Resistance of Iran / NCRI U.S. Representative Office / NCRI U.SRepresentative Office / NCRI- US
    This report shows how the Iranian regime is involved in procuring and manufacturing weapons and military equipment with the objective of exporting terrorism and warmongering, regional meddling by sending weapons and missiles to expand terrorist attacks, and resorts to terrorism.This manuscript highlights the consequences of lifting of arms embargo on the Iranian regime, and mak...

    22,28 €

  • Encountering extremism
    Encountering Extremism presents a unique, in-depth and critical analysis of a profoundly important subject: preventing and countering extremism. The volume presents a valuable multidisciplinary analysis of both theoretical and practical aspects related to extremism. The volume provides an overview of the timeliest debates on the topic and the possibility for the reader to 'enco...

    157,03 €

  • Breaking Boundaries
    Analyzes efforts made by communities and policy makers around the world to push beyond conventional approaches to environmental decision making. ...

    42,95 €

  • Babylon Unveiled
    Jennifer DeMaster
    In 2019, the United States withdrew from the Syrian War, took out ISIS leader Baghdadi, and by January 3, 2020 the most dangerous shadow terrorist leader, Iran’s Qassem Soleimani had been neutralized in Baghdad. News narratives were quick to paint both Baghdadi and Soleimani as respected leaders while simultaneously decrying the Kurds in Syria.  But what is the real story behin...

    13,78 €

  • Babylon Unveiled
    Jennifer DeMaster
    In 2019, the United States withdrew from the Syrian War, took out ISIS leader Baghdadi, and by January 3, 2020 the most dangerous shadow terrorist leader, Iran’s Qassem Soleimani had been neutralized in Baghdad. News narratives were quick to paint both Baghdadi and Soleimani as respected leaders while simultaneously decrying the Kurds in Syria.  But what is the real story behin...

    22,96 €

    Volume I examined the policies and actions in the Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson administrations that contributed to the creation of anti-American grievances which in turn fueled the rise of anti-American terrorism overseas and domestically during the Nixon, Ford, and Carter administrations. Volume II chronicles the high-water mark of anti-American terrorism overseas that occ...

    128,30 €

    Volume I examined the policies and actions in the Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson administrations that contributed to the creation of anti-American grievances which in turn fueled the rise of anti-American terrorism overseas and domestically during the Nixon, Ford, and Carter administrations. Volume II chronicles the high-water mark of anti-American terrorism overseas that occ...

    55,88 €

  • Exploring the Tripod
    Nalanda Roy
    Global terrorism has emerged as a central security issue throughout the world, and effective immigration and border control is now a necessary condition to maintain national security. This book identifies the security-related implications and determinants of immigration and border policies in the United States. ...

    115,73 €

  • The reimagined party
    Katharine Dommett
    This book offers unprecedented insight into what the public want from parties. Presenting new data on public perceptions and desires, it diagnoses a wish for re-imagined parties, and considers how parties may wish to respond. ...

    144,97 €

  • The reimagined party
    Katharine Dommett
    This book offers unprecedented insight into what the public want from parties. Presenting new data on public perceptions and desires, it diagnoses a wish for re-imagined parties, and considers how parties may wish to respond. ...

    31,91 €

  • US-Imposed Post-9/11 Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide
    Gideon Polya
    US-Imposed Post-9/11 Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide is a monument to free speech in a time of cowardice and widespread censorship. The book delivers a profound message from a top scholar to humanitarians across the globe: 'Silence kills and silence is complicity.' Two decades in the making, the book exposes the truth about the War on Terror as well as the 9/11 false flag at...

    28,63 €

  • US-Imposed Post-9/11 Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide
    Gideon Polya
    US-Imposed Post-9/11 Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide is a monument to free speech in a time of cowardice and widespread censorship. The book delivers a profound message from a top scholar to humanitarians across the globe: 'Silence kills and silence is complicity.' Two decades in the making, the book exposes the truth about the War on Terror as well as the 9/11 false flag at...

    24,53 €