Catálogo de libros: Relaciones internacionales

9546 Catálogo de libros: Relaciones internacionales

Libros Eliminar filtro Sociedad y ciencias sociales Eliminar filtro Política y gobierno Eliminar filtro Relaciones internacionales Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Economic and Geopolitical Perspectives of the Commonwealth of Independent States and Eurasia
    The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) is a regional organization that formed during the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991. It has few supranational powers, but aims to be more than a purely symbolic organization, nominally possessing coordinating powers in the realm of trade, finance, lawmaking, and security. As such, it is vital to examine this region and its economic...

    262,45 €

  • Uncertainties and Risk Assessment in Trade Relations
    Marianne Ojo
    Country’s affairs are greatly impacted by shifts in government; thus, the availability of research on current happenings within governmental policy and relations is imperative to keep citizens informed. Uncertainties and Risk Assessment in Trade Relations presents an innovative examination of the ambiguities of foreign importing and exporting and its impact on governmental aspe...

    295,43 €

  • The Great National Divides
    Paul Brakke
    THE GREAT NATIONAL DIVIDES discusses the many divisions in the United States and how to fix these divides to reunite this great country.  It begins by tracing a first divide back to the origins of the racial divide going back to Civil War times.  Then it discusses our bleak present, reflected in the controversy over the killings of blacks by cops and the Black Lives Matter move...

    12,67 €

  • Handbook of Research on Impacts of International Business and Political Affairs on the Global Economy
    The growth of global commerce depends on many different factors and strategies in order for multinational corporations to efficiently compete and thrive in the international marketplace. In addition to business strategies, corporations must also be aware of political affairs that may impact their global economic status. The Handbook of Research on Impacts of International Busin...

    308,60 €

  • Tishio la Ukombozi
    Amrit Wilson / Ahmada Shafi Adam
    Tishio la Ukombozi examines the role of the Umma Party of Zanzibar and its leader in the turbulent years of the Zanzibar revolution of the 1960s that was perceived in those Cold War years as a threat to the interests of the US and Europe. Based on declassified US and British documents, in-depth interviews and information released by WikiLeaks, Amrit Wilson offers an insightful ...

    16,00 €

  • National Security and Counterintelligence in the Era of Cyber Espionage
    Eugenie de Silva
    As technology continues to advance, the threats imposed on these innovations also continue to grow and evolve. As such, law enforcement specialists diligently work to counteract these threats, promote national safety, and defend the individual rights of citizens. National Security and Counterintelligence in the Era of Cyber Espionage highlights technological advancements in int...

    262,41 €

  • Foreign Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States
    Samuel FB Morse
    The Society of Jesus, the Jesuits, employed the Vatican, Austrian Prince Metternich and his St. Leopold Foundation to infiltrate the United States of America.  Samuel F.B. Morse spent several years in Europe, mostly near Rome, studying the actions and behaviors of the Jesuits, and conferring with dignitaries and others who had intimate knowledge of the Jesuits and their intri...

    25,55 €

    Mike Rosen
    Mike Rosen is now in his twenty-ninth year as an award-winning talk show host on 850 KOA Radio in Denver.  He's an editorial-page columnist for the Denver Post, holds an MBA degree from the University of Denver, was a corporate finance executive for Samsonite and Beatrice Foods, served as Special Assistant for Financial Management to the Assistant Secretary of the Navy at t...

    19,62 €

  • Europa contra EU
    Sascha A Rossmüller
    „Erkenne Dich selbst” lautet ein vielzitierter Aphorismus am Apollotempel von Delphi. Auf das heutige Abendland angewandt, begegnen wir hier der Aufforderung, den Menschen in seiner Identität zu erkennen, um ein lebensrichtiges Bild von ihm zu erhalten. Gemessen an dem großen Austausch, der heute in Europa vollzogen wird, muss diese zeitlos gültige Maxime geradezu als weitsicht...

    13,00 €

  • Realism in Practice
    The purpose of this book is to appraise the current relevance and validity of realism as an interpretative tool in contemporary International Relations. All chapters of the book are animated by a theoretical effort to define the conceptual aspects of realism and attempt to establish whether the tradition still provides the necessary conceptual tools to scholars.The chapters add...

    20,36 €

  • Quantum Technology in Defence & Security
    Manmohan Varadarajan
    'Quantum Technology in Defence & Security' propels readers into the cutting-edge realm where quantum technologies intersect with military strategy, reshaping the landscape of warfare. Authored by Manmohan Varadarajan, this riveting book explores the revolutionary potential of quantum computing, communication, and sensing in transforming military capabilities. From unbreakable e...

    53,94 €

  • Youth and sustainable peacebuilding
    A critical analysis of how peacebuilding can become sustainable through transforming thinking about what youth participation and leadership entails. ...

    169,51 €

  • Youth and sustainable peacebuilding
    A critical analysis of how peacebuilding can become sustainable through transforming thinking about what youth participation and leadership entails. ...

    44,16 €

  • Oriente e Occidente
    Milan Lajciak
    Per migliaia di anni, a parte gli ultimi secoli, le culture dell’Occidente e dell’Asia orientale si sono sviluppate in gran parte in modo isolato. Impegnate in condizioni geografiche molto diverse e influenzate da processi divergenti di osservazione della natura e da imperativi locali di autoprotezione, hanno formato quadri filosofici unici delle relazioni uomo-natura e uomo-uo...

    41,34 €

  • Восток и Запад
    Милан Лайчак
    На протяжении тысячелетий, за исключением последних столетий, культуры Западной и Восточной Азии развивались в значительной степени изолированно. Находясь в совершенно разных географических условиях и под влиянием различных процессов наблюдения за природой, а также местных императивов самозащиты, они сформировали уникальные философские рамки взаимоотношений человека с природой ...

    41,29 €

  • Ost und West
    Milan Lajciak
    Seit Jahrtausenden haben sich die westliche und die ostasiatische Kultur - abgesehen von den letzten Jahrhunderten - weitgehend isoliert entwickelt. Unter sehr unterschiedlichen geografischen Bedingungen und unter dem Einfluss divergierender Prozesse der Naturbeobachtung sowie lokaler Selbstschutzimperative bildeten sie einzigartige philosophische Rahmenwerke für die Beziehunge...

    41,29 €

  • L’Orient et l’Occident
    Milan Lajciak
    Pendant des milliers d’années, à l’exception des derniers siècles, les cultures occidentales et est-asiatiques se sont développées en grande partie de manière isolée. Engagées dans des conditions géographiques très différentes et influencées par des processus divergents d’observation de la nature ainsi que par des impératifs locaux d’autoprotection, elles ont formé des cadres p...

    41,32 €

  • Oriente e Ocidente
    Milan Lajciak
    Durante milhares de anos, com exceção dos últimos séculos, as culturas do Ocidente e da Ásia Oriental desenvolveram-se em grande parte isoladamente. Envolvidas em condições geográficas muito diferentes e influenciadas por processos divergentes de observação da natureza, bem como por imperativos locais de auto-proteção, formaram quadros filosóficos únicos das relações homem - na...

    41,32 €

  • Reconfiguring EU Peripheries
    Reconfiguring EU Peripheries explores the diverse nature of the European Union’s interactions with its peripheries. Focusing on a period of rising regional tensions marked most recently by the war in Ukraine, the volume casts new empirical and conceptual light on the diverse motivations that underpin the political elites’ attitudes towards the EU in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Geor...

    57,63 €

  • Children’s rights in crisis
    Salvador Santino F. Regilme
    This book explores the intricacies of contemporary children’s rights on a global scale, scrutinizing the challenges they face from a multidisciplinary perspective. ...

    169,62 €

  • Passages
    Michael J. Shapiro / Sam Okoth Opondo
    This book is a multi-genre and transdisciplinary text that invites inquiry into today’s apocalyptic narratives, humanitarian reason, and international criminal justice regimes, as well as the precarity generated by citizen time and ’consulate time’. ...

    170,48 €

  • Neutrality After 1989
    Naman Karl-Thomas Habtom
    Following the collapse of the Soviet Union and the emergence of the United States as the world’s sole superpower, neutrality was seen by many as a relic of the Cold War. However, the arrival of rising powers on the scene and the gradual shift towards multipolarity as countries like Russia and China assert their influence and challenge the US-dominated international order has in...

    28,19 €

  • As Origens Da Quarta Guerra Mundial
    Jeffrey Nyquist
    Centrado no tema da segurança americana e global,As Origens da Quarta Guerra Mundialapresenta uma análise franca, ainda que perturbadora, dos desafios do século vinte e um. ...

    38,19 €

    How did a journalist find out who was responsible for bombing hospitals in Syria from his desk in New York? How can South Sudanese monitors safely track and detail the weapons in their communities and make sure that global audiences take notice? How do researchers in London coordinate worldwide work uncovering global corruption? What are policy-makers, lawyers, and intelligence...

    169,69 €

  • J.D. Ponce sobre Nicolau Maquiavel
    J.D. Ponce
    Este emocionante ensaio centra-se na explicação e análise de O Príncipe, de Nicolau Maquiavel, uma das obras mais influentes da história e cuja compreensão, pela sua complexidade e profundidade, escapa à compreensão na primeira leitura. Quer você já tenha lido O Príncipe ou não, este ensaio permitirá que você mergulhe em cada um de seus significados, abrindo uma janela para o p...

    17,77 €

  • Geopolitics of AfCFTA
    Jean Djaha Narcisse
    AfCFTA is of crucial significance to the African Union Agenda 2063 and the African continent, and yet, it is being largely misunderstood. Indeed, the forces that surround international trade are the real political and economic powers in every nation across the globe. Trade and geopolitics are deeply linked. It is no surprise that the implementation of the African Continental Fr...

    30,42 €

    Solomon Ayegba Usman
    The book examines the use of citizen diplomacy in Nigeria’s foreign policy in engaging with South Africa during President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua and, by extension, President Goodluck Jonathan’s administration. Additionally, it explores the degree to which the Nigerian state safeguarded the well-being of Nigerians abroad, particularly those in South Africa, from incessant xenophobi...

    128,19 €

  • Information Operations
    Steve Dr. Tatham
    An insider’s view of the truth and mythology of Information Operations. ...

    73,20 €

  • Verteidigungsdiplomatie - Konzept, Rechtsgrundlage, Organisation
    Veljko Blagojevic
    Das vorliegende Buch ist eine Studie, die die folgenden Fragen beantworten soll: Was sind die Konzepte der Diplomatie und der Verteidigungsdiplomatie; ihr Platz und ihre Rolle in der Diplomatie und der allgemeinen Außenpolitik; die Erfahrungen einiger europäischer Länder mit der rechtlichen Regelung der Verteidigungsdiplomatie sowie bestimmte Tendenzen in Bezug auf die Organisa...

    51,81 €

  • Diplomatie de défense - Concept, base juridique, organisation
    Veljko Blagojevic
    Le livre que vous avez sous les yeux est une étude qui tente de répondre aux questions suivantes : Quels sont les concepts de diplomatie et de diplomatie de défense ; Sa place et son rôle dans les engagements diplomatiques et de politique étrangère globale ; Les expériences de certains pays européens dans la réglementation juridique de la diplomatie de défense, ainsi que certai...

    51,82 €